Pumpkin Patch

I think that's the first FMU one. Just thought it was supposed to be more concentrated.....i dunno! I'll try another one a little later. (Gonna hold the pee!) Thanks for the info!
No probs hun! I thought the same thing when I started doing them but someone said that you're body doesn't produce much LH through the night????....:shrug:.....I guess the main thing from a comparison point of view is that you do them the same time each day having drunk roughly the same amount....good luck for later:winkwink: xx
I'm sorry Loobi!:hugs: I am sorry that you didn't get great news but testing in the morning will definitely ease your mind.
:Jenny....What cookies have you been baking today sweets?

Chocolate chip are done and in the cookie jar! Alex "helped" me make them. I usually put the dry ingredients in little bowls and let her dump them into the big mixing bowl. Today she got a little carried away with the sugar and we wound up with sugar half way across the kitchen! She also decided to eat a big handful of brown sugar, which is better than the handful of flour she ate the last time we made cookies. :rofl:

Right now we're having some hot chocolate (well, warm for Alex) and pretzels. Alex is watching "Olivia" while I read the essays I have to teach tomorrow. There's tons of beef stew left over from last night, so I don't have to make anything tonight. DH's favorite football team (the Jets) plays tonight, so I think we're just going to hang out and watch the game. The snow's pretty much gone, but it's supposed to be chilly for the next few days. By Sunday though it's supposed to be back up to 60F! It's just crazy to me that the weather can change soooo much in just a few days.

I'd better get back to work. I hope everyone's having a great day!

Jenny.....I am sooooo coming over to yours for a cyber :coffee: hot chocolate and cookies!:winkwink::rofl:
I hereby promote Alex to chief taster by the way....this now entitles her to sample the finished cooked product first instead of the raw ingredients individually.....poor dab:rofl::rofl: Sounds like she had fun, which is the main thing:happydance:
all this talk of cookies is making me hungry!!

Welshrose, do you work in a hospital then? what do you do? i will definitely get it seen to if it carries on, i think i might just be extra sensitive up there or something lol. I have had 2 smears and both came back a-ok :thumbup:

Loobi, i know its really hard but please try not to worry dear, im sure its just that the doctors test was done with not enough hCG! One of my friends was pregnant a while ago and didnt get a BFP from the doctors until quite a while after her period was due, and a little birdie tells me that the tests they use are the same as the crappy IC's we get online!!! I hope that tomorrow mornings FMU test has an answer for you, ill be wating with baited breath *hugs*
evening ladies :wave:

i haven't been on for a few days so boy did i have some catching up to do!

loobi try not to worry. i know thats easier said then done :hugs: i'm sure everything is ok.

not much to report, me & hubby went out saturday night & i drunk way too much :drunk: spent the whole of yesterday hugging the toilet :sick: finally got up to watch x factor but it was hard work! so i have come to the conclusion that der der dummmm I CAN'T DRINK! even at 26 years old i am a light weight :rofl:

i obviously haven't done my temperature for the last few days but i have purchased some opk's that should arrive tomorrow :happydance: i'm hoping i haven't scared little eggy back into hybernation with the amount of booze that has been flowing round my body....come on little eggy....it's safe to come out now...i'm on the pg tips now i promise :rofl:
come on little eggy....it's safe to come out now...i'm on the pg tips now i promise

:rofl: OMG i just shot diet coke outta my nose LOL
Hey bumble b! I feel your hangover pain, babe! Thus the reason I don't drink anymore. I'm the biggest lightweight; it doesn't take much to get me drunk or make me sick, so for the last few years I've just avoided it all together. Unless you count wine with dinner, which I don't. :winkwink:

Not only did Alex have fun making the cookies, I think they're the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever made! I used to make awful choc chip cookies, but I think I finally perfected the recipes so that the cookies turn out nice and chewy, just how I like them. I'm going to try to attach some pics of Alex after trying the cookies. She's very stubborn when I'm trying to take pictures. She usually just wants to play with the camera instead of smiling. The one in which she's actually smiling was the last pic I took...I was literally screaming at her in the silliest voice I could muster in order to get her to smile.


Back to school for me tomorrow. I'll pop on and check in when I can. Have a good night, everyone!!
Aww Jenny, she looks adorable bless her..:hugs:

Im_mi....That's fab that your smears have been ok Hun:hugs: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and if it's been going on for ages it probably is just a sensitivity thing. I do work in a hospital, I'm a therapeutic radiographer~giving radiotherapy to cancer patients.

:hi: Bumbleb:hugs: Aww bless you....I used to be exactly the same....now I'm even worse....just the fumes from the wine cork are enough....:dohh::rofl:

JLove....how'd you get on with your later opk?

Loobi....:hugs: Are you ok sweetheart? What did the test say? Huge :hugs: xx

Trynitey....another day closer to test day:yipee:

Bexx...any symptoms?:winkwink:

Well :shhh:I think I Ovulated yesterday!!!:shhh::yipee::yipee:
Take a peak at my chart....feeling :smug: now:rofl:
Hope everyone has a fab day....hope to catch you all later:hugs:
morning.... i did the digital clearblue and it tells me i am pregnant . still in the 1-2 weeks but thats correct... so...phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you girls for your kind words etc...so sorry to be bleating on....its all ust so scary!!!!!

jenny, what a gorgeous little girl..... the cookies sound fab..... i love baking too.....

hey...did you all hear...twinmad is havin twins????? isnt it brilliant news??
oh...btw... yeah, i did lots of sewing yesterday... only a small bit of wings left to do, then the beads i will attempt to put pic up if i can , when she is done.....

:dust: :dust: all round
and WOOOOHOOOOOOOO for the ovulating...lets hope there wasplentyof little :spermy: in there waiting
yay loobi, i swear thats why i couldn't go to sleep straight away last night, you had me worrying :hugs:

welshrose, chart is looking fab :happydance:

jefner, alex is soooo cute, the last pic is lovely. i'm glad you didn't put a pic of the cookies on here as i would be trying to eat the screen :rofl:

can't believe twin mad is having twins....thats brill...i'm an identical twin & i love it (i also have identical twin brothers, yes i know...my poor mum lol) :happydance:
Oh Loobi...that's the best news ever.....was so worried for you babe:hugs::yipee:
Defo put a pic up if you can it looks amazing and really fine detail...I've never worked on linen before.
Twinmad msg'd me yesterday bless her....so excited for her!:yipee::hugs:

I had a funny feeling yesterday that it would happen, after all the bd-ing and managed to last night as well I should hope there was plenty waiting:winkwink:....just hope one of the lil guys has been successful!

How's your DD today? Hope she's feeling a bit brighter:hugs:

ah thanks girls..... you're so sweet....we are like a proper little family in here ay???

bumbleb....ooooooh so when you get your :bfp: you could be gonna have multiples in there too, how exciting, i would haveloved twins, ( when i was younger) , but goodness me, if they were tot ell me i had 2 in there now, i would freak hahahaha... this is my 9th definate pregnancy over the years dh and i have been together ( we have been together since i was 16) and i can honestly say i have never been quite so scared as i am this time, but i suppose after arrod earlier this year, its oly normal to be feeling this way.... i have one cb digitalleft, which i willkeep now til the end of next week, so i can do it and be sure the weeks are going up, then maybe i will relax a bit more, and then i will go gp again, digital in hand ( will have to go on the day i do it, cos the dispaly only last a day ,pretty much) and get him to confirm it then write to the hospital....

i was wondering, last tuesday, i had to take paracetamol for pain, do you reckon this may have been implantation day?? cos the tests i did that day were neg, for sure like, and then the next day theywere the really mega faint lines..... i mean, if that is so, i have literally only had it in there snuggling in fr a week....

never ever taken any n otice of these things in the past, as never tried toget pg with any of them, certainly never symptom spotted ......

anyway going to try to relax a bit ...... its good at least that i got a positive this morning... ...

my boobs were stil tellingme i am pg anyway, and the dr didsay to me, 'do you feel pregnant, ?'... and i do i really do, but i gotta tell ya, i cant wait for the nausea to kick in, then i will realx, Now how bleeding stupid does that sound???


yahooooooo....... go the welshrose swim team!!!!!!!!! may they be olympic standard

big huge hugs all round

Oh Loobi.....It's so lovely to hear a msg from you being spoken from your lil fluffy :cloud9:.....I really am over the moon for you sweetie:hugs:
Fx'd now that everything else goes perfectly:hugs:

I think i'm right in saying that it needs to be non-identical twins in the family history to increase chances of having twins as it's the ability to double ovulate that gets passed on thru genetics. Identical twins are just a magical fluke of nature and anybody has a chance of having them....Bumbleb..your mum is very lucky! What's the age difference between you and your twin brothers?

ah thanks Lisa.... i am trying to be positive..... you know yourself,from the moment you see those positive results, thats your little baby..... and if i am honest, i dont know how i will cope if it doesnt work out ..

trying to not eat to much today, been eating everything in sight the last few days, put lots of fruit out in th ekitchen , i usually keep it inthe fridge, but thought if it out in view i will more likely eat that than graze in the fridge and cupboard for other naughty things......

Welll, thats what i hope anyway, whether or not i succeed i will let you know later... good job i am not in jenny's house , you would find me with choc all round my face hiding in the kitchen... beside an empty cookie jar...

Girls, what do you think, i think Jenny should share her perfected cookie recipe with us!!!!!!!!!!

my kiddies would love that.....

oh i am driven demented here, :haha: i am not ashamed to say, that i get a few little whiskers on my chin, and i have one there that just wont comeout with my finger nails, i reckon its defo a job for the tweezers :haha: ( i am 40 dont forget , mind you i have had this battle since i was 25 so it nought to do with age, i am just hairy :haha:)

right i am off to get the angel back out i cant stop now, its sooo nearly finished, my memorial for my little lost baby

be backlater.... hope nobody sprayed diet coke out thier nose at my whiskers....:haha:

to you all........

" come on the welshrose swim team"

oh i am driven demented here, :haha: i am not ashamed to say, that i get a few little whiskers on my chin, and i have one there that just wont comeout with my finger nails, i reckon its defo a job for the tweezers :haha: ( i am 40 dont forget , mind you i have had this battle since i was 25 so it nought to do with age, i am just hairy :haha:)

right i am off to get the angel back out i cant stop now, its sooo nearly finished, my memorial for my little lost baby

be backlater.... hope nobody sprayed diet coke out thier nose at my whiskers....:haha:

:rofl: What are you like:rofl::hugs:

Definately think Jenny should share the recipe!:thumbup: idea Loobi!

As for the worry hun...I don't think it'll ever go away, I don't mind admitting that as much as I desperately want our :bfp:....I absolutely dread seeing faint lines. They never become very strong either time I miscarried....I guess the main thing is to remain positive for the sake of each Lil Beany, past and present...we owe them that much....and hopefully they're looking down and helping our dreams come true:hugs: With you all the way hun:hugs:

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