Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Welcome mrs kg :) and congratulations on your pregnancy :) you are very welcome to join my thread it's for anyone who's either ttc or pregnant with teenagers :)
Yes insomnia was a huge thing for me I was up all hours of the night in the beginning grrr and then slept like a baby for quite a few months but now it's back again :( although it's a bit different this time as I don't feel like getting out of bed like I did before I just feel like while my eyes are closed my brain just keeps on ticking away :( oh well I'm sure I'll get some rest soon :)
Hi dee:) we have missed you :) I'm glad everthings ok I was getting a bit worried :) are u feeling ok though? Your not far off 26 weeks now woohoo almost v day yay so excited for you :) oh wait is v day 26 or 27 weeks I forget? Oh well either way your almost there :)
Well as for me I'm just plodding along and trying to get in some naps where I can when I'm not working lol only 6 days until my next obgyn appointment :) and yes I'm counting down the days :) woohoo lol I'm just so excited to find out my c-section day :)
Also I want to know what's happening with my placenta as they fear I may have placenta previa :( but only time will tell I guess :)
Well welcome again mrs kg and I hope this day finds you all well :) xxxx
Thank you for your welcome x having a good day so far only sore (.)(.) an of course tired but we are celebrating my daughters 18th it's not till Sunday but shes off to a log cabin with hot tub for the wk end with friends wish it was me lol then she heads straight back to uni x feeling quite emotional not sure if it's my hormones or the fact my baby has grown up x where does the time go x
I know I still can't believe my baby is going to be 20 this year :( it feels like yesterday that she was my little baby (well not little as she was almost 10 pounds lol ) but my baby non the less :) she is now the same age I was when I had her, I was pregnant at 18 and gave birth at 19 and she couldn't be more different :) thank god lol she wants the marriage and the house and then the babies :) me I was just a single mum who lived with her parents until my baby was 3 months old lol I'm so glad she is a responsible adult :) phew :) I did alright considering when she was little everyone said that because I was a single mum my daughter would end up being a teenage mother on the dole!!! Huh !!! My daughter has never been on the dole and has worked since she was 14 nearly 15 and has a full time job and works her ass off, she also has just bought herself her second car which is only a Yr old, proud???? Oh yeah I'm proud and I love sticking it up all the skeptical people who now congratulate me for bringing her up so well :) lol haha :)
Oh by the way I was never on the dole either I worked before I had her and went back to work when she was 3 months old and have worked ever since !!! So don't know where they got their ideas from ??? Lol anyway sorry got a bit off topic there lol :)
Tell your daughter happy birthday for me and I hope she has a wonderful time enjoying her first new found freedom as an adult :) oh are u an adult there at 18? You are here :)
Have a great day ladies xxx
Thanks mumof3girls x yes she will officially be an adult on Sunday x not long dropped her off had a big lump in my throat but managed to hold back the tears x she was 8months when I turned 18 think everyone thought the same I was to young an wouldn't do a good job well I have! She's lovely an at uni 1 st in the family so I must have done something right age is only a Number although again I'm same as you I wouldn't want kids for her just now x
:) and who says teenage single mums can't bring up healthy well adjusted babies??? Lol
I couldnt be prouder of my daughter I think she is a strong independent woman ;)
I just hope my other 3 girls turn out just as good :) xxx
Oh and a big congratulations to truthbtold on the birth of her son jeremiah, she has been on my other journals (from ttc to pregnancy) we saw her bfp ;) she has had a very painful and admiring story and journey so I'm really happy that she has finally got her fairy tale ending :) congrats again truth we are so happy for you xxxx
My eldest daughter went to the doctors yesterday with a lump on her breast and the doctor told her she thinks it may be breast cancer!!!??? Wtf?? Why would a doctor tell that to a 19 Yr old girl?? She did a blood test and will do an ultrasound and then a biopsy if needed, I don't know what to say or do, should I worry? Is cancer a possibility for a healthy 19yr old ?? Have any of you heard of this happening to such a young girl? I don't know whether to be scared or hopeful, it may just be a cyst I hope!!! But why on earth would a doctor tell her it could be cancer without the facts????
Please help I don't know what to do or say ?? :(
I'm sorry Mum ((HUGS)) But cancer is a possiblity :( It does happen in children/teens. Prayers for her.
My eldest daughter went to the doctors yesterday with a lump on her breast and the doctor told her she thinks it may be breast cancer!!!??? Wtf?? Why would a doctor tell that to a 19 Yr old girl?? She did a blood test and will do an ultrasound and then a biopsy if needed, I don't know what to say or do, should I worry? Is cancer a possibility for a healthy 19yr old ?? Have any of you heard of this happening to such a young girl? I don't know whether to be scared or hopeful, it may just be a cyst I hope!!! But why on earth would a doctor tell her it could be cancer without the facts????
Please help I don't know what to do or say ?? :(


I work at the best Cancer center in the nation. I have seen suviors. It could be nothing try not to worry we are all her for you.:hugs::hugs: I will be praying for her.
So sorry to hear this mum hope it's just an insensitive doctor x I had a lump a few yrs ago an they never mentioned the word cancer! Just sent me to a specialist he had a feel an said everything was fine I was not convinced so the scanned an it was just a cyst disappeared by itself hope your daughter has the same outcome xx pray to your angels I'll be doing the same x
Thankyou for your support ladies as I can't talk to anyone else other than on here as my daughter doesn't want anyone to know which is fair enough but I'm still so mad at that doctor how dare she scare my little girl that way !!! I understand it could be cancer but I think that she shouldn't have said anything until the facts came in!!! She has her ultrasound on Monday at 3.30pm so we will hopefully know more then :) until then I am just trying to keep my daughter from freaking out and from googling everything about it as it's making her worse!!!
I will keep u up to date and let u know the out come but we could use all the prayers you can make at the moment :) thankyou xxx
1st scan went well so far so good everything is perfect xxx so relieved for now anyway lol xx


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Oh wow look at that perfect little baby :) I'm so happy for you :) congrats hun, I pray your little one stays put and grows into a beautiful big bub :) xxxx

As for me ... 23 weeks and 4 days woohoo :) 3 days until v day and I'm so excited I can't wait to get past the 24 week mark :) I have seen a few ladies on here who have had their waters break around this time before 24 weeks and the doctors won't even try and save the baby until they are 24 weeks Grrrr makes me sooo mad!!!! But also makes me want to hurry up and get there quick just in case!!! I don't expect anything to go wrong (touch wood) but I want to be past the safe zone if it does :)
Well my big girl has her u/s on Monday so hopefully all will be ok but I have the weekend to fret about it grrr but I do have high hopes that she will be ok :)
Off to get ready for work now so have a lovely day ladies xxx
Hello, thought I might check in and join this thread if noone minds?

I have a 16, a 14 and a 11 year old and number four on the way (an unexpected surprise for us all).

The older ones are really excited about the baby but I often worry what will happen once the reality of it kicks in after the new ones arrival in spring.

How are everyone elses teenagers being during your pregnancy? Mine are not being that helpful :( they know I have SPD and I would be really really grateful if they just hoovered once on a blue moon or emptied a clothes airer. I never know if to push it and make them help more or just accept that they didn't ask for this to happen, it is my choice to have another baby so I should just suck it up and try and soldier on as usual?
Hi welcome tinypixie :) of course u may join my thread u r very welcome :) teenagers are very un predictable lol they can be over the moon and fuss about your pregnancy or they can be upset that there is another mouth to feed lol when I had my 3rd child my children were very surprised and shocked that I was pregnant and until I started showing they resented it but they got over it and they adore their little sister, I think its made them closer as sisters, they are very protective of her but can also get very annoyed with her lol as sisters are prone to do lol not just sisters either lol this time we told them that we were trying for another baby and at first they were shocked but then it was have u tested yet? Is it positive? Lol and when finally got my bfp after 13 months and a fertility specialist help they were over the moon lol :) we tried to hide it from my eldest until we were past 12 weeks but she just knew I was and she grabbed a hpt and said go mum test right now and I did and I thought I could show her quickly before it turned positive but it turned straight away lol so we were busted lol :) she was so happy though lol and my 2nd dd started to cry tears of joy when we told her lol we didn't tell our 3rd old until I was showing and she was a little bit worried I think, that we might not love her as much so it's been more difficult with her but she is coming around and happily plays with the babies toys and blankets etc lol but as for helping well I just said they had to help me for a while so they do lol but always begrudgingly lol :) just tell your kids that sometimes u may need help and that it would help u a great deal if they could all do at least 1 job each and explain how important it is that u rest and not do anything heavy !!!
Well good luck and welcome again :)
By the way my girls are 19, almost 13, and almost 4 :) and I'm nearly 24 weeks pregnant :) how far along are u?
Mrkg, your bean looks perfect.

Mumof3, I hope you daughter u/s comes back with nothing and that she is well and healthy.

tiny, Welcome.
Welcome and congrats Tinypixie. This is a much delighted surprise pg for me too!

I'm sorry your kids aren't more helpful. I would sit them down and talk to them about it. Let them know that you need their help.

I'm lucky and both my teens are being wonderful. Especially my oldest. He is SUCH a worrier, that every little thing I do he worries if it's ok, and he is always saying "let me do that Mom" :thumbup:
Oh that's nice Dorian :) I love it when the kids get all mother hen on us lol:) my eldest daughter drove about 20mins at the last minute for me yesterday so she could pick up her little sister from daycare because I had a really sore back and didn't want to drive anymore, such a sweetheart :) and then my husband took all the kids to the beach last night so I could rest and go to bed early :) gotta love my family :)

Are all of you ladies working still? How are u finding it? I'm finding it really difficult now as my boss keeps giving me lots and lots to do ??? I think he forgets sometimes that I can't lift heavy things and that making beds is becoming harder and harder especially for my back!!! The rest of my duties arent too bad it's just those things and sitting on my stool most of the day which is becoming increasingly un comfortable !!! When he says carry this and that etc my co workers come and do it for me if they hear him say it because they won't let me do a thing!!! Lol but geez what is he thinking sometimes??? He has a wife and 2 kids!! You think he would remember how hard it is to be pregnant, but I guess his wife didn't work during pregnancy so it would have been easier for her !!
Let me know if u work and how u deal with your issues of being pregnant at work! :)

Well today is the day for my daughter to have her u/s for the lump she found, she found another one yesterday so I'm really starting to think they may be cysts and not cancer!! At least I'm really hoping!!! But I will let u know later this evening:) Fxd it's nothing serious :)
Well have a lovely day ladies and I'll talk to u later this afternoon :) xxx
Mumof3, sorry, I don't work,so can't help you. Maybe you just need to remind your boss that there are things you can't do anymore. I'm glad your co-workers are a big help to you though. Prayers for your dd.
I'm a community carer I'll prob work to at least 32wks x thankfully only part time an I will be able to refuse any one whomgets to hard as time goes on x

Keep us posted how your daughter gets on you are in my thoughts an prayers xxx

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