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Please be my WTT buddie

Lady- I'm glad you had a great vacation! My SIL and BIL just came back from Italy and my SIL said Tuscany was her favorite destination. I would love to go visit one day. What did you like best about it? Looks like the Ava bracelet is going great. I temped with my second but this looks like its a lot easier...might have to try it out. That is great your best friend and SIL are preggo! My best friend and i were pregnant with my oldest (was her second) and it was really really nice to have a support who was going through it at the same time. Yay for starting to try in July!! Nearly there!

Flueky- That is great you found out about the Vit D deficiency and can treat it. Are you just taking an extra vitamin? Are you still feeling better overall? That's great V is so big after being a preemie! OMG....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! i am so excited for you!! Maybe the vit D deficiency really was the root cause of taking so long with your first. Did you tell your DH yet? Pictures please if you can!!

Twototango- hi! sorry, i've been off the thread for a couple weeks so just getting to introduce myself :) I have a longer wait as well and it's always great to have someone to stick it out with! Will this be your first? And congrats on your wedding! How long have you and your DH been together?

misswaiting- happy belated birthday! glad that your sisters wedding went well and maybe its a sign that you caught the bouquet ;) how exciting to be moving into NTNP!! and whatever you call it, the end result is the same so whatever is easiest for him is great! i turned 31 this year....when i was in my 20s i always wanted to be done by 30 but as soon as i got into my 30s realized it didnt seem a whole lot different and now i'm pushing for one more lol. I'm sorry AF got you but getting to go into a full and proper cycle trying will hopefully bring you a BFP!

prettyinink- hello! When are you hoping to start trying for your next? I love your LO's name! I'm sorry that you were having some drama with your mom and DH and that DH is flip flopping...that is so frustrating. Glad your cycles are starting to regulate. it's a love/hate relationship for sure lol. That's interesting that if you did get preggo this cycle your due date would almost line up with your moms. I have two boys and would love a girl, but also 3 little boys would be so special too...at this point i just want a baby :) what about you? are you hoping for a certain gender next time?

AFM, just chugging along over here :) Should be able to be more active on here and help keep on on where you all are!
Kksy9b, I'm so glad I found out and do wonder if it had a lot to do with trouble with ttc V. I have been until today. Going to take an extra one every other day for 2 weeks then just one daily as was prescribed. I don't like making major changes in early pregnancy.

I know it's absolutely amazing how much she has grown since birth. I mean to be 5 weeks early and taller and bigger than over 90% of babies at her actual age not adjusted.

Yes I told him. He is thrilled! I bought him a video game abd had test taped to tge back. I told him he got some "bonus content". I've posted pic in general chatter and created a thread in pregnancy test section.

Look forward to seeing you more and hoe you can ttc #3.
i'm going to go stalk your other threads and comment over there since it will be a more appropriate section but i am so so so excited for you!!

And thank you, I am really really hoping to as well. I had a conversation with DH the other night and he said he really thinks we won't ... to which i responded that i really think we will. Tbh, we are both on the same page of not wanting one right now or to even be thinking of trying anytime for the next year and a half. But in my heart of hearts, I know that our family isn't complete yet and one more feels so so right as the final piece. I just have to have faith and trust that when the time comes he will feel the same way and cross that bridge when we get there. The last two weeks have been incredibly difficult here and I feel like I'm at my wits end. DH has been like " even with everything going on you still want another?!" and it's like...ummm....hard yes...just not yet lol.
I think for men it can be harder to think in the future in terms of babies. DH isn't sold on a 3rd but I'm hoping he'll come around. I'll be waiting longer between 2 and 3 though
Wow, that was fast, Flueky. Congrats! :)

Kksy - Hey. I'm hoping to TTC, like, yesterday. lol. Thanks, I love his name too. It's what I've always wanted to call my first son since I was in high school. And I just found out that my second cousin (who's due on July 26) will be naming her son Alexander William. My maternal grandpa was William Alexander and William was in my top 4 baby baby name choices cuz BD liked Liam. So, that's kinda cool. There hasn't been much drama lately, but BD still hasn't stayed at my house since. It'd be interesting to have the same due date as my mom, but I wouldn't want my kid's BDay too close to my own. I know there are pros and cons to each gender. Having a boy next would be nice so him and my first son could be close and maybe share a room and all that. Having a girl would take the pressure though. I've always said I could have just 3 girls and be content, but if I ended up with 5 boys, I'd need to try for again for a girl. I'm ok with having a son, but I NEED a girl. lol. Between our families, there are 4 occurrences of a boy-boy-girl sequence, but I also know two families that each had 4 boys, so it's really just a coin toss.

But anyway, last night, BD and I were fooling around and I had to ask him what his plan was for finishing since we're at his mom's place and I didn't pack condoms. Without getting too graphic, he opted to let me finish him while he was still wearing underwear. So, I guess that's ok since I don't want to be due around my BDay, but I should probably sit him down and find out when he'd like to TTC. If I can find the courage to do so. :/

As for the having 3 kids versus 2, I read an article about why having 3 is kinda the perfect number. I'll see if I can find it and post a link.
Omg Flueky!!! Congratulations!!!

Two2Tango - I guess kinda? I will be after I get my period. I don't O again until mid-July. Are we getting the boot? lol

Noooo not getting the boot, I am just looking for company lol
kksy9b - glad to see you're back, life gets busy sometimes. I know I don't post on weekends cause we are generally very busy. It will be our first, never been pregnant before. I have managed to convince DH to push it up a month to April 2019 instead of May. I figure I probably won't get pregnant in April since I will just have had my implant taken out mid April so if by some chance I get pregnant in May it will be 18months since surgery and I will be considered safe to carry. We have been together 3 years so still fairly new I guess, well it feels that way since we didn't move in together till we got married so it's been a learning process living with someone new, I used to be pretty independent so it is a learning curve. I love your son charles name, It's says little boy but grown man at the same time. I for sure thought you were in the UK with that name but nope you're in the USA. Maybe when things settle down a bit your DH might change his mind on baby #3
Pretty good luck finding the courage to talk about ttc. It can be tough. I hope it goes smoothly though.

Thank you for sharing that article.

Two could you get your implant out sooner??
Yes Flueky stay in touch! :) I hope to join you soon.

Two2Tango - You're in good company! I guess I'm technically still WTT until my fertile window lol

Kksy - I loved everywhere we went in Italy and Spain, and for different reasons. Portovenere and Monterosso al Mare (Cinque Terre) as well as Amalfi were beautiful small villages with a more laid back pace. Tons of cute little shops and restaurants and amazing street food! And just breath taking scenery, from the beautiful water to the different colored houses along the mountain sides. Touring the ruins of Pompeii felt surreal, especially seeing Mount Vesuvius off in the distance. Rome was more bustling and fast paced if busy city settings are your scene, and we started at St. Peter's Square then made our way to the Trevi Fountain and then did a tour of the Colosseum after that. Ruins are everywhere you walk, so between those and the architecture, there's always something interesting to look at. And the food! Don't get me started! SO good. Barcelona was nice too. We stayed right by La Rambla and toured La Sagrada Familia. I studied Spanish language and literature in undergrad so it was nice seeing things that I had only read about or seen pictures of. Best sangria of my life! We did and saw so much more (tours, boat rides, etc.), but those are the highlights. I'd highly recommend it and can't wait to go back.
Lady I will keep in touch for sure :) I hope everyone can join me soon.
Hi guys sorry I've been AWOL. Firstly congratulations flueky. Yay for lady v getting on the ttc train to.

Yep getting close to O now not in the fertile window yet temps haven't stabilised out yet after af so just waiting although I made a rookie mistake this morning I took my temp and went back to sleep went to go get it off the thermometer to put it in my app and I wasn't quick enough reading the screen hahaha oh well be fine just putting it in tomorrow. Oh is going away for a long weekend during my fertile window so we are bding the Thursday before he leaves that evening so we cover days he isn't home then he gets home the Monday we will bd again and ovulation is predicted for the Tuesday so we will be again and he's totally on board now with baby making still isn't excited about it but is seeing it more as well we will never be ready for a baby but I think this is as ready as we are ever going to be situation at the moment. So rather happy he is alot more on board.
Miss thank you!

If you O Tuesday and BD Monday and Tuesday then that will be hood timing. Especially Monday.

I'm glad SO is more on board with ttc. Honestly ttc and pregnancy sex I think is the best. No condoms or pulling out ;)
I've never been so excited for AF! CD1 is here :) Can't wait for my fertile window!
Pretty good luck finding the courage to talk about ttc. It can be tough. I hope it goes smoothly though.

Thank you for sharing that article.

Two could you get your implant out sooner??

I could but DH might start thinking I want a baby sooner, honestly I don't trust myself either to get it taken out sooner lol.
Lady woohoo your first cycle ttc!! How long are your cycles normally?

Two haha I know what you mean. I almost want an IUD after #2 because I'm scared I'll lose my mind with baby fever. :rofl:
Flueky - From what I remember, they were around 27-30 days, so pretty average and always on time except for once. This past cycle was 28 days on the spot. Having a real period again has been a little rough on me though! I told hubby to please get me pregnant so that I don't have to go through this for another 9+ months LOL

Miss Waiting - Good luck!
Good luck, Miss.

Has anyone else been having baby dreams like crazy? I used to have a pregnancy dream every now and then, but I think I've had like 3 in the last few weeks. lol

So, I should be O any day now, but I don't think this will be my month. Still haven't talked to BD about #2, but I'll try to after DS's BDay this month.


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