Psychic Predictions

Got my reading from Brenda today. It's kinda long.


MAY 9 2012

Kerri,Spirits say that you are an energetic,loyal and in dependant young lady.Spirits also told me that you can be critical at times too.
I sense on your energy field that you are very active,and i do receive from Spirits that you are very honest,which people much appreciate that gift in you!
You love to give others useful advise regarding anything,and they act like it.Your loved ones can count on you for no matter what they need.
You are certainly blessed with a strong personality,and be proud of that!You have a fine charisma,and people like your solid and strong personality.

spirits say about Eric that he is a technically skilled,intense and professional young man.Spirits do tell me that he also can be obsessive and insecure at times.
Eric is very practical,and has some good ideas he need to work out,which will be very beneficial for him:)He has a great insight for detail,and he does take advantage of his qualities very well.
I do feel that he has some odd eating habits,and strong preferences regarding food.It will be god for him to develop more self-confidence.He comes across as calm and relaxed,but i do sense that he wants to express himself much more.

What i advise to all the ladies who approach me for a TTC reading,is to eat 3 oranges a day(the daily amount of pure vitamin c is a true fertility booster),and to wear a moonstone around your neck to be surrounded by the receptive energies of the moon.


Yes Kerri,i see that you are destined to have a family,as i get to see 2 souls attached to your energy field,which indicates two future children.Because i mentioned to the spirits that you prefer not to know the genders of both babies,they were silent regarding the genders,so i don't know the genders of your babies either.
I receive from spirits that you conceive in July 2012.

I sense a lovely energy coming my way,and this energy is very determined to be your child.In this pregnancy i see in my vision that you wont be suffering much from morning sickness,but mainly in evenings,and you cope well with it.You wont be liking coffee,in fact you cant stand the smell.
I do sense on your energy field,that you will have a lack of iron,which explains that you are feeling tired quite frequently.
Your blood pressure is stable,and i receive from Spirits that your scans look great,and the baby grows according to plan.
Try not to cross your legs while you sit down,as it may affect the blood stream towards the placenta.Also very beneficial is to sleep on your right side on a regular basis.

You feel he baby move for the first time when you are 18 weeks pregnant,and i see you will stand in your kitchen.
In week 38,5 you start to get contractions,and they proceed very well.No labour and birth are pain free,but i see you and your baby coping give birth naturally to a healthy baby with brownish hair.The baby is calm,but very alert,and seems aware of its surroundings.The baby drinks well and you bond immediately with your baby.

Further i receive a conception for you in the month of March 2015,and a very strong energy is approaching this pregnancy,i receive that you will experience the nausea a lot this time,and even before you know you are expecting,you will experience some sickness.Luckily you wont be tired that much.
from week 11 you will feel a lot better,and the sickness will be gone.You will regain your energy,and i do see you a lot outside with your family.
A few female relatives will offer you their help in the house making,and i feel you must accept their offer,as i get to see you carry low this time,and experiencing a sore back.
your blood pressure will be stable trough out your pregnancy and healthy also.try to avoid salty foods as much as possible.
Further,i see that you are very comfortable in your pregnancy,and you will feel well the 2 last trimester.
Regarding labour,i get to see a relatively easy and quick birth(less than 7 hours in total)You give birth to your second child in week 41.You will be blessed with another lovely and healthy child,and i wish you all the best for your family:0

This is what i was able to receive from the Spirits for you.If you have a question,just let me know:)

Have a wonderful day:)

Blessings,Brenda xxx

mine was long like that. did you like yours? was she spot on about you and your partner?
Got my reading from Brenda today. It's kinda long.


MAY 9 2012

Kerri,Spirits say that you are an energetic,loyal and in dependant young lady.Spirits also told me that you can be critical at times too.
I sense on your energy field that you are very active,and i do receive from Spirits that you are very honest,which people much appreciate that gift in you!
You love to give others useful advise regarding anything,and they act like it.Your loved ones can count on you for no matter what they need.
You are certainly blessed with a strong personality,and be proud of that!You have a fine charisma,and people like your solid and strong personality.

spirits say about Eric that he is a technically skilled,intense and professional young man.Spirits do tell me that he also can be obsessive and insecure at times.
Eric is very practical,and has some good ideas he need to work out,which will be very beneficial for him:)He has a great insight for detail,and he does take advantage of his qualities very well.
I do feel that he has some odd eating habits,and strong preferences regarding food.It will be god for him to develop more self-confidence.He comes across as calm and relaxed,but i do sense that he wants to express himself much more.

What i advise to all the ladies who approach me for a TTC reading,is to eat 3 oranges a day(the daily amount of pure vitamin c is a true fertility booster),and to wear a moonstone around your neck to be surrounded by the receptive energies of the moon.


Yes Kerri,i see that you are destined to have a family,as i get to see 2 souls attached to your energy field,which indicates two future children.Because i mentioned to the spirits that you prefer not to know the genders of both babies,they were silent regarding the genders,so i don't know the genders of your babies either.
I receive from spirits that you conceive in July 2012.

I sense a lovely energy coming my way,and this energy is very determined to be your child.In this pregnancy i see in my vision that you wont be suffering much from morning sickness,but mainly in evenings,and you cope well with it.You wont be liking coffee,in fact you cant stand the smell.
I do sense on your energy field,that you will have a lack of iron,which explains that you are feeling tired quite frequently.
Your blood pressure is stable,and i receive from Spirits that your scans look great,and the baby grows according to plan.
Try not to cross your legs while you sit down,as it may affect the blood stream towards the placenta.Also very beneficial is to sleep on your right side on a regular basis.

You feel he baby move for the first time when you are 18 weeks pregnant,and i see you will stand in your kitchen.
In week 38,5 you start to get contractions,and they proceed very well.No labour and birth are pain free,but i see you and your baby coping give birth naturally to a healthy baby with brownish hair.The baby is calm,but very alert,and seems aware of its surroundings.The baby drinks well and you bond immediately with your baby.

Further i receive a conception for you in the month of March 2015,and a very strong energy is approaching this pregnancy,i receive that you will experience the nausea a lot this time,and even before you know you are expecting,you will experience some sickness.Luckily you wont be tired that much.
from week 11 you will feel a lot better,and the sickness will be gone.You will regain your energy,and i do see you a lot outside with your family.
A few female relatives will offer you their help in the house making,and i feel you must accept their offer,as i get to see you carry low this time,and experiencing a sore back.
your blood pressure will be stable trough out your pregnancy and healthy also.try to avoid salty foods as much as possible.
Further,i see that you are very comfortable in your pregnancy,and you will feel well the 2 last trimester.
Regarding labour,i get to see a relatively easy and quick birth(less than 7 hours in total)You give birth to your second child in week 41.You will be blessed with another lovely and healthy child,and i wish you all the best for your family:0

This is what i was able to receive from the Spirits for you.If you have a question,just let me know:)

Have a wonderful day:)

Blessings,Brenda xxx

mine was long like that. did you like yours? was she spot on about you and your partner?

For the most part, she was.
Got my reading from Brenda today. It's kinda long.


MAY 9 2012

Kerri,Spirits say that you are an energetic,loyal and in dependant young lady.Spirits also told me that you can be critical at times too.
I sense on your energy field that you are very active,and i do receive from Spirits that you are very honest,which people much appreciate that gift in you!
You love to give others useful advise regarding anything,and they act like it.Your loved ones can count on you for no matter what they need.
You are certainly blessed with a strong personality,and be proud of that!You have a fine charisma,and people like your solid and strong personality.

spirits say about Eric that he is a technically skilled,intense and professional young man.Spirits do tell me that he also can be obsessive and insecure at times.
Eric is very practical,and has some good ideas he need to work out,which will be very beneficial for him:)He has a great insight for detail,and he does take advantage of his qualities very well.
I do feel that he has some odd eating habits,and strong preferences regarding food.It will be god for him to develop more self-confidence.He comes across as calm and relaxed,but i do sense that he wants to express himself much more.

What i advise to all the ladies who approach me for a TTC reading,is to eat 3 oranges a day(the daily amount of pure vitamin c is a true fertility booster),and to wear a moonstone around your neck to be surrounded by the receptive energies of the moon.


Yes Kerri,i see that you are destined to have a family,as i get to see 2 souls attached to your energy field,which indicates two future children.Because i mentioned to the spirits that you prefer not to know the genders of both babies,they were silent regarding the genders,so i don't know the genders of your babies either.
I receive from spirits that you conceive in July 2012.

I sense a lovely energy coming my way,and this energy is very determined to be your child.In this pregnancy i see in my vision that you wont be suffering much from morning sickness,but mainly in evenings,and you cope well with it.You wont be liking coffee,in fact you cant stand the smell.
I do sense on your energy field,that you will have a lack of iron,which explains that you are feeling tired quite frequently.
Your blood pressure is stable,and i receive from Spirits that your scans look great,and the baby grows according to plan.
Try not to cross your legs while you sit down,as it may affect the blood stream towards the placenta.Also very beneficial is to sleep on your right side on a regular basis.

You feel he baby move for the first time when you are 18 weeks pregnant,and i see you will stand in your kitchen.
In week 38,5 you start to get contractions,and they proceed very well.No labour and birth are pain free,but i see you and your baby coping give birth naturally to a healthy baby with brownish hair.The baby is calm,but very alert,and seems aware of its surroundings.The baby drinks well and you bond immediately with your baby.

Further i receive a conception for you in the month of March 2015,and a very strong energy is approaching this pregnancy,i receive that you will experience the nausea a lot this time,and even before you know you are expecting,you will experience some sickness.Luckily you wont be tired that much.
from week 11 you will feel a lot better,and the sickness will be gone.You will regain your energy,and i do see you a lot outside with your family.
A few female relatives will offer you their help in the house making,and i feel you must accept their offer,as i get to see you carry low this time,and experiencing a sore back.
your blood pressure will be stable trough out your pregnancy and healthy also.try to avoid salty foods as much as possible.
Further,i see that you are very comfortable in your pregnancy,and you will feel well the 2 last trimester.
Regarding labour,i get to see a relatively easy and quick birth(less than 7 hours in total)You give birth to your second child in week 41.You will be blessed with another lovely and healthy child,and i wish you all the best for your family:0

This is what i was able to receive from the Spirits for you.If you have a question,just let me know:)

Have a wonderful day:)

Blessings,Brenda xxx

mine was long like that. did you like yours? was she spot on about you and your partner?

When are you gonna test?!?!
Hey girls!!! So I oredered yet another reading, Suzanne, and here is what she says!! Its long but I really liked this one alot! I really liked how she talked about what she thinks the pregnancy will be like. It was really different. Hers is by far my favorite of the 4!!

I hope this reading finds you happy and healthy. I also appreciate your patience. When I connect with you, I get a real sense of family. I feel as though you have started a new life with a few partner and your daughter. I feel the energy in your home is good, I sense a lot of love and happiness. I do feel however when you chose to try to have another child that there was some discussion and about when the right time would be. I sense you are now in a cycle of new beginnings, success and completion.
I see May 2012 as the month to conceive or find out. It could also be May of 2013. I tend to see the conceive or find out month and I feel it will be soon for you. I see a boy. I don't sense that you will have any morning sickness if you do it will just be a few episodes. I do feel you will have some nausea, some headaches, and heartburn. I also feel that you will have some food aversions and some new food likes. I feel your pregnancy will be very healthy. I feel you will go full term and will deliver between 38 and 39 weeks. I feel you will have a vaginal delivery.
This little boy will be very loving and compassionate. I feel his older sister will love having a little brother. I do feel he will be somewhat shy and tend to wear his heart on his sleeve. I do feel he will frustrate easily especially with sports. I feel will have some issues with being shy. I feel the teacher he has will really help him to open up and make friends. I feel he will do well in school but will struggle a bit with reading. I feel with him being sensitive that you will constantly need to tell him that he is doing a good job and try to motivate him. I feel once he reaches high school he will become more confident. I feel he will do well in sports. I feel that girls will make him a little uncomfortable at first him which is okay because he needs to focus on him studies.  I feel in college he will earn a business degree. I feel he will go into either sales or finance. I feel he will be very successful. I feel he will marry in his late 20s and have two children. I feel the girl he marries he will have known from high school.
I do feel he will complete your family. Since I did not see any more for you I decided to read your daughter a bit. 
I feel your daughter is a very bright and outgoing girl. I feel she is very fun loving and very generous. I feel her friends are true friends and he will have them throughout her life. I do feel she will struggle with her self image and peer pressure in her early teens. I feel you will see a physical change in her and about three years. I feel she will want to change the color her hair or get highlights and she will want to dress differently. I feel she is doing this because she is becoming more confident in herself. I also feel that she is very intuitive, and this is why she is so and empathetic when it comes to people's feelings. You will need to talk to her about not letting other people's thoughts actions or feelings bothering her. I feel since she is so genuine that she will tend to do this. I feel she will do well in high school and will move on to college. I feel she will not know exactly what she wants to do in the future. I feel she has a few ideas in mind of things she would like to be but will be undecided. Whatever she does she will be true leader and be very well respected. I feel this little girl of yours takes a lot after you; she has great inner strength and determination.

JennyRenny:BFP May- Boy
Ruby:BFP in July, August or October- Girl
Cheri:BFP in June, July or September-Boy
Suzanne: BFP May-Boy
That's so cool!
I'm suppose to get my reading by Suzanne. I can't wait to see.
Ok I finally got my reading.
Suppose to conceive or find out in July 2012 (baby boy)
Suppose to conceive or find out in May 2016 (baby girl)

well, I'm still hoping to have a BFP this month.
Gail and Suzanne were both wrong... BECAUSE I GOT :bfp: THIS MORNING!!!
I'm still in complete shock.
Happy mother's day to all of us ladies, pregnant or still TTC #1.
AWESOME! Congrats!!:happydance:

You are giving me hope, I hope Suzanne's reading is wrong and that I get my bfp this month too.
Massive congratulations Jenna!!

I've been predicted June by Suzanne and Cheri, but still got fx'd crossed for May, however lots of pain today and feel like af on her way but its not over till she appears (keep telling myself that anyway!!)
I had (and still have) cramps that feel a lot like AF. They're a little different though. It's like sharp cramps in my ovaries/uterus area that come for just a few seconds then go away. So don't lose hope just yet!
Gail and Suzanne were both wrong... BECAUSE I GOT :bfp: THIS MORNING!!!
I'm still in complete shock.
Happy mother's day to all of us ladies, pregnant or still TTC #1.

Congrats! What a great day to get your BFP!
I had (and still have) cramps that feel a lot like AF. They're a little different though. It's like sharp cramps in my ovaries/uterus area that come for just a few seconds then go away. So don't lose hope just yet!

Yep keep getting a sharp pain worse on the left and did have that with my angel baby but trying not to read too much into things!! AF usually on CD28 during the day (tomorrow) so fx'd she won't appear!!!
Gail said boy conceived in June and Suzanne said girl conceived in September.
I know which is weird because she was the most dead on with everything else and Gail said tons of things that didn't make sense lol. I actually cried when I read Suzanne said September because I'd already been trying so long. Silly me! Glad she was wrong, just hoping it sticks!

Good luck Sprite keep us updated!
yeah same here. July is still two months away. I'm hoping she is wrong. She predicted May 2016 for our second child, but we want our childs close in age. I don't know. I don't want to believe any of it. She could be wrong too. :thumbup:
Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I am soooo happy that the psychics were off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can be bump buddies!!!

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