Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Thank you ladies your words of comfort mean the world to me at this time xxx
25 weeks today........

Woohoo :) I can't believe I'm 25 weeks today :) I have 101 days left until my c-section so only 2 days left and I'll be double digits yay :)
I woke up with the worst leg cramp this morning and it even made me cry it was so bad!!! Luckily I have an amazing husband who knew exactly what to do even though it was 4am and he was half asleep lol my hero :) it has left me with the worst muscle pain now though :( so I have beenup since 4am and I have to work today :( so tired !!! But at least I get 3 days off starting tomorrow :) I'm going to need them because a friend of mine and her family are moving away soon and it's going to be so emotional saying goodbye :( they will be moving about a 3 hour flight away :( I hope they come back soon, they are going to be taking over a store there (the place I work has 156 stores around the world and he has one of them now) so they will be renting their house out and moving over there for however long (they usually only have stores for about 3 years at the most in one place) so hopefully they will get transferred back here soon :)
Anyway have a lovely day ladies, mrskg I'm thinking about u hun xxxx
Congrats on hitting 25 wks Mumto3!

I'm just about at wk 31, just two more days! It's going by so quickly. I really need to get a crib and dresser/changing table!
Thanks ladies :) I have been just trying to work out everything I need for bubs it's so hard trying to remember everything lol not sk much the big ticket items coz I had most of that from when I had tayler but little things like bottles, dummys, wraps, singlets, nappies etc I need to have everything ready so I don't have to worry when she's born :) so if u can think of anything that I have missed or may need please feel free to share I need all the help I can get lol :)
Happy 31 weeks dorian and happy 23 weeks for a few days ago ready :) xxx
Happy 25 weeks xxxx happy 31weeks Dorian xxxx an a belated happy 23weeks ready xxxx

Steriliser x baby monitor preferably with screen lol x bibs x muslins x changing mat and bag x Baby mirror for car x hope that helps I'm sure I'll think of more xxxx
Thanks hun I need as much help as I can get :) we have a pretty small house so don't need a baby monitor this time around but I have the muslin wraps about 8 I think lol I bought some clothes and wraps from a friend who's little girl is now a year old so that was handy lol not sure how many I need though coz I have never really used them before I always just used baby blankets to wrap, do u think 8 is enough ?? Where do u get baby mirrors from I have never heard of them??? Lol
I was thinking of starting up a business which does hospital bag for a pregnant woman sl they don't have to worry about it themselves?? What do u think?? I have seen a couple on eBay but they are mainly stuff for mum they don't have much for baby so I thought maybe do one that does everything, would u buy something like that or would u want to do it yourself??? Just wondering coz I have no clue??? Xxx
Well got on a good as can be expected x everything gone so looks like I had it easy with not too much pain an hardly any bleeding x think the radio gives me a my sign when I got back in car Kelly clarkson stronger was on an I'm always saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger then oasis don't look back in anger which right now seems appropriate x hubby wants to go back to normal now I've forgot what normal is x nurse says if there was a next time they wouldn't scan me till 9weeks hubby says no chance there will be a next time x really not sure how I feel for the last 9 months we've prepared for a baby coming not sure how i can just forget about that x for now though feel like a haze has lifted x just have to get on with it now an what will be will be I supposes xxx

I will get back to you on your last post just trying to get my head round today xxx
Oh honey that sux!!!! What do you want ??? Remember it's not just a one way street here hun it's a 2 way and your thoughts and wants are just as important, my hubby said the same thing about a year ago and I cried and crack a fruity and said fine well there isn't anything else we can do is there I guess I will go find someone that will give me what I want :) he did a complete 180 and said I didn't realise how much this meant to you. And here we are a year or so later and he is over the moon :) not that I condone that kind of behavior lol but it got my point across the only way I knew how :) but just realise that if and when (if ever) you are ready to try again just have a chat to him and let him know how u feel too :) I really am sorry for everything u r going through right now honey I wish there was something I could do to make it better for u xxxxx
I agree with Mumof3, Mrskg. Communication is so very important. But also maybe this is just how your dh is dealing with his own feelings. In a few month, talk to him about it again and see how things are going. (((HUGS)))
Hugs mrskg xxxxxx

25 weeks and 4 days ......

Well I'm off to work today :( but on the upside only 5 more weeks until I go on maternity leave and only 4 more days until my birthday :) yay :)
I'm hoping my friend on here goes into labor on my birthday lol :) Fxd :)
9 days until I start my 3rd trimester woohoo :) looking forward to that milestone :) goodbye 2nd tri and hello 3rd :)
Well have a lovely day ladies and let me know what u think of my idea of the hospital gift bags :) xxxxx
Mumof3. I say go for it with your hospital bags. I know there are lots of women who would prefer to buy one already made up, instead of trying to figure out what they need to bring. All you can do is try, and you just might do great with it. Good luck.
3 months and 3 days left woohoo :)
Where is everyone else on their countdown to baby?
I just hit 32 wks!!!:wacko: wow, I can't believe how quickly it's going. My MW appts are every two wks now. I went to one today. Baby is measuring slightly larger, 33 1/2 wks. And my BP is slightly rising every time I go in. But I haven't gained weight in 2 wks, which is good. As I am over weight so I am trying to watch it. MW isnt' concerned with anything. HB looks good. Lots of movement. :happydance:
Yay that's awesome :) my baby was measuring 28 weeks at 25 weeks but I seemed to have stopped putting on weight too, so strange but I guess that must be normal coz I have heard a few people say that now and most were between 25 and 32 weeks !!
8 weeks to go woohoo :) mine is 12 weeks and 5 days to be exact so I'm about 5 weeks different to you :) getting exciting now :)

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