Plus-Size Pregnancy

Thanks, Kendra! OH is already at work, and it's my day off so I'll show him when he gets home. I can't wait for my 8 week ultrasound!
Hi! I am Ally and I am a us size 16 pre-pregnancy. My breasts are already growing I y feel bloated. I was really scared to start off this big pre-pregnancy. I am so glad someone made this post! Makes me feel so much better to know I am not alone.

Hi Ally! I'm an Ally too :happydance: It's great hearing from all these lovely ladies, and SOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting!

I had a second early scan today ... and there it was, in the right place! No embryo visible yet, but a good sac and yolk, dating me at 5-6 weeks, which is about one week off the LMP dating, but since I couldn't actually remember if my LMP was the 25th August or the week following, and we were going with the earlier date, it's probably right on. Got my first midwife appointment in another 2 weeks, and my 12 week scan for 24 Nov.

Feeling horrendous this afternoon post-scan, thought I was going to chuck up on the bus home from work - bleck!
I'm thinking about e-mailing my Dr... I feel like my uterus tilts or something. Some days I feel like I have to pee constantly, but not very much comes out. Other days, coincidentally the days I can pee normally, I have spotting. Weird? I think so! I'm getting used to the spotting even though it's still startling. =\
KEslinger- I love string cheese right now! (well not this morning, it tasted awful! But in general I love it!)

I've been trying my hardest to eat healthy and to be honest it hasn't been that bad. Fast food restaurants smell disgusting to me right now so they are easy to avoid. I am loving raviolis at the moment and can't stand Pizza and eggs!! I am loving being pregnant but the baby is taking over my body!!! I can't control anything anymore!
Hi Ladies! I am 29, OH 21. This is our first baby. I'm 5'10 and pre-preg US 24 at 296 lbs. I had awful morning sickness and lost almost 10 lbs before 8 weeks, but am now back to 294ish. Right now though, anything healthy tastes terrible. My baby likes cereal (Fruit Loops and Fruity Pebbles), strawberry poptarts, and crispy bacon. Its annoying really because I LOVE veggies and HATE bacon, rules the roost right now. I just hope I don't put on too much weight. Doc said I should only gain 15-20 lbs in the whole pregnancy.
Can I join! My names Chloe, I'm 21 and I'm a UK size 20. I'm just over 9 weeks pregnant with our first and so so happy :D

I saw my midwife last week and was terrified she was going to be horrible about my weight but she was fine and just said I'd need to see a consultant to keep an eye on everything but if it means the baby will be healthier from it then so be it!

My symptoms have been - Sore boobs, cramps, FATIGUE and MS!! I started a new job yesterday and not saying anything about my pregnancy and having to slip away to vomit is quite a task :haha: Sorry! I've rambled on! Wish everyone a healthy pregnancy and would love to chat and offer support to everyone here xoxo
I'm thinking about e-mailing my Dr... I feel like my uterus tilts or something. Some days I feel like I have to pee constantly, but not very much comes out. Other days, coincidentally the days I can pee normally, I have spotting. Weird? I think so! I'm getting used to the spotting even though it's still startling. =\

Honestly I would call your Doc because this sounds like a UTI or bladder infection. They can be really dangerous for baby.
Hi Ladies.. I'd love to join your thread.. I'm currently expecting my second child on June 10, 2012. My pre-pregnancy size is a US 18W.

Right now- I have hardly any symptoms right now.. Very slight nausea upon occasion, and some stretching in my lower abdomen. Otherwise- I feel great..

Looking forward to conversing with you over the next few months!
I e-mailed her and am waiting for a response. :) She typically gets back to me on the same day. I know that UTI's if left untreated can lead to kidney infections and the kidney infections can be very dangerous to the pregnancy. I don't have painful urination or blood in my urine which is a plus. It's the spotting that bothers me. Either way, I've got a message in to her to see what she wants to do. I'll probably have to go pee in a cup which is no biggie. I've never had a UTI where I didn't have pain or no blood in my urine, but then again, I've never been pregnant before either. =)
KEslinger - Don't worry too much! My SIL got a UTI early in her pregnancy and she's fine and 7 months pregnant. Hope it all goes well xoxo
I'm thinking about e-mailing my Dr... I feel like my uterus tilts or something. Some days I feel like I have to pee constantly, but not very much comes out. Other days, coincidentally the days I can pee normally, I have spotting. Weird? I think so! I'm getting used to the spotting even though it's still startling. =\

Honestly I would call your Doc because this sounds like a UTI or bladder infection. They can be really dangerous for baby.

Glad you contacted your doc -- I was going to say it sounded like a UTI to me as well. If you get tired of waiting to hear back from your doc, I believe there are OTC tests for UTIs, though perhaps they are expensive.

Also, as far as the spotting goes, on the days you spot have you had sex? I had some pink tinged CM on Saturday evening and I basically freaked out thinking it was the beginning of a M/C, but after some research discovered it's probably irritation from the sex we'd had earlier in the day. Because many new blood supplies are being built all around the uterus and cervix to support the growth there is a lot more potential for irritation and spotting.

Anyway, there are my two cents :)
Can I join! My names Chloe, I'm 21 and I'm a UK size 20. I'm just over 9 weeks pregnant with our first and so so happy :D

I saw my midwife last week and was terrified she was going to be horrible about my weight but she was fine and just said I'd need to see a consultant to keep an eye on everything but if it means the baby will be healthier from it then so be it!

My symptoms have been - Sore boobs, cramps, FATIGUE and MS!! I started a new job yesterday and not saying anything about my pregnancy and having to slip away to vomit is quite a task :haha: Sorry! I've rambled on! Wish everyone a healthy pregnancy and would love to chat and offer support to everyone here xoxo

Lollipopbop!!! You probably don't recognize me, but I recognize your name from the Soy thread! Nice to have a fellow soy-bean here :) Congrats on your BFP and welcome!!

PS: Nice to know someone a few weeks ahead of me so I can see what to expect :)
New Joiney!!!! I am 4 weeks 2 days , size 24/26. I miscarried my first in July 2011 and am now luckily pregnatn again. I got pregnant using clomid as I have PCOS and do nto ovulate on my own. We are very happy but I am very concerned that it will happen again. I am trying not to stress about it but it's tough. any ideas on how to keep my mind off things?

Also I feel lost as to what I should feel? Like my tummy hurts right now just sore and such and I am so scared somethign is not right.....

I hope to make new friends to go thru this journey with...

Nat xo
I'm thinking about e-mailing my Dr... I feel like my uterus tilts or something. Some days I feel like I have to pee constantly, but not very much comes out. Other days, coincidentally the days I can pee normally, I have spotting. Weird? I think so! I'm getting used to the spotting even though it's still startling. =\

Honestly I would call your Doc because this sounds like a UTI or bladder infection. They can be really dangerous for baby.

Glad you contacted your doc -- I was going to say it sounded like a UTI to me as well. If you get tired of waiting to hear back from your doc, I believe there are OTC tests for UTIs, though perhaps they are expensive.

Also, as far as the spotting goes, on the days you spot have you had sex? I had some pink tinged CM on Saturday evening and I basically freaked out thinking it was the beginning of a M/C, but after some research discovered it's probably irritation from the sex we'd had earlier in the day. Because many new blood supplies are being built all around the uterus and cervix to support the growth there is a lot more potential for irritation and spotting.

Anyway, there are my two cents :)

If this is a UTI its nothing like I've had before. I haven't had any issues today. It seems like the days where I'm only peeing a little at a time are the days that I'm running to pee every 30 minutes. Today's been normal, aside from my spotting. We didn't dtd last night or today. I've actually noticed that I spot on my days off when I'm just kinda relaxing around the house... sitting or lying down more. I know there are a lot of reasons for spotting, sex, straining on the toilet, further implantation, subchorionic bleeds/hematomas, and for reasons unknown! I've read and heard that 1 in 3 women have spotting during their otherwise normal pregnancy. That although it's not "normal" to have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it is quite common. A few of my friends have had spotting during the first trimester (it usually stops by the second). Either for days, weeks, or months. One of my friends actually had heavy bleeding, full red flow at 6 weeks. She was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma, and although they cannot guarantee the pregnancy, most come out of it just fine. Her little boy is 2, she's pregnant with #4, The other 2 are twins. So, I've got hope. I have no cramping, no pain, no full red flow that soaks a pad. As far as a UTI, I don't have pain during urination, no blood in my urine (even microscopically, I've done a dipstick at work), no fever. I drink a lot of water which can be the cause of the problem with the hormones and having to pee a lot. (I drink over a gallon of water a day...) We'll see what the Dr says.
It was just worrying me when you said that you have to pee but not a lot comes out. That's the symptom I was focusing on. Cause I peed every half hour the first couple weeks but I peed a LOT.
When I go all the time not a lot comes out, but I'm going all the time and probably producing close to equivalent. When I'm not going a lot, I pee more. I totally get how it sounds like a UTI, I would just hope that there'd be some other indication as well. We'll see. Nothing from my doctor yet. Usually when I have a UTI I have bloody urine (like, almost cranberry juice color). And, if I'm having kidney stone issues then I guess I have similar urination patterns, but it usually hurts. It just doesn't fall into any category in particular. LOL
I went to the dr the day I got my bfp because I was going to toilet loads but not much coming out, I wasn't in pain it was sooo annoying tho! Also was getting cramps but input that down to my bfp!!! Anyway found out I had a urine infection got a weeks antibiotics and now I'm back to normal! Oh and I did say I got a bfp at the app cause I already knew :)
I went to the dr the day I got my bfp because I was going to toilet loads but not much coming out, I wasn't in pain it was sooo annoying tho! Also was getting cramps but input that down to my bfp!!! Anyway found out I had a urine infection got a weeks antibiotics and now I'm back to normal! Oh and I did say I got a bfp at the app cause I already knew :)

That's good to know. My doctor wrote back last night saying I can go to the lab to do a urinalysis. She didn't think it sounded like a UTI but it more than willing to check things out.
When I go all the time not a lot comes out, but I'm going all the time and probably producing close to equivalent. When I'm not going a lot, I pee more. I totally get how it sounds like a UTI, I would just hope that there'd be some other indication as well. We'll see. Nothing from my doctor yet. Usually when I have a UTI I have bloody urine (like, almost cranberry juice color). And, if I'm having kidney stone issues then I guess I have similar urination patterns, but it usually hurts. It just doesn't fall into any category in particular. LOL

I've had he unfortunate experience of having 2 UTI's already this pregnancy, and up until now I've never had one before:dohh: The only symptom I had both times was that I had to pee all the time but only a teensie bit came out and um.. TMI but.. my girl bits were tender lol

Update 11/11/11 ( oh i totally forgot about that date lol how cool! )
I had my first official ob appt since the whole botched ultrasound fiasco yesterday. Got my loverly blood drawn, and doc had a bit of trouble finding beans heartbeat on doppler.. though my OH and I heard it loud and clear for a sec before doc moved the wand.. He's 65 so me thinks he's growing hard of hearing lol
I am waiting for a call to schedule my NT scan next week at the 12 week mark ( i'm 11 weeks 2 days today 11/12) and doc said I'll have a level 3 ultrasound at 16 weeks because of my age. He doesn't like to do the cvs or the amnio unless he absolutely has to because there are still risks and he doesn't want to take them unless there is no other options. So I'm a little nervous I admit but I'm looking forward to hopefully actually being able to see this next scan as opposed to having to stare at my OH's face to see reactions lol:happydance:
When I go all the time not a lot comes out, but I'm going all the time and probably producing close to equivalent. When I'm not going a lot, I pee more. I totally get how it sounds like a UTI, I would just hope that there'd be some other indication as well. We'll see. Nothing from my doctor yet. Usually when I have a UTI I have bloody urine (like, almost cranberry juice color). And, if I'm having kidney stone issues then I guess I have similar urination patterns, but it usually hurts. It just doesn't fall into any category in particular. LOL

I've had he unfortunate experience of having 2 UTI's already this pregnancy, and up until now I've never had one before:dohh: The only symptom I had both times was that I had to pee all the time but only a teensie bit came out and um.. TMI but.. my girl bits were tender lol

Update 11/11/11 ( oh i totally forgot about that date lol how cool! )
I had my first official ob appt since the whole botched ultrasound fiasco yesterday. Got my loverly blood drawn, and doc had a bit of trouble finding beans heartbeat on doppler.. though my OH and I heard it loud and clear for a sec before doc moved the wand.. He's 65 so me thinks he's growing hard of hearing lol
I am waiting for a call to schedule my NT scan next week at the 12 week mark ( i'm 11 weeks 2 days today 11/12) and doc said I'll have a level 3 ultrasound at 16 weeks because of my age. He doesn't like to do the cvs or the amnio unless he absolutely has to because there are still risks and he doesn't want to take them unless there is no other options. So I'm a little nervous I admit but I'm looking forward to hopefully actually being able to see this next scan as opposed to having to stare at my OH's face to see reactions lol:happydance:

I think your preggo brain is getting the best of you... it's October not November :) so 10/11/11 :)

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