hi i would advise anyone considering to order anything from this company to stop, i ordered a pram in july but was told a week later they did not have this specific pram in stock, "fair enough i thought", so i asked for a refund which they agreed to, i got told it would be back in my bank within 5 working days, so them 5 days past and nothing so i sent them an email asking why they had not refunded me and when are they planning to, i recieved nothing, so i tried to phone them again but there phone line was down. so after pretending to be someone else in an email with a different email address asking questions about a large order i got a reply the very next day!! so with this email i asked for a phone number i could get in touch with them to discuss delivery etc. they gave me a number that works so i phoned and complained why i had been ignored and what had happened to my refund (£248) i got told by the woman who answered the phone that the man incharge of refunds was in a meeting and she would have to get him to call me back, with no other choice i had to agree to this and to no suprise he never returned my call and still to this date (24/09/2008) i am unable to get in touch with them after many attempted emails and calls, total nightmare. so with me unable to get my money for my babys pram which i had saved hard for i have had to borrow money which has caused me signficent stress at this time of having a baby which i was hoping would be one of the happiest times of my life, please avoid this company (poppets baby and toddler gear) at all costs, any ideas or help you have for me to get my money back would be very welcome as i am running out of ideas and have become very frustrated
hi i would advise anyone considering to order anything from this company to stop, i ordered a pram in july but was told a week later they did not have this specific pram in stock, "fair enough i thought", so i asked for a refund which they agreed to, i got told it would be back in my bank within 5 working days, so them 5 days past and nothing so i sent them an email asking why they had not refunded me and when are they planning to, i recieved nothing, so i tried to phone them again but there phone line was down. so after pretending to be someone else in an email with a different email address asking questions about a large order i got a reply the very next day!! so with this email i asked for a phone number i could get in touch with them to discuss delivery etc. they gave me a number that works so i phoned and complained why i had been ignored and what had happened to my refund (£248) i got told by the woman who answered the phone that the man incharge of refunds was in a meeting and she would have to get him to call me back, with no other choice i had to agree to this and to no suprise he never returned my call and still to this date (24/09/2008) i am unable to get in touch with them after many attempted emails and calls, total nightmare. so with me unable to get my money for my babys pram which i had saved hard for i have had to borrow money which has caused me signficent stress at this time of having a baby which i was hoping would be one of the happiest times of my life, please avoid this company (poppets baby and toddler gear) at all costs, any ideas or help you have for me to get my money back would be very welcome as i am running out of ideas and have become very frustrated
If you could find a shop on same street maybe they would be able to tell you if the shop is cleared out? I know theres a taxi firm across the road from them. A long shot maybe but I think I would try? ...hi wobbles!
i dont usually use forums but i have become so angry with the situation i thought i had to warn as many people as possible about them. i live in liverpool and me and my boyfriend have decided to drive down to wrexham at the weekend to demand our money back, i have told poppets this in various emails but still no reply, the frustrating thing about it is when i sent an email enquiring about an order they emailed straight back so i know they are reading them!! like nyah, i also could not find any reviews on them so felt the need to post this even more so, it really shouldnt come down to us having to travel to wrexham to get our money back, but they are so ignorant i really dont know what else to do