Plus-Size Pregnancy

That maybe makes a difference yes we get a pot of urine sample for midwife never need to do a sample at an early scan and for 11-13 weeks scan they say you don't need drink water. I think may also be different in uk as I've always had them try external only needed an internal early ( 6 weeks 5 days) with this pregnancy, with my daughter I was a bit smaller had external at 10 weeks.
Hello again, everyone! Well, the results came back about Cystic Fibrosis... the donor is NOT a carrier! Yay! So, now the chance of our baby having it is the same as everyone else, 1 in 1000. I also had my NT scan last week. I saw my doctor the next day and he said the results were negative. We're still unsure about my mom. She had a CT scan which came back negative, but they still don't know what's wrong with her. I'm still praying for her every time I remember.

To those wondering about u/s... I had my first at 8 weeks, internal. Then I had one at 9 weeks, abdominally. They looked about the same to me, honestly. My doctor told me they usually do the first internal because the baby is so low that it's hard to get a clear picture sometimes because of the pelvic bone being in the way. I had my NT scan abdominally also, at 12 weeks. They didn't have any problems getting everything they need. For reference, I weigh 260 (before pregnancy and still), I'm 5'7" and I carry a lot of weight in my belly. Each time I've had my ultrasounds, I've been told to go to the bathroom and empty my bladder. I also just made a gender appointment with a private clinic for next Friday (YAY!) and over the phone they said the same thing, be well hydrated, but empty bladder. I asked her if my weight would be an issue to find gender at 14+2 days, she said not at all. We are so excited to find out if we are having a girl or boy! My sisters are very excited to, they have wanted to go to some of the ultrasounds, but the doctors have only let my husband in so far, at this one, every one can come!

Someone had also asked about the NT results... during my scan the technician was very, very serious. She didn't talk much and just did her job. Then she told us she would send the results to the state (California here) and they would contact me to let me know. I asked her "so, you can't tell me anything?" and she was like, oh, no I would have told you if something was wrong! Thanks... does she make everyone ask her that? Then by the time I saw the doctor the following morning, he already had the results. I was also told that if there is a higher chance of a problem, the hospital would contact us in within a few days. Negative results come as a letter from the state in about 2 weeks. I have Kaiser, and of course every provider is different, but that was my experience!

It's good to be back and truly excited about out baby again!
Hello again, everyone! Well, the results came back about Cystic Fibrosis... the donor is NOT a carrier! Yay! So, now the chance of our baby having it is the same as everyone else, 1 in 1000. I also had my NT scan last week. I saw my doctor the next day and he said the results were negative. We're still unsure about my mom. She had a CT scan which came back negative, but they still don't know what's wrong with her. I'm still praying for her every time I remember.

To those wondering about u/s... I had my first at 8 weeks, internal. Then I had one at 9 weeks, abdominally. They looked about the same to me, honestly. My doctor told me they usually do the first internal because the baby is so low that it's hard to get a clear picture sometimes because of the pelvic bone being in the way. I had my NT scan abdominally also, at 12 weeks. They didn't have any problems getting everything they need. For reference, I weigh 260 (before pregnancy and still), I'm 5'7" and I carry a lot of weight in my belly. Each time I've had my ultrasounds, I've been told to go to the bathroom and empty my bladder. I also just made a gender appointment with a private clinic for next Friday (YAY!) and over the phone they said the same thing, be well hydrated, but empty bladder. I asked her if my weight would be an issue to find gender at 14+2 days, she said not at all. We are so excited to find out if we are having a girl or boy! My sisters are very excited to, they have wanted to go to some of the ultrasounds, but the doctors have only let my husband in so far, at this one, every one can come!

Someone had also asked about the NT results... during my scan the technician was very, very serious. She didn't talk much and just did her job. Then she told us she would send the results to the state (California here) and they would contact me to let me know. I asked her "so, you can't tell me anything?" and she was like, oh, no I would have told you if something was wrong! Thanks... does she make everyone ask her that? Then by the time I saw the doctor the following morning, he already had the results. I was also told that if there is a higher chance of a problem, the hospital would contact us in within a few days. Negative results come as a letter from the state in about 2 weeks. I have Kaiser, and of course every provider is different, but that was my experience!

It's good to be back and truly excited about out baby again!

It's so nice to hear of a positive experience with Kaiser. I have them too (I'm in Northern California!) and am worried about how they'd react since I am overweight! I am not pregnant yet, but it's nice to hear these things for the future. :)
Hi all, hope you don't mind me gatecrashing :flower:

I'm very early 1st tri with our 1st baby. Been with OH for nearly 12 years. I'm 33, OH is 36 but acts 12 :haha: I'm currently UK size 20/22 and weigh 273lbs. I've been following weight watchers since Jan 1st and lost a stone in 3 weeks then last week was so hungry I could have eaten my own arm. Found out for sure I was pregnant on Monday. I'm very excited but also very worried. I didn't set out to get pregnant while this heavy. We've been ntnp since Oct 2010 so thought I was probably a bit too big, boy was I wrong :haha:

I haven't read all of the thread yet (on about pg30) but wanted to say hi. I really don't want to gain weight and am still following ww with an extra 300 cals. I'm soooo hungry though. I'm on lates today but had to get up at 0500 to eat because my stomach was hurting. Not really a promising start but I'm trying my best to make good choices.

Haven't been to the Dr yet as tbh I'm really worried that they'll be horrible to me and think I'm stupid for getting pregnant while so fat :blush: Not looking forward to that really.

Other than that I'm really excited and already a bit in love with my bean :cloud9: Looking forward to getting to know you all over the coming months xx
Despite what you think the Dr's will say to you, its not about you anymore, its about that bean being healthy, so you gotta go in :)
I know Kendra. I will go in of course but not for a couple of weeks, I don't think there's any need straight away, I'm still really early. I wont put baby at any risk I'm just not looking forward to it iykwim :)
If you read the first 30 pages though you should know by now either way that besides living in a different country like Ukraine we have all had really easy times at the doctors and not had horrible experiences so you should be fine :)
Holy moly. So, it's my day off...
I'm sitting here reading up on perineal massage - when to start it, etc. (I'm afraid of tearing) While I'm thinking "YAY! I have vitamin e oil at home!!!" I stumble across a link for a product called "Epi-No"... great concept, but crazy... and FDA did NOT approve of it for use in the US. Actually you can't even have it shipped to the U.S.

Check this thing out!
EPI-NO Childbirth and Pelvic Floor Trainer

Any 2nd (or more) time mommies do perineal massage in here?

22 weeks today - 18 more to go!
Hi all, hope you don't mind me gatecrashing :flower:

I'm very early 1st tri with our 1st baby. Been with OH for nearly 12 years. I'm 33, OH is 36 but acts 12 :haha: I'm currently UK size 20/22 and weigh 273lbs. I've been following weight watchers since Jan 1st and lost a stone in 3 weeks then last week was so hungry I could have eaten my own arm. Found out for sure I was pregnant on Monday. I'm very excited but also very worried. I didn't set out to get pregnant while this heavy. We've been ntnp since Oct 2010 so thought I was probably a bit too big, boy was I wrong :haha:

I haven't read all of the thread yet (on about pg30) but wanted to say hi. I really don't want to gain weight and am still following ww with an extra 300 cals. I'm soooo hungry though. I'm on lates today but had to get up at 0500 to eat because my stomach was hurting. Not really a promising start but I'm trying my best to make good choices.

Haven't been to the Dr yet as tbh I'm really worried that they'll be horrible to me and think I'm stupid for getting pregnant while so fat :blush: Not looking forward to that really.

Other than that I'm really excited and already a bit in love with my bean :cloud9: Looking forward to getting to know you all over the coming months xx

Congrats on the baby! That's wonderful! If the doctor is mean to you, get a different one, and call him/her out on it! You are aware of your situation and seem fully committed to being as healthy as you can be during your pregnancy. Don't let anyone be rude and get away with it!

As far as gaining weight, continue following ww, but switch your plan to "maintaining weight", not losing. It's not necessarily bad to lose (since we all have plenty :)), but you don't want to focus on that. You will probably be told a 10-15 lb. gain throughout your pregnancy is healthy (sorry, I don't know what that is in UK). I was worried at first too, but then I got morning sickness, all day, every day, and lost 5 lbs. I couldn't eat anything, everything was gross. You're still early, so you probably won't get morning sickness for a few weeks (or if you are lucky, not at all!). I don't watch what I eat at all, I just eat what sounds good. I'm feeling a lot better (as far as morning sickness), but I'm still super picky. I'm lucky that I'm craving fruit and fresh veggies like crazy, but I still eat things that are not so good for me. You might also find that anything with a lot of fat (fried foods, meats, etc.) might cause you to feel sick. I definitely have that. I can't stand anything fried, bacon, or (most of the time) meat. The progesterone that you are now producing like crazy makes it hard to digest food and you will digest food more slowly. You will find that soon you stay full for a long time.

I hope this was helpful! Don't hesitate to ask anything! And congrats again!
Please may I join you ladies??

We found out we are expecting last Saturday after our first round of Clomid 14 months on from begining to TTC :whoopwhoop:

I am 25, Hubby is 27, we have been together since 2003 but met when I was 14, we got married last April. I am a UK size 20/22, I am 250lb and carry it fairly well spread as I am 5ft 10. I find it extremely hard to lose weight due to my PCOS and was going to be starting metformin this month, but obviously now I wont be :)
KEslinger I haven't heard of perinneal massage but a friend of mine was getting some sort of internal massage for a leaky bladder... like pelvic floor muscle type massage.
Perineal massage kinda helps stretch out the perineum so youre less likely (hopefully) to tear. Kinda weird but I think we are going to do it.
It would creep me out I think. I don't want anyone besides hubby getting that close (well besides the Dr of course LOL)
My OH would be the one doing it, unless I can reach around my bump that far along. I wouldnt let anyone else do that
Oh, ladies. I've had a bad week. I had my NT scan last Wednesday, and they called me Friday night to tell me we're high risk for Down Syndrome. I don't know what exactly it's based on yet, but they said at the scan that the scan measurements looked fine, so it must be the blood test results. I'm 31, will be 32 next month. Our risk is 1:20. I'm an absolute wreck about this. The number is just so high! I try to tell myself that it means that there is a 95% chance of no abnormalities, but I'm really terrified.

I have known many lovely people with DS, both personally and professionally. I grew up in a loving church family with several cherished members with DS, and I've been working with adults with developmental disabilities for almost 10 years now. What scares me is seeing their parents and caregivers, and knowing just how hard that life is. I barely feel up to the challenge of parenting a child with average needs...I'm just blown away at the thought of more. I'm just praying I don't need to find that kind of strength just yet.

I'm so scared, and I'm fighting back tears frequently. I don't know how I'm going to wait for the amnio, but we will. My husband is more even-keel, so that helps.
Aww hun I'm sure you are worried but as you have said it's a 95% chance that everything will be fine. Even if your baby does have ds you sound very level headed and like you have a great support network. All we can do is go with the hand we are dealt. Either way you will be a wonderful mother and your baby will be loved. Good luck xx
Hi all, ive been creepin the boards for awhile and figure i will share my story.. Im 26 years old an this is my first pregnancy. (yay..but which is till scary seeing how everything is new & unusual to me and all i can do is read and get opinions on things which is still not comforting all the time, lol.) well ive struggled with my weight for quite awhile.. highest reaching 315.. im 5'5" an a 1/2 or so..ish. Anyways, a few years ago when i saw that weight i flipped, that was my turning point. and by working out and eating right i got down to 176. well my weight usaully fluntuacted about 5lbs but lowest was 176. size 9/11ish in juniors.. my fav pair of pains was an 11 and i could pull em up without unbuttoning them.. amazing to me! i was so proud. and i felt wonderful. well life happens and around my last period my weight would bounce up to 190. i blamed it on pms and bloating. thru the month as id diet and eat healthy i couldnt get below 187. this was beginning of nov. day after thanksgiving i got my BFP. i was shocked but happy. now ill be 14wks tomorrow & my weight is in the 190s.. what exact weight i am idk. ha. i keep flunctuating & with all the constiation and bloated'ness idk where i am. still below 200 but thats scary to think and know i will more then likely reach that soon and be over it. its a battle in my mind and its super tough. i just want to make sure my baby is healthy.. thats all i want. but gaining alot of weight scares me. having a really hard time today cuz i just feel so.. worthless and fat. and i hate that word "fat" and im using it :/ not sure what to do.. how to cope, etc. its so crazy i lost alot of weight ..and my goal weight was 150. now i feel soo much farther away from that. and ive still got 26weeks left.. ohh im such a whiner. im sorry ..i just need someone who can relate.. my baby is my priority. obviously i know how to eat right and exercise (which ive barely done the past 2 mos) ..but things are still tough. im still overweight and was at my lowest. but im scared of all the complications ive read about being bigger an pregnant.. but then again i know plenty of woman who have had healthy babys being overweight.. its mind boggling!
I'm so glad I found this thread! You ladies are awesome.

I'm 24 and 6wk1day. I have my first appointment and bloodwork on thursday. I'm a US sz 22 and I'm scared to death. I was working on losing weight and had lost about 15lbs and then found out I was pregnant. I've continued eating healthy and doing light exercise (my dr said this was fine). But the risks of being this heavy and pregnant scare me. I just pray everything is fine with my little bean. I'm not happy with my size and even though this pregnancy was unexpected I couldn't be happier. I have a very supportive husband. I should learn to stay off the internet. I've found lots of scary statistics on there... :(

I'm scared of everything from the serious medical issues to just "will i look pregnant or just fatter?"

Anyway just hearing that I'm not alone and seeing others success stories has helped. I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies and I would love to get to know everyone a little better.

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