Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Mumof3, hope your girl had a great bday! I agree, take the night off training, seems silly right now. lol

Well baby has almost definatley dropped. Even dh said "your belly looks different" and the pressure on my bladder/lower bits...ugh! I am for sure going o ask MW on Wed if I am dialated at all.

This is going to be a fun week...crib is ordered and should be here, bedroom will get rearranged, fabric scraps from a friend is coming (Lots of baby fabric scraps too!! I'm a quilter...), I see baby on a U/S on Wed...oh what a good week it will be!! LOL

Today I did 4 loads of laundry, and made sure I put some baby clothes and recieving blankets in to get washed and put in my diaper bag too. I figure I might as well get it ready...even if it sits for the next 4 wks. lol
Mumof3, wishing you sweet little girl a very happy 4th birthday:hugs:
Gosh, time flys.. my Emily is half way there:dohh:

Dorion, sounds like your doing the " nesting" thing.. I remember with Emily it was around the sametime. I am hoping it kicks in for me soon, since I have almost nothing ready:blush:

DH and I did got to a Mom2Mom sale. It's a sale where a bunch on moms rent a large space to sell their gently used baby stuff. I still have tons from Emily and really didn't buy much but it was a fun way to spend an afternoon on a cold day.

I don't know if I mentioned that I was at the MW last week. We had discused my feeling like MS was back ( I had an awful time back in 1st tri and lost a ton of weight) wish I could do that not pregnant:dohh:
Anyways, I always felt tired, winded and couldn't eat much of anything... so the MW sent me for blood work, well the cause is I am severally anemic so she ordered me to take extra iron on top of my prenantal suppl.
I started right away and wow what a difference:haha:
Only thing is now I am bellying up to the fridge about every 15 mins... I mean this is awful.. I finish my dinner plate, anything Emily has left over and second helpings.. I am always hungry:dohh:
I even woke in the night and stood in the dark eatting a bowl of cereal.. I am trying to keep the foods healthy but oh my goodness:wacko:
30 weeks today yippee :happydance:I can't believe I'm 30 weeks :) it's an amazing feeling :) I have 2 months and 6 days to go. 67 days
Dorian omg u have 4 weeks to go woohoo :) I can't believe it :)
Still haven't heard anything from dee I hope her and her little bub are ok I'm starting to get worried!! Dee please just let us know your ok hun :) xxx
Future - seems like u had a great day, we have the baby show on here not next week but the week after which will be when I start maternity leave so I'm going to go there and look around :) looking forward to that :) last time I went I had just had tayler she was only a couple of weeks old and I got a parking fine lol but I remember we had a great time though so I'm really looking forward to it :)
Well I have 5 shifts left of work woohoo :) can't wait :)
The countdown has begun ladies :) wont be long now until we are holding our babies in our arms ;) xxx
Oh yeah forgot to say thankyou for all your birthday wishes for my little girl she had a ball :)
mumof3, congratulations:happydance:
I am exactly 1 week and 1 day ahead of you.. are you have a c-section ? That's why you know you will be a week earlier ?

I went over due with Emly but I hope with lil' man he decides to show on May 2nd... wishful thinking on my part:dohh:
Hey ladies,

Just dropping in. I can't believe next week my oldest will be 21.:cry: He is such a man now. He moved out when we was 19 and has been doing well ever since. I am proud of him but to me he is still my little boy.
Omg ready you have a man on your hands now lol :) my daughters 21st is next year :)
Well congratulations mumma:) I hope he has a fantastic birthday :)
I hope u and the baby are well too :)

Future - yeah I'm having a c-section :) I dont really mind as I have had 3 anyway so I know what I'm in for lol but it also helps knowing when I will be having her :) no real surprises here unless she comes early??? Lol that would be nice :) I doubt it though :( bummer lol I'm starting raspberry leaf tea this week woohoo not that I need it, it would just be nice to strengthen my uterus before they cut into it lol :)
Well I have 2 months and 5 days to go ladies woohoo :) and tonight my gorgeous husband and I will be staying at mt lofty house for the night :) it's a combined Xmas, birthday and valentines present for us both as we haven't been away in soooo long!!! So no kids woohoo :)
Well have a lovely day ladies :) xxx
Mumof3, sounds like a fun getaway, have a good time!
Hey ladies,

Just dropping in. I can't believe next week my oldest will be 21.:cry: He is such a man now. He moved out when we was 19 and has been doing well ever since. I am proud of him but to me he is still my little boy.

Ready, My daughter will be 21 this friday ( 9th) time has flown with the kids.. she also is living independently.. actually with her younger sister while the attend school about 3hrs away.

Omg ready you have a man on your hands now lol :) my daughters 21st is next year :)
Well congratulations mumma:) I hope he has a fantastic birthday :)
I hope u and the baby are well too :)

Future - yeah I'm having a c-section :) I dont really mind as I have had 3 anyway so I know what I'm in for lol but it also helps knowing when I will be having her :) no real surprises here unless she comes early??? Lol that would be nice :) I doubt it though :( bummer lol I'm starting raspberry leaf tea this week woohoo not that I need it, it would just be nice to strengthen my uterus before they cut into it lol :)
Well I have 2 months and 5 days to go ladies woohoo :) and tonight my gorgeous husband and I will be staying at mt lofty house for the night :) it's a combined Xmas, birthday and valentines present for us both as we haven't been away in soooo long!!! So no kids woohoo :)
Well have a lovely day ladies :) xxx

A night away, that's wonderful.. DH and I haven't been away in forever..have a great time:hugs:
Hey ladies,

Mumof3, the raspberry tea sounds like a good idea. I may try that as well.

How is everyone else doing these days?
Doing just fine here Ready. Had a great checkup today, baby is looking well. And my crib came today!! woohoo.

I agree, kids are growing up way too fast. My oldest will be 18 this summer.
Future, raspberry LEAF tea (there is a disctinction) helps your uterus, many women say it gives them an easier labor/birth.
Dorian, OMG I just realized that you have just a few weeks to go. How exciting!!:happydance:
Woohoo ladies won't be long now :)
Thankyou I had a great time the other night it was really nice to get away for the night with my hubby although I had a pretty crap sleep and got sick from bad ice coffee due to their fridge not working :( but yesterday my hubby and I went out for breakfast and lunch and wandered around a few small towns :) it was nice and peaceful :)
As for me ....
I have 8 weeks and 3 days to go woohoo :)
And 4 more day left of work :) yay :)
Have a great day ladies xxx
I am def. going to get some of that raspberry leaf tea, can't hurt to try..

I am due exactly two months today:happydance: ( thought I should add my part to the count down)

Starting Monday I am going to become a " working widow"
DH is leaving for four weeks for work ( he does it every year)

Mumof3, sorry you had gotten sick but it sounds like you made the best of it..
:happydance: Yes Ready, not much longer now!! It FEELs like I'll deliver sooner than 4 wks, but that could just be wishful thinking. lol How are you feeling? Everything going well?

Mumof3, glad you had a nice time, for the most part. Getting away for a day or two sounds SO nice! Woohooo on only 4 more working days!

Future, woohoo....getting closer! UGh to your dh going away for 4 wks.
mumof3, yay for 4 more days of work. I wish I could say that. Glad you and your dh had a great time. Sorry you got sick.

Future, Yay for 2 more months!!! How exciting is that?

Dorian, I am doing great. Sometimes it seems if I can't get enough sleep though. LOL
Hi ladies :)
2 months and 2 days to go for me woohoo :) and it turns out I only have 3 more days left of work as it's a public holiday here on monday which I didn't realise so no work for me Monday :)
Well last night was my going away party for work and it was a great turnout and night :) I had a ball :) I'm starting to feel a bit sad about leaving work now although Im happy about it but just going to be sad not seeing everyone there as they are part of my family :( I have worked with alot of them for over 5 years so it will be sad :(
Yay for countdowns :) come on ladies I want to see all of your countdowns now :)
Now has everyone got everything ready? I still have to pack my bag but bubs is done and so is everything else I needed to do except the baby powder which I keep forgetting to buy but that can be done anytime :)
Let me know what u have left to do :)
Have a great day :) xxx

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