Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

You are starting to pack bags already:dohh:
I haven't started anything yet..
We aren't doing a nursery right away as Emily is still in a crib in the smaller room.
We painted and moved her toddler bed and toys into the bigger second room so lil' man could have her old room but she has shown no desire to move to a big girl bed and we don't want to rush her.
I bought a bassinett so lil' man will be staying in our room for the first few months any way.
We haven't even set up the bassinet or put the change table in our room.
I plan on washing hs clothes around 35 weeks.
I am planning a home birth but will have a hospital bag packed just in case.. again my plan is to do that around 35 weeks.
My bag is pack too, and today I picked up a pack of diapers. I use cloth and really want to make some, but haven't had the chance to buy the right fabrics. So I picked up a package of prefolds, just so I have some! lol

My 'nursery' is done, it's just a corner of my room. But crib is up, decorations are in, everything is ready for little one. I have a car seat. Still need some more clothes (I have a few), a swing and a playpen. But those I can get whenever.
My bag is pack too, and today I picked up a pack of diapers. I use cloth and really want to make some, but haven't had the chance to buy the right fabrics. So I picked up a package of prefolds, just so I have some! lol

My 'nursery' is done, it's just a corner of my room. But crib is up, decorations are in, everything is ready for little one. I have a car seat. Still need some more clothes (I have a few), a swing and a playpen. But those I can get whenever.

I am using alot of stuff from Emily but we did buy a new car seat since the one we ha for her was really heavy and I found it hard to carry.
I also was lucky that we bought neutral clothing with her so some stuff is still okay to wear for a boy..
I do plan on buying him some new things too, like fuzzy blanket.
Emily loves hers and never goes anywhere with out it.
I also need to buy a new breast pump since I distroyed my old one when I boiled the parts and forgot about it on the stove :dohh:
I have diapers, I only bought 1 pack of disposibles since we don't know how big her will be... Emily was 9lbs 10oz so she didn't fit newborn diapers.
This is going to be my first baby born in the warm weather ( I have two November babies & Febuaray, March Babies)
So I haven't a clue what to expect weather wise ( here in Canada the weather has been wacky).. so I need to get a few things for warmer weather
I was craving OJ tonight so drank a big glass... so we are now playing " guess the body part" since apparently OJ gets little man hopping:haha:
LOL Future, I've craved oj since the beginning of this pregnancy, I would drink it all day if I could.

I've kept clothes from my previous kids. But most of them got wore out by my last kiddo, and some of them didn't survive the last 7yrs in storage. So, darn, I have to buy some new ones ;) LOL
LOL Future, I've craved oj since the beginning of this pregnancy, I would drink it all day if I could.

I've kept clothes from my previous kids. But most of them got wore out by my last kiddo, and some of them didn't survive the last 7yrs in storage. So, darn, I have to buy some new ones ;) LOL

I craved OJ big time at the begining of the pregnancy.. think I drank a full jug in one day:dohh: but I haven't lately... but now that I had a taste for it again.. I find myself drinking it more and more..

Your so lucky.. now you have a reason to shop:happydance:
DH is always making comments on how lil' man can use this or that again:dohh:
Ohhh so cute :) my dh freaks everytime I buy something for bubs (probably because I keep buying things we already have lol) I have borrowed a capsule and a musical baby swing which I'll be picking up next week so I can get it fitted into the car :) we have already put the cot up as she will be sharing with her 4 Yr old sister for a while but won't be for a few months because we want our 4th old to get used to the cot being in her room first and get used to having the baby in the house before they co share lol :)
We have a bassinet that's in our room that the baby will use for the next few months :)
Well yesterday I finally picked up some maternity pads and some baby powder so I have pretty much completed my bag but I think I might buy myself some new pjs for the hospital even though I bought some before I got pregnant lol I think I need new ones :) lowland I seem to have lost my maternity bra when we went away for the night so don't know what happened to that grrr :( it was my only one :( so will need to buy another one maybe 2 :( that's a job for when I go on maternity leave :) only 2 days left till that happens yay :) today and tomorrow woohoo :) I can't wait :) and the baby expo is on this weekend too so I'll be able to go to that yay :) I work weekends normally so it will be a nice change to be out and about on them instead of being at work :)
Oooh can't forget the countdown lol so here it is :)......
30 weeks and 5 days....
2 months and 1 day left to go.... 62 days :)
I don't see anyone else's countdowns ??? Come on ladies show me your countdowns :) lol
And do any of u have facebook? If u would like to add me to yours just look up Alana Clark (my profile picture has an u/s pic of my baby :)) I look forward to seeing all your faces in real life :) xxxx
Alana, I want to buy some pjs for the hospital too. Preverably some nursing ones. I'll have to see what I can find.

25 days to go!!!!
I bought some new PJ's too..
I would have been horrified for someone to see the ones I had before.. but gosh darn they were comfy..

Mumof3, I have Facebook.. I will look you up..

Oh ya... 9 weeks and 2 days left
Woohoo :) the countdowns have begun :) lol
Just confirmed your friendship future :) thanks for the add :)
Well I'm off to get ready for my 2nd to last day of work woohoo :)
See u in the morning :) xxxx
Woohoo ready and omg Dorian I can't believe u are almost done now :) I have 1 month and 4 weeks left to go ....59 days :) hurry up time I'm starting to get impatient lol :)
Day 1 of maternity leave today woohoo :)
What to do today???? Lol
Well we have our photo shoot on friday so that should be fun :) my hubby doesn't think so lol he doesn't want to do it lol but he said he is doing it for me :) lol gotta love him :)
Well it's bloody hot this morning grrr Im going to have to put the aircon on now ;)
Have a great day ladies xx
By doing the count down it feels like I am wishing the pregnancy away:cry:
This will be my last baby :cry:

Dorian... your getting so close:happydance:

Mumof3, so what are you going to do with all this free time ?
Here we don't start mat. leave till the baby is born.
Don't matter to me since I am a SAHM but I do take in daycare kids.
I am only taking 3 weeks off with them starting April 30:happydance:

It was unseasonably warm here today but I had to drive DH to a depot 3 hrs away. He will be gone for the next 4-5 weeks so I am now a working widow:haha: so to celebrate Emily and I had ceaser salad for dinner ( he hates it) and pudding for desert:happydance:
I do miss him while he is gone but it is nice not to have him under foot since he has been home since Jan.
Emily has picked up a bug and has a fever so the last two nights she has been awoken around 2:30am.. and refuses to go back to sleep so to say the least I am tired:coffee:
Enjoy your mat leave Mumof3!

Future, I am trying to just enjoy my pregnancy too. And not wish these last few weeks would hurry by. As this is my last also. But, I can NOT wait to hold my little one !! :happydance:
Enjoy your mat leave Mumof3!

Future, I am trying to just enjoy my pregnancy too. And not wish these last few weeks would hurry by. As this is my last also. But, I can NOT wait to hold my little one !! :happydance:

I am the same way.. can't wait to hold him and beastfeed.. but I also want him to stay put ( even though I am starting to get uncomfortable):haha:
Dorian, you don't have long at all. :happydance:

Future, I hope Emily feels better soon.

Mum, yay for the free time. Here in the states we don't go on Mat leave until baby gets here or if we are put on bedrest.

AFM, yes I am enjoying being pregnant. I just want to hold and cuddle my little man. I am not sure if we will have another as I will be 40 in September. But my dh did say he wanted one more. But want to try after baby gets 6 months or older so we will see.
Part of me wants my baby now!!! And part of me is really enjoying being pregnant too especially since this is my last one :( I just love seeing the countdown though it gives me something to look forward to since I don't have anything else at the moment lol

Here's some news.... Lost my mucus plug yesterday :( and have been leaking water since then too but still not really sure what it is ??? Maybe my waters ??? Or just cm that's watery??? Don't know but will keep an eye on it today and if there is any change I will ring up the hospital :)
Yep I'm a lady of leisure now :) great for rest, but sucks for money :( had my last pay check today and it was dismal :( so not looking forward to the next few weeks :( bummer should have really thought that through !!! We can take maternity leave from 8 weeks before baby is due but we don't get payments until baby is born :( sux!!!!
Never mind!!! Off to have a nice day of peace without kids as my daughter will be in daycare today yippeee :) day off for me :)
Ok here is my countdown :).......
31 weeks and 2 days......
1 month, 3 weeks and 6 days to go....58 days :)
See u tomorrow ladies :) have a great day :) xxx
Oh no Mumto3, I hope it's not your waters leaking!

Here's my update:

37wk apt today. A bit of up and down. My BP was lower (no allergies bothering me today), I gained 2lbs since last week! MW was happy. lol. My MW was so amazed at how far up in my ribs baby was, she didnt' tell me the fundal height. So it sounds like I am measuring more than 37wks still. And baby's HB is good and strong.

But the bad news, I was tested positive for Strep B virus :cry: I never was with any of my other kids, so now I am going to be worried. I know that I'll get antibiodics and such, but it will be a worry there in the back of my head.

Next week, I can have a cervix check, so we'll see if all this BH and pressure is doing anything. Although MW told me since my last 2 were born at 40+ wks, it's a good chance this one will be too.

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