Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

I have been stalking about and had to say that it's cute that everyone is counting down the days:thumbup:
Oh don't get me wrong Dorian I know baby will still be very ill I just thought it was a great milestone that a respirator wasn't needed :) I don't want my little miss out until it's time hun :) I hope your little one stays put too !!!! That's an order !!! Lol
Hi futurenuman :) thanks :) and welcome :) u are welcome to join in too no matter your situation :) I have seen u around before I'm pretty sure :) congrats on your bub seems as though he is due 3 days before mine yippee :)

Just wanted to say woohooo I don't have diabetes :) yay :) also got to see my little miss on an ultrasound today woohoo it wasn't expected so it was nice  made me want to cry happy tears :) lol but doc gave me a lecture on having anymore babies from c-sections :( but said it was still my decision to have my tubes tied or to just say no!!! Lol :) I think I'll just say no!!! For a change lol :) I love my little chicken ;)
Roll on the next 10 weeks :)
By the way future I'm calling my baby Ella Mackenzie lol :) very close to your daughters name :)
Hi ladies glad to see you're all doing well on your countdown I can't wait to see your babies I hope I will be celebrating a bfp by the time your lovely babies arrive xxx

Ella Mckenzie is lovely xxx
LOL Mum, yes ma'am!! teeeheheh...and yes, I agree, it's a great milestone! What a hard decision you have to make. But if it has to be done, then do it and stick with it.

My BH's have been continuing. I get quite a few of them thruout the day. I don't recall having so many with my other kids. Well, as they say, every pregnancy is different :)
By the way future I'm calling my baby Ella Mackenzie lol :) very close to your daughters name :)

We were going to call her Ella Mackenzie but my SIL stole the name first for our neice.

I am also the mother of four girls ( aged 22, 21, 19, 2) so this is the first ( and only) boy.. talk about a change... he better get used to alot of
Well, I don't have teenagers -- but I have an 8 1/2 year old son and an 11 year old son. I will be 39 in a few months and my husband is 42, he had a vasectomy about 6 years ago that I have been regretting desperately. He still feels "done" and "too old to have another baby" but I have this unbearable longing for a little girl, or another boy if a girl is not meant to be.

So I have discovered that our health insurance covers up to 4 cycles of IVF, even though my husband had a voluntary vasectomy, and that the urologist can retrieve the sperm that my husband's body still produces so we would not need donor sperm. I had an U/S yesterday and saw my empty uterus, but healthy looking ovaries with eggs in them, and today they did bloodwork to check my hormone levels. I feel this shimmering hope, and yet I still need to deal with my DH's misgivings and negativity. I just know that he would love the baby once it was born, just as he loves our two sons. He is such an involved, wonderful daddy. I don't want to be pushy and bully him into having a child that he doesn't want, but I feel so strongly deep in my heart that I would always regret NOT having a 3rd child, but that he would get excited about the baby as soon as a pregnancy was confirmed. I just feel like the clock is ticking something fierce as I'm coming up on my 39th birthday in May and I can't afford to just drop it again and "wait for him to come around."

Anyone else out there going through anything similar?
So sorry you are going through this stars wars mum x I'm not in the same position but my hubby was against having another baby but since we've had 4 losses since last July he now wants another more than anything I so hope I can make that happen for him x have you had a good sit down a chat with your hubby an explained how much this means to you? If so what's his reaction to that? I really hope you can talk him round x I know what you mean about hanging around I'll be 36 in sept an already feel like that xxx
Welcome starwarsmum :) yes I was in the same position as well as my dh didn't want anymore children and he wasnt getting my hints of having one either lol so one day I just cried and cried and said if he didn't want another child then I would divorce him and marry someone who did lol k don't recommend doing this as I was very Ill that day and wasn't myself and I think everything I had bottled up just came tumbling out lol but he was really surprised that it meant that much to me he hadn't realized so he said let me think about it and then he said he would try for another one as I had wanted a boy this time he agreed to try for a boy which we knew wouldn't be easy but in the end we gave up on trying for a boy the last cycle and just tried to get pregnant lol it was taking a lot longer than we thought 13 months :( so would u believe we got pregnant that cycle and ended up with another girl lol so I obviously wasn't meant to have a boy lol. But I'm ok with that I'm just happy being pregnant to be honest and my husband has been totally active and supportive in this pregnancy and he even said out of all the kids he has had (4 to his ex wife of 20 yrs) and 1 child to me (2nd including this one) that he Is the most excited with this baby as it's the first child he was actively trying to get pregnant with lol and me too as we have just had sort of accidents before although we said we would try but didn't really get a chance to as we got pregnant straight away with tayler (our child together ) she took us by surprise lol
So all in all after this long explanation lol he is really happy after all that and can't wait to see his new daughter in 10 weeks :)
I hope your hubby comes around just let him know how much it means to you :) good luck :)
Oh by the way I told him my clock was ticking too and I was almost 38 at that stage too but now I'm 39 and couldn't be happier :)
Mrskg I'm so happy to see u Hun how are u doing? Xxx
Ready - good to see your ok hun was starting to worry :) xx
Dee has also been Mia for a while too so hi dee just wandering if your ok hun let us know ok :) xxx
Dorian - I'm the same I think it's because we have been pregnant many times before I think the more you have the stronger the bh eeek would hate to be having a natural birth lol sorry for those of u who will lol
2 months 1 week and 6 days to go woohooo :) lol sorry just had to add that in lol xxxx
Oh and future numan lol that is funny that u were going to call your daughter that too lol I hate it when people steal your baby's name Grrrr seriously can't they find their own??? It's ok to do it to a stranger but not your family!!! Wow your so lucky to be having a boy after 4 girls :) u won't know what hit you though it will be a massive change for u, I was watching a friend of mine change her little boy the other day and I was shocked to see a willy lol I am so used to seeing little girl bits after being a mum of girls for 20 yrs that I didn't expect it lol I knew he was a boy it just shocked me to see boy bits lol and she says that he wee's on her regulary :) lol got that to look forward to haha lol :) you will love it it will just be huge change I think lol :)
Well, I don't have teenagers -- but I have an 8 1/2 year old son and an 11 year old son. I will be 39 in a few months and my husband is 42, he had a vasectomy about 6 years ago that I have been regretting desperately. He still feels "done" and "too old to have another baby" but I have this unbearable longing for a little girl, or another boy if a girl is not meant to be.

So I have discovered that our health insurance covers up to 4 cycles of IVF, even though my husband had a voluntary vasectomy, and that the urologist can retrieve the sperm that my husband's body still produces so we would not need donor sperm. I had an U/S yesterday and saw my empty uterus, but healthy looking ovaries with eggs in them, and today they did bloodwork to check my hormone levels. I feel this shimmering hope, and yet I still need to deal with my DH's misgivings and negativity. I just know that he would love the baby once it was born, just as he loves our two sons. He is such an involved, wonderful daddy. I don't want to be pushy and bully him into having a child that he doesn't want, but I feel so strongly deep in my heart that I would always regret NOT having a 3rd child, but that he would get excited about the baby as soon as a pregnancy was confirmed. I just feel like the clock is ticking something fierce as I'm coming up on my 39th birthday in May and I can't afford to just drop it again and "wait for him to come around."

Anyone else out there going through anything similar?

I was in the same boat as you except I was the one who had had a tubal ligation.
We did alot of talking and weighing the odds before we decided to go for a TR and try for one more ( well now two)
Good luck !

Oh and future numan lol that is funny that u were going to call your daughter that too lol I hate it when people steal your baby's name Grrrr seriously can't they find their own??? It's ok to do it to a stranger but not your family!!! Wow your so lucky to be having a boy after 4 girls :) u won't know what hit you though it will be a massive change for u, I was watching a friend of mine change her little boy the other day and I was shocked to see a willy lol I am so used to seeing little girl bits after being a mum of girls for 20 yrs that I didn't expect it lol I knew he was a boy it just shocked me to see boy bits lol and she says that he wee's on her regulary :) lol got that to look forward to haha lol :) you will love it it will just be huge change I think lol :)

Now that you mention it.. I don't think I have ever seen a lil' baby boy naked:dohh:
Someone mentioned to me to buy a " pee pee tee pee" whatever the heck that is:dohh:
I assume it stops lil' man from peeing on me.. apparently lil boys like to pee once the cool air hits their bits durning a diaper change ( no more middle of the night , lights off diaper changes)
I'm getting there mumof3girls thanks x first af just arrived so back on to the ttc train xxx
ROFl, those 'pee pee tee pees' are pretty popular right now.

Cause yes, when the air hits baby boy bits, they tend to pee. I just pull the diaper front down, what a second or two, and place it back real quick to let him pee. I think the tee pee thingys would be a pain and probably not used very much. LOL, my opinion...

It's so odd to think that you haven't seen little boy's, but it makes sense of course. I have 2 boys and 1 girl.
Lol u cracked me up future lol yep when u are not used to or have never seen a baby boy naked it is a major shock lol so used to seeing girly bits that a willy is just so foreign to me lol ;) there is only one willy I'm used to lol
So not sure if I would know how to look after it lol I have heard horror stories so I'm kind of glad I have another girl lol although don't get me wrong all my girls have weed on my at some stage or another lol
2 months 1 week and 5 days to go ladies woohoo ;) lol
Just had to put that in lol ;)
When we first had Emily, we kept her in our room in a bassinett for the first three months and I just changed her on a pad on our bed...
With all this " pee pee" talk ( and I also was shown the after effect of a client who had changed her 1 month old on the bed at the midwives office yesterday) that maybe it would be a good idea to move the change table into our room also:dohh:
Sounds like it would save me many midnight sheet changes.

Both my parents are only children and my brother never married and has no children so other than my own kids I have never been exposed to baby boys.:dohh:
I'm the same future my parents had sisters only and they had a boy (my brother) but I was too young to worry about or want to look at him naked lol or even wanted too ewww the thought lol and my brother is expecting his first child the same week as I'm expecting my little girl lol but we don't know what he's having yet and he lives 5 hour flight away from me with his wife so I doubt if they have a boy that I will see him anytime soon :( which sux coz I have waited sooo long to be an aunty and he's been an uncle for almost 20 yrs lol I'm going to try to take a trip up there as soon as my baby is old enough to fly lol :) I have quite a few friends with baby boys but I almost never see them getting changed so really my friend last week was the first little boy I had seen in about 13 years when my best friend had her little boy and I used to change him sometimes lol :) so kind of new territory lol :) I would definatly put the change table in your room or his wherever u will have him lol u dont want to be covered in wee in the middle of the night lol :) haha just the thought cracks me up lol :) you will have to let me know how different it is to having girls lol :)
Well I'm 29 weeks and 4 days woohoo :) not long now and I'll be 30 weeks yay :)
I have 2 months 1 week and 2 days till she is in my arms :)
70 days :)
Haha I love counting down :) and after today I'll have 7 shifts left of work then I'm on maternity leave woohoo :)
Have a great day ladies :) xxx
Oh and happy birthday Emily Mackenzie for the 28th feb :) I hope she hada fantastic day :) it's my lo birthday in 2 days :)
Hi ladies :) mrskg that is awesome I'm so glad your back on the ttc train :) I look forward to seeing your bfp really soon hun xxxx
Well it's my little girls 4th birthday today :) I can't believe she starts kindy just before the baby comes :( its so sad I want my baby back lol sux I have to work today though :( and I'm suppose to go to training tonight but I think I'll give it a miss coz my lo doesn't turn 4 everyday lol :) plus who needs training when I have 6 shifts left of work until maternity leave??? Seems silly I think since I'll be gone for at least 6 months and by then there will be all new training lol
Oh well off to get ready :) I hope u all have a fantastic day xxx

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