Pumpkin Patch

Hey Girls:hugs:
Sorry this is only going to be a:plane:visit...I have to go back to work in a mo:dohh:

Loobi no you're not being thick!....they're the red lines that FF gives you to confirm O has happened and seperate pre and post O temps.
Hope all those crampy niggles have settled down:hugs:

Jefner....Beef Stew....:munch:...one of my faves esp during autumn and winter. I cooked roast beef for dinner today...usually DH's department but it got a big:thumbup::yipee:

My tum is really uncomfortable, had some really sharp twinges last night and was convinced it was going to happen....another flat temp this morning:dohh:
Just feel pretty bloated and almost an AF kinda cramp...god knows what is going on in there but I wish it would hurry up!:shrug:

Hope everyone is ok and has had a fab weekend...lots of love and :dust: to all:hugs:
I was out with some friends last night and we had a late night. I haven't done that in a while!

I'm pretty convinced the whole AF thing was just a fluke. You know if every woman's period was flawless everytime, I think we could all get pregnant every single time. Just nature being nature. Good news is the line on the OPK was darker today.....LH is creeping up there, I'm excited to get a +.....Atleast I can see two pink lines on something.....right?!?!?!:rofl:

I forgot to take a temp yesterday, so I'm hoping it doesn't mess things up with the chart. I also was drinking last night, so I'm sure my temp was a litle elivated because of that.

Just sitting watching football with DH. I made some apple cinnamon tea earlier, so now I'm feeling really relaxed.

Jefner, I can't believe it snowed! It's still like 80 here. Virginia is so unpredictable this time of year. One day its 80, the next its 60. Last night I think the temp dropped down to 56. The coldest yet....hahahaha, I hope wee get a little bit of snow this year. Hurricane season has been pretty uneventful, so hopefully that means a colder winter? I love snow, but the past few years we have had MAYBE a total of an inch the entire season.

Well, hope you guys are having a good weekend. Anybody in the 2ww yet? I'll just go check your tickers, lol.
I posted a link to my OPK progression pics in my signature.....check it out if you want. It's fun for me!
Welshrose, maybe that means you are ovulating today! Good luck and I hope you get a temp rise tomorrow.
Well, hope you guys are having a good weekend. Anybody in the 2ww yet? I'll just go check your tickers, lol.

*raises hand* Yup, I'm in the 2WW, only 3DPO.

Apple & Cinnamon tea sounds delicious BTW, I'll have to check that out. I've been looking for a tea that I might actually like, usually I hate the stuff.
I'm in the 2 ww too, 5 dpo to be exact. It's going quickly so far, but it's not usually the start that I have a hard time with. When I get to about 8-9 dpo, then I start obsessing a bit. :blush:

Hope you had fun on your night out, jlove! I haven't had a night out in ages, but that's okay with me since I'm a total homebody. And apple cinnamon tea is yummy! I just had some the other day...perfect weather for it! :cold:

Oh, I hope you O soon, Lisa! All this bd-ing has got to be exhausting! What do you do for work that has you working on a Sunday? Not that I can say anything since I've been sitting here working on papers all weekend, but at least I can do that in my sweatpants!

Becky, you don't like tea? :shock: I thought everyone in the UK liked tea...like it's embeded in your DNA or something. Like I keep saying, you ladies are teaching me new things everyday! Apple cinnamon is yummy, and I don't usually like herbalish teas. Chamomilleis good too, but Earl Grey is my favorite. Although if you don't usually like tea, I'm guessing you don't like Earl Grey. I've seen all sorts of fruity teas you might consider...I've even seen vanilla caramel tea!

Alex is getting cranky so I'd better go put her to bed. We're supposed to get more snow tonight, so I'll let you know if we actually get any. Sleep tight everyone!
Jefner - I'm 5DPO too, so looks like we are on the same track right now.
Morning Girls:hugs:

Oh, I hope you O soon, Lisa! All this bd-ing has got to be exhausting! What do you do for work that has you working on a Sunday? Not that I can say anything since I've been sitting here working on papers all weekend, but at least I can do that in my sweatpants

Your not the only one babe....I'm desperate to be in the tww with you guys!
I had a temp rise this morning but I'm still not convinced it's happened....just a feeling. Tummy is still the same and boobs aren't hurting and usually they do straight away from O day. It just feels like it's building up to fire that poor lil eggy into I don't know what:dohh:....I'm hoping it'll be straight into the path of the lil:spermy:...:rofl:
Didn't :sex: last night but will definately try to everyday for the next four....gotta get all the bases covered:rofl:.....and then I think we'll both :sleep: til next month's tww!:rofl:
I give radiotherapy treatment to cancer patients babe. It wasn't too bad last night. Once a month we have a voluntary rota to treat lung cancer patients that have their treatment 3 times a day, 9am-3pm-9pm for 12 days....my turn last night.
Can't believe you're 5dpo already hun...when are you testing?

JLove...those opks are fab hun:thumbup: Have you done opks early in your cycle before?.....they seem to be quite dark already esp if you don't O til cd14?....maybe you'll O earlier this cycle...get seducing that Hubby babe:winkwink:

Trynitey...how are things with you hun? :hugs:

Bexx....What have you been upto this weekend? Relaxing in the glow of the tww I hope:flower::coffee:

Im_mi....how you doing babe? Hope you've had a good weekend:hugs:

Bumbleb....how's that kitchen looking sweets? Looking forward to catching up:hugs:

Loobi....Any plans for today chick? :hugs:

Right...I've got to get my bum in gear and sort our pickle's breakfast and school lunch box now. I'll be on later....it's a no work day today:yipee:
i was thinking that too welshrose....jloves opks are going dark well early....get shagging girl!!!!!

no plans for today, dd is not well so keeping her home from school, so i will sew i expect....only the wings and beads to do now on my special little mans memorial angel....going good!!!!

ishould be off my bum doing lunchboxes, but it takes me ages to get going in the mornings this last few daysalways hader when its dark out ay? and it was so 'nippy' when i got out of bed i had to put my big fleecey dressing gown on the keep the 'boys' warm, my boobs DO NOT like being cold at the mo hahahahahah GREAT INNIT????

hope you don tmind i am following you where ever you go,,, i love coming on here for the chat.... not just baby making talk etc....

our home town won the gaelic cup yesterday so the whole town was out last night celebrating ( not me though , i was in sewing, watching x factor)

ah well, suppose i should get up snd make em thier lunches....grrr..

talk to you later
I'll be back on at 9 Loobi to chat:yipee:
I had to record X-factor last night cos of work...so'll I stick it on and we'll have a natter if you're still online.

Big hugs to your DD...bless her, hope she's feeling a bit better soon:hugs:
Hi girlies! hope you all had a good weekend :flower:

Loobi, i hope the cramps feel better soon! I can totally understand your fears, i mean i had cramps during the whole 1st tri when i was pregnant and i was petrified the whole time that i was going to miscarry, i cant imagine how scary it must be when you have had losses too. Im sure everything will be fine sweety, im sending you loads and loads of sticky-beany vibes!

Welshrose, i hope you ovulate soon! It sounds as though you might be, i know you said you dont feel like you are/have but maybe its one of those cycles when your body throws you a curveball? sometimes there is no explanation for our bodies' weirdness!! Either way you should get down to it just in case! :winkwink:

Jlove, i love your OPK pics! i really want to try a proper OPK this cycle instead of those crappy IC's... might try the FR ones...

Jefner, i totally feel your pain on the laundry thing!!! the Laundry Mountain in my bedroom is proof of my hatred of putting laundry away. it seems so futile, as its only going to end up back in the washing machine after a few days :rofl:

and to everybody else..... :flower: :dust:

My weekend was ok! sunday was lovely, DH, DS and i went to his parents' farm to pick sloe berries in the fields, it was such a lovely day even though we got absolutely soaking wet, lol. Jack really enjoyed running around in the grass and we got lots of sloes! We're planning on making Sloe Gin for our parents for christmas, we cant afford to buy presents at all this year so instead we are making gifts for everyone, its going to be so much more fun, and cheaper than buying stuff.

I think AF has buggered off now so we can get down to baby-making!! Although i am having some issues with post-coital bleeding... ive suffered from it on and off for years, i even went to the gynae dept in the hospital for investigation, the lady i saw found an infection and gave me antibiotics, saying taht would sort it out, i tried telling her that its been going on for years and years and that i highly doubt it would have been an infection causing it all that time but she wouldnt have it. then, last night after having no AF all day i bled after sex. it was only a little bit, im hoping it was just the remnants from AF because i really dont want to have to go to the hospital for the colposcopy and hysteroscopy they threatened me with last time.....
Becky, you don't like tea? :shock: I thought everyone in the UK liked tea...like it's embeded in your DNA or something. Like I keep saying, you ladies are teaching me new things everyday! Apple cinnamon is yummy, and I don't usually like herbalish teas. Chamomilleis good too, but Earl Grey is my favorite. Although if you don't usually like tea, I'm guessing you don't like Earl Grey. I've seen all sorts of fruity teas you might consider...I've even seen vanilla caramel tea!

A common myth lol. Many of us Brits are coffee-addicts. My hubby prefers tea, but we're not as crazy about it as the stereotype suggests. :D

Sometimes I'll tolerate a fruit tea, but I've never really been enthused about the stuff. I think they often smell fantastic, but the taste is so disappointing.

Bexx....What have you been upto this weekend? Relaxing in the glow of the tww I hope:flower:

Don't know if I call it relaxing lol. I'm annoyed at FF because when I put my temp in this morning, it recalculated my ovulation to a day later. So yesterday I was 3DPO and today I am still 3DPO. Grrr.... And we didn't BD on my "new" ovulation date as hubby was working and too knackered when he got home (he works shifts) so now I'm nervous we missed the critical time. We did do it the four days previous though.

My boobs have been a bit tender, not something I've ever really noticed straight after ovulation before. I've had a few cramps too - when people say they get lower back pain at this point, does it feel like it's radiating from the front, rather than "normal" back pain? I had something like that briefly yesterday.
Morning Ladies! :hi:

Well, we got about an inch of snow overnight, just enough to cover the grass. It's so weird to have snow this early. I hope it's not a sign of things to come this winter!

I don't have school today because it's Columbus Day (well, actually in South Dakota we call it Native American Day). Either way, I get to stay home with Alex and have a short week! :happydance: I think we might make some cookies later...the weather seems perfect for baking! :cold:

My 2 ww is going rather quickly, although I think being sick has taken my mind off it. AF is due a next Monday, so I'll probably wait until Tuesday to test, depending on how I feel, I suppose. Next Tuesday is DH's birthday, and I would love nothing more than to get a :bfp: and give him the test as part of his birthday present. I asked him a few months ago what he wanted for his birthday and he said another baby, so I would really be tickled if I could actually make that happen!

How's your 2 ww going trynitey? How long is your lp? When are you planning to test?

What an awesome job, Lisa! I'm sure you're like an angel to those patients. O:) I hope that temp rise this morning means you've O'd! Some months I have a slow rise too, so maybe that's what's going on with you.

So are you a coffee addict, Becky? I like coffee in the morning, but then the rest of the day it's tea. If I drink too much coffee I get hyper and jittery, so I try to limit myself to about two cups in the morning. I can't say that I'm a fan of fruity teas either. Like you said, they smell good, but they usually taste icky.

Do you have another busy week at work, jlove? Hopefully not so you can get down to :sex:!

Poor loobi, you still haven't warmed up yet? Sounds like a good day for lots of tea and a hot bath! :shower:

I'd better to make some breakfast. I'll pop back on later. Hugs everyone!
Hey girls,
Yes, another busy week. Every week is busy, but its about baby making time! I'm going to prolly start here in about 3 days for real. The line on the OPK was lighter this morning (and I used FMU) so I don't know what's up with that. I'm predicting a positive around CD13. Does it ever fluctuate for you girls too?
I think I gave up on temping this time around. Tried and I just can't remember to take my temp every morning! Thought I had some cramps this morning but then I remembered I had chili last night. Hahaha.

The temp outside is 68 today. Gorgious. Tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary, so I think we're going to go out to dinner tonight! I'll post that pic of this morning's OPK when I get home today.

Talk to you guys later!
Hello ladies! I hope everyone's weekend was a great one.

Saturday, DH and I had our date night for our 5 year wedding anniversary.. that was nice. MIL kept the girls overnight so I didn't have a little toddler climbing in our bed Saturday night either :lol:

Sunday, I had a photoshoot and a babyshower to go to. The photoshoot didn't go very well. 7 people and 2 girls under the age of 3 is super tough. The babyshower was nice. So many cute babies there and preggo people... made me kinda jealous... but maybe it'll rub off on me and I'll get lucky this month??

Forgot today was Columbus Day here so I can't go and get a duplicate of my license since it was stolen, and DH has to go on a jobsite tomorrow so maybe I'll get it on Wednesday. Hate this run around.

Lastnight I woke up in the middle of the night sick to my stomach. I guess something I ate yesterday did not go well with me. I had a dip yesterday in my temp, and it went back up today... could I be lucky enough for that to have been an implantation dip? One can hope right? Though, I feel like AF will arrive this month. Have my normal headache and sore boobs. Blah! I feel like the 2ww will never be over.

Hang in there Trynitey....the end is not far off....got everything crossed that it'll be the beginning of a H&H 9mths for you:hugs: That is a pretty impressive dip in your chart as well:winkwink: Try and stay positive babe.

Jenny....What cookies have you been baking today sweets?
That's fab that the tww is passing quickly for you hun...hope you're feeling better today. That would be fab to be able to give you DH a :bfp: B'day present....bless him....bet he'd be made up:yipee:.....FX'd it becomes a reality!

Bexx....Grrrrr at FF it's so annoying when it does that hun:hugs:
I'm sure the days immediately before and the day after will be fine thou hun:hugs:...keep positive....remember....No :witch: welcome this halloween!

JLove...can't wait to see your opk pic....I've only ever used ic opks and cb digi opks and have always done them later in the morning. Some people say to do them after 10am and before 8pm....:shrug: Were the others done using fmu? Really hope you get your :bfp: this month Lovely:hugs:

Im_mi....:hugs: I've had a hysteroscopy babe and it really wasn't that bad. The worst bit was going under GA....but that was only because it was my first ever GA...and I like to wear the uniform in hospital and not the patient gown:dohh::rofl: Have your smear tests always been ok? Don't put off getting to the bottom of it. It could just be that your cervix is sensitive or there's an area where womb cells have appeared on your cervix and have become raw...I have one of these areas commonly but incorrectly called 'cervical errosion'....and have been assured that it's nothing to worry about:hugs:
Don't let them fob you off babe:hugs:

Loobi....well I've caught up with X-Factor now:yipee:
Who do you want to win? I know who I'd like to vote off next week!...There's a couple of really good people thou...think it'll be interesting. How feeble was Danni's apology to Danyl and viewers that she'd offended?!:shrug:
Have you managed to get much sewing done today hun? How's your DD now?

Not a lot to report from this end really....having less crampy business going on:yipee:....can't wait to go to bed to be able to wake up and take my temp now!:dohh::rofl:

Hope everyone is ok....big :hugs: n Love xxx
hiya girls... well, had to go to gp this afternoon, i felt like i was getting a water infection, i had been drinking and drinking..... he did one of his hgc tsts and guess what...negative!!!! he said not to worry cos i had drunk so much today, to take a fmu in one day this week...so..... i went and spent more money on digital test to do in the morning.... am in a bit if a flap...... dont know what o think or what... i mean i have had 4 positives, including a digital that said in words that i am 1-2 weeks pregnant.... obviously going thru my head is...maybe the cramps i have been having are things not snuggling in properly....the fact that i am not bleeding means nothing to me, as i never bled at all when i lost jarrod, until they gave me meds to bring him away!!!...
heads melted here.. will try to sleep tonight ane test first thing...will keep you posted....am totally preparing myself for bad news....

hope everyone is ok
awww loobi.... :hug: Please try not to worry, it's quite likely that your urine was too diluted to get a decent HCG reading. You're still very early on and your levels probably aren't particularly high yet.

Jefner, I absolutely love my coffee, but I've been sticking to decaf since around ovulation time. I have to say I didn't realise quite how much I'd miss the caffeine lol.

WelshRose, I'm an X-Factor addict too. Missed a lot of the auditions and most of boot-camp as I just never got around to watching them, but can't miss the live shows. I thought Danni's apology was more back-pedalling than genuine, the poor guy looked like he didn't know what to say when she made that remark. Hardly the reaction you'd expect from someone who was supposedly in on the joke.

I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of Olly. Doesn't help that I wanted the guy from One True Voice to be in his place. Plus I think he looks like Daniel Bedingfield, who I can't stand. Not keen on the Scottish chap either, can't even remember his name lol. Don't know who I'd mark as a potential winner yet, but I really like Stacey and Lucie.

Eek, didn't mean to waffle on so much.....
Aww Loobi:hugs:
I'm so sorry that you're having to go thru this worry sweetie:hugs:
As your GP said it's probably just cos you'd drunk so much beforehand. I'm hoping and praying that all the lil crampy niggles was just lil bubba getting even more comfy. I remember having horrid cramps in 1st tri when I was expecting Callum....he's sat cuddled up on DH's lap at the mo....hang in there and let us know tomorrow when you've tested...thinking of you:hugs::kiss::hugs:
WelshRose, I'm an X-Factor addict too. Missed a lot of the auditions and most of boot-camp as I just never got around to watching them, but can't miss the live shows. I thought Danni's apology was more back-pedalling than genuine, the poor guy looked like he didn't know what to say when she made that remark. Hardly the reaction you'd expect from someone who was supposedly in on the joke.

I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of Olly. Doesn't help that I wanted the guy from One True Voice to be in his place. Plus I think he looks like Daniel Bedingfield, who I can't stand. Not keen on the Scottish chap either, can't even remember his name lol. Don't know who I'd mark as a potential winner yet, but I really like Stacey and Lucie.

Eek, didn't mean to waffle on so much.....

:rofl: waffling is gooood!:rofl:
I completely agree about Danni...infact I uttered "Bollocks" at the tv this morning whilst watching it....:rofl: He seems to care so much about the children he teaches I'm sure his first thought was of his pupils parents reactions. And as for being cocky....I don't see it:nope:
Lovin Lucie, Danyl and Jamie.....Stacey has a wonderful singing voice....but drives me :wacko::rofl:
Roll on Saturday night:rofl:

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