Plus-Size Pregnancy

I found out I was pregnant at around 6 weeks I think. I told my husband first of course - then my mom the next day - can't wait to tell my mom! I ended up telling the people I lunch with at work the next day too LOL. I know - stupid but I couldn't help myself. They were all excited though. We told daughter after our first ultrasound which was at the end of the 8th week. We let daughter tell husband's parents after :). Then we just kind of told whomever. Miscarriage isn't a huge concern as I don't know that I've had any problems in the past - not that I am aware anyway. So we just told people earlier than some I suppose.
HalfThyme - Of course I remember :D Yay for Soy babies! I hope the other girls from the thread all join us soon. How is everything going? Feeling pregnant? xoxo

I still can't believe how many soy BFPs there were....I guess if you do the percentage of posters vs. BFPs on that thread, it's probably still pretty low, but it always seemed like a lucky thread to me. :)

No...don't really feel pregnant. Had some cramps last week that my sister told me were normal and I'm super bloated, that's it. Both my sisters had horrible morning sickness with all their pregnancies, so I'm kinda just waiting for that to hit....although it would sure be nice if it didn't!

How's pregnancy treating you? Have you had a scan yet?

Yeah, I like to think that thread is lucky! It was for me as I wouldn't of tried Soy otherwise.

Don't worry about the cramps, I worried but I had them from O til about 7-8 weeks so all normal :D

I'm feeling oh so pregnant right now haha! MS like it's no bodies business, sore boobs and always tired :haha: I have my scan on October 31st! I cannot wait! I've only had one midwife appointment so far but the time is going quickly :D xoxo
Oh and I've only told our families and one friend, going to wait until I'm at least 12 weeks to let the world know haha xoxo
I did a urine dipstick at work today and it looks as if I do have a UTI. Unfortunate part is that my Dr. ordered the urinalysis and said the lab was open until 7... well we got there at 6:40 and they were closed. Now I have to figure out how to get there tomorrow to pee in a cup and get antibiotics after the results post (probably Saturday). Nerve racking! Gah. On top of that my bladder was freaking exploding by the time we got there, so I had to pee there, and found spotting again. BOO! It seemed pinkish red, and my heart sank. After I got home it returned to the pink that I'm so used to seeing and then at about nothing now. I think that it looks brighter if I catch it right as it happens? I dunno.
I think spotting is common with uti's in pregnancy, you have to consider the extra blood flow and sensitivity of your lady-parts that could aggravate your sensitive skin and cause bleeding. hopefully you just caught it pretty quickly and a round of antibiotics will do the trick!!
I think spotting is common with uti's in pregnancy, you have to consider the extra blood flow and sensitivity of your lady-parts that could aggravate your sensitive skin and cause bleeding. hopefully you just caught it pretty quickly and a round of antibiotics will do the trick!!

Yeah, I hope so. I've gotta get back out to the lab today. A girl who got a BFP in one of my lucky threads saw me in firstrimester and messaged me. It was kinda nice knowing that someone remembered me. LOL. Apparently she had spotting all the way through 14 weeks (she's 20 something weeks now). I used to get so irritated in those threads. I'd start a thread and all but me would get a bfp. I'd start another one, and sure enough! Not me!!!

I know that the spotting can be related directly to a UTI, or many other things. I just need to learn to relax about it, but my baby is in there!!! LOL. It's so hard not to freak out about it ever now and then. My skin has gotten a lot more sensitive. I had to do the floors at work yesterday (clean the hospital) and by the time I was done I had a rash on my hand. I'm allergic to latex but didn't touch any. I had no clue where it came from. I took a benadryl and it went away. :thumbup: Unforunate part of that was that I was exhausted for the rest of the day and fell asleep in a chair outside for a few at lunch. Oops. I've been told that spotting can just "happen" with no known reason. And then there can be a subchorionic hematoma, fluctuations in hormones, increased blood supply to the pelvis, straining, sex/pap smear, further burrowing of the embryo into the uterine lining, infection or inflammation of the cervix or vagina etc. I don't know how many times I've read pages 137-140 in my What to Expect book. I'll feel better at my 8 week appointment when we can see the baby.
Hello all,

I am size 18-20 (US) and weighed 252lbs at the time I found out I was pregnant. My weight is due to having 44 DDD breasts plus I am 5ft 10 1/2 inches tall. The doctors told me that I should not gain more than 11-15 lbs throughout my pregnancy but I have already since that appt gained 4lbs and thats with the addition of the MS monster.

BTW: I am due 6/5/2012, does anyone want to be bump buddies???
Tunechis -- your avatar cracks me up!! Totally made me smile this morning -- just what I needed!! Welcome to the board! I've put on 2 lbs in the past week or so, and I'm almost positive it's just the all the maybe that's the cause for you as well?
I haven't put on any yet. Still below what I started at, not dieting, and no morning sickness yet. Somedays my lower belly looks smaller, some days it looks bigger. It feels heavier/bigger but yet isn't.

I'm trying not to gain weight until the second/third trimester. Wish me luck with that one. LOL. We're going to go shopping today and I'm going to pick up some healthier foods. The pizza I ate last night is enough to cause some bloating for me. (Me and bread don't get along well)

I know I shouldn't be too concerned about weight starting out, but, because I'm starting off so big I really don't want to gain more than what's recommended. We'll see how that goes.
Got our BFP at 3+3 told OH and my mom. Waited a week and then told his parents. Waited another week and told siblings. The next week it was aunts and uncles/grandparents. At 7 weeks told some close friends and cousins. Work found out at 8+5, so we just told everyone else after work found out. I would have been mad as I had only told one person at work and they blabbed but we had a scan at 8+1 and everything was great. I am worried that we won't get our next scan until 18-20 weeks because Glasgow is cheap/understaffed blah blah blah I just was looking forward to a 12 week scan. :shrug:
DANG! I accidently deleted my whole post. LOL
I've noticed that since my :bfp: I've become a POAS. More so the day of or after spotting. So, today (6w1d) I took a couple tests, and took pictures!:haha:

I'm all out of pregnancy tests so my ovulation ones will have to do!

Here is a wondo LH. The control line is closest to the colored handle:
6w1d LH.jpg

Here's a positive ClearBlue Digital:
6w1d smiley.jpg

And, the test strip for the digital. The test line is closest to the pink arrow:
inside digital 6w1d.jpg

Before hand when I'd get a positive, when I'd eject the stick the lines would be alot lighter in color and also have some bleeding of dye between the two lines. :thumbup:

For more fun, I used our pictures on and made us some babies. It always gives us a baby boy, and then a little girl.

Here's the baby boy:
With a chubbier face than both of us (lol, I sure hope so!) he has dads hair color and eye color. A mix of our noses, dad's brows, mom's shape of eyes, mom's lips.

And for the girl:
Dad's nose and mouth. Kinda my eye color - mine are more green than blue and the picture shows a greenish hazel I guess, curly hair like me (dad's hair is curly too but not in the pics, he keeps it short so it doesn't curl), dad's shape eyes, closer to dads hair color, similar brows to me.

Check out and post your babies ladies. It's fun! You know it's not completely accurate but fun to see both of you in a baby photo. I clicked on baby and it always gave me a boy so I then made another and clicked on girl.
Tunechis -- your avatar cracks me up!! Totally made me smile this morning -- just what I needed!! Welcome to the board! I've put on 2 lbs in the past week or so, and I'm almost positive it's just the all the maybe that's the cause for you as well?

LOL. Glad I could be of some assistance. :thumbup:

You and I aren't too many days apart. How are your symptoms? Is the nausea killing you yet?
Had my first scan today!! So far, so good! Bean is measuring right on target and it's heartbeat was 171bpm. My OB is very optimistic! I have no infections or anything, so as long as I keep keeping my blood sugar under control he doesnt forsee there being any complications. I have another appt for 2wks from now for another scan since that is the period of time where we had the loss last time. And then after that I will no longer see this OB. He is referring me to the high risk specialist at this point and he said I will get so many scans during this PG that I will be sick of them! Lol! Anyway, here's my little bean!


  • bean.jpg
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Tunechis -- we ARE close! Although, I'm just going by the doctor's "last menstrual cycle" date calculation. While TTC I tracked my BBT for 10 months so I know the day we conceived and I'm pretty sure that makes me a week earlier than my ticker says I am. Still close though! :) No nausea....some difficulty eating at times, but no sickness yet. I'm sure it will rear its ugly head soon enough though. The only other symptoms I've had are some pretty hefty mood swings, cramps, bloating and backache. I keep checking the positive HPT I took two weeks ago to make sure I really got a BFP and I'm not crazy! How long have you been having the nausea? More importantly, have you found anything that helps? :)

Brandys -- WOOHOO congrats!! That's cool that you get another scan in 2 weeks! Random question -- was this scan transvaginal?
What a wonky. I haven't been sleeping well at night at all and so this morning I decided to take a little nap before I went to my class. Woke up an hour later having to pee ( story of my life right now lol) and then came the heart attack. Bright red blood and not just a little but a lot. Trying to stay calm I cleaned myself up and waited a few mins and checked again. More Bright red blood. At this point I told my boyfriend that I was bleeding.. well of course he too freaked out. I called the OB who told me to come in immediately. I was a wreck and he did an internal exam on me and said " honey you're not bleeding vaginally" .. of course I was like huh what do you mean of course I am.
It seems the darn antibiotic I was on 2 weeks ago for my UTI caused an external yeast infection to which I had 0 symptoms until today.. apparently it caused my girl bits to be inflamed and caused a small tear to start profusely bleeding. Talk about feeling like an idiot and a hypochondriac :wacko:
I will be so glad once this little one is born because this pregnancy is going to scare to pieces everyday lol:haha:
Had my first scan today!! So far, so good! Bean is measuring right on target and it's heartbeat was 171bpm. My OB is very optimistic! I have no infections or anything, so as long as I keep keeping my blood sugar under control he doesnt forsee there being any complications. I have another appt for 2wks from now for another scan since that is the period of time where we had the loss last time. And then after that I will no longer see this OB. He is referring me to the high risk specialist at this point and he said I will get so many scans during this PG that I will be sick of them! Lol! Anyway, here's my little bean!

Yay Bean pics are awesome :) Funny I call mine Bean also..and wow your heart rate was nice and high! Mine at 10 weeks was going between 145-165
What a wonky. I haven't been sleeping well at night at all and so this morning I decided to take a little nap before I went to my class. Woke up an hour later having to pee ( story of my life right now lol) and then came the heart attack. Bright red blood and not just a little but a lot. Trying to stay calm I cleaned myself up and waited a few mins and checked again. More Bright red blood. At this point I told my boyfriend that I was bleeding.. well of course he too freaked out. I called the OB who told me to come in immediately. I was a wreck and he did an internal exam on me and said " honey you're not bleeding vaginally" .. of course I was like huh what do you mean of course I am.
It seems the darn antibiotic I was on 2 weeks ago for my UTI caused an external yeast infection to which I had 0 symptoms until today.. apparently it caused my girl bits to be inflamed and caused a small tear to start profusely bleeding. Talk about feeling like an idiot and a hypochondriac :wacko:
I will be so glad once this little one is born because this pregnancy is going to scare to pieces everyday lol:haha:

OMG. I can't even imagine! I'm glad it nothing! Unfortunately my spotting is vaginally - I've checked. I'm either going to spot for my first trimester, or it's due to a possible UTI. We'll see later. It's SO hard to get used to but I have a feeling all will be well. You'd think that with all of my midcycle spotting in the last 10 months, and then pretty much spotting from 4dpo til now I'd be used to it.

What antibiotic did they put you on? I'm going to have to get a probiotic or eat a ton of yogurt if they put me on an antibiotic. I don't want to risk the yeast infection. It seems like once you're in the clear there's always something else to worry about. I need to learn to relax. Last night OH shared with my that my spotting freaks him out, too. He'd never let on that it worried him at all. He kept telling me that it's common, everything I hear and try to tell everyone else. Haha. I really need a chill pill. Haha
They had me on 10 days ( 4 times a day) ampicillin for the UTI. It was weird because they only symptom I had with it was some light spotting which after 3 days on the antibiotic and that was light pink the whole time. I only freaked because this was bright red blood and even the OB told me I was allowed to freak out for red blood lol I told him had it been pink I'd never even have called them. My OH freaked worse then I did.. he drove like a crazy man the whole way there.. I kept telling him honey slow down lol Just glad the NT scan is next wednesday and hopefully this time I get to actually see the Bean :)
Mine's been keeping everything bottled up to be stronger or more supportive for me. I was actually relieved to know he was freaked out about the spotting. I love it when it's gone for a few days, I'm like "phew!" but then sure enough, it returns. I wonder if my spotting will go away after treatment. That would be amazing. I'd freak out about red blood too. I had some blood the other day on the TP, just about red, like at the start of your period. Flipped out. My heart sank. And, I went and took a nap. My doctor had told me not to worry, even about fresh blood, unless it's enough to soak a pad, or is accompanied by cramps, a fever, that sorta thing. Everytime it's more than super scanty spotting my heart sinks. That happens like once or twice a week. It'll be enough where if I push up around the opening with the TP the part of the TP that goes there comes out bloody... pinkish-red, or all pink. But then if I do it again or put a finger in to check it's almost completely gone which is relieving. Good luck with your scan. I'm going nuts waiting for mine!
What a wonky. I haven't been sleeping well at night at all and so this morning I decided to take a little nap before I went to my class. Woke up an hour later having to pee ( story of my life right now lol) and then came the heart attack. Bright red blood and not just a little but a lot. Trying to stay calm I cleaned myself up and waited a few mins and checked again. More Bright red blood. At this point I told my boyfriend that I was bleeding.. well of course he too freaked out. I called the OB who told me to come in immediately. I was a wreck and he did an internal exam on me and said " honey you're not bleeding vaginally" .. of course I was like huh what do you mean of course I am.
It seems the darn antibiotic I was on 2 weeks ago for my UTI caused an external yeast infection to which I had 0 symptoms until today.. apparently it caused my girl bits to be inflamed and caused a small tear to start profusely bleeding. Talk about feeling like an idiot and a hypochondriac :wacko:
I will be so glad once this little one is born because this pregnancy is going to scare to pieces everyday lol:haha:

AHHH SO SCARY!!! Glad everything turned out okay......I'm not a fan of being a hypochondriac either, but when it comes down to it, I'd much rather feel stupid than lose the bean, ya know? You totally did the right thing....glad it's all ok!

PS: I love that you use the term "girl bits" lol......I say "tender bits" a lot

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