Please Pray

Damn that sounds harsh! hope you're all better soon and get to see your little one.:hugs:
Well just a little update!!

I thought I was going to be released today but upon further "investigation" the nurses and doctors decided to keep me here for a couple more days. The doctor from infections and disease came and looked at my incision today and took a swab so they could find out what parasite I have so they can give me medicine specifically for whatever bug I have. While she took a swab she put the swab inside of my incision to see how far over the pocket of fluid went and it's pretty much the whole incision. So they are doing an ultrasound first thing in the morning to see just how much fluid has built up inside. Then they will decide if they need to open it back up and drain it out!! They have also put me on maximum antibiotics!! So pretty much doubled the dose..
So I will be here at least one more day... The good thing is that I get to see Angelynn more. I saw her 3 times today!!

Also she is back up to her birth weight of 700grams. Hopefully it will keep going up. Also I got to help change her diaper. That had Jay and I pretty choked up. And when im better and on the proper antibiotics they are going to start kangaroo mother care. I cant tell u how excited I am. I can't even think about it without almost crying. So hopefully next week I will get to hold my baby girl for the very first time :) So keep praying that they fix me!!! Anyways off to watch some TV with Jay and get some "cuddle" time. I miss it :(
I just got home from spending time with both my girls

I went and saw them this morning before work (I started late)

then in the late afternoon/eve after my first job (I'm an independent general contractor,.. more of a glorified handyman so I sometimes have many job sites on the go)

I then took Steph out of her room for dinner at the [sarcasm] classy hospital restaurant [/sarcasm]

It was a nice escape from the general tray food,.. at least ours was cooked right on the spot.

Then we saw Angelynn together.

Off to my 2nd job till 9pm,.. back to see steph and baby,.. then relaxing time (40mins) in the lounge area watching TV with steph till 11pm - time for me to leave
General visiting ends at 9pm,.. the nurses let me stay till 11pm

I sure am tired.

Steph told me when they took the swab they put it right in the hole on her incision,.. ended up going a couple inches with it too

I'm glad I didn't see it,.. I probably would've become ill watching.
I just got home from spending time with both my girls

I went and saw them this morning before work (I started late)

then in the late afternoon/eve after my first job (I'm an independent general contractor,.. more of a glorified handyman so I sometimes have many job sites on the go)

I then took Steph out of her room for dinner at the [sarcasm] classy hospital restaurant [/sarcasm]

It was a nice escape from the general tray food,.. at least ours was cooked right on the spot.

Then we saw Angelynn together.

Off to my 2nd job till 9pm,.. back to see steph and baby,.. then relaxing time (40mins) in the lounge area watching TV with steph till 11pm - time for me to leave
General visiting ends at 9pm,.. the nurses let me stay till 11pm

I sure am tired.

Steph told me when they took the swab they put it right in the hole on her incision,.. ended up going a couple inches with it too

I'm glad I didn't see it,.. I probably would've become ill watching.

I really hope Steph gets better soon.
U sound like your doin so well u should be so proud of yourself. I think u are all such an insperation!
Thank u for sharing this journey with us all!
I hope the infection clears up soon and I am glad baby is doing ok.
I am thinking of you. Big Big Hugs
Luv Cheryl xxx
Hi Jay and Steph, so glad all is going well with the amazing Angelynn and I really hope you are better soon Steph. I must say how touching this whole thing has been and Jay its an inspiration to see how strong and supportive you have been throught this, just keep being strong and my thoughts are with you all.:hugs:


I forgot the blood cultures came back on what infected the placenta

I don't know what it is or how it got into steph


I haven't had a lot of time to research
poor steph, hope she gets better soon, i am glad Angelynn is putting back the weight,, Jay can't believe how stronge you are.... You know we are still all praying for you...............X X
Here is stephs first diaper change with angelynn
Wow Jay,Angel is looking stronger every post.
oh my goodness, that video jay!!
i don't know what to say. amazing.

so glad everything is going well (aside from steph's infection) guys really deserve the best.
That video was beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes :cry:
I'm so glad she's doing great and looks so strong! You two have such a little fighter there.
Steph, I really hope you start feeling better soon!:hugs:
Ahh that video is so cute. She's so very small, but so very beautiful. Hope you're all doing well :hugs: x
That was so amazing changing her diaper!! I was more shocked that the nurse asked me. I was like oooooh ummmm YEAH I want to help :D She's such a bugger too as soon as we started to remove her diaper she grabbed it and kept putting her hand down almost like "nooo don't take my diaper it's miiiine"

But i'm feeling much better. I'm back home now for good!!! Infection is starting to clear up! Moving around is easier and the pain is almost totally gone. I'm only taking tylenol before bed now. So next week hopefully I get to start kangaroo care with my lil angel. I can't wait. It will be such an emotional day and getting to hold her will change my life in so many ways. It will be good for her too and help her to grow even stronger.

Oh and i'm waiting to hear about the PDA. They did another echochardiogram (sp?) so we'll find out if she needs the surgery. I hope that she doesn't but I know if she does it will help her and she'll be more comfortable. Hopefully I can be there when she's in recovery. But anyways Jay or myself will be back later to let u all know the results of the scan. *fingers crossed*
Awww hun that video was amazing and how small she is yet strong lil woman she is too.

I hope next week starts for you soon and does not drag in I look forward to hearing all about it when you guys get time.

:hugs: to all 3 of you x
aawww i love reading this post the news gets better and better all teh tie i love it keep going guys xxxx
That video is absolutely amazing! She is so tiny!:hugs:
It is wonderful to hear how well your little girl is doing. Glad to hear you are feeling better as well.
Well I didnt get to see her yesterday but Jay did. I guess she was having a rough day. Her oxygen needs were increased and they even talked about putting her on the ventilator :( I guess her honeymoon period is over. Her PDA is moderate but I still dont know if she needs surgery. We are going to see her today so i'll find out whats going on. I hope she doesn't need the ventilator :( I really would love to hold her soon it would be so beneficial to both of us (for my milk production and her overall health) maybe I need to spend more time with her. But I can call and I think I will. I can call the nurses at any time day or night to find out how she's doing. I think I will call now because Im not too sure on whats going on.. Will keep u updated

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