Pumpkin Patch

Congrats Loobi!

CD17 and still no sign of ovulating. No proper CM, though, my cervix is high so maybe that'll mean it'll happen tomorrow. I can cross my fingers anyways. Our anniversary is tomorrow too... how great would it be to get pregnant on my anniversary.
At this rate, AF should be gone tomorrow....and if it doesn't pick up, I am going to go buy a test. Very strange. Maybe TMI, but usually during AF I can put in a tampon and 4 hours later I have to change it and it's full and there are clots and stuff. Not this time. I've been changing them like every 6, and even the one I had in last night that I slept with...... only about 1/4 of the tampon had anything on it. The only thing I can think of is stress..... but I'll wait 'til AF is over and take a test just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't that be fantastic?:happydance:

Not getting any hopes up though.
Evening ladies!

Whew!! I just went back and read the whole thread from Sunday to today, so I'm finally caught up!

First of all, CONGRATS to loobi!!!!!:happydance::happydance:

bumble b: sorry to hear about your pcos. I agree with other posters, though, that knowing is half the battle. Hopefully you get a BFP soon and then you can tell the doc to shove the stone up her rear! (btw, being an American I had to look up the weight equivalent for a stone...apparently it's 14 pounds. you learn something new everyday!)

bexx: glad to see that you and DH are getting down to business! Here's to hoping your 2ww goes quickly!

Jlove: If AF doesn't pick up, TEST!!!! Sorry work has been so busy lately...I know the feeling!

Welshrose: How are you doing, hun? Hope O is fast approaching and that you and DH are enjoying yourselves!

Welcome to all the new ladies! :hi: Sorry if I missed anyone!

Not much new here. The awful symptoms I had on Sunday have returned. :cry: I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and I'm totally congested and achy and exhausted. Thank goodness today was my last day of school for the week and I have a long weekend. Monday is Columbus Day (Native American Day in South Dakota) so we don't have school. :happydance: Alex also has an ear infection, so I think that between how awful I feel and her infection, we're in for a weekend of lounging around and TLC!

DH's appointment with the urologist was kinda lame. I guess the guy's pretty old (and old-school), so he basically told DH that he thought we worried to much; sometimes it just "takes a while." Grrrrr...they still took a semen sample so we'll find out the results later this week. The doc also gave him the same antibiotics as last time, so let's hope that's actually what got me pg last time and that they work again!

Now that I'm done with conferences I'll have more time to check in and stay caugh up. It's 8:00 and I'm off to bed...I feel that bad!

HUGS to all and :dust::dust::dust:
Morning Girls:hugs:

A Big hello to all the newcomers.....heaps of luck and :dust: to you all:wave:

Jefner: Aww Babe, hope you're both feeling heaps better soon!:hugs: There's a lot of strange colds/flus going round over here as well....thankfully all is well in our madhouse at the moment.
I've got my fingers and toes crossed that the antibiotics work as well as they did last time..:winkwink:.....C'mon Jefner's :bfp:!....the tww is just around the corner:yipee:....Oh my word...I just peeked at your chart....You've got your crosshairs:happydance:

JLove: OMG....you know what I'm going to say....:test::rofl:....Everything is still crossed for you sweetie:hugs:

Im_mi: How you doing Hun?

Bumbleb:OMG the pics of Rylee are absolutely gorgeous!!! :awww:....it won't be long til she's home with you. Do you get to see her again before she comes home?

Bexx:We're so almost there hun....the tww is calling:yipee: Definately think I'll be O tomorrow:yipee:......Just being completely sad counted forward and if we are we'd be just 13wks by christmas....a scan to know all is ok days before santa comes would make for the best christmas ever!

Loobi: How you feeling hun? Reserving every:cloud9:in sight I hope....Cos we all wanna join you and Twinmad!

Feeling full of hope and PMA today girls....for all of us......Hears hoping for a signature FULL of Pumkin Patch BUMP BUDDIES!!!:rofl:
don't know if i'll get up to see our puppy now until we pick her up, she is in lincolnshire & we are in essex so it's a 6 hour round trip!!!!

not much to report here, did my temp today & it's really low so be nice to see a rise when i ovulate, just hoping i don't have to wait 2 months to ovulate!

kitchen cupbords have now been ripped out & all i have is a cooker, fridge, washing machine & sink!!!! getting a new kitchen is exciting...having 3 weeks of work before getting the new kitchen is not!

well i'd best get my bum into gear & get ready for work, have nice day ladies x
Aww wow that makes for a long day doesn't it....the time will fly by til you get her thou esp as your kitchen being done will take up half of the wait:yipee:

You'll have to put a chart link in your sig babe....that way we can celebrate the highs and get excited about the dips together:hugs:

bumble b, your pup is just adorable!! *wants*

Welshrose, you are always so sweet and warm and optimistic, thanks for brightening my day with your posts! *hug*

Jlove, you have the patience of a saint, i would have POAS x2657683 by now if i were in your situation :rofl: i had to restrain myself from POAS this morning and i have AF!! hehehehe

jefner, im sorry you are feeling so rough :( *sends get well vibes*

trynitey, oh wouldnt it be wonderful to fall on your anniversary! what an amazing present for you both! fx'd for you xxx

and lots of hugs and :dust: to the newcomers, and to anyone i have unintentionally forgotten!

AF is heavy today.... owie. OMGosh i am so annoyed, if my calculations are correct i am going to ovulate on/around the 21st, and i am bloody working on the 21st and possibly on the 20th! (i work evenings in a bar) i think i will leave a note for my shift manager this evening asking him if he could make sure i am off on the 20th, hes really good about stuff like that and he never even asks for a reason why you need your shift moved (which is a relief in this instance heh... i wonder what he would say if i told him i needed the night off to BD :rofl: )
morning girls...
im_mi...you have me laughing out loud here hahahahaha.......

welshrose, im_mi is so right , you really are a lovley little rose.....we all think the world of ya...

nothing much to report here, got a friend calling for a cuppa this morning, so my house is all cleaned now..i love when its done.....need the rain to saty away for a few more hours so i can leave my fur babies out back, cos they smell, and i get embarrassed that they make my kitchen smell when they are inside....( they live in the kitchen)

not looking hopeful though.... the balck clouds are upon us, and its a bit NIPPY to say the least..
hey have you ever wondered, if its called NIPPY cos its makes your nipps stick out cos its cold???

on that note i will sign out for now....sending you all lots and lots of love and :dust: :dust:
btw, i went into the june babies forum, but i am staying here.....
Jlove, you have the patience of a saint, i would have POAS x2657683 by now if i were in your situation :rofl: i had to restrain myself from POAS this morning and i have AF!! hehehehe

AF is heavy today.... owie. OMGosh i am so annoyed, if my calculations are correct i am going to ovulate on/around the 21st, and i am bloody working on the 21st and possibly on the 20th! (i work evenings in a bar) i think i will leave a note for my shift manager this evening asking him if he could make sure i am off on the 20th, hes really good about stuff like that and he never even asks for a reason why you need your shift moved (which is a relief in this instance heh... i wonder what he would say if i told him i needed the night off to BD :rofl:

After all the :rofl: I've just done.....I can only say DITTO:hugs::rofl:
I'd love to be a fly on the wall if you did tell him you needed it off to :sex: I don't think the :rofl: smiley quite covers it.....lmao...might!:rofl:

welshrose, im_mi is so right , you really are a lovley little rose.....we all think the world of ya...

nothing much to report here, got a friend calling for a cuppa this morning, so my house is all cleaned now..i love when its done.....need the rain to saty away for a few more hours so i can leave my fur babies out back, cos they smell, and i get embarrassed that they make my kitchen smell when they are inside....( they live in the kitchen)

not looking hopeful though.... the balck clouds are upon us, and its a bit NIPPY to say the least..
hey have you ever wondered, if its called NIPPY cos its makes your nipps stick out cos its cold???

on that note i will sign out for now....sending you all lots and lots of love and :dust: :dust:
btw, i went into the june babies forum, but i am staying here.....

Aww thank-you Loobi and Im_mi:hugs:....I think the absolute world of you guys to:hugs::kiss: *welshrose sits at the computer with a beaming smile feeling all warm and fuzzy inside* It always amazes me how much you actually begin to really care about people on here and how close friendships can end up....wouldn't be without any of you:hugs:

I think you could be onto something with the NIPPY weather....God was definately a man!:rofl:

My Lil Furbaby is going in the :shower: tonight which she actually doesn't mind....the hairdrier thou....it's another story....she barks for most of it!:dohh:

Hope you have a lovely morning with your friend hun....are you going to tell her??? Bet your bursting with the good news:hugs:
Ooooh Bexx I just looked at your chart.....Possible O yesterday?....what do you think?

Heaps of PMA and :dust: for you sweetie:hugs:
Morning girls!

I think I may have ovulated yesterday as my temp seems to be on the rise. It's not the highest it's been this month, but I think the antibiotics and virus messed things up a bit earlier in my cycle.

Haven't had the definitive ovulation twinge I sometimes get, but did have a brief bit of cramping yesterday. Hubby had Tuesday and Wednesday off, so we BDed whenever we wanted, but he was back at work until 11pm last night so we had to wait til bedtime. Think we might skip today as we've done it 4 days in a row now lol.
Good morning!:coffee:

You know, i think I found the secret to not POAS like crazy. Just don't keep any in the house. I have YET to go buy one! It hasn't picked up, and I actually didn't need a tampon at all last night. Still confused.... I thought on an OPK you could atleast see a definite line when you are preggers.... I am getting that line that you have to squint and hold the damn stick at an angle to see. Well, I'll definitely go pick up a test after work.
Does anyone check their CP or CM? And does anyone know what it's supposed to be doing during AF?

Well, off to make some money. I'm gonna try to hold my pee until I get home so i can test. Come on loobi, help me out on this one! Haha.
That's fab babe that you think it happened yesterday!....and was able to get busy when you felt like it:winkwink: Hopefully you'll see those crosshairs on sunday!
Morning JLove:hugs:
I don't want to get your hopes up too much babe but it's sounding good:hugs:
The opk lines can vary soo much hun. Normally during AF your cp should be low and the cervix should be open....check it the same time each day cos it's position can vary quite a bit throughout the day:hugs:

:yipee: for JLove sitting cross-legged all day so she can test!:hugs:....Hope it turns into a magical surprise:kiss:
Morning JLove:hugs:
I don't want to get your hopes up too much babe but it's sounding good:hugs:
The opk lines can vary soo much hun. Normally during AF your cp should be low and the cervix should be open....check it the same time each day cos it's position can vary quite a bit throughout the day:hugs:

:yipee: for JLove sitting cross-legged all day so she can test!:hugs:....Hope it turns into a magical surprise:kiss:

Thanks WelshRose. I'm gonna be thinking about this allllll day now! Let ya'll know later!
oooh it does sound a bit promising doesnt it JLOVE.... i have everything crossed for a good result for you...

Oh i am sooooo cold..... the weather here is PANTS..... and i cant seem toget warm... my poor tender bosom (SP) :haha: the cold is making em more sore ...

not that i am complaining, i have never been so :cloud9: to have boobs that are killing me...

oooooooh welshrose, its your :sex: wkend coming up ay???? make sure you get plenty of those little :spermy: swimming...... i send you so muc love and :dust:

i just want all of you to get your :bfp:

had a nice chat wth my friend, she is english living in ireland too, so its nice.... NO i didnt tell her, I have only told a couple of really close friends, thos who knew we were trying...cos we hadnt told many people that we were trying again after Jarrod, please god , things will go well for us, and we will thinkbout telling people maybe a xmas time, although even having said that, i was so far on before , i think i will never feel safe about it til i am ( hopefully) holding my love bundle in my arms.....

gonna be a hard few months ..... i will be following you girls where ever you go for my chats..cos i am not going to go to june babies...i did think bout it and went in..... but no comfy with it....

brrrrrr off now to drink my hot :coffee: to warm me up...i remember feeling the cold alot when i was pg earlier this year.... so i dont mind being cold, as long as it means my little bean is ok.....
:dust: :dust: :dust:

btw jlove.... re the opk..... i got a faint line on mine too...it wasnt at all strong, but was defo there
loobi---bet you wished you lived here right now. I think the high is supposed to be 87 today, which for me is a little hot. Its been about 70-ish so it's been absolutely beautiful. It's that nice light sweater, maybe short sleeve shirt weather. Ahhhhhhh.

Just checked my CP. Its soft and closed.....like med-high and definitely some creamy CM. Alllllllll good signs. Man I'm not trying to work myself up too much because if it's nothing then I just want to carry on like I'm on CD4. FXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFX. lol.
oh sweety , i really do too...... keep us psted wontcha???? oh your heat sounds lovely, i am so cold , even with theheating on, my noseis cold and everyything...might light a nice big old fire ina mniute and snuggle up for a snooze when dd gets in, she is nearly 6 and loves a snuggle

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