Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

::cricket cricket:: How's everyone doing? I'm 4dpo and crampy. Since I have a short LP and I'm already feeling PMSy, I'm probably out this month. Bah.
Good afternoon ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. I started to get frustrated so I had to step away. With that said. I'm a few days past O, but I didn't really monitor anything so I'm not really sure when I O'd and I'm pretty sure we missed the window anyway. Though I have some slight pinching on my right side which is unusual. But I'm trying to to think about it. lol. AF should be arriving around the 18th so we shall see.

Expecting, Glad you finally O'd! I hate when we don't know whats going on! So frustrating! Sorry about your cramps :(
would like to join this thread if I may?

I am currently cd16, not entirely sure if I ovulated yet - but if i have it was likely yesterday or today based on my last Clomid cycle.

diagnosed with PCOS - this is only my second round of Clomid 50mg
Charlie, I totally hear that. DH is about over this and says I need to relax. So, if it doesn't happen this month, I seriously need to reevaluate my insanity levels.

Welcome SPJD! I'd encourage you to temp because it'll help you make sure you ARE ovulating and give you a better timeline of it all.

7DPO and just sitting here. FX...
Welcome SPJD!

Expecting, I'm out. AF showed up on the 9th (yesterday) a week early. Maybe my cycle is changing? Who knows. blarg. How are you doing?

I think that taking some time really helped me out. It was nice not worrying about anything lol.
Welcome SPJD!

Expecting, I'm out. AF showed up on the 9th (yesterday) a week early. Maybe my cycle is changing? Who knows. blarg. How are you doing?

I think that taking some time really helped me out. It was nice not worrying about anything lol.

a week early? are you sure its AF??? my IB was like light period.. not trying to get hopes up, just want you to make sure :)
Charlie - GREAT new pic! :) We're taking time off next month, too. FX - maybe it is IB!

Lauren - how are you feeling?!?! Have you told the world yet?

AF will arrive tomorrow (temp hit coverline today, which means AF tomorrow and I'm 11DPO - so right on time.) I'm going to VT for a long weekend over the "fertile period" phase for me, so we'll be out - like it or not. I'm looking forward to the break, honestly.
Charlie - GREAT new pic! :) We're taking time off next month, too. FX - maybe it is IB!

Lauren - how are you feeling?!?! Have you told the world yet?

AF will arrive tomorrow (temp hit coverline today, which means AF tomorrow and I'm 11DPO - so right on time.) I'm going to VT for a long weekend over the "fertile period" phase for me, so we'll be out - like it or not. I'm looking forward to the break, honestly.

Im feeling ok.. 16 week apt is Wednesday..cant come soon enough..feel like my belly stopped growing! lol.. I don't know.. paranoid mess over here, but yes, everyone knows :)
and keep in mind..i conceived on our "break" lol. one time it took and it wasn't even legit! hahahah.. I mean..i got up right away to shower and it was only once that week.. crazy.. so it can happen!
also, at least your LPs are long enough!!!
Well, I was averaging between 9-11 days for a LP. I should start tomorrow giving me an 11 day. I took B6 for 6 weeks but it was messing up my ovulation so I stopped it about 2 weeks ago. I'm not going to do a damn thing in April. No temping, no charting, no nothing....or so I keep telling myself. LOL

I'm sure I'll be equally as paranoid when I get there, too. So excited for your appt, though! Do you get to know the gender then?!
I don't think it was messing up your ovulation..more like neutralizing your cycle.. but its ok if you don't take it :) I tried everything under the sun, sometimes its just the right mix of the right thing to make it happen :) you'll get there. If I got there, you will get there too. and your in far better shape than I am.. so.. ;)

they doctors know the gender because I opted to get all the genetic testing etc..and I opted to have the gender revealed, however, we're having a gender reveal party, so I wont know and either will anyone else til May 17th :O killin me.
I had a 11 day LP last cycle.. hope that its sufficient when I do concieve. My BBT thermometer broke so I had to skip temping a few days, nw using digital.. no +opks yet bt thats ok, I Od real late last cycle.. but i want an early O so i can catch the egg before my DH leaves for work for a week..

Hows everyone else doing?
Hey girls can I join?! I'm TTC #1 I'm 27 and plus size lol.
We've been TTC for 9 months. I've have tests done to check my hormones an everything seems normal. My progesterone did come back @ 5 but my OB thinks i O'd late.
Currently in the TWW and if it doesn't take this cycle I'll be starting Clomid. Should be expecting AF the 26th or 28th. :)
Welcome SPJD!

Expecting, I'm out. AF showed up on the 9th (yesterday) a week early. Maybe my cycle is changing? Who knows. blarg. How are you doing?

I think that taking some time really helped me out. It was nice not worrying about anything lol.

a week early? are you sure its AF??? my IB was like light period.. not trying to get hopes up, just want you to make sure :)

I haven't tested or anything, but it was definitely like a normal AF other than being early. So I don't think it was IB.

I'm paying attention to when I should O based on both a 32 day cycle and a 42 day cycle. My cycles didn't used to be so long before, so I think maybe now that my AF has gotten back to normal my Ovulation and cycle days have changed as well. I guess we will find out.... Lol.

Expecting... Good luck! I was surprised how well I did with not doing anything when I took a break. It was very relaxing :)

Welcome Meg!!
Trying4first: I'm about the same ttc length as you, but alot say it does get easier. I'm currently CD 91 so the tww for me is agonizing! Haha.

With my pcos I take alot of supplements to help regulate my cycle, give me more cm, increase blood flow around the pelvic area ( meant to help your body create better eggs and a healthy environment) etc. However there's alot of herbal supplements both you and your husband can take to increase your chances.
Personally I like this website
Because it has so much information on different ways to help yourself x

Not that it's a good thing, but its kind of good to see someone on CD91, makes me feel a little less like an outcast.... I'm a little further along in my "cycle", Dec 7 was the last time af came for a visit... but I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with me because I was so regular, 35 days to the minute before TTC. My doctor doesn't seem concerned and last time I visited her to discuss it, she blamed it on my being overweight. But I've been overweight for probably the past 10 years, so why only now is it affecting my cycle? It's nice to hear inspirational stories from other curvy girls.
Hello Ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say I think the metformin is working for me! I got my first period on my own in 11 years! (For ten years I was on birth control. In July 13 tossed out birth control and been using Provera to induce periods) It was light/medium and a little short but a period! I had a break out of acne and cramping in my ovary area! I was going to track my BBT temp but due to late nights at the Ambulance garage and going away for a ladies conf. it turned out to be impossible!! I am praying the Metformin brings on another period! Right now I am at 1000mg!!! I am on CD 10! So excited something positive has happened in this TTC Journey!

Good luck ladies. .If it can happen for me it can happen for any of you!!
Byhisgrace what does the Metformin do? I work in a pharmacy an have never hear of it having anything to do with conception. Love that there are different things out there for a boost of help :)
Hello Meg, Welcome!!!

Metformin helps to regulate the extra hormones women with PCOS produce. The link below is two of the better articles I have saved on what it does. box/pcos+met.pdf

I believe they say it better then I can!! Besides the Metformin I am also working on losing some weight. I have always been a bigger girl (not as big as I am now) and always had trouble with my periods.

My bloodwork came back "normal" on the high end of the spectrum but in the normal range. I was dx with PCOS after an internal ultrasound showed cystic ovaries (basically it looks like I have a pearl necklace around each ovary-these "pearls" are cysts) very abnormal periods off birth control (in fact I was using Provera to induce periods before this natural period!) and of course the dreaded facial hair!

By being on the Metformin I have seen my first normal un-induced period, some weight loss and I can longer between waxing away my facial hair. For me I have been blessed to have good results on Metformin, I am praying I continue to see better and better results!!

What do your Dr.'s think is the cause of you having trouble TTC?

Oh ok! Well I'm glad it's all working for you! Keep up the good work! Xo

They don't know exactly he says stress and obsession & I don't disagree. I've always had the fear I can't have children. Why? I don't know.
So the only thing to ease my worry is having one lol. But honestly I have calmed down soo much.
Yeaaaa I am back and I finally had my IUI! I am so excited to share this news with y'all:cloud9:

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