Plus-Size Pregnancy

Hi ladies, just tried to have a quick look through the whole thread so I apologise if this has already been discussed but I was just wondering what you ladies thought of dopplers and at how many weeks you have been able to hear the heartbeat? Im about 300lbs and unsure if it would be worth investing in one because Im not sure if Ill be able to hear it due to my weight, thank you xxx

I honestly don't know the "earliest" I would have heard it since I didn't get mine until 14 weeks but at that point with a little searching I was able to find a heart beat 9 out of 10 times.

With that said, I know that the ultrasounds you get at the Dr they can get some kind of a heartbeat as early as 6 weeks but that's internally. I know at my 12 week appointment there was a very strong heartbeat on the monitor but they didn't turn the volume up so I could hear it. I am thinking if I tried I would have been able to find it then.

Keep in mind that dopplers aren't always easy to use either. If you do it right and have patience more than you ever thought you needed it will be easier for you to find it. For one, they are so sensitive that if you move the wand even a fraction of an inch you will lose the heartbeat on the monitor. Second, you have to use LOTS of fluid. Mine never came w/ ultrasound gel so I looked online and lotion actually works just as well. But because lotion dries faster if you do the doppler more than a few minutes you gotta slather more on.

That's what I've learned so far. I haven't used mine in a while cause since 20 weeks he has been kicking me every day. But so worth it!
Hello to everyone, how are you? I've been really busy lately and this thread is moving fast! The baby has been moving quite a bit lately and has gotten in a few good thumps. The other day I was showing my OH how my uterus is at my belly button and when I pressed down I felt the bump press back! Super freaky. I can tell where the baby is now as one part of my bump will be harder than the rest. Sunday night my belly was pointy on the right side! So odd.

I was promoted at work and I'm getting a 50% raise (that should show you how little I made to begin with!) so things are looking a bit up. I'll have 14 weeks of paid leave at 55% of my pay, so that combined with my vacation time should mean I'll take 4 months off.

Has anyone done a private ultrasound? We're thinking of doing meet your baby or prenatal peek since our families are losing their minds right now since we're not finding out the sex.

We went to our WIC appointment last Friday right after lunch an le when they weighed me I hadn't gained any weight. I'm actually under the weight they had listed by 6lbs but apparently three glasses of water, fries, and half a sandwich weigh a lot!! They chastised me gently for my lack of lbs but I just figure nothing I do will make them happy.

I have an appointment this Thursday so we'll see what the doctor says. It's my 20 week appointment so I have no idea what to expect since my doctor won't do an anatomy scan. I'm looking into switching but I haven't found a decent doctor in my area yet.

Congrats on the raise!!!

I did prenatal peek, loved the lady there. If I have the money I plan on going back for another package late march early april. I have a couple of friends who have gotten their 3D scans elsewhere and had a great time with it, too. One went to 4D miracles, I don't know what their packages are like. When I was looking for a 3D place one said horrible things about biggers girls on the website so I didn't even continue from there. I don't remember what they were called.

I have WIC too, I wonder what they'll say to me about not gaining, I've actually lost compared to the first weight they had for me. My next appointment is early Feb. Just around the corner when ya think about it. I'm hoping my weight kinda stays where it is, that way after the baby is born I'll already weigh less. LOL either way I'm not too worried about it, afterall I am pregnant. I won't go overboard with weight gain though...

I would definitely look into another doctor... yours doesn't sound very nice. =\

My leave will be the standard SDI starting 4 weeks before EDD - they adjust it if it goes longer, and 4 weeks after for a vaginal birth, 6 weeks after for a c-section. That's at roughly 2/3 pay. Then I go to Paid Family Leave right after for 6 weeks at 1/2 pay, then 2 weeks full pay (my vacation) -- roughly 12 weeks with the baby. My work doesn't have any maternity leave plans.

And, although there are great laws in California for pumping, it's going to be a bit difficult for me. I'll be able to pump before work, during lunch, and after work when I get home. Once I return to work I plan on nursing in the morning, pumping right before work, pumping at lunch, nursing/pumping around dinner time, then nurse at night. I won't nurse the baby after her teeth start coming in, but will still pump up until about 6 months (which ever comes first). Then we'll use up the milk supply in combination with formula. Before I go back to work I plan on EBF for 8 weeks and then start working on building my milk supply by pumping on the breast that baby isn't feeding off of when we're home. It's not the best schedule for breastfeeding, a lot of people say you need a routine or you'll dry up, but a lot of people also say that your body knows what to do, stay hydrated, keep good nutrition and do what you can. Kind of a go with the flow type of deal.

I'm getting a pump for free, not the one I wanted but it will save us money. My only concern is that it's an Avent pump, and while good quality they don't make different flange sizes, it's a standard 24mm that is too small for many people. Instead of having my nipples rubbed raw, and instead of forking out the money for the other one, I did some research on the internet and found these at I watched the video and it totally makes sense. It seems that a lot of people loved their Avent or other pump but had trouble. The pieces that you get from these people engulf more breast tissue, stimulating it more. I'll be investing the $30 ish dollars in it. ;) Cheap for what it does. The person giving me the pump has sterilized it and is including everything, even BM storage, and the stuff for sertilizing it. I'm going to be using different bottles and most likely using the storage bottles to pump into and then transfer into bags, kind of a PITA but totally worth it, I think. I won't have enough room in my freezer to start freezing all of those containers... but easier to pump into bottles at work and move later.

That's my hopeful plan, who knows what will really happen. ;) Good to have in writing though.
Ugh I'm so angry right now! I finally was able to have my medi-cal approved and I received my card yesterday. Today I get a letter saying my coverage has been terminated because I failed to provide info on my 'medical insurance'! I have no medical insurance! The caseworker could not understand that a medical FSA is not health insurance, no matter how many times I explained it. Now I have to go to a hearing to contest this, the earliest hearing is in three month. Its looking like I will have no more prenatal care and if I deliever early this baby will bankrupt us. I can't afford to have a baby with no insurance.
My work doesn't offer maternity leave either, but our work leave insurance people told me I can take 2 weeks before, 4 weeks after my delivery as state disability, and then 6 weeks FMLA. Combined withmy two weeks vacation I get a total of 14 weeks off, 12 with the baby. What sucks is that since I'm due June 10th, they'll calculate my pay bases on my highest rate through december 31, 2012. If I had been due in July, they would have based it through march 2012! Crazy that three weeks is going to make such a huge difference for us- my pay is going up and it won't count. :(
No maternity leave here for me either especially since I have a temp position.
Things are getting crazy over here financially, too. =\
OH's hours just got cut MORE. (They're working about half of their hours, just a little bit more)... I've had to step up and pay other stuff which makes me break even on rent. I tried cancelling my class with Kaiser that I had already paid for (a week ago, so I'd have the money for rent)... still no money in my account, I log in and see that the class hasn't been cancelled!!! I called them just a couple of minutes ago and told the guy I called a week ago to cancel to be sure the money would be in my account so I could pay rent, he was really nice and said he'd take care of it now, but now we're going into the weekend and I won't know if there's a problem until Monday. I'm glad a lot of people don't have the worries and what not, we usually do pretty well but this winter has really taken it out on us. We make do. OH is trying to find another job in this economy... we all know how that goes. Either to supplement his hours now, or to just get a different job where he'll be working the full time that he's supposed to. The last couple of weeks it looked as if things were looking up. They were having him come in for a couple of extra hours on certain days. Then all the sudden he's off an extra day and everyone is cut just a little bit more. Annoying. Sorry for the venting ladies.
It is a rough time. My hubby is going on 4th month unemployed. We are making it but we are beginning to notice the pinch of one income and unemployment. I hope things take a turn soon for us all.
When I went in for the scan the lady (who didn't even know how to take my blood pressure right, and didn't know if BV was an STI or not) told me that I didn't need to gain any weight in this pregnancy (keep in mind she told me she's not a nurse or a doctor) she said that I could even start losing weight if I wanted and it would be okay as long as I was eating healthy. :dohh: she made a lot of comments about my weight lol.

I am in the middle of becoming a nutritionist, which I told her and she said "I saw that" and continued to tell me I should only eat "5 small meals a day, no, not even meals, just 5 snacks will do". I know about portions. I know how food works, and I know what I should and shouldn't be eating. So thanks for your input you fuckin idiot. YOUR job is to take my ultrasound and you couldn't even do that right, so I think I'll leave your crappy pamphlet advice at the door, thanks.

Hi ladies,
My B finally turned to a D and I'm only 10 weeks. :D. I am really excited, but since I'm plus size I ONLY feel comfortable with you ladies seeing it.


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Aw, you look great!

I took my first bump pic today, more as a baseline so that I can see things grow than anything else. I feel like my fat belly is getting pushed out a bit, but it's hard to tell. Looking forward to my bump. :)
Do u think u would see much on an external scan at 9+3 if u carry quite a lot of weight on your tummy?
No, I don't think you will. I did not get my first external until 18 weeks and any good ultrasound tech or doctor is not going to do an external on you.
Hi-New here! I have a beautiful DD. Had 2 MC about a year an half ago, and am about 5 weeks. So, I guess I would count this as my 4 pregnancy.

I wasn't as big when I got pregnant with my daughter -about a size 16. The MC's put a lot of extra stress weight on.

Really nervous-but staying positive.Been eating super healthy this time-with my DD I put about 60 pounds on..can't do that again!

The only thing I've noticed different from my first pregnancy -is that my upper back/by neck I have been getting tension. Anyone else? Might have to get fitted for a new bra!
Most doctors prefer to do vaginal ultrasounds during the beginning of any ones pregnancy because you can see more on the ultrasound. There's more detail. Less tissue to get through. It looks like a couple of the ladies on here had external ones done... my doctor said they could have seen enough (that the baby had a heartbeat) at 10ish weeks abdominally but due to the nature of the ultrasound they prefer to do it internally. Didn't bother me any. My first external ultrasound was at 13 weeks for the NT scan. They saw plenty but the machines are more high tech. They had tried to do one earlier around 9 weeks with the nurse practitioner. I think she just didn't do a good job. She couldn't get a picture vaginally and could see the baby but couldn't get a good picture abdominally either. Best bet is to count on internal ultrasounds throughout your first trimester. If they can get it earlier, they will.
How's everyone doing?
Things are okay over here. Seems like the baby is kicking more and more every day. =)
Next appointment is next week, the 8th, for both a WIC class and a check up with my ob/gyn.
Waiting for OH to get home from work...making dinner. Nothing special, tuna and noodles. LOL
Since we're so tight on money I think for Valentines Day I'm going to make him dinner, the first stuff I ever made him. Chicken Enchiladas with green sauce, mexican rice and beans...

For dessert, I'm still tossing around ideas, but I found a recipe for "Slutty Brownies" (chocolate chip cookie dough on the bottom, oreos - that when baked turn into like a fudgy layer - then brownie mix) they seem a bit much and I'd serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sounds delicious though!

What do you all have planned?
Your Valentine's Day menu spunds delicious! Very sweet. The first food I made for my dh was enchiladas, too!

Tomorrow I have my first check-up and then later my NT scan since I had emergency surgery on my ankle 6 weeks ago. Since I never had any bleeding or cramping, they said they couldn't justify a scan before now. I'm so excited and anxious to see that everything's okay! Question for you ladies: do they ome back with any results of the NT scan this early, or do I have to wait for part 2 of the tests? We haven't told people yet, and I'm wondering if we should wait for the NT results, or just go for it.
I got partial results (screen neg/low risk) @ my nt cause there was drama w the dates and the way they were acting worried OH.... baby measured 1 day off which skewed the dates of first tri bloodwork. I got my final results 2-3 weeks after my last blood draw. Usually they arent supposed to tell you... Depends on your provider. Im in california, they type it in and the results come up. They can kinds tell bythe NT itself but its the combined numbers that indicate the results.
I never even had an NT scan since I was low risk. I just waited for second tri bloodwork. My theory was if the baby had something wrong with him/her there would be nothing good that would come out of having to worry for months about whether he/she would be healthy.
To the lady who asked bout external scans I had one at 8 weeks 5 days extremely clear and I'm a uk size 24-26 n still have the baby tum from my daughter. So I personally can't see why not as long as you drink water first. N re people saying can't see much I saw arms legs even facial features and bub was moving and rather than flickering could see heart pulsing away x
I think its the water that is the key. But for me, anyway, they always make me pee in a cup before my appointments so there never is any fluid leftover. That may be the difference then.

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