Pumpkin Patch

oooooooh welshrose, its your :sex: wkend coming up ay???? make sure you get plenty of those little :spermy: swimming...... i send you so muc love and :dust:

had a nice chat wth my friend, she is english living in ireland too, so its nice.... NO i didnt tell her, I have only told a couple of really close friends, thos who knew we were trying...cos we hadnt told many people that we were trying again after Jarrod, please god , things will go well for us, and we will thinkbout telling people maybe a xmas time, although even having said that, i was so far on before , i think i will never feel safe about it til i am ( hopefully) holding my love bundle in my arms.....

Thanks Loobi:hugs:
I'm taking my pregnacare, epo and folic acid....have even been chucking a folic acid tablet into DH's mouth as it's good for cell production...not that he has a problem but it can't hurt:dohh:
Have been following the smep successfully so far...althou I'm not using opks so just hope yesterday, today and tomorrow will be the right 3 days before leaving it a day:shrug:
We want this so bad this month as I'm sure everyone else does. If we manage to hit the jackpot I'd be going into second tri the day before the year anniversary that we lost Lil Bean...hope s/he is looking down now and has had a word with that old darn stork!

I don't blame you for only telling a few close friends babe...I'll be exactly the same....when the time comes:hugs:
Good Morning Ladies! :coffee:

Thanks for all the get well vibes! My head doesn't hurt like it did yesterday, but I seem to have more sinus pressure and congestion than yesterday. I have to go get Alex's and DH's antibiotics soon, and then I plan on taking it easy.

Jlove: Can't wait to hear the results of your test!!! Fingers crossed for your :bfp:!!! And is it still really that warm in Virginia? Wow. Our high today is 50, but tomorrow the high is 39...with light snow in the morning!!! WTF? I don't think the forcast calls for a day much above 42 for the rest of the week. I'd much rather have it be cooler than warmer, but snow this early is a bit ridiculous. The trees in our backyard have decided to start dropping leaves like crazy; it's actually kinda pretty to watch.

Bexx and Welshrose: Glad to hear you've been getting down to business! Hopefully it all pays off and we get our :bfp:!!

loobi: Sounds like you need a Snuggie (do they have those in Ireland?) and a big cup of hot tea! Or snuggle up with those furbabies...mine are pretty good at keeping me warm when I'm cold.

Well, I'm going to go get ready to run to WalMart (fun times). I'll pop back on later. HUGS to everyone!!!
hi again..... i am just awake, i snuggled up in DS wookie ( its his blanket that he loves ) and fell asleep, woke up dribbling :haha:

jefner, whats a snuggie???? glad your head is a bit better...but sinus pressure is horrible isnt it, when i was pg with dd i had sinusitis alot, it was very painful, as i wasnt really able to take anything for it.....ended up with a magical nose spray that was safe, it was called flyxonase..( just in case you can get it there)

welshrose... I have been feeding DH folic acid for a few months too..... anything and evrything :haha:i was goiong to do lots of sewing today after my friend left, but i was ust too cold, i may get it out later this evening, ishouldnt fall asleep too early tonight seen as i have had a snooze...

right here i go to do the kiddies thier dinner, ds has soccer training..... so its all go go go this afternoon....

bye bye for now , my lovelies...
Hey Ya'll! its CD8 for me today. we get to start the first day of SMEP, we did a just for fun BD yesterday and i got to try out the softcups. i must say it was magical(imitating the Monk commerical) lol i'm so gonna invest in these alot more comfy than tampons.
i might do the SMEP this cycle, never done it before...
im_mi... it worked for us...with the EPO......
hmm... i will have to work out whether i will actually be at home and available to BD on the days they want me to :laugh2:
Along with SMEP... I'm BBTing,Checking CM&CP, We gonna use Pre-Seed&SoftCups, and also drinking Rasberry Leaf Tea&Green Tea.

i drank Matcha Green Tea Blast (from Jamba Juice) when concieving DS. I LOVE that drink hehe lol
have ya looked at askdramy.com??

its great you put in you lmp, cycle length and it give you dates when should be good for you.... not unlike the spreadsheet that Twinmad did for us.....
Those of you whose fellas are taking supplements, have you heard of a product called Male Max made by Holland & Barrett? My hubby has been taking it for a couple of months now and it's about a quarter of the cost of those Wellman ones. Think it was around £2.50 for just over a month's supply.

It has slightly more folic acid than a pregnancy pill and is supposed to be good for all-round male health and fertility.
I'm not sure I even ovulated this month or am going to. My Cervix is coming back down, and while it got High my CM never really matched what it used to, and I didn't have any ovulation pains like I usually do either. My temp did rise this morning from previous days and if it continues then maybe I did ovulate, but if not, then I'm pretty positive it's right that I didn't. This entire cycle has been messed up for me from the very beginning. My period was all wacky.. I had one day of heavy bleeding, then the next 2 days were very light - almost spotting, stopped for an entire day, and started back up to spotting very lightly for 2 days - not normal for me at all.

It figures the first month I actually try I wont even ovulate. And, I only have this month and next month to get pregnant and then I have to take a break til May.
Well......the results are in.... and they are a :bfn:. Plus bleeding picked up this afternoon, had to put a tampon back in. I guess I was stressed about something and it made AF wierd. Anyway, CD4 here! Is there any way to upload pics from your computer onto your journal? I was going to do a progressive OPK by each CD using pictures, but I can't find anywhere to upload pics.

Yeah, it's very warm today. I could almost put on my bikini and walk down to the beach!

Those Snuggie commercials are so cheesy. I ROTF laughing at how ridiculous those people are. Like you would have an entire stadium of people in Snuggies! I wish Billie Mayes was still alive so he could do that commercial. Good stuff!

I've got this weekend off from work, so I'll be :drunk: since I've got another cycle before testing. Now my test date is Nov. 3rd.
Well......the results are in.... and they are a :bfn:. Plus bleeding picked up this afternoon, had to put a tampon back in. I guess I was stressed about something and it made AF wierd. Anyway, CD4 here! Is there any way to upload pics from your computer onto your journal? I was going to do a progressive OPK by each CD using pictures, but I can't find anywhere to upload pics.

Yeah, it's very warm today. I could almost put on my bikini and walk down to the beach!

Those Snuggie commercials are so cheesy. I ROTF laughing at how ridiculous those people are. Like you would have an entire stadium of people in Snuggies! I wish Billie Mayes was still alive so he could do that commercial. Good stuff!

I've got this weekend off from work, so I'll be :drunk: since I've got another cycle before testing. Now my test date is Nov. 3rd.

Aw, sorry about your :bfn: At least now you know, I guess. :hugs2:

I still can't believe it's that warm! We actually had frost last night! I just looked outside and our walnut tree has dropped almost all of its leaves...just in the span since I got up this morning! Looks like DH has some raking to do this weekend, lol!

And those snuggie commercials are totally cheesy. My mom actually got one (she can't have it until xmas, apparently) and I had to refrain from calling her a dork. I guess I've never had a problem working a blanket, but that's just me. Billy Mays would make an awesome Snuggie pitchman, or that guy who does the Shamwow infomercials...although I heard he's in some kind of trouble with the law...domestic abuse or something like that. Now if they'd only invent a snuggie made out of shamwow material, that'd be the bomb. Just think, you could mop up spills without ever taking your blanket off! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
:rofl::rofl::rofl:Yep. You know I would love to have one of those. And, yeah, the SlapChop and ShamWow guy I think had some possession charges. Who knows, he was creeeeeeepy.

I'm having AF cramps right now. This AF is just so strange. Usually it starts out heavy with lots of cramps, then slowly fades out with no cramps toward the end. This time, it was light for 3 days, then kinda medium today. I remember having really really bad cramps on Tuesday, like double me over type cramps. What is going on down there?? Haha:shrug: I wish I could see inside to what's going on. Wouldn't that just be so much easier for everyone?
Aww JLove...:hugs:...I'm so sorry it was bfn babe.
Yeah a lil window in your tummy would be a fab idea....would save alot of guessing, wondering, heartache and money:thumbup:

Jefner: I would love a walnut tree in the back garden....hubby said no cos they get pretty big and already have quite a few other trees out there....I was all for cutting down the apple tree as we don't eat the apples off it but he still said :nope::hissy::rofl:
I actually had to scrape ice off of my windowscreen yesterday morning...it was
0C :cold:...It came as a bit of a shock as it has been pretty mild up until then.

Well I've not long come in from show ringcraft class with Poppy and now she's snuggled up on my lap....being the perfect hot water bottle!:awww::winkwink:
It's good to see quite a few others going to give smep a try this cycle....hope it proves lucky for us:hugs:

What's everyone upto this weekend? Hope you've all got something nice planned.
Hoping to get out with Callum and Poppy tomorrow and then I'm on-call on Sunday.
Can you believe it's only 11 weeks today til Christmas?!.....One of the girls in work brought it to my attention yesterday.....Santa's sleigh is looking very empty so far:dohh:

What's everyone upto this weekend? Hope you've all got something nice planned.
Hoping to get out with Callum and Poppy tomorrow and then I'm on-call on Sunday.
Can you believe it's only 11 weeks today til Christmas?!.....One of the girls in work brought it to my attention yesterday.....Santa's sleigh is looking very empty so far:dohh:


Santa's sleigh is not so full here either. 11 weeks? Wow, that makes it seem so close. Hoping to have a few more photoshoots over the next few weeks to help me with their Christmas funding.

Today is actually mine and Dh's anniversary. Tomorrow we are going on a date - dinner and a movie. It's not much but it's better than what we normally get.... most of the time we are lucky to hit dinner without having to rush back to get the kids. Then Sunday I have a babyshower to go to (which will not help my baby fever and the fact that I do not think I'll get pregnant this month) and a photoshoot.
Hi Trynitey:wave:
I know I was a bit :shock: when she said!:dohh::rofl:

Huge Congrats on your anniversary hun:hugs: Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it together...and sometimes without the kids....have a fab night tomorrow!

Why don't you think you'll get pg this month hun? Your chart is looking good....??? O on cd16 or cd17.....Don't give up hope....Sending bucketfuls of :dust: and PMA :hugs:
Hi Trynitey:wave:
I know I was a bit :shock: when she said!:dohh::rofl:

Huge Congrats on your anniversary hun:hugs: Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it together...and sometimes without the kids....have a fab night tomorrow!

Why don't you think you'll get pg this month hun? Your chart is looking good....??? O on cd16 or cd17.....Don't give up hope....Sending bucketfuls of :dust: and PMA :hugs:

I didn't have ovulation pains like I normally do, and my CM was no where, where it normally is.. so I'm not convinced just yet that I ovulated yet. I have to see what my temp does the next 2 days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I just don't see it happening the first month I try either.
trynitey, why do you have to wait until may if you dont fall soon, if you dont mind me asking?

i love comin in here and reading your updates girls :) hope youve all had a lovely friday! the weather has changed so quickly, its a bit of a shock!

oh mannnn my back is KILLING me :( ive had probs with it for years and now i work in a busy bar, bending up and down and lugging big heavy trays of glasses around.... it really hurts :cry: in all seriousness im really worried about how i will cope if/when i fall pregnant, i struggled last time a lot and i was working as a barmaid in our local Conservative Club which was totally dead, i got to sit down most of the time. No chance of that in my new job!!! :( my doc is lovely and i know she would sign me off sick if i need it but i dont know how long i would get sick pay for or whether i would have to wait a certain length of time before getting it.... gah! ill just have to cross that bridge when i come to it i guess.

Feeling really REALLY positive this month girls! This is my month, i WILL have my BFP! i WILL! and so will all of you :dust: luff you girlies!

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