Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

Just wondering. When you under go IUI or IVF can you take a pregnancy test or do your doc's prefer to have you do blood work? Do you only have to wait two weeks ?
thought I would share an update from my day 14 u/s and day 21 blood work I had done (follow up appt was today)

My blood work confirmed ovulation around day 15/16 - progesterone was at 76 on day 21. Endo lining at day 14 was 9.1mm which is healthy and they had measured 2 follicles on the right ovary, one at 15mm the other at 17mm.

So I only have a few more days to wait until I can test. Please keep your fingers crossed for me :)
I'm loving how active this thread is becoming!! Yay!

AF Showed up with a total vengeance this morning. Took the B6 for 45 days and it gave me a LP of 14 instead of 9 (like last month). I'm going to take the B6 the week of my period and see if that will still extend my LP, but not my ovulation date? Who knows! But Wow! Mother of God, I've never had cramps like this. Wow. These are actually similar, if not worse, to the cramps I had after my D&C! I'm taking this as maybe my body is finally resetting - 6 months later. I've heard it takes many women that long, if not longer.

Taking a break this coming month. The only thing I'll do is temp - so track my ovulation/LP. This week has been the first week I've felt back to my old self since the D&C, honestly. I'm back up and running in the morning and on Weight Watchers again. I've taken off 8 of the 30'ish pounds I put on from the progesterone and emotional eating after the MMC. Yay! Baby steps. :)


Charlie, I am definitely hoping this break leaves me as refreshed as it did you.

Lauren, cant wait to hear how your 16 week appt goes. I don't know how you're waiting until MAY to know the sex! I'd be going CRAZY. LOL - you're a stronger woman than I am.

BHG, so happy the metformin is working for you! <3

MegNE922 - I've had that same fear my whole life. Having a MMC did not help. LOL. Talk about adding some more crazy to my already known paranoia about it all.

SPJD - FX for you!

Just out of curiosity, at what point did any of you ladies decide it was time to see a specialist that ultimately led you down the path to IUI/IVF/etc?
@ Expecting I'm sorry to hear that!! It will happen for you love. The little bugger will be worth waiting for :)
Hey girls,

My temps are crazy and -ve OPKs are not helping. Hope i O before DH goes on tour... SPJD FX for your BFP! :)
CD38 and still waiting for my AF. Highly doubt pregnancy.... But who knows. Have almost completely cut out soda and drinking mainly juice.
Can I ask what makes cycles so long? I feel terrible for you girls when I hear they're more than 28 -30! I complain about the TWW being the longest wait!
MegNE922 - I'm not a doctor, but I think a lot of women with PCOS have very long cycles because their hormones don't regulate as well to prompt their bodies to start their period.

The length of your period is typically facilitated by when you ovulate. Your ovulation day can change from stress, etc, but your LP usually stays the same, (unless you take B6 to lengthen it.) My LP is naturally 9-11 days, so I'm playing around with B6 to lengthen it. Last month it was 14 days. My normal 27-28 day cycle was 33 days because 1. I ovulated late (CD19) and 2. the B6 lengthened me to a 14 day LP.

Hopefully that makes sense?
Your right about the B6, my FS had me taking it along with prenatals. I was on B6 about a month and a half, then LPs used to be 9 days..i believe it was then 12.. then I got pregnant.
Theres also different "kinds" of PCOS.. for instance..i was technically diagnosed with it..but I had the kind where I was insulin resistant..therefore put on Glumetza/Metformin to regulate my hormones.. which clearly worked also.. I stopped taking them at 12 weeks as instructed. So honestly, I believe the mix if Metformin and B6 helped me, we were trying for a little over a year..

I just hit 16 weeks, all is well. Hoping for some good news for you ladies soon!!
Lauren - does that mean you already had your 16wk appointment this morning?
oh yes! I forgot to reply about that lol
everything looked good, nothing for concern. Saw the baby swimming around lol.. Ultrasound tech is she wasn't very good at getting me a good picture...but I have another one may 5th..the detailed anatomy one..the big one..ugh..nerve wracking.. but im happy so far..
Hello Ladies!

So since I got my first period on my own (I accredit the metformin) I have had renewed determination to get my weight down!

So this morning I got online and plugged my info into a BMI calculator and I cant believe the weight range it gave me 115 to 150 pounds!!!!

Holy cow I have never been that small and I don't think I would want to! I am aiming for my wedding weight which was around 225! I think I looked so good back then! ( I prefer to be on the bigger size that is how I have always been and I feel happy being pleasantly plump, right now I am closer to 350 and not happy)

Anyone else look at their BMI?

Blessings & Babydust,
Well, had to stop my Fertilaid due to my corticosteroid I am taking for my sever allergic reaction to a plant in my yard... Yay... AF due in a few days....
By his grace im supposed to be about that as well. Im currently 213. Id like to get back to 160. I was comfortable there. The thing I hate about bmi is it doesn't account for muscle
BMI seems so outdated. ..makes me categorize under morbidly obese lol!! I carry it well and have lots of it's so outdated..I'm a size 16 pants..I'd be happy in a 10-12. I could care less about the number on the scale.
BHG - Girl, yes. My heaviest was 325lbs and I got down to 200 before I got pregnant. My body didn't handle the progesterone supplements (I never react well to fake hormones - I have to take hormone free BC) and I gained 25lbs in 11weeks...and then an additional 15 from emotional eating after the MMC. I've now lost about 10 of the 35 I gained in 3 weeks. Regarding my BMI, my doctor told me she didn't want me to follow a BMI plan and honestly, she said with my build and activity levels, she was fine with me being 175. My BMI wants me to weigh 149 at the most. HA! I have ZERO interest in weighing less than 150, especially since I do triathlons and my division changes if I weigh less than 150. No thanks to that. I felt great at 200, but I don't know what 175 feels like, so I'll play it by ear. My BP is 110/65. My doctor said I have the "blood pressure of an athlete", so I'll take it. HAHA! I'm trying to focus more on how feel than the number on the scale, though.

Like Lauren said, the BMI scale is extremely outdated and doesn't take into account muscle.
Hi Ladies,

Yes I agree BMI is not a very accurate (at least in my opnion but Dr.'s seem to have another lol) and I am not so worried about the number any more just being healthy...also I would really like to fit back into my old Ambulance Uniform!! When I can fit back into that I will be the same weight as when I met my DH and got married! I am pretty healthy def. not running a marathon healthy but... :haha: Since my DH got a puppy I have really increased my walking as this insane coonhound/lab mix needs a minimum of three walks a day!!!

Blessings & Baby Dust,
Tell me about it - am about 30 BMI but happen to be very active. I recently had CD3 harmone tests done for possible PCOS due to late ovulation. Luckily all tests came out normal and you shouldve seen my OB/Gyns face - disbelief all over it!
How's everyone doing? Any testers yet? I tested Sunday and today bfn. AF is due Thursday. &#128529; I already booked my mani an pedi to perk myself up lol.
Need to hit the gym too...I think it will help relieve some stress. :) hope everyone's Easter was good!!
Hey Meg - I love a good pampering session :D its better than gluttony any day :) Hope you get your BFP soon!!

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