Hi Everyone!
According to my math, I'm right there with you in terms of due dates!
To give you guys a little info about me, I'm 23, married 3 years, my hubby and I are both teachers, and we've been ttc #1 since March 2011. We were told in September 2010 that I was annovulatory. We took September to March to prepare for the infertility journey. I had to cycles on Clomid that resulted in BFN.
This cycle, we tried Femera (Letrazole) and got a BFP yesterday.

What's interesting is that this is the cycle I least expected to get pregnant on because we traveled a LOT this month, so much that I couldn't even make it in the OB's office for bloodwork to see if I ovulated.
The first day of my last period was June 23. Plus 7 and 9 months makes my EDD March 30, 2012!

Yesterday, I took an early response HBT (EPT digital- one of the expensive kind; I know people say it doesn't matter & DG brands are okay, but I mentally couldn't take the risk and got top of the line). I got a clear "Pregnant" and almost fell in the floor in shock. DH came home immediately when I texted him the pic of the BFP and we went to Walgreens and got the ClearBlue Early Response Digital HPT, took them both and got BFPs on both. I scheduled an appt for Aug. 4, but they wanted to do a urine test themselves today. So this morning, I peed in a cup and the nurse told me it was NEGATIVE. My heart sank!
I pulled out my 3 clearly positive HPTs and waved them like a fan, explaining that something was clearly wrong.
Head lab nurse said to do a blood test. They did both a qualitative and quantitative HCG test and it came back positive, with my HCG levels @ 33. They took the results to my dr and he said that I was definitely preggo, just very early. He wants me to come back Friday and do the quantitative (beta) HCG test again to make sure my levels are rising. They seemed to think that my HCG levels didn't register on their urine test because it was too low- that my HPTs were even more sensitive than theirs because of the early response feature. I've read on a few websites that if the HCG is less than 50, some urine tests won't pick it up. Not sure how true this is. It's all new to me!
So I guess that means, yes, I'm actually pregnant!

Question: Any of you guys ever heard of an office urine being negative with a positive blood test? Or maybe that HPTs could be more sensitive than dr's test?
Also, any preggo thanks to Femera? How did you guys react to finding out so early?