Hi there! Can I join please. I got my BFP on Saturday and have a due date of 4th April 2012!
I went to the doctors this afternoon to confirm it and was very confused with the outcome. This is my first BFP so I have no idea what to expect, however I thought the doctor would at least confirm it by doing a test - she said it wasnt necessary as I had already done one and just to book an appointment with the midwife for 12 week scan on my way out!
She also asked about the date of my last period which was 29 June. When I told her this she said that I wasnt even late for my period! I explained that I only have a 25 day cycle but she looked suspicious!!!
I dont know what I expected

Has anyone else booked their doctors appointment yet? Maybe I am being too eager
As for the symptoms, my BB's have been growing since the day before my period was late (which is great!!!). I do have extra saliva in my mouth but not too bad. Been a bit bloated today and a bit of backache. I did have a twinge today and a bit of pink discharge (sorry if tmi).
p.s. I LOVE the fruit tickers and my poppy seed