Pregnancy - April 2012

Good afternoon ladies.

@ doingit4us- I have the same problem, I have just been deporessed. My poor husband is getting a lot of the mood swings from me. But then again I am like this even when I am not pg. I just seem to be more sensitive.

no morning sickness, Just for about 2 days but now I am fine. My Boobs are feeling heavier but I can still have water hit them and I feel no pain. LOL.
I also have mild cramps and am afraid I am going to see AF when I go to the bathroom. But with every passing day and no sign I am feeling better. It's great to have all you ladies on board to hear my craziness and to know we are experiencing similar things.
I've been super weepy, too. I cried for no reason today. Twice.
And I feel like a zombie. Tired but can't sleep. I hope this just means we are cooking up a strong batch!

and thanks for the add
Hi Everyone!
According to my math, I'm right there with you in terms of due dates!
To give you guys a little info about me, I'm 23, married 3 years, my hubby and I are both teachers, and we've been ttc #1 since March 2011. We were told in September 2010 that I was annovulatory. We took September to March to prepare for the infertility journey. I had to cycles on Clomid that resulted in BFN.
This cycle, we tried Femera (Letrazole) and got a BFP yesterday.:)
What's interesting is that this is the cycle I least expected to get pregnant on because we traveled a LOT this month, so much that I couldn't even make it in the OB's office for bloodwork to see if I ovulated.
The first day of my last period was June 23. Plus 7 and 9 months makes my EDD March 30, 2012! :D
Yesterday, I took an early response HBT (EPT digital- one of the expensive kind; I know people say it doesn't matter & DG brands are okay, but I mentally couldn't take the risk and got top of the line). I got a clear "Pregnant" and almost fell in the floor in shock. DH came home immediately when I texted him the pic of the BFP and we went to Walgreens and got the ClearBlue Early Response Digital HPT, took them both and got BFPs on both. I scheduled an appt for Aug. 4, but they wanted to do a urine test themselves today. So this morning, I peed in a cup and the nurse told me it was NEGATIVE. My heart sank!
I pulled out my 3 clearly positive HPTs and waved them like a fan, explaining that something was clearly wrong.
Head lab nurse said to do a blood test. They did both a qualitative and quantitative HCG test and it came back positive, with my HCG levels @ 33. They took the results to my dr and he said that I was definitely preggo, just very early. He wants me to come back Friday and do the quantitative (beta) HCG test again to make sure my levels are rising. They seemed to think that my HCG levels didn't register on their urine test because it was too low- that my HPTs were even more sensitive than theirs because of the early response feature. I've read on a few websites that if the HCG is less than 50, some urine tests won't pick it up. Not sure how true this is. It's all new to me!
So I guess that means, yes, I'm actually pregnant! :happydance:
Question: Any of you guys ever heard of an office urine being negative with a positive blood test? Or maybe that HPTs could be more sensitive than dr's test?
Also, any preggo thanks to Femera? How did you guys react to finding out so early?
Forgot to tell everyone congrats!
Also *to cycles* should have said two! I'm a grammar nerd, and I know better! :)
breezybride - congratulations! That's very exciting news.

I am not an expert on pregnancy test but my understanding is that there is a wide range of sensitivities for the urine tests. I think the blood test is the gold standard and I would go by that.

I was in shock when I found out. I wasn't planning on testing before I missed my period but started noticing some symptoms and couldn't wait anymore. My husband was out of town at the time. I had talked to him the day before about how I was feeling and his response was "do what you need to do." So I took the test the next day. I called him and said I think we are pregnant and he was surprised. It didn't start to sink in until I had 3 positive FRER, 1 positive CB digi, and missed my period on Sun/Mon.
Well... anyone else still in a state of shock? I really still cant believe it (and I have a lot of I/C cheapies, so still using one now and then just to be sure!)....
I was quite frustrated at my doctor - who wouldnt even let me make an appt unless I had a blood test done (to prove i was pregnant). Apparantly the 3+ tests I took werent enough.....

Breezy - hope your HCG levels increase... *hugs* always tough when you're waiting for those results....

DJF> know exactly what you mean, despite being officially "late" for AF.... I dont think either of us will believe it until we see the scan at 8 weeks...

BTW - in case I hadnt mentionned it before, the reason I'm still in shock, was that we were told that we were very unlikely to conceive naturally (our son was considered a "spontaneous pregnancy to the specialists - whatever that means!)..... :)
Congrats purpleish!!!! The same thing happened to my mother. I have a brother who is 20 years younger than me. My mom was told she couldn't have any other kids (after me and my brother who is 2 years younger than me), she wasn't on birth control for 10 years, and whoops hear comes my brother .. lol :)
Hi Ladies,

Can I join please? I got my BFP on a digi at 10dpo about a week ago after 6 months ttc! This is our 1st, we are soo excited. The online calculater said my EDD was 31st April but I had my 1st doc app today as she said its 1st April Im sure it will change again tho. Its my bday on the 1oth April so we will see if its near then.
Ive had sore bbs, slight twinges and Im very tired. Also pretty windy No sickness yet but def can tell when im getting hungry and its more often i need to eat now!
We have our 1st scan on the 4th Aug (6 week scan) we get an early one coz were doing a research study, get one at 8 weeks too. Im so happy about it, hoping it will reassure us all is well!

Congrats to you all
Welcome and congratulations!!! What an exciting birthday present you will have next year :)
I just got my BFP today. I did 3 tests just to be sure. I can't believe it! I am so happy and cannot wait for DH to get home so that I can tell him. I am already feeling a bit stressed though - am I getting enough proper nutrition? (I am already taking a prenatal vitamin but lately I've forgotten to take it quite often...) I've felt so tired and gross these past 3 weeks that I haven't been eating super well either. According to the online calculator, my due date is April 4, 2012... an Easter baby!
Hi ladies!
I just found out I am pregnant on Saturday. I tested on 13dpo and am due on April 8, another Easter baby!
It's my first pregnancy and DH and I are super excited!
I am looking forward to connecting with other mommies-to-be, hope everyone has happy & healthy 9 months!!!
I'm due March 20th - if all goes to plan - having some slight worries at the minute! :( I am 6 weeks 2 days and my symptons kicked in at 5 weeks three days and I've felt horrendous since then - fortunately I teach so I have 6 wks off - because I don't know how I would have faced naughty children all day feeling like this! My nausea has eased slightly today which is what is worrying me - I think I need to stop reading things on the internet and just relax - easier said than done! I spent the whole last week wishing my nausea would go away and now it's not as bad I just want it back! I've known for two weeks and 2 days - longest time of my life! At the minute all I can eat is plums, bread, potato and dry crackers and I drink pineapple juice and water - very balanced!!!!! :)
Hello ladies!

I took a test this morning and left it in the bathroom so hubby could look first and he walked in and was wondering what two pink lines means! I ovulated early so I am 3 weeks 5 days today - but 13dpo. Very exciting!
Congrats to all the new BFPs! How exciting. April seems to be a busy month :)

Eulmh82 - Im sorry to hear you have been feeling rough but please dont panic because its less today, from what ive heard the symptoms will come and go so maybe try and enjoy eating something new today and im sure your sickness will return soon (a mixed blessing indeed).

I've just started to feel nauseous!! Was feeling it a bit yesterday when hungry and also a fair bit in the eve and then this, i woke up and felt ill but not actually been sick. Now its just on and off eating peppermints and had some ginger tea to try and keep it away. I was actually quite excited to have it this morn, but im sure that will fade :haha:
Has anyone else had MS at 4+5 like me? I was thinking it might be too early!?
Indeed a mixed blessing - my morning sickness started at 5 weeks three days - everybody is different I guess -just eat what you can :)
Congratulations to all the new BFPs!!! I think everyone is different when it comes to morning sickness and it can start and stop at any time. I haven't had any yet. A couple nauseous moments but nothing more then that. I read the book What to Eat When You Are Expecting when we were TTC. To help with morning sickness it suggested eating small meals every 2 hours, eating or drinking ginger, and eating right before you go to sleep and right when you wake up. It suggested keeping a box of crackers or ginger snaps by the bed - having a couple when you are in bed and about to turn off the light, then have a couple right when you wake up before you move from the bed. I haven't had to do this yet so don't know if it works :)
I posted earlier on the other April thread, but I thought I'd also let you know that unfortunately I had an early mc. I started bleeding late Tuesday which turned heavy yesterday. The nurse i saw today basically said that I would never have known I was pregnant if I hadn't tested when my af was late.

Anyway enough about me, I hope you all have a very h&h 9 months xxx
Carhar - I just posted on the other thread, so sorry for your loss. I am sure we will be seeing you here again soon:)
Lot's of hugs

How is everyone doing today? I went to bed at 830 last night I was so tired!!!! I was able to sleep til 745 and felt good this morning. No MS yet, but my bb's are getting a bit tender today.

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