Plus-Size Pregnancy

thanks. im on 44 points a day at the mo so that is plenty. about 2500 daily and i eat so much healthier and better than when im not following my points. and also i dont want to put on too much weight during these next 8 months. the good thing about ww is that you can have what ever you like! if i need chocolate i can have chocolate!!! i had salmon fillet with pea and mint risotto for tea and it was lovely. im seeing my fertility specialists on tuesday morning so will take great pleasure in telling them iv lost over 2 stone in past 6 months! and then i will get their opinion on if i can stay on ww or not. i hope so because i really do feel that it is in no way a diet, it is a lifestyle change and the less weight i put on the better really. but if they say no way then i will come off it. but i think it will do me and the baby best for me to stay for as long as i can hide my bump coz i know my leader will have to pause my subscription if she knows im expecting due to ww rules and regulations. but looking forward to getting a bump like you did!! beautiful bump i will be investing in to bump bands!!! xxx
Thanks for the photo Erised! You looked GREAT! I'll definitely be getting those pants and belly band. LOL. I did find a plus size store that has maternity pants so hopefully they'll fit well, I guess a lot of the normal stores that make bigger styles are still cut for smaller people.

Have any of you thought about how to announce babys gender?
KEslinger do you know how you are going to announce the gender? I am so boring and just post it on fb, text or call. lol.
KEslinger do you know how you are going to announce the gender? I am so boring and just post it on fb, text or call. lol.

I have no clue yet. We should be finding out at 15 weeks (fingers crossed!)... I'm having a 3d-4d sneak peek gender package on 12/18. We were going to try and tell the family by doing something creative and giving them the gift on Christmas.

We were thinking of making candles with the center either blue or pink so they'd have to burn it to find out. But, I'm not even sure. =\

LOL too bad we can't find small bears (that are cheap) and then small colored bears to tuck into a pouch. Haha. I'll figure something out I guess...
Hi ladies!!! Can I join? I'm a US size 16-18. 210lbs of sexy meat!!! Got my bfp on Nov 14, so Im due around mid July. I'm currently 5wks. My Doc won't see me until Im 8wks, so i'm waiting to see my sweetpea. I hope this little one sticks.

I love this thread for the plus size woman. I felt weird when the fertility specialist I was attempting to see made me fill out a waiver for the risks of pregnancy because I'm "obese".......whatever......HAHAHAHA I got pregnant without you!!!!!!!

I am a little worried because 1month prior to this bfp, I have been eating like a pig and I have gained 10lbs!!! Lord help me to eat better....

Good luck to you all and a H&H 9!
Little bears would be cute :) I am thinking if it is another boy (I have three sons) then I just will do the usual and text/fb people. If it is a girl (i'll be shouting from the roof tops!!llol) I was thinking of getting a super girlie outfit and having my mom unwrap it like a present. IDK. I still have plenty of time to figure it out :)

KEslinger do you know how you are going to announce the gender? I am so boring and just post it on fb, text or call. lol.

I have no clue yet. We should be finding out at 15 weeks (fingers crossed!)... I'm having a 3d-4d sneak peek gender package on 12/18. We were going to try and tell the family by doing something creative and giving them the gift on Christmas.

We were thinking of making candles with the center either blue or pink so they'd have to burn it to find out. But, I'm not even sure. =\

LOL too bad we can't find small bears (that are cheap) and then small colored bears to tuck into a pouch. Haha. I'll figure something out I guess...
Welcome precious1!! Congrats on your BFP!!

Hi ladies!!! Can I join? I'm a US size 16-18. 210lbs of sexy meat!!! Got my bfp on Nov 14, so Im due around mid July. I'm currently 5wks. My Doc won't see me until Im 8wks, so i'm waiting to see my sweetpea. I hope this little one sticks.

I love this thread for the plus size woman. I felt weird when the fertility specialist I was attempting to see made me fill out a waiver for the risks of pregnancy because I'm "obese".......whatever......HAHAHAHA I got pregnant without you!!!!!!!

I am a little worried because 1month prior to this bfp, I have been eating like a pig and I have gained 10lbs!!! Lord help me to eat better....

Good luck to you all and a H&H 9!
[/QUOTE] I have no clue yet. We should be finding out at 15 weeks (fingers crossed!)... I'm having a 3d-4d sneak peek gender package on 12/18..[/QUOTE]

Can't wait to hear how that goes!!! We have an appt. at 13 weeks and anther at 17 and we were wondering if we should do a 3d-4d one at 17 weeks. Would it help the chances of seeing the gender better with a 3d-4d?

Anyhow, I'll be stocking this post on 12/18 big time to see ur results :)
hi im leah im 27 and UK size 14-16 im curently 15 stone ish and am at weight watchers, i got my BFP last friday and am over the moon as ive been trying for some time. im mostly scared of gaining loads of unnesccesary weight, im going to stick at weightwatchers for a while as i believe you can eat healthy and not put on too much weight ( fat) not baby lol
I just wanted to give encouragement to the ladies who are afraid of gaining weight, I have pretty much eaten whatever I've wanted this whole pregnancy and no morning sickness or anything... I have only gained 7 lbs so far, and all the things I've read says about 5 lbs is normal, so I am right there... ENJOY THIS, ladies! The weight will come back off when you're done.
@Kendra - I've eaten whatever I want for the most part too (including a large over indulgence on EVERYTHING the other day). So far since CD1 (Start of my LMP) I've dropped 9.3 pounds.

For everyone else who is watching what they eat/weight gain because of doctors orders:

I got WIC because OH lost a lot of hours and we can use the help through the winter. Through both WIC and my doctors I've been told that for us bigger girls (more than average weight) you'll be asked to gain only between 15 and 25 pounds and for some between 11 and 20 depending on your weight. They state that in your first trimester you should gain just a few pounds if ANY. They even say that if you're eating enough and a balanced diet that some weight loss (if you're not trying) is okay and can be beneficial. I've been eating more than enough calories on a daily basis but Bean seems to have set my metabolism on fire. Instead of the average persons "1 pound per week" gain in the last 6 months, they say to gain 1/2 pound per week. If some weeks you gain more, and others less, that's okay as long as it balances out.

I'm not concerned about losing the weight after, I'm just concerned about having a healthy pregnancy. Too much weight gain can be bad, more so when you're already big. It can increase the risks of: preterm labor, gestational diabetes, hypertension (which can lead to preeclampsia), and a larger baby that may be too large to deliver vaginally. It can also lead to post c-section complications as well, and trouble with breastfeeding. If your doctor isn't worried so much about it, don't go overboard, but don't worry too much. Your baby doesn't like the stress. ;)

Now, after all of that... I've been to the doctors for 3 ultrasounds I've been weighed at each and they haven't said anything to me. I know how much I weigh and I've kept it in check so far. They like that. They also send all of us to an early pregnancy class. Where you learn about everything first trimester (and some second and third) including weight gain and what not. My blood pressure is always high when I first go in and then drops considerably while I'm there, they'll be keeping a closer eye on me but they're not worried about it for now (because it's a false high).

At our early pregnancy class we had to fill in a paper regarding what we had eaten the day before ("not what you think you've kept down")... They say that in the first trimester they're happy that you're eating. And, though no one keeps a food diary they gave us suggestions for eating a bit more balanced... they encourage not completely cutting yourself off from what you really want (chocolate, yum!) but not over induldging on a daily basis.

I'm too lazy to scan the paper so I'll just type it up on here (which actually seems like more work).
--This is from Kaiser--
Bread, cereal, rice (grains): 1st tri - servings daily; 2nd & 3rd tri 8 servings daily
**1 slice of bread, 1 tortilla, 3/4 c dry cereal, 1/2 c hot cereal, 1/2 c cooked rice/noodles/pasta, 8 crackers**
Vegetables: 3 cups daily
**1 c raw cabbage or leafy veggies, 1 c green salad, 1/2 c other veggies (cooked/raw), 3/4 c vegetable juice**
Fruit: 2 cups daily
**1 medium fresh fruit, 1/2 c chooped/cooked/canned fruit, 3/4 c fruit juice**
Dairy: 3 cups daily
**1 c low or non-fat milk/yogurt, 1.5 oz cheese, 2 c cottage cheese**
Protein: Meat/poultry/fish/beans/eggs: 6 servings daily
** 3 oz cooked lean meat/poultry/fish, 1 c cooked dry beans or tofu, 2 eggs, 4 T peanut butter** - it's so easy to take in more protein, which isn't bad! --

And, remember that 2-3 servings of dairy comes out to be 1 serving of protein. If you've been told to watch your weight closely, "double dipping" in food groups can help save you those calories if you wish.

Since being pregnant I haven't been much of a veggie eater, the smell and texture of them make me a little nauseated, they say that's fine for now (I can eat them in a meal that's like a one-pot-meal where they aren't as potent). I have no problems with the other food groups. I was really good about watching what I eat before I got pregnant (trying to deal with the PCOS) but I've been super lax with it since. I ate way too much the other day, but that's fine. I don't do that every day.

My prepregnancy weight on 9/2 was 285. I didn't weigh myself until week 4: I was -5.1.
So far my weight has done this.
Week 1: 285
Week 4: -5.1
Week 6: -5.3
Week 7: -4.8 (I gained half a pound)
Week 8: -5.7
Week 9: -8.9 (not sure how that happened!)
Week 10: -8.9
Week 11: -9.3 (current weight 275.7)
I'll be 12 weeks on Friday... I'm not good about weighing myself on the same day every week but I get in a weight once a week.
I have an application on my phone that lets me keep track and also keeps track of my pregnancy.
hi im leah im 27 and UK size 14-16 im curently 15 stone ish and am at weight watchers, i got my BFP last friday and am over the moon as ive been trying for some time. im mostly scared of gaining loads of unnesccesary weight, im going to stick at weightwatchers for a while as i believe you can eat healthy and not put on too much weight ( fat) not baby lol

Remember to switch to the breastfeeding plan during your pregnancy! :) You won't need too many extra calories/points now, but you don't want to intentionally lose during pregnancy. In your second and third trimester you need 350-450 more calories (the WW breastfeeding plan accomodates this).
I have no clue yet. We should be finding out at 15 weeks (fingers crossed!)... I'm having a 3d-4d sneak peek gender package on 12/18..[/QUOTE]

Can't wait to hear how that goes!!! We have an appt. at 13 weeks and anther at 17 and we were wondering if we should do a 3d-4d one at 17 weeks. Would it help the chances of seeing the gender better with a 3d-4d?

Anyhow, I'll be stocking this post on 12/18 big time to see ur results :)[/QUOTE]

the 3d-4d helps ensure that your "boy" isn't just sporting the umbilical cord in a convenient place. LOL, every single ultrasound will never be 100% but it seems that with gender the 3d can be a bit more accurate earlier in pregnancy. For some reason I think our bean is a boy! LOL, we'll see. If they can't tell most reputable places will let you come back in a week or 2 for free for another attempt at the scan.

Sometimes if the scan is done too early and your little one hasn't developed yet your little girl can turn into a little boy. Though, I do know some people who have gotten definitive results at 12 weeks by accident. :haha:

Most 3d-4d places will do a gender scan before 20 weeks (when your doctor will know anyway), the place i'm going to recommends after 15 weeks but will as early as 13-14 if you really want to. I was going to go early but I have my NT scan at 13w0d and then another appointment 13w4d with my ob/gyn. My stage 2 (anatomy scan) is scheduled for 1/11 when I'm 18w5d (if I've done the math correctly).
haven't got to hear the heartbeat yet, so super jealous! bubs must have been far back when they tried a couple weeks ago. i did order a doppler online so super excited to hear it at home :)

Which doppler did you get? When I have a few extra dollars (hopefully I get a few for my birthday on Sunday!) I want to order one. I've been looking at the SonolineB.
Weight gain...
I started my last pregnancy at 107 kilos (235 lbs), went down to 102 kg then started gaining - think it was around 15 weeks or so??. I ended my pregnancy weighing 122 kg, so 269 lbs. That's one heck of a weight gain, and I was large to start with.

I never had any complications at all. My scans were clear, my blood pressure remained perfect, my sugar levels were perfect and my little one came at 40+2 weighing 6lbs 6oz.

Being large does not mean you can't have a healthy pregnancy. I hate the scare scaremongering among the 'professionals'. I had to see a consultant due to my weight, she saw me for a while minute. All she told me was to start taking pregnancy vitamins, and that was it. Never saw her again.
I also went to WIC and they told me I could only gain 1 pound, as I had already gained 10 in the first 4 weeks. I told them that I thought it was water retention and they still emphasized that my size could endanger my baby and to stop gaining. Morning sickness hit hard and I ended up -15, so now I have 16 pounds I can gain. I'm more worried about my health than my weight as I've always been very healthy no matter what my weight. I am still very healthy so far!
Weight gain...
I started my last pregnancy at 107 kilos (235 lbs), went down to 102 kg then started gaining - think it was around 15 weeks or so??. I ended my pregnancy weighing 122 kg, so 269 lbs. That's one heck of a weight gain, and I was large to start with.

I never had any complications at all. My scans were clear, my blood pressure remained perfect, my sugar levels were perfect and my little one came at 40+2 weighing 6lbs 6oz.

Being large does not mean you can't have a healthy pregnancy. I hate the scare scaremongering among the 'professionals'. I had to see a consultant due to my weight, she saw me for a while minute. All she told me was to start taking pregnancy vitamins, and that was it. Never saw her again.

I haven't had to meet with anyone yet. Just that class that everyone went to (twigs and all). WIC pushes it because they're a nutritional thing, and Kaiser pushes everything healthy living. My doctor mentioned my weight before pregnancy but hasn't said a word since which has been really nice. I just typed all that in for those who are really worried about it. I eat what I want, sometimes it falls into their stuff and others it doesn't. Weight gain during pregnancy has always been pretty low in my family (my grandma gained 11 and 12, my mom gained 7 and 15). My mom gained more with my while watching her every bite (she developed gestational diabetes and it never went away. She now has type 2)... with my sister she ate taco bell 24/7 LOL. I watch my blood sugar on random days, mainly my fasting, the one I can't keep under control, while it's slightly elevated, it's never in the diabetes level. I'm taking it as it comes and not worrying too much. I listen to what they have to say but I don't let my pregnancy revolve around it. My scans have all been clear too, except for the one that the NP did, for whatever reason. When a doctor has done a scan there's been no problem at all. So far, no matter what I've been eating, my baby has always appeared very healthy on ultrasound... very active, nice strong heartbeat. <3 I just don't want the people on here worrying about their weight to take it too far. I will try to keep my weight gain in the range, but I won't stress out about it either.

Anyone have gender announcement ideas?

(Can everyone tell I'm off work today?! lol)
Hi ladies!

My Name is Corina I just had my first prenatal appointment today and the doctor told me I'm only allowed to gain 20 LBS for my whole pregnancy... This has me a little worried on how I'm gonna be able to keep the weight off... In the past I have tried diets and exercising programs and always gained weight than lost... Right now i weigh in at 220.. Have any of you been on a restriction to how much weight you could gain for your entire pregnancy if so any ways that really helped keep the weight off?? Thank you for your time :)

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