Plus-Size Pregnancy

I also went to WIC and they told me I could only gain 1 pound, as I had already gained 10 in the first 4 weeks. I told them that I thought it was water retention and they still emphasized that my size could endanger my baby and to stop gaining. Morning sickness hit hard and I ended up -15, so now I have 16 pounds I can gain. I'm more worried about my health than my weight as I've always been very healthy no matter what my weight. I am still very healthy so far!

THEY TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD ONLY GAIN 1 POUND!!! I would've shot someone. They gave me the guidelines but didn't stress on anything. I knew the answers to all of their "health" questions which kinda kept the lady in check, although, she did seem pretty nice. My doctor hasn't even discussed my weight with me, I guess we were just supposed to retain all of the information from the class. Most people in my class were from 9weeks to 15weeks and no one had gained more than a few pounds at that point. I'm loving pregnancy. Prepregnancy if I were to eat an extra piece of bread a day I would bloat up anywhere from 5-10 pounds and it would take me weeks to shed. My WIC told me 11-20 pounds. Kaiser says 11-20 and in some cases 10-15... gaining about 1/2 pound per week in the second and third trimesters will keep you around 13. Being healthy is a lot better to worry about than pregnancy weight gain.

@LadyC: This is my first pregnancy so I can't really answer your question. For the most part I don't over eat and I eat a semi-balanced diet, though I do have my days. Remember to exercise some, go for a walk once a day. Many of us will have a recommended number for weight gain. Try to keep in mind that in the first trimester you don't need extra calories. In the 2nd and 3rd you only need about 300 more (some say 350-450)... That is only equal to a string cheese, a low/nonfat cup of yogurt, and an apple. It's not that much more. Eat smaller meals during the day if you can. Eat snacks so you're not starving at your next meal, it should help with over eating during meals. Remember not to skip out on breakfast.

At work I eat something like:
Breakfast: A baggy of dry cereal + a banana.
Snack: A low-fat string cheese, sometimes with a handful of grapes or apple slices.
Lunch: Usually leftovers from dinner, or a microwavable meal or sandwich.
Snack: Crackers/Pretzels/String/Cheese with a fruit or veggie (carrots with ranch)
Dinner: Whatever I'm awake enough to make. Typically we do not eat fast food.

When I'm at home:
Breakfast is more like 2 poached eggs with 2 pieces of wheat toast and some fruit OR cereal w/ milk and a banana OR yogurt + fruit.

I'm not good at snacking when I'm home but I try to throw dairy in there - such as the string cheese w/ fruit.

Lunch: same as above.

And then dinner. Sometimes we have really good balanced meals, other times we have low-carb pasta with a sauce, a veggie, and a protein.

I try to drink a large glass of milk with dinner.

Like I said, it's not the best balanced diet, but I try not to make my meals too big. I eat more slowly now, and try to listen to when my body is "full".

Don't be afraid to have dessert. Kaiser told us once or twice a week we can have that ice cream, or that piece of chocolate or whatever. Don't deny yourself but don't go crazy.

It's not the best advice but I hope that helps.
@LadyC: Also, I drink a lot of water on a daily basis. I only have soda like once a week if any and it'll be non-caffeinated and usually diet (sprite zero if I can). And, very little juice. And, as I said I try to get in a large glass of milk once a day.

Honestly, I'm not always good at eating snacks since I'm pretty busy at work but I try to make it work. I make sure they're available but they're not always eaten. =\ I haven't had an increase of appetite at all (yet) except for on a random day every couple of weeks when I eat everything in sight.

Speaking of which I'm waiting for OH to get home so we can go to the store. I need stuff for lunches and snacks. And milk, and cereal. LOL oh, and bread, 'cause I finished it this morning with my poached eggs. LOL
My Dr hasn't said one iota about my weight, or what I should be gaining or losing or whatever.

KEslinger- I did get a Sonoline B. So fun! My baby must be really active these days as I'll get a 145-150 hb jump on the readout and then 2 seconds later it goes away. At least its there.

Is anyone else's husband a complete ASS since you've been pregnant? I really thought mine would worship the ground I walked on.
My first OB visit is next Wednesday, but I've been to my family doctor and my mother is a nurse practitioner in an OBGYN clinic in the U.S. I'm a (Canadian?) size 14 (not 14 plus, just 14) and weighed 180 lbs before becoming pregnant. I know at the family doctor at about 8 weeks, I was 185 lbs. But I seem to have been fairly bloated as I had a lot of morning sickness early on and didn't eat much. My breasts have grown up a cup size but the size around is still the same.

Mom says a pound a week is fine. I'm terrified of gaining too much. My appetite is almost non-existent, but when it's there, all I seem to want is carb-loading or dairy. Nothing else tastes good to me.

Now see... I also had bariatric surgery back in 2007. I was 274 lbs pre-surgery and 174 lbs was my lowest post-surgery. I was on an exercise regimen with a trainer over the summer but I've lost the willpower I had and haven't been exercising in awhile now. There are some other reasons for that (anxiety, depression) but it is what it is.

Doctor hasn't said a word about my weight yet. I feel like my stomach pokes out more; my 14's are a tight fit but still fit. My shirts are still medium. I'm not sure if I should be worried about it or not...
Im UK size 18-20 its my 2nd baby, ive been told i cant have the baby in the hospital i had my son because im too fat, and it may cause problems boooo!!!

Nevermind. Im due on 22nd June, i have my first scan on monday im very very excited xxx
Hi ladies! I am Ali, 32 years old. I'm a size 16 (US), around 225 lbs (6' tall). I've lost about 5lbs since I found out I was pregnant. I'm trying hard to keep my diet clean, I really don't want to gain much weight at all during this pregnancy due to the fact that I am diabetic. I gained 50lbs with my first pregnancy (13 years ago) and then had a miscarriage @ 5weeks in August, so I am VERY nervous about this pregnancy. I'm trying to do everything right.
Yep! I was a little cheesed off at them but figured that the emphasis on weight is stupid so ill ignore her. I finally started eating again and only have mild nausea so I'm sure ill gain the weight back now. What's really great is that my lactose intolerance has disappeared now! I ate a Greek yogurt and I had no symptoms whatsoever. Yay! I'm still afraid to drink milk so ill stick to my lactose free stuff, but I'm so excited to eat other dairy products again.
Totally irritated... I have one pair of jeans that still fit. Haha. So, we go to the mall. No motherhood, no avenue. =\
So we go to JCPenney, they have a brand that goes up to like 3 or 4x... available online and in the store. NOT! Only up to an extra large. Grrrr. I ended up trying to order a pair off the internet and they're out in both 2 and 3x. In both colors. Not cool. We ordered a more expensive pair from penneys... hoping for the best.
Im UK size 18-20 its my 2nd baby, ive been told i cant have the baby in the hospital i had my son because im too fat, and it may cause problems boooo!!!

Nevermind. Im due on 22nd June, i have my first scan on monday im very very excited xxx

Are you freaking kidding me? That is so rude, and I'm sure you're not that big that you can't have a baby in a regular hospital!
As much as I love having u/s I do dread them sometimes because I know it's harder to see the baby through the 'chub'. Anyone else feel like that?
Hello i am Uk size 22/24 6' tall i work as a healthcare assistant at a private hospital and fertility department

all weight is on my tummy and ass!!!

i get so angry at ultrasound technicians who blame the chub! i had a scan 2 years ago to check my ovaries (was diagnosed as having mild PCOS) as i was strugglng to lose weight but was at the gym 4 days a week and eating next to nothing as i had no appetite and they saw both ovaries through my tummy and all of the chub!

A bad ultrasound tech will blame everything else!

In regards to maternity clothes try on maternity clothes a size smaller as they are sometimes quite generous with their sizing on maternity ranges so don't limit yourself but do try it on first!

i am 12 weeks but the bloat is insane! i have had to go nto a maternity unform at work already! - i too have a B belly but my waist is thickening already and i don't quite believe it especially as i have barely put on 5lbs so far but feel huge!!!i swear my flab gets harder as the day goes on but baby is only about 60mm so should not be creating this much!!

i have got a lot of stuff on ebay already and they have been awesome!

I have hypermobility which can cause early labour and also clumsiness from hell! (i have got rid of all my heels since getting my BFP - i cannot risk it!) and this has caused back and hip pain already - i am wearing a bellyband more for help with this than appearance and it is marginally helpful

i had scans at 6, 10, 11 and 12 weeks - at 11 weeks i was meant to be 12 on dates but baby was beng awkward so they could not get an accurate measurement but went back and i got an accurate measurement - still putting baby a week behind but i work with ob/gyn consultants who are not worried and therefore neither am i!

Sorry it s a bit of a long one i just wanted to introduce myself and my journey so far!

am 12+4 today and all i want to eat is peanut butter!
Hello i am Uk size 22/24 6' tall i work as a healthcare assistant at a private hospital and fertility department

all weight is on my tummy and ass!!!

i get so angry at ultrasound technicians who blame the chub! i had a scan 2 years ago to check my ovaries (was diagnosed as having mild PCOS) as i was strugglng to lose weight but was at the gym 4 days a week and eating next to nothing as i had no appetite and they saw both ovaries through my tummy and all of the chub!

A bad ultrasound tech will blame everything else!

In regards to maternity clothes try on maternity clothes a size smaller as they are sometimes quite generous with their sizing on maternity ranges so don't limit yourself but do try it on first!

i am 12 weeks but the bloat is insane! i have had to go nto a maternity unform at work already! - i too have a B belly but my waist is thickening already and i don't quite believe it especially as i have barely put on 5lbs so far but feel huge!!!i swear my flab gets harder as the day goes on but baby is only about 60mm so should not be creating this much!!

i have got a lot of stuff on ebay already and they have been awesome!

I have hypermobility which can cause early labour and also clumsiness from hell! (i have got rid of all my heels since getting my BFP - i cannot risk it!) and this has caused back and hip pain already - i am wearing a bellyband more for help with this than appearance and it is marginally helpful

i had scans at 6, 10, 11 and 12 weeks - at 11 weeks i was meant to be 12 on dates but baby was beng awkward so they could not get an accurate measurement but went back and i got an accurate measurement - still putting baby a week behind but i work with ob/gyn consultants who are not worried and therefore neither am i!

Sorry it s a bit of a long one i just wanted to introduce myself and my journey so far!

am 12+4 today and all i want to eat is peanut butter!

Welcome and omg! I have hypermobility too and the hip pain has been intense. My sister has it as well and she's wondering why I wince so muchwhile walking and why I'm so paranoid about tripping all of a sudden (no one knows yet). Its great to have you on here!!!
Hi ladies!
I have popped over from the 3rd trimester and thought I would have a quick look at whats going on and saw this thread! I love threads about plus size pregnant ladies as it allows us to talk to each other in similar situations and its nice to speak to real sized ladies!
I have had a quick peak at this thread and thought I would give you all al ittle info that I have gained through my journey so far.
So I am a size UK 24 pre pregnancy and I was worried being a plus size pregnant lady. I was worried how I would cope, and how I would be percieved by doctors, midwifes, sonographers etc. I must say however taht I have been treated very well indeed!! at my first midwifes app she just mentioned that due to a high BMI I would be consultant led, and thats all she said. I thought I would be made to feel guilt about my weight but I havent at all. And even when I first met with my consultant he was lovely! He didnt make me feel bad at all and even made a little light of it by saying how it may take me a little longer than normal to feel baby move as i have that little extra padding (personally i think he was being rather generous saying 'little extra padding' when quite frankly its a lot, hehe). So along the way I have had an 10 week scan due to an early bleed, then my 12 week scan followed by an app with consultant. I then went back to see consltant at 15 weeks, and again I saw him at my 20 week scan. I am due to go back to hospital week after next for my GTT which is a Glucose Tolerance Test, with being plus size they have to check for gestational diabetes as I am at a high risk. No doubt they will book me in again to see the consultant after my app next week as they tend to book me in for appointmenst with him as I go along. I am also having another scan at 36 weeks just to check that everything is ok with baby and I will meet with the consultant again at this app. I have seen the midwife at 16 weeks, 25 weeks and I am going back to see her this week (28 weeks). She hasnt mentioned my weight once, the only thing is she has to use the large cuff on me to take my blood pressure. At my appointments, they check my urine and blood pressure, check how Im feeling and if and when I feel baby move.
So I would just like to say that being plus size, for me, hasnt been a problem. The benefit I guess is that we are kept a much close eye on that ordinary sized ladies, whcih makes me feel more at ease that I am being closely monitored along the way, and we get to see our little guy again at a scan at 36 weeks!! Which most people don't get! :D

On the maternity clothes issue I found it so annoying how hardly anywhere do plus size maternity wear! Its ridiculous how most only go up to an 18/20. I found that Simply Be do a quite nice range however I purchased mine from as they sell some quite decent clothes and reasonable prices. I would say order clothes in your pre-pregnancy size unles of course you know that you have put on a considerable ammount of weight. I ordered mine in size 24 and they fit perfect and up untill this point I have put on 14lbs and thats all in my baby belly :D. I did order some trousers in size 26 and they are way to big for me, so just stick to your pre-preg size and they cater for your growing bump!

Also I was worried that being a larger lady I wouldn't show as pregnant for ages, almost to the end of my pregnancy. I can say however that from around 18 weeks I really started to show and now I am just unmissable as a pregnant lady! my baby bump is so big! and I am so proud of it! :D so proud to look pregnant! I shall post a picture at the end of this post of me at 26 weeks pregnant! Im even more proud that there is a lady at work who is a size 6/8 and a week in front of me and you can't tell shes pregnant, well at least you couldnt 3 weeks ago before I went off sick at work! hehe :D

I will say however on a slight down point is that since around 12 weeks I have suffered with SPD which is a condition of the pelvis and back, and unfortunately I have had quite some time off work due to the nature of my work not being suitable for me in my pain and also because that pain has just been too bad to work. And right now I am sat writing this with my hot water bottle on my back :( but I am due to hopefully go back to work on Tuesday after 3 weeks off, where I will only have 4 and half weeks left at work till I take my Maternity leave. i did want to leave originally 4 weeks before due date however because of how much I have been suffering I have opted to leave a little earlier than i wanted to, but Id rather me and baby be happy in the last part of my pregnancy than to suffer!

So to all you plus size pregnant ladies, all the best for your pregnancies! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them and have a happy and health 9 months!!
If you have any questions then please dont hesitate in asking me! :D I am a plus size pregnant lady and PROUD!!!


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Hello ladies Im a bit further than all of you but I would like to see if I can help some of you by telling you abit about me! I am plus sized I wear a size 18 US in bottoms and a large in tops pre-pregnancy.... I am 6 months according to my doctor which makes me about 24 weeks :) ( I try to lose count on purpose) lol.....Please do not worry about your weight gain I have only gained about 3-4 pounds my entire pregnancy. Also do not waste time worrying about your ultrasound because mine came out great no problems at all I found out what I was having at just 16 weeks ITS A BOY!!! You will feel you LOs kicks just fine as well no worries! And although I didnt have the Bbelly I know ppl on here who did and it will go away! lAST BUT NOT LEAST YOU WILL GE A CUTE BABY BUMP!


I'm terrfied i'm going to have a "B" bump, a pooch, or not show at all or something. I have a tilted uterus so that adds to the not showing fear. I'm a US 14 to 18 and 5'11. I have a bit of a belly normally so i'm hoping baby works with my stomach and i have a "normal" bump!
Hi ladies!
I have popped over from the 3rd trimester and thought I would have a quick look at whats going on and saw this thread! I love threads about plus size pregnant ladies as it allows us to talk to each other in similar situations and its nice to speak to real sized ladies!
I have had a quick peak at this thread and thought I would give you all al ittle info that I have gained through my journey so far.
So I am a size UK 24 pre pregnancy and I was worried being a plus size pregnant lady. I was worried how I would cope, and how I would be percieved by doctors, midwifes, sonographers etc. I must say however taht I have been treated very well indeed!! at my first midwifes app she just mentioned that due to a high BMI I would be consultant led, and thats all she said. I thought I would be made to feel guilt about my weight but I havent at all. And even when I first met with my consultant he was lovely! He didnt make me feel bad at all and even made a little light of it by saying how it may take me a little longer than normal to feel baby move as i have that little extra padding (personally i think he was being rather generous saying 'little extra padding' when quite frankly its a lot, hehe). So along the way I have had an 10 week scan due to an early bleed, then my 12 week scan followed by an app with consultant. I then went back to see consltant at 15 weeks, and again I saw him at my 20 week scan. I am due to go back to hospital week after next for my GTT which is a Glucose Tolerance Test, with being plus size they have to check for gestational diabetes as I am at a high risk. No doubt they will book me in again to see the consultant after my app next week as they tend to book me in for appointmenst with him as I go along. I am also having another scan at 36 weeks just to check that everything is ok with baby and I will meet with the consultant again at this app. I have seen the midwife at 16 weeks, 25 weeks and I am going back to see her this week (28 weeks). She hasnt mentioned my weight once, the only thing is she has to use the large cuff on me to take my blood pressure. At my appointments, they check my urine and blood pressure, check how Im feeling and if and when I feel baby move.
So I would just like to say that being plus size, for me, hasnt been a problem. The benefit I guess is that we are kept a much close eye on that ordinary sized ladies, whcih makes me feel more at ease that I am being closely monitored along the way, and we get to see our little guy again at a scan at 36 weeks!! Which most people don't get! :D

On the maternity clothes issue I found it so annoying how hardly anywhere do plus size maternity wear! Its ridiculous how most only go up to an 18/20. I found that Simply Be do a quite nice range however I purchased mine from as they sell some quite decent clothes and reasonable prices. I would say order clothes in your pre-pregnancy size unles of course you know that you have put on a considerable ammount of weight. I ordered mine in size 24 and they fit perfect and up untill this point I have put on 14lbs and thats all in my baby belly :D. I did order some trousers in size 26 and they are way to big for me, so just stick to your pre-preg size and they cater for your growing bump!

Also I was worried that being a larger lady I wouldn't show as pregnant for ages, almost to the end of my pregnancy. I can say however that from around 18 weeks I really started to show and now I am just unmissable as a pregnant lady! my baby bump is so big! and I am so proud of it! :D so proud to look pregnant! I shall post a picture at the end of this post of me at 26 weeks pregnant! Im even more proud that there is a lady at work who is a size 6/8 and a week in front of me and you can't tell shes pregnant, well at least you couldnt 3 weeks ago before I went off sick at work! hehe :D

I will say however on a slight down point is that since around 12 weeks I have suffered with SPD which is a condition of the pelvis and back, and unfortunately I have had quite some time off work due to the nature of my work not being suitable for me in my pain and also because that pain has just been too bad to work. And right now I am sat writing this with my hot water bottle on my back :( but I am due to hopefully go back to work on Tuesday after 3 weeks off, where I will only have 4 and half weeks left at work till I take my Maternity leave. i did want to leave originally 4 weeks before due date however because of how much I have been suffering I have opted to leave a little earlier than i wanted to, but Id rather me and baby be happy in the last part of my pregnancy than to suffer!

So to all you plus size pregnant ladies, all the best for your pregnancies! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them and have a happy and health 9 months!!
If you have any questions then please dont hesitate in asking me! :D I am a plus size pregnant lady and PROUD!!!

I just saw this and I am not that far behind you and I wasz wondering about the pain you feel in your pelvis and back because I am experiencing something like that as well because i am on my feet at work. Do you mind telling me more about it?
Hi ladies!
I have popped over from the 3rd trimester and thought I would have a quick look at whats going on and saw this thread! I love threads about plus size pregnant ladies as it allows us to talk to each other in similar situations and its nice to speak to real sized ladies!
I have had a quick peak at this thread and thought I would give you all al ittle info that I have gained through my journey so far.
So I am a size UK 24 pre pregnancy and I was worried being a plus size pregnant lady. I was worried how I would cope, and how I would be percieved by doctors, midwifes, sonographers etc. I must say however taht I have been treated very well indeed!! at my first midwifes app she just mentioned that due to a high BMI I would be consultant led, and thats all she said. I thought I would be made to feel guilt about my weight but I havent at all. And even when I first met with my consultant he was lovely! He didnt make me feel bad at all and even made a little light of it by saying how it may take me a little longer than normal to feel baby move as i have that little extra padding (personally i think he was being rather generous saying 'little extra padding' when quite frankly its a lot, hehe). So along the way I have had an 10 week scan due to an early bleed, then my 12 week scan followed by an app with consultant. I then went back to see consltant at 15 weeks, and again I saw him at my 20 week scan. I am due to go back to hospital week after next for my GTT which is a Glucose Tolerance Test, with being plus size they have to check for gestational diabetes as I am at a high risk. No doubt they will book me in again to see the consultant after my app next week as they tend to book me in for appointmenst with him as I go along. I am also having another scan at 36 weeks just to check that everything is ok with baby and I will meet with the consultant again at this app. I have seen the midwife at 16 weeks, 25 weeks and I am going back to see her this week (28 weeks). She hasnt mentioned my weight once, the only thing is she has to use the large cuff on me to take my blood pressure. At my appointments, they check my urine and blood pressure, check how Im feeling and if and when I feel baby move.
So I would just like to say that being plus size, for me, hasnt been a problem. The benefit I guess is that we are kept a much close eye on that ordinary sized ladies, whcih makes me feel more at ease that I am being closely monitored along the way, and we get to see our little guy again at a scan at 36 weeks!! Which most people don't get! :D

On the maternity clothes issue I found it so annoying how hardly anywhere do plus size maternity wear! Its ridiculous how most only go up to an 18/20. I found that Simply Be do a quite nice range however I purchased mine from as they sell some quite decent clothes and reasonable prices. I would say order clothes in your pre-pregnancy size unles of course you know that you have put on a considerable ammount of weight. I ordered mine in size 24 and they fit perfect and up untill this point I have put on 14lbs and thats all in my baby belly :D. I did order some trousers in size 26 and they are way to big for me, so just stick to your pre-preg size and they cater for your growing bump!

Also I was worried that being a larger lady I wouldn't show as pregnant for ages, almost to the end of my pregnancy. I can say however that from around 18 weeks I really started to show and now I am just unmissable as a pregnant lady! my baby bump is so big! and I am so proud of it! :D so proud to look pregnant! I shall post a picture at the end of this post of me at 26 weeks pregnant! Im even more proud that there is a lady at work who is a size 6/8 and a week in front of me and you can't tell shes pregnant, well at least you couldnt 3 weeks ago before I went off sick at work! hehe :D

I will say however on a slight down point is that since around 12 weeks I have suffered with SPD which is a condition of the pelvis and back, and unfortunately I have had quite some time off work due to the nature of my work not being suitable for me in my pain and also because that pain has just been too bad to work. And right now I am sat writing this with my hot water bottle on my back :( but I am due to hopefully go back to work on Tuesday after 3 weeks off, where I will only have 4 and half weeks left at work till I take my Maternity leave. i did want to leave originally 4 weeks before due date however because of how much I have been suffering I have opted to leave a little earlier than i wanted to, but Id rather me and baby be happy in the last part of my pregnancy than to suffer!

So to all you plus size pregnant ladies, all the best for your pregnancies! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them and have a happy and health 9 months!!
If you have any questions then please dont hesitate in asking me! :D I am a plus size pregnant lady and PROUD!!!

I just saw this and I am not that far behind you and I wasz wondering about the pain you feel in your pelvis and back because I am experiencing something like that as well because i am on my feet at work. Do you mind telling me more about it? Btw you have a lovely bump!!! very similar to mine! I will post one as well
So at first it was just a constant pain accross my lower abdomen which worsened with stretching, certain movements. It then developed into an awful pain in my low abdomen, between pelvic bone and belly button and its kind of like a cross between the feeling of needing a wee so much it hurts to the point where you cant move crossed with a stitch like pain. Right now I have the stitch pain across my tummy. My back ache is awful, it hurts no matter what I do. Its awful back ache the type u get when youve been standing, walking or doing too much laborious chores taht your back aches so much x 10. And I get this when Im sitting, in bed. I wake up with it and for example like now just sat and its killing. The only thing that eases it slightly is a hot water bottle.
SPD can show itself in different ways/ conditions. For example you can have it in your hips and bum. Ive just had the abdominal and back pain with mine. Also walking can sometimes be a chore, and I sometimes have to stop as the stitch like pain comes over me very strong. So I just have to walk slowly and take it easy. Ive been advised to use a birthing ball to help my back and hips and it actually has as it seems to take the pressure of my back and stomach when I sit on it. Im also waiting for my referal to come through to the physio.

Have you been to the doctors about it? You really should, as they can advise you on what you can and can't do or mention it to your midwife. It was my midwife who referred me to the physio. The best thing for it is rest. It doesnt take it away at all. It just eases it a little.

I hope this helps hunny. Its no fun being in pain is it. xxxxx
Me Im due June 4th. Heres my story. Im shorty and chubby....funsized is what I call it. I got pregnant in Feb @ 236 I got gestational diabetes early on due to genes & I dropped 20lbs by wk 20. In August at 23wk3days I went into preterm labor and we unfortunately lost our baby girl. By this time I was around 214...10 weeks later I hadnt had my pp went to the Dr and found out I was already 7 weeks along. I am now 2 days shy of being 13 wks considered a high risk pregnancy Now I'm teeter tottering around 215-217. The weight is my least concern though. I have a great dr who is taking all preventive measures as possible to ensure we get our happy healthy rainbow baby. :)
Hi ladies!
I have popped over from the 3rd trimester and thought I would have a quick look at whats going on and saw this thread! I love threads about plus size pregnant ladies as it allows us to talk to each other in similar situations and its nice to speak to real sized ladies!
I have had a quick peak at this thread and thought I would give you all al ittle info that I have gained through my journey so far.
So I am a size UK 24 pre pregnancy and I was worried being a plus size pregnant lady. I was worried how I would cope, and how I would be percieved by doctors, midwifes, sonographers etc. I must say however taht I have been treated very well indeed!! at my first midwifes app she just mentioned that due to a high BMI I would be consultant led, and thats all she said. I thought I would be made to feel guilt about my weight but I havent at all. And even when I first met with my consultant he was lovely! He didnt make me feel bad at all and even made a little light of it by saying how it may take me a little longer than normal to feel baby move as i have that little extra padding (personally i think he was being rather generous saying 'little extra padding' when quite frankly its a lot, hehe). So along the way I have had an 10 week scan due to an early bleed, then my 12 week scan followed by an app with consultant. I then went back to see consltant at 15 weeks, and again I saw him at my 20 week scan. I am due to go back to hospital week after next for my GTT which is a Glucose Tolerance Test, with being plus size they have to check for gestational diabetes as I am at a high risk. No doubt they will book me in again to see the consultant after my app next week as they tend to book me in for appointmenst with him as I go along. I am also having another scan at 36 weeks just to check that everything is ok with baby and I will meet with the consultant again at this app. I have seen the midwife at 16 weeks, 25 weeks and I am going back to see her this week (28 weeks). She hasnt mentioned my weight once, the only thing is she has to use the large cuff on me to take my blood pressure. At my appointments, they check my urine and blood pressure, check how Im feeling and if and when I feel baby move.
So I would just like to say that being plus size, for me, hasnt been a problem. The benefit I guess is that we are kept a much close eye on that ordinary sized ladies, whcih makes me feel more at ease that I am being closely monitored along the way, and we get to see our little guy again at a scan at 36 weeks!! Which most people don't get! :D

On the maternity clothes issue I found it so annoying how hardly anywhere do plus size maternity wear! Its ridiculous how most only go up to an 18/20. I found that Simply Be do a quite nice range however I purchased mine from as they sell some quite decent clothes and reasonable prices. I would say order clothes in your pre-pregnancy size unles of course you know that you have put on a considerable ammount of weight. I ordered mine in size 24 and they fit perfect and up untill this point I have put on 14lbs and thats all in my baby belly :D. I did order some trousers in size 26 and they are way to big for me, so just stick to your pre-preg size and they cater for your growing bump!

Also I was worried that being a larger lady I wouldn't show as pregnant for ages, almost to the end of my pregnancy. I can say however that from around 18 weeks I really started to show and now I am just unmissable as a pregnant lady! my baby bump is so big! and I am so proud of it! :D so proud to look pregnant! I shall post a picture at the end of this post of me at 26 weeks pregnant! Im even more proud that there is a lady at work who is a size 6/8 and a week in front of me and you can't tell shes pregnant, well at least you couldnt 3 weeks ago before I went off sick at work! hehe :D

I will say however on a slight down point is that since around 12 weeks I have suffered with SPD which is a condition of the pelvis and back, and unfortunately I have had quite some time off work due to the nature of my work not being suitable for me in my pain and also because that pain has just been too bad to work. And right now I am sat writing this with my hot water bottle on my back :( but I am due to hopefully go back to work on Tuesday after 3 weeks off, where I will only have 4 and half weeks left at work till I take my Maternity leave. i did want to leave originally 4 weeks before due date however because of how much I have been suffering I have opted to leave a little earlier than i wanted to, but Id rather me and baby be happy in the last part of my pregnancy than to suffer!

So to all you plus size pregnant ladies, all the best for your pregnancies! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them and have a happy and health 9 months!!
If you have any questions then please dont hesitate in asking me! :D I am a plus size pregnant lady and PROUD!!!

Thanks for all of the info and the photo! You look great!!! Curious if you started out with a "B" belly or just a lil chunk? :blush:

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