Hey dana. So good news Timmy was born on Saturday morning at 5:19. Was a pretty crazy birth xD
Cause remember how I told you friday I'd be going in for a section? Well that night I went to bed with usual uncomfortable contractions. Nothing much. And then at 3 I woke up and they were so intense and horrible. So after them coming over and over and making me collapse. I woke up my DH with crying out. And told him we need to go to the hospital.
So when we were on our way to the hospital the contractions were already every 3 to 4 min apart and 1 min long.
When we were almost at the hospital they were already 2 min apart.
They Brought me in admissions and said that they needed to set me up first. So went in during that time had another two contractions. She barely got the monitor on my belly that she took the off again and said she doesn't need them. They need to get the doctor now.
So at that point I was having the contrations back to back. Doctor came in and checked my cervix and I was already 7 cm dilated.
So off they went racing Me down the corridor to the theatre with the doctors hand Still up my vag. We got in the lift and I had gone up to 8 cm dilated. They were shouting at me to stop pushing.
But I couldn't help it. And then when they pushed me into the OR, I was fully dilated and Timmy was pushing his bum down the birthcanal. Everything was happening so fast and I was Still having the push contractions and at the same time they were trying to put me to sleep.
Finally he was born and it took me another 2 hours to wake up. To think if he would've been head down I might've given birth in the lift
That was definitely a crazy experience.
But he is wonderful and just an angel. He is sleeping and eating the way he is supposed to. And omg not a bother on him. People could be getting loud and he still keeps sleeping.