Plus-Size Pregnancy

hey gals.. well, i need someone to talk to and i know i havent always talked much on here at all.. but im having a hard time and need some who can kind of relate to me, im sorry to bother but im almost in tears. and its kind of pathetic of me i think to feel this way, like i shouldnt but im not sure how to be better at excepting it .. and of course its dealing with my weight. unfortuatley i dont know exactaly how much i gained but i have a rough estimate, i think i started off about 190(ish?). (i had a gain before pregnancy but not sure exactaly how much) (used to weight over 300 a few yrs ago. got down to 177-182 was my norm after.) now im almost 25 wks and my weight is between 210-215 some days! this month i was even really being careful making sure to get my walking in everyday, i dont drink cokes or eat a bunch of junk, every now & then of course ill give in and have something tempting but not an everyday thing. i eat pretty healthy most the time, but still.. i said in a post i KNOW its different for everyone, i know there will be some that ate the same and gained 15 lbs and one who gained 40-- it just depends on your bodies, genetics, etc. and you would think something would click inside my head but its still tough. im scared im gaining too fast, too much, i mean my weight jumped up 5 lbs in a month! my BP isnt high, i feel like i am retaining water since when i wear my ankle socks they leave lil indentions around my ankle, which have been doin that since i was hardly 12 weeks. but i dont have any other symtomps that would maybe be pre-e .. i am gonna have my doc check my thyroid b/c i know pregnancy can throw that out of wack. but, i guess im just having a pity on myself, and thanks for reading this if you did.. yall are such a supportive group. just having a hard time coping, i know yall have did good on your weight with things ive read and im jealous! what are you doin? any input, advice would be GREATLY appriciated.. thanks again for reading
Pnf, I don't have advice but I too am curious as I feel like a whale. I am bigger than you to start which means I shouldn't really be gaining bit I so am!! I'm only 16 weeks and I feel huge... My avatar was taken on Wednesday!
I know its hard. :hugs: try not to focus on the number. Pregnancy is not a time to worry about that. Do what you can to a healthy momma and grow a healthy baby. I know how hard it is. I am petrified of getting heavier, but I know that I will. I know you know all these things too. I guess I really don't have any advise just wanted to let you know you are not alone.
First of all... :hugs:
Now, on to the nitty gritty. They recommend ranges for us to gain because they want to keep the weight gain down to try and keep risks down. It's true that at a higher weight we are at increased chances of risks, but, in every pregnancy, big and small there are many risks. Unforunately that's part of being pregnant. As is gaining weight. For whatever reason I lost weight at first. It's true that pregnancy can mess with your metabolism either slowing it or increasing it. I totally understand your frustration about seeing that number climb on the scale. When I started out (at my LMP) I was 286 pounds, heavier than I've ever been. I'm terrified of seeing 300 before I finish out this pregnancy. Then, in the first trimester without morning sickness I lost 10 pounds. Now, I'm back up to 286 at home, or 289 on the scale at the doctor (damn clothes!). I gained about 3 pounds in 3 weeks. It's recommended when you're as big as I am to gain only half a pound per week. My doctor hasn't said ANYTHING about my weight... except for the comment that I must be watching what I eat really well. (why, yes I do. I see it in my hand, watch it go to my mouth, and then watch it add up on the scale. hah). Honestly, though. Don't worry too much about it. Everyone's body reacts differently to pregnancy. Remember to eat healthy. About the swelling, as long as it's mild it's not a big deal, just watch it. If it gets worse let your doctor know. Being too active can also cause swelling. I've been working at the front desk for 3 weeks and then had to do a shift in the pharmacy yesterday (which involved standing/walking 10 hours). I didn't have excessive swelling but I did have some swelling around my ankles. My doctor said as soon as you get home, put your feet up. Not just on the ottoman but elevated above your heart. If the swelling goes down, great. If not let them know. Pregnancy is both a beautiful and terrifying experience. Do realize that a gain of 1 pound per week is "normal" in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Do they want you to gain all that much? When you're bigger, most likely not, but sometimes it's inevitable. Just know that it's normal. And, if you gain in a healthy way, it's also a lot easier to lose it. There's another girl who was about 160 when she started... she gained 40-50 pounds during her pregnancy... and after giving birth (she didn't have a number) but picture showed that everything went right back to normal. Relax a little. As long as everything else is going great, you're fine! Other girls on here have gained more as well, nothing to worry about. If you have more worries or it just doesn't let up on you check in with your doctor. They'll probably have you talk to someone about nutrition, but you sound fine to me. And, I would totally love to be at your weight! LOL. I can't wait until this baby is out so I can start losing weight.
thank yall for your response, i appriciate it! i am going to ask my DR a few questions weds when i go in (also its for my gestational diabetes test..oh what fun.) have him check a few things for me, i know last month my weight did this too, it jumped up to 216, then a few days later at the DRs office it was 211 (which was 210 on my home scales) and now this morning jumped up again to 216, about 3wks later SO i want to figure out something, or just come to the realization that my body is totally wonky and i will never know what to expect from it! til then.. bad part is im flying home for 10 days and i will have my momma & daddys southern home cooking and a babyshower (hello CAKE!) and i cant imagine how much weight i might pack on :( im trying to be healthy but i figured what the heck when i go down there i was going to embrace the pregnancy (lol) and was going to try to be as reasonable as possible with the eating, but get the comfort food i havent had in awhile ... ahh temptations.. SUCK! THEN i weighed myself this morning and wanted to crawl in a hole and cry,cry,cry..
Remember also that the conditions in your womb set the baby for life. Many studies have shown that if you restrict calories while pregnant in an effort to stall weight gain you essentially 'set' your child's metabolisim in starvation mode. If you eat healthily you set it to function normally. Just remember wholesome foods and water, plus evrything else in moderation. Don't feel guilty about that slice of cake, just make it a small one after you've eaten your other food.

It's so difficult to gain weight when your whole life has been an effort to lose, but I think of those extra pounds helping to support my baby and it lessens the sting.
Remember also that the conditions in your womb set the baby for life. Many studies have shown that if you restrict calories while pregnant in an effort to stall weight gain you essentially 'set' your child's metabolisim in starvation mode. If you eat healthily you set it to function normally. Just remember wholesome foods and water, plus evrything else in moderation. Don't feel guilty about that slice of cake, just make it a small one after you've eaten your other food.

It's so difficult to gain weight when your whole life has been an effort to lose, but I think of those extra pounds helping to support my baby and it lessens the sting.

very well worded
I got down to 213 last summer. It was the smallest I have been in at least 10 years, down from an all time high of somewhere over 320 (I stopped weighing then, I just couldn't face it. Probably went to 350 if I'm being honest). I was SO excited! Then I had a miscarriage in August, and I gained 20 lbs in about a month. I got pregnant again in October and have put on another 20 lbs almost. Actually, I lost about 10 lbs in the beginning, but gained it back plus 20! :cry: So now I sit here, weighed 248 yesterday when I went to my appt. When I saw the number on the scale the first thought I had was of last summer when I saw that 213 on the scale. I was sad for a min. Then a few min. later I was laying in the dark looking at this beautiful little girl in her 4d glory and I realized that if I gain more than I want (which I already have) then it is still worth it. I am trying hard to control it because I am a type II diabetic, and it just isn't good for either of us for me to gain too much, but I will lose the weight when she gets here, and she is def. worth the trouble! :cloud9:
At this point you're already pregnant, and since they are so different from one another there is no telling how much weight you will gain by the end. With that said, your doctor will tell you if your weight is concerning. I started out my pregnancy at 242. That is within 10 lbs of the highest I've ever been. I am currently 262, so a 20 lb gain, and my doctor has never said anything about my weight. If your doctor isn't saying anything its probably a good thing. And don't worry about the weight fluctuation, preggos retain a LOT of water, I have fluctuated 7 lbs in a day before.
I have also fluctuated 5 lbs in a day! Try not to worry about it to much. If you are eating right and still gaining there isn't much you can do. Now if you are eating bad and gaining you know what the problem is. Try and relax and enjoy being pregnant! :)
I am 33, just found out I am pregnant (yay!!) and when I weighed myself last week I was just shy of 19st! I have put on about a stone since christmas as I lost a baby at christmas and I was comfort eating! I am just hoping that my bean is sticky xx
I am 33, just found out I am pregnant (yay!!) and when I weighed myself last week I was just shy of 19st! I have put on about a stone since christmas as I lost a baby at christmas and I was comfort eating! I am just hoping that my bean is sticky xx

Welcome, and congrats on the BFP!
Hey Ladies! How is everyone doing?

For some reason I had a bunch of Braxton Hicks yesterday in clusters... Some at work and some at my childbirth prep class. OH can tell when they happen and he says that it scares him. LOL I tend to put my hand on my belly, my face changes for the contraction and then it goes away. They're not painful but some of them put a lot more pressure in my belly not just tension.

I'm not sure how I feel about our Childbirth Prep class. So far we've been in about 5 hours (2 out of 5 classes), and really haven't learned too much. There's a breathing method that I like, the other 2 would probably have me passed out, they were much lighter faster breaths. We learned some counter-pressure last night but OH had already been doing that to my back on nights that it's "out". It sucked, practicing that in class and the right side of my lower back was killing me anytime he touched it. We learned the "rain" massage technique last week. All of the terms and anatomy and what not are relatively easy to already know with the internet and other resources. Next week we're supposed to learn more "floor exercises"... we'll see. There's a lot of meditative stuff that doesn't seem to work on me, but, I know the class is for EVERYONE not just me. I already know how to use the exercise/birthing ball to move the baby down and for relaxation. She showed us that last night. I think because the classes are so late at night and on a Monday after work is part of the reason I'm not digging it much. OH and I know how to center eachother so I'm hoping a few other skills will be taught before the end of the class. I should read all of the stuff today and figure out what we'll be doing. Haha

After talking to my doctor and going over my situation she strongly recommended an epidural. We went over how my hospital stay will most likely go, and fetal monitoring etc.

OH wants me to relax today but there are things to be done! lol It's like mini-nesting going on.

And, I know my due date is June 8th, but for some reason I keep saying June 6th. Weird. should relax :) But I can't relax when I know I have things to do. My husband says I nest through my whole pregnancy. He is right, I do :)
I WISH my nesting would kick in. Or rather I wish an energy burst that would allow me to properly nest would kick in. I have had absolutely no energy for weeks and weeks. It doesn't help that I have had the most horrible heartburn every night and baby girl likes to have dance raves and jujitsu exhibitions at 1am. My house is slowly falling apart. My OH works super long hours and then comes home and helps me clean. Makes me feel terrible.
I have been having loads of baby dreams. The most recurring is a dream that the baby has flipper arms and legs and sometimes also had razor like teeth as a result of me taking unisom for morning sickness. The other most frequent dream is twins. Which wouldn't be bad the idea just scares me. I think I need to ask my doctor to bring in the ultra sound machine and show me all is well at my next appt.
I have been having loads of baby dreams. The most recurring is a dream that the baby has flipper arms and legs and sometimes also had razor like teeth as a result of me taking unisom for morning sickness. The other most frequent dream is twins. Which wouldn't be bad the idea just scares me. I think I need to ask my doctor to bring in the ultra sound machine and show me all is well at my next appt.

With my first son I had a dream I gave birth to a kitten :haha:
I wish I had the energy to keep up with the "nesting" instincts. blah. I start to do stuff and then have to sit down and chill for a few.

We're getting rid of a lot of stuff, so, I feel like I'm moving crap from one room to another. I need to get OH to take stuff to the dumpster tonight or tomorrow while I'm at work. Can't stand the clutter. Though, I think we're supposed to go to his mom's after work tomorrow for his birthday. I don't even know. LOL.

We have 6 weeks left and I want everything done by the time I go on maternity leave in 2 weeks. EVERYTHING. Aside from washing of the clothes/bedding, I'll so that as soon as I start my leave. I need to pack bags and ah! I'm running out of time!
Today is our baby shower hosted by my OH's parents and I feel anxiety because its going to be HOT and I will not be outside in the sun no matter who thinks I should. They're also not having cake because they don't eat it. :( is it bad form if I bring cupcakes??? :)

I've been too tired to clean and my OH is too busy doing other things. I work an 8 1/2 hour day and have an hour commute each way. I'm up at 4:30am, home by 5:30, and in bed by 7:30. I also have to squeeze in an hour of exercise (preferably walking) every day now too-I don't have time to clean. He's up at 2am and off work at 10am. He goes to his parent's house to eat and play with his nephew but is usually home by 1pm. I'd understand if he was sleeping the rest of the day but he's either playing video games orbuilding stuff for his aquarium. I physically can't clean anymore, its too painful to bend and reach and he just doesn't make time. I don't know what to do. I'll start cleaning and he'll tell me to stop but he never picks up where I left off. I think we need a maid. Lol.

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