DANG! I accidently deleted my whole post. LOL
I've noticed that since my
I've become a POAS. More so the day of or after spotting. So, today (6w1d) I took a couple tests, and took pictures!
I'm all out of pregnancy tests so my ovulation ones will have to do!
Here is a wondo LH. The
control line is closest to the colored handle:
Here's a positive ClearBlue Digital:
And, the test strip for the digital. The
test line is closest to the pink arrow:
Before hand when I'd get a positive, when I'd eject the stick the lines would be alot lighter in color and also have some bleeding of dye between the two lines.
For more fun, I used our pictures on morphthing.com and made us some babies. It always gives us a baby boy, and then a little girl.
Here's the baby boy:
With a chubbier face than both of us (lol, I sure hope so!) he has dads hair color and eye color. A mix of our noses, dad's brows, mom's shape of eyes, mom's lips.
And for the girl:
Dad's nose and mouth. Kinda my eye color - mine are more green than blue and the picture shows a greenish hazel I guess, curly hair like me (dad's hair is curly too but not in the pics, he keeps it short so it doesn't curl), dad's shape eyes, closer to dads hair color, similar brows to me.
Check out morphthing.com and post your babies ladies. It's fun! You know it's not completely accurate but fun to see both of you in a baby photo. I clicked on baby and it always gave me a boy so I then made another and clicked on girl.