Pumpkin Patch

Ok, now I'm totally confused! The bleeding that picked up completely stopped like 2 hours later and I'm still having cramps! Wondering if I should wait a few days and test again??????

I'm going to continue like it's just another cycle, and whatever happens happens..... I've got 2 more tests, so I'll just test in a few days if things keep being wierd. Usually AF is the same every single time, and this time it's just teasing me. WTF?

The only thing I can think is that O happened really really late because we BD'd on Sunday and then I started the light bleeding late Tuesday and maybe JUST MAYBE something happened with that.... this is just completely wierd and I feel like pulling my hair out! Hahaha. I need help.

How is everyone else? Keeping warm in the UK?
trynitey, why do you have to wait until may if you dont fall soon, if you dont mind me asking?

Feeling really REALLY positive this month girls! This is my month, i WILL have my BFP! i WILL! and so will all of you :dust: luff you girlies!

I am avoiding late November, December and January b/c I'm trying to avoid another September baby.. I already have 2 September babies and I don't really want to add to that :lol: And then a holiday baby would be rough for me with my photography business being the busiest during that time, I wouldn't want to be 8 and 9 months pregnant trying to get everything taken care of - plus I don't really want a holiday baby. We'll also be skipping getting pregnant around July to avoid an April baby b/c there are already 5 people in my immediate family that have April birthdays :lol: Sorry, I just rambled.. haha!

I hope this is your month!!!
OMG girls, it's totally snowing here!! :cold: I can't even get over it. I've lived in the midwest my entire life, and I'm pretty sure this is the earliest I've ever seen snow. All the leaves that fell today will be coverd by snow in the morning.
*sigh* Oh well. I don't think it will last long since the high tomorrow is above freezing.

I just had a nice, hot bath so now I'm off to bed to try to stay warm. Talk to everyone tomorrow!

I havent been posting much on here, but I did get my BFP this month, just thought I'd let you guys know and send lots of :dust: your way!

I'll keep my fx'd that the witch decides not to visit any of you!
OMG girls, it's totally snowing here!! :cold: I can't even get over it. I've lived in the midwest my entire life, and I'm pretty sure this is the earliest I've ever seen snow. All the leaves that fell today will be coverd by snow in the morning.
*sigh* Oh well. I don't think it will last long since the high tomorrow is above freezing.

I just had a nice, hot bath so now I'm off to bed to try to stay warm. Talk to everyone tomorrow!


OMG! I could not imagine super cold weather right now. It was 80 today and that was good for me. Anything below 60 is WAY too cold. I hate winter time
Morning Girls:wave::hugs:

Im_mi....I'm loving your PMA babe!:happydance::winkwink:
Hope your back is feeling a bit better today sweetie....regarding work they shouldn't get you to do any of the lifting anyway esp not heavy trays of glasses:nope: Have you been there very long? I think if you tell them early on that you are pg and also explain about your back then they have no excuse for not looking after you. Might be worth finding out how long you have to be there to qualify for sick & mat pay?

JLove....:hugs: I don't want to worry you babe but I think you ought to go get checked out at the docs...it's not sounding right particularly as you say that the pattern of your AF is pretty consistent from month to month and you still have cramps.....Hope everything is ok:hugs: n love xx

Trynitey....I'm keeping fingers crossed that your temps soar and you get those crosshairs! Where are you in the world?

Jefner...Aww Wow snow! Bet Alex is fascinated with it:hugs: We don't usually get it here til Feb...caused havoc here this year the schools were shut for pretty much a week:shock::dohh:

Loobi....Hope you're keeping warm sweetie, how you feeling?

Huge CONGRATULATIONS babe! Hope you have a wonderfully happy and healthy 9mths:hugs: Thank you for the :dust: babe....get reserving those :cloud9: with Loobi and Twinmad...:winkwink:

Well and as for me today...I thought I was going to get my O dip but:nope: looks like I could be following my november chart and going for a cd17/20 Ovulation....FF and I disagree:dohh: I wonder how important it is on the smep plan to only bd for 3 consecutive days before resting for a day?

Big :hugs: and Love to all :kiss:
Looks like I did indeed ovulate a couple of days ago, my temp is definitely on the rise.

Now I just have to sit back and wait. Hubby's got next week off work and we need to do lots of work on the house before we can (hopefully) put it on the market.

Does anyone else find their lilypie ticker sometimes gets stuck a day behind? I'm on day 16, not 15 as it currently says.
Hey Bexx:hugs:
:yipee: you're in the tww:yipee:.....Nice rises by the way:winkwink:
I'm still waiting here....wish I had a crystal ball.....or that I'd bought some opks:dohh:
Nevermind will just have to keep seducing hubby:winkwink::yipee::rofl:

And yes hun...mine was stuck on day 15 today also...I just went in and added a day to the cycle length and it moved it on to cd16....but because you've ovulated you obviously won't want to do that...not sure why it gets stuck.

I just fixed it by re-adding the code, strange how it does that....

I've got period-type cramps all of a sudden. Never noticed those in the middle of my cycle before. Bit early for implantation though lol.
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on her for ages, been away with work & will be for the next 7 weeks so will pop on the weekends when I can!

Nothing to report really, AF has gone so will be testing around the end of the month, F'XD!!

Hope your all well & the nasty ol bag stays away from us all, had a quick read through the thread & big congrats to Loobi & Lindseypie xxxx
hiya girls...
jlove ... hope you are ok poppet

welshrose..... ah yeah keep up the :sex: , sure why not???? sending you lots of :dust:

im_mi..... mind yourself petal, xxxxx

all well here, i got another :bfp: this morning.... i tested cos AF was due today.....

cant seem to get myself out of this cold feeling though... thank good ness for the kiddies wookies, i wrap uo in one of them, trouble is , then sleep gets me too hahahahahaha .... and i wake up dribbling....

lots of love and :dust: all round.....

Welshrose - I am from Maryland in the US

So, my temp went up again this morning! So maybe I ovulated after all. Hopefully sex 2 days before I ovulated and a day after works. Ofcourse we didn't have sex the day I did ovulate... that would be my luck. But I think I Ovulated on Day 15 not 16..... so FF and I disagree on that one. But I had slight slight slight O pains the morning of the 15th and I usually get O pains the day OF ovulation, and while the pains were not as long lasting or as painful I still think it was Day 15... and I can live with that. LOL! So I adjusted my temp to get a Day 15 ovulation date... so I'm estimating I'm 5DPO today.. which ofcourse would put me starting my period on a day that I'm supposed to be at an amusement park! Ugh!
:happydance: for your crosshairs hun:yipee:
Fingers crossed that the :witch: wont make an appearance and that you'll be avoiding the rides cos you got your :bfp:
That's fab that you're 5dpo already!:winkwink:....fastest tww yet!:rofl:

Lots of :dust: to ya hun! xx
LOL! I don't know when I ovulated until atleast 4DPO. I don't think I'll test on the 17th though as that would only be 12dpo and I'm famous for getting false negatives while pregnant if it's before 14dpo... so I'll probably still wait til atleast the 20th to test to be on the safe side, and to not be disappointed not only when I see a negative but when I see AF too.
The 20th sounds like a good plan Hun....anything to avoid seeing :bfn:
I'm hoping to be testing around the 25th....if my body decides to fire the egg tomorrow!:rofl::dohh:
Your Lil girl is absolutely gorgeous in your pic, bless her...she looks like a little angel:hugs:
welshrose, i hope you get lucky this month! all of this TTC stuff is enough to send us crazy, trying to work out when we ovulated etc.... especially with fertilityfriend sticking its oar in :rofl: as for work... yeah, they should be ok once im actually pregnant, i know they wont expect me to be able to do all of the stuff i usually do but i will still have to work behind the bar and being on my feet all night will be hard. A friend of mine who works there was transferred to reception when she was pregnant but she worked days too so it was easier, i only work nights! im sure it will be fine though, will just have to wait and see! i will deffo find out about sick & mat pay rights asap.

lindseypie, congratulations!!!! :happydance: thats brilliant! so happy for you dearie!

ah, trynitey, i can understand you wanting to avoid having a baby in those times then!!! its similar in our family, we have about a million birthdays between the months of october and december, when you add christmas to the mix it starts getting ridiculous heh! i hope this month is your month :thumbup:

loobi, isnt it getting chilly?!?!? i cant believe how quickly the weather has changed this year. Im a huge fan of autumn, i love wrapping up warm and snuggling in the living room when its chucking it down outside. I think its a good excuse for us all to go shopping for some winter clothes!

My sister in law and my brother are trying for another baby, she had an ectopic a while ago and since then shes been irregular and getting frustrated with trying (she fell on the first try last time). shes chuffed to bits that im trying too, we compare notes all the time :laugh2: ive been teaching her all about charting etc, she had no idea about any of it! so i hope it helps her get preg soon. we have decided that if we dont fall this month we will leave the babies at home with the daddies one sunday and go shopping for ourSELVES! and of course, if we do fall, then we'll be going baby-clothes shopping ;) i adore Next baby clothes, the little girl stuff is just to die for. Im not a very materialistic person and im actually not a huge fan of shopping generally but i could spend a fortune on tiny socks and cardigans!

Hey ladies,
Cramps went away, but had some pink wipage this morning.....cervix is high and soft. I have a physical set up at the docs later this month before AF is due, so if anything I'll tell her what's up and maybe it will be good news? haha, PMA. I've been taking pics of my OPKs progressively and it's fun to see the line getting darker. Just slightly, but def darker each day. I think I decided to wait 5 days and take another FRER just to make sure.

I hope everyone else is doing well! I'm about to go to dinner and a party tonight, so I'll check on everyone tomorrow.

Good night!
I just wanted to update you all that bleeding had cease and gone away. For good. I hope. Best case cenario......Wierd conception and all this is leading up to my BFP!. Worst case.... it's another cycle. Big Fing deal.

Well it's about 4 am here. Guess I better get some shut eye. Can't wait to here how you guys are doing!
jlove.. hope your ok..... its all a bit of a strange visit for you ay? from the auld hag i mean, keep us posted..

welshrose...what are crosshairs??? :shrug: am i being thick???

bit crampy here today, i know all of this is normal, but i think i am just so nervous, also, i bleong to another sire, have done for years, and i read things i wish i hadnt bout chemicalpregnancy's.... not going to be ableto settle at all for a good while i think....
hope everyone is well today
Morning Ladies!:hi:

Well, our snow is pretty much gone. You can still see some in a few places, on top of roofs, under trees, but otherwise it's melted. It's still damn cold, though. The weather widget on my desktop says it's 19F out (-7C...talking to you ladies in the UK is making me learn new things everyday!). Didn't really do much yesterday, just picked up around the house. Today is laundry day :laundry: and I don't think I can adequately express in words how much I hate laundry. I don't mind washing it and drying it, I just hate putting it away. I'm also making a huge batch of beef stew. On Sundays during fall/winter (usually as soon as football season starts) I make a big batch of soup or stew or chili in the morning so that we can eat it for both lunch and dinner. I happen to make really yummy beef stew, so I can't wait until lunch!

DH is lying on the couch watching Tremors, which has to be one of the stupidest movies ever made. For some reason, though, he watches it EVERY time it's on tv. :shrug: I'm feeling a little better, I think, but I'm still congested and today my throat hurts. I just want to feel better; like I have time to be sick. My mom asked me the other day if I thought I had the swine flu. :rofl: Needless to say, I don't think I have swine flu. I'm pretty sure it's just a nasty head cold or a sinus infection. Although I'm wondering if it's not an ear infection, as l've been feeling quite a bit of pressure in my right ear. :shrug: Who knows. If it's not better within a few weeks, back to the doctor I'll go!

Well, I'd better go start my stew so I can relax for the football pregame show. I'll pop back on later. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

Oh, and jlove, what on earth were you still doing up at 4 am?? I can't even fathom staying up that late anymore!


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