Plus-Size Pregnancy

Oh, ladies. I've had a bad week. I had my NT scan last Wednesday, and they called me Friday night to tell me we're high risk for Down Syndrome. I don't know what exactly it's based on yet, but they said at the scan that the scan measurements looked fine, so it must be the blood test results. I'm 31, will be 32 next month. Our risk is 1:20. I'm an absolute wreck about this. The number is just so high! I try to tell myself that it means that there is a 95% chance of no abnormalities, but I'm really terrified.

I have known many lovely people with DS, both personally and professionally. I grew up in a loving church family with several cherished members with DS, and I've been working with adults with developmental disabilities for almost 10 years now. What scares me is seeing their parents and caregivers, and knowing just how hard that life is. I barely feel up to the challenge of parenting a child with average needs...I'm just blown away at the thought of more. I'm just praying I don't need to find that kind of strength just yet.

I'm so scared, and I'm fighting back tears frequently. I don't know how I'm going to wait for the amnio, but we will. My husband is more even-keel, so that helps.

First of all... :hugs:

This is off of the website about Nuchal Translucency Screening..

"When nuchal translucency screening is done
Since NT screening must be done between weeks 11 and 14, an accurate date of conception is important for an accurate result. (A recent study found that NT scans done during week 11 were the most accurate of all because the fold is most translucent then.)

Additional tests: NT screening can be combined with blood tests for more definitive results. For example, your first trimester blood test measures free beta-hCG (a certain type of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) pregnancy protein called PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A). Low levels of PAPP-A early in pregnancy indicate increased risk of genetic abnormalities, heart problems, and preterm birth. The results of these two blood tests plus the NT screening, known as the first trimester combined screening, can be combined into one number that represents the likelihood of having a child with a genetic abnormality.

The results of an NT screen can also be combined with a second trimester blood test known as the quad screen, which tests for four entirely different markers present in the maternal bloodstream. Again, all the results can be entered into one formula, giving you one statistic. This option is called the fully integrated screen. Or you may be given the results of the first trimester screen and the quad screen separately (this is known as stepwise sequential screening)."

"Risks: Unlike more invasive genetic tests, there are no increased risks of miscarriage for the NT screen (or the accompanying first and second trimester blood tests). The biggest problem might be the anxiety they can provoke. False positives are common. So are false negatives. But try to keep it in perspective: The odds of having a completely healthy baby are overwhelmingly in your favor. The NT screen is best thought of as a decision-making tool. Before you decide whether to have this procedure, talk to your practitioner about genetic counseling to help you determine which genetic tests are right for you."

We had decided that we'd do the full integrated screening. And, either way, we'd love and accept our baby. Knowing that it'd be harder and the pregnancy would most likely have a ton more anxiety involved in it, we decided to go through with it anyway. We also decided that we would NOT go through with any further testing (CVS or amnio). We just wanted to know what our risk level was, that way we could be better prepared for any impending childcare, doctors appointments, etc. And, also give us time to "digest" the information and become further informed about caring for a special needs child. I know the risk for miscarriage is super low but for some reason it scared the crap out of me. (My mom had an amnio with me to see if my lungs were good to go early, and I'm still here!) I had read way too much on the internet about people who had positive screens, got the amnio, miscarried only to find out it was a baby with no genetic defects. **DO NOT READ THINGS ON THE INTERNET!** At the same time I did reading and found that people had negative screens and ended up with a baby who had Down's Syndrome.

For me: I got my bloodwork done on the first day possible... bad idea. When the baby measured 1 day earlier it threw off my results and I had to have my blood drawn again for first trimester bloodwork. My NT scan actually added a lot of anxiety (more so for OH). The baby was measuring fine, and the fluid was perfect, but when they submitted my info there was an error. HOWEVER, they weren't telling us anything. They were immediately on the phone with the state like they had discovered I was pregnant with a bomb or an alien that was going to invade the country. After a while OH said something and they said the baby looks fine, and my first levels were good, and what not, but there was an error with the screening. (WTF?!) That's when we learned that because the baby was off by 1 day, so was my bloodwork. Thankfully that was all for me. My second trimester bloodwork came back good, and a few weeks later we got a "negative screen" card in the mail.

A question I have for you, did you only do first trimester blood work, or have you gone in for the 2nd trimester bloodwork? (I should've looked to see if you have a ticker before I commented. Sorry!) My doctor didn't want me to have my second trimester blood work until 16 weeks... that way I'm far enough into the weeks that they want to not have another "error" with my test. They had told me that sometimes your levels can indicate high risk but after the 2nd results come back it can lower the risk a little bit? I'm not sure how accurate that is. They also told me if the first one showed high risk they would refer us to a genetics counselor and we'd be educated on and offered other tests.


Keep us updated, and keep your chin up!
Oh, ladies. I've had a bad week. I had my NT scan last Wednesday, and they called me Friday night to tell me we're high risk for Down Syndrome. I don't know what exactly it's based on yet, but they said at the scan that the scan measurements looked fine, so it must be the blood test results. I'm 31, will be 32 next month. Our risk is 1:20. I'm an absolute wreck about this. The number is just so high! I try to tell myself that it means that there is a 95% chance of no abnormalities, but I'm really terrified.

I have known many lovely people with DS, both personally and professionally. I grew up in a loving church family with several cherished members with DS, and I've been working with adults with developmental disabilities for almost 10 years now. What scares me is seeing their parents and caregivers, and knowing just how hard that life is. I barely feel up to the challenge of parenting a child with average needs...I'm just blown away at the thought of more. I'm just praying I don't need to find that kind of strength just yet.

I'm so scared, and I'm fighting back tears frequently. I don't know how I'm going to wait for the amnio, but we will. My husband is more even-keel, so that helps.

First of all... :hugs:

This is off of the website about Nuchal Translucency Screening..

"When nuchal translucency screening is done
Since NT screening must be done between weeks 11 and 14, an accurate date of conception is important for an accurate result. (A recent study found that NT scans done during week 11 were the most accurate of all because the fold is most translucent then.)

Additional tests: NT screening can be combined with blood tests for more definitive results. For example, your first trimester blood test measures free beta-hCG (a certain type of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) pregnancy protein called PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A). Low levels of PAPP-A early in pregnancy indicate increased risk of genetic abnormalities, heart problems, and preterm birth. The results of these two blood tests plus the NT screening, known as the first trimester combined screening, can be combined into one number that represents the likelihood of having a child with a genetic abnormality.

The results of an NT screen can also be combined with a second trimester blood test known as the quad screen, which tests for four entirely different markers present in the maternal bloodstream. Again, all the results can be entered into one formula, giving you one statistic. This option is called the fully integrated screen. Or you may be given the results of the first trimester screen and the quad screen separately (this is known as stepwise sequential screening)."

"Risks: Unlike more invasive genetic tests, there are no increased risks of miscarriage for the NT screen (or the accompanying first and second trimester blood tests). The biggest problem might be the anxiety they can provoke. False positives are common. So are false negatives. But try to keep it in perspective: The odds of having a completely healthy baby are overwhelmingly in your favor. The NT screen is best thought of as a decision-making tool. Before you decide whether to have this procedure, talk to your practitioner about genetic counseling to help you determine which genetic tests are right for you."

We had decided that we'd do the full integrated screening. And, either way, we'd love and accept our baby. Knowing that it'd be harder and the pregnancy would most likely have a ton more anxiety involved in it, we decided to go through with it anyway. We also decided that we would NOT go through with any further testing (CVS or amnio). We just wanted to know what our risk level was, that way we could be better prepared for any impending childcare, doctors appointments, etc. And, also give us time to "digest" the information and become further informed about caring for a special needs child. I know the risk for miscarriage is super low but for some reason it scared the crap out of me. (My mom had an amnio with me to see if my lungs were good to go early, and I'm still here!) I had read way too much on the internet about people who had positive screens, got the amnio, miscarried only to find out it was a baby with no genetic defects. **DO NOT READ THINGS ON THE INTERNET!** At the same time I did reading and found that people had negative screens and ended up with a baby who had Down's Syndrome.

For me: I got my bloodwork done on the first day possible... bad idea. When the baby measured 1 day earlier it threw off my results and I had to have my blood drawn again for first trimester bloodwork. My NT scan actually added a lot of anxiety (more so for OH). The baby was measuring fine, and the fluid was perfect, but when they submitted my info there was an error. HOWEVER, they weren't telling us anything. They were immediately on the phone with the state like they had discovered I was pregnant with a bomb or an alien that was going to invade the country. After a while OH said something and they said the baby looks fine, and my first levels were good, and what not, but there was an error with the screening. (WTF?!) That's when we learned that because the baby was off by 1 day, so was my bloodwork. Thankfully that was all for me. My second trimester bloodwork came back good, and a few weeks later we got a "negative screen" card in the mail.

A question I have for you, did you only do first trimester blood work, or have you gone in for the 2nd trimester bloodwork? (I should've looked to see if you have a ticker before I commented. Sorry!) My doctor didn't want me to have my second trimester blood work until 16 weeks... that way I'm far enough into the weeks that they want to not have another "error" with my test. They had told me that sometimes your levels can indicate high risk but after the 2nd results come back it can lower the risk a little bit? I'm not sure how accurate that is. They also told me if the first one showed high risk they would refer us to a genetics counselor and we'd be educated on and offered other tests.


Keep us updated, and keep your chin up!

Thank you so much for sharing that, and for your encouragement. :flower: I'm still worried about this, but I'm feeling more and more peaceful about what I can control and what I can't. If I had it to do over again, I do wonder if I would have opted for the screen at all. I suppose it's high-risk, high-reward--you get an extra scan and a sigh of relief most of the time, but if you get a bad result, it's hellish. I called in this morning and scheduled my genetics counseling (and likely my amnio) for February 23rd. I'll just try to maintain my calm until then, and face what's ahead when we get there.
I feel like I haven't posted in forever :/ Hope everyone is doing well. I have my 20 week scan (at 18 +5 lol) this Friday. I can't wait. Praying everything looks good and that I get confirmation on gender :)
Oh that's exciting :D I hope it all goes well on Friday. I can't wait for my scan but it's a long way off yet. Do you have a preference?
I would love a little girl. I have three sons and this is my last pregnancy for sure! :).
22w5d today! Had my check up, both me and the baby are great. For the first time they had trouble finding the heartbeat with doppler (baby was sleeping in a weird spot)... she thought she heard it but wanted to make sure, so she grabbed the ultrasound and sure enough, face down, sleeping like her normal little self. heart flickering away.

Weight gain so far = 0 (ZERO) pounds. She said "you must be sticking to a strict diet with all of that diabetes education" I replied too quickly with "no, not really." she laughed, said shes my doctor, don't tell her that. I told her about my experience with the dietician and she apologized for it.

I go back in 4 weeks for another check. Thankfully my blood pressure is great with OH is there. =) I also have my late pregnancy/preparing for post partum class the day after my appointment... and will be due for another 3 hour glucola test at that time. I start doing a kick count at 28 weeks (they gave me the kick count card) and will do a growth check at 34 weeks.

She gave me tips for my sciatic nerve problem, including different stretches. And, since I've been having acid reflux/heartburn almost daily now, and nausea at night I'm going to be taking Pepcid every night before dinner. I have to eat a smaller dinner meal and what not. Pretty helpful.

Back on pelvic rest... No sex unless I've had no bleeding/spotting for 2 weeks. LOL - I guess I'm never having sex again. (Yeah, right...) This has been going on for my WHOLE pregnancy so far and is so random and not related to anything.

Anyone elses baby kick super low? Alyssa is USUALLY in the breech position. Sometimes it feels like she's kicking my cervix lol. I can feel her roll, and if I'm taking public transit somewhere (she doesn't like something about it) she sits up higher and kicks a lot higher. Most of the time her kicks are down super low.

Hope all is well.
OMG yes @ kicking the cervix. Seems now @ 26 weeks she has switched positions but @ 22 weeks yeah I had it a lot and it was painful.
Everyone is looking so good. Rosered, please keep us posted and hugs to you. Marisa, hope it's the girl you want.
It's a girl!!! So excited :). The baby is measuring about 6 days behind but she said that is no big deal. The babies kidneys are small. She doesn't think we should be concerned and will rescan me in one month to double check. She said that they usually dont measure them until 20'weeks And since baby is measuring 17+5 that she thinks that is the reason they look small Also as of right now I have a low lying placenta. Since it is early in my pregnancy she said it could resolve itself as the uterus grows. That also will need to be checked in a month also. She was very reassuring that the baby is healthy and that I shouldnt worry about anything. I have an appt with my doctor on Tuesday and will see what he thinks. I am not overly concerned about anything. Still on cloud 9 that I am having a girl :).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
SO exciting that you finally got your girl :) hope your next scan eases your worries xx
A girl YAY!! Congratulations. I hope everything goes well at your next scan xx
It's a girl!!! So excited :). The baby is measuring about 6 days behind but she said that is no big deal. The babies kidneys are small. She doesn't think we should be concerned and will rescan me in one month to double check. She said that they usually dont measure them until 20'weeks And since baby is measuring 17+5 that she thinks that is the reason they look small Also as of right now I have a low lying placenta. Since it is early in my pregnancy she said it could resolve itself as the uterus grows. That also will need to be checked in a month also. She was very reassuring that the baby is healthy and that I shouldnt worry about anything. I have an appt with my doctor on Tuesday and will see what he thinks. I am not overly concerned about anything. Still on cloud 9 that I am having a girl :).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

A baby girl!!! CONGRATS!!!
Do you guys have any names picked out??
It's a girl!!! So excited :). The baby is measuring about 6 days behind but she said that is no big deal. The babies kidneys are small. She doesn't think we should be concerned and will rescan me in one month to double check. She said that they usually dont measure them until 20'weeks And since baby is measuring 17+5 that she thinks that is the reason they look small Also as of right now I have a low lying placenta. Since it is early in my pregnancy she said it could resolve itself as the uterus grows. That also will need to be checked in a month also. She was very reassuring that the baby is healthy and that I shouldnt worry about anything. I have an appt with my doctor on Tuesday and will see what he thinks. I am not overly concerned about anything. Still on cloud 9 that I am having a girl :).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

That is AWESOME you got your little girl :dance:
Hey guys! Its been a little bit since I posted but I'm 8 weeks 1 day pregnant (gotta fix that ticker haha). I went back for a redo dating scan and the baby looks like a little potato :haha: He/she has a strong heartbeat of 167, and already you can see that it is clearly a baby (scan was 7w6d) my daughter looked like a sweet pea at 7 weeks, not like a baby at all lol. It was so exciting. I was told I have a very anterior placenta, and the ultrasound tech was SO nice and sweet and informative. She told me everything she could. :flower: :cloud9:

I am hoping mine is still a boy! I have another appointment at 31 weeks but no ultrasound scheduled as of yet which sucks cause my baby shower will be a couple days after that. SO I won't know for sure.
I am hoping mine is still a boy! I have another appointment at 31 weeks but no ultrasound scheduled as of yet which sucks cause my baby shower will be a couple days after that. SO I won't know for sure.

What day is your baby shower? Mine is set for 4/14. :happydance: I'm excited. We've been told 3 times ours is a girl. I won't have another ultrasound until after my baby shower -- at 34 weeks, just a growth ultrasound. We MIGHT do a 4d ultrasound with the mom's sometime late March early April if we have the money for it. We'll see. It was VERY clear on ours the difference between the 2 or 3 lines of female genitalia and the umbilical cord. She also gave us a really good shot at the last ultrasound. Still a bit of a brat, if she kicks hard enough to feel it on the outside, she won't do it again. If she does she waits a LONG time and then does it in a different spot. Otherwise she's usually kicking super low.
Thanks girls! I still can't believe it's a girl. Lol. But am so excited! I actually bought a few little girl items today. It was so fun! And my husband has given me the ok to buy the bedding I want and to have fun planning her nursery!

I feel like I have so much to plan/decide. I might need a double stroller because my son will have just turned two days before she is due. I have to rearrange one of the rooms o accommodate 2 of my sons. Thankfully I have about 20 weeks to figure it out. But with three sons, all the homework and sports that comes with them and work that 20 weeks is going to FLY by!

We have a couple of names we like. Her middle name will most likely be LyAnn. Ly for my moms name Lydia and Ann after my grandma whose was Annie. Pronounced like Leann. I like the name kenley. He loves Quinn. I like it too but we have not decided on anything.
My shower is 3/11. I have not had a gender scan since 18 weeks and I was told I would get another around 30-32 weeks.
Hi everyone!!

Great news, we've been able to switch to a midwife practice here in Los Angeles. It's only 20 minutes from my work and about 5 from my father's house, so we're all excited. My OH was finally able to feel the ababy kick last night and he almost cried. We're both really starting to bond with the baby. It usually kicks very low but I'm starting to feel it higher up now, especially at night.

Has anyone else's belly button begun to shrink? I've always had a rather deep one and now I can actually see the bottom of it. It sort of weirds me out that it's disappearing.

I hope everyone has an amazing Valentine's day!
Hi ladies! I've been searching for a plus size pregnancy thread. Can I join you? I am newly pregnant and feeling a bit down that I chose to get pregnant right away instead of loosing weight first.

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