Pumpkin Patch

Thanks Babe:hugs:
I'm hoping so to:winkwink: My boobs aren't sore either and usually they are from the day I Ovulate...have had tingles in them but they don't hurt....not even a little bit...despite all the poking!:blush::rofl:

Are you doing another opk today? I read in your opk journal about storing up DH's swimmers....don't let them store up for too long hun....you only want the gold standard fresh ones to get a date with Miss Eggy:winkwink::hugs:
Bexx....couldn't leave you on your own being a bad influence could I?!...:rofl:
How's your day been? Anymore symptoms?:winkwink:

Not really unfortunately. Got a bit of backache, but that's probably more to do with being bent over painting skirting boards lol.

I'm getting a few twinges here and there, but I'm also quite gassy today so it could be last night's salad rather than anything exciting. :D

If this cycle doesn't end with a pregnancy, I'm going to try and stop fretting about symptoms next time. I swear since I've started TTC I've noticed so many things that I thought were new, but turns out they must have been normal.
oh welshrose, FX , TX, LX , NX... ( thats fingers crossed, toes crossed, legs crossed, I can do that now !!!!! and nipples crossed..OOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHH)... lets hope its all going good in there.....

almost done with the beading, had to put it down tonight as my eyes get tired, but will defo be done tomorrow....

nobody i know has seen the NAUGHTY CAPPUCINO kitkats..... thank goodness..... if i see one i will not pick it up...i will not pick it up.... i will nt pick it up...OH ok, i probly will pick it up...but i promise myself i wont like it!!!!!!

got a few little uterus pulling pains going on here today, am not overly concerned , i think i got them with Jarrod , early on..... got 2 positives again today...

am savingmy last cb digital for the end of next week, to be sure things are progressing before i go see gp again.....hate him i do he is a horrible little man....( well he is big actually, really mega tall, but small cos he is mean)

jlove....wow, i amsame as welshrose, i got only a day of the strong 2 lines....

bleeding footy on tonight.... so i ate chocolate and had cuppa.....( tea and it was a yummy one)

i quite fancy this apple and cinnamon tea the girls are talking bout, bet i wont get t here in ireland...

right i think i waffled on for long enough..... your probly yawning away wondering when i will stop..hahahaha

lotsa love and :dust:

:rofl:.....You won't like them Loobi......you'll Luuuuuuuuurve them......:rofl:

Thank-you for crossing everything.....I'll allow you to uncross the nipples thou....I still can vividly remember how sore they get so I won't put you throu that!:winkwink:hugs:

That's fab that your angel will be done tomorrow....can't wait to see it:hugs:

Yep we have Footie on here to....boo....hiss.....I will punish him on saturday with 2hrs of xfactor:winkwink::rofl:

So has your lil bubba got a nickname? I've got a really good feeling that all is going to be just fine hun....reasurring thou to have another two positive tests today:hugs:
Bexx....couldn't leave you on your own being a bad influence could I?!...:rofl:
How's your day been? Anymore symptoms?:winkwink:

Not really unfortunately. Got a bit of backache, but that's probably more to do with being bent over painting skirting boards lol.

I'm getting a few twinges here and there, but I'm also quite gassy today so it could be last night's salad rather than anything exciting. :D

If this cycle doesn't end with a pregnancy, I'm going to try and stop fretting about symptoms next time. I swear since I've started TTC I've noticed so many things that I thought were new, but turns out they must have been normal.

I really hope you get your :bfp: babe......cos once you've started symptom spotting.....there's no going back:dohh:....believe me I've tried a couple of times and failed:dohh:
Thanks Welshrose! All of your symptoms and everything are sounding pretty positive.

This evening I'm having some really really intense cramps. I feel like I am on my period NOW. I hope it's a baby burrowing. And, I was an idiot and tested, but ofcourse, 8dpo and a big BFN. I didn't expect it to come up positive but I was hoping. I wont be testing again unless AF doesn't show on Saturday.
nope..am too scared to give it a little nickname yet..maybe in a few weeks..

dh is acting wierd, i think he is scared too..... you know men they dont say much do they..... whereas me, i havent stopped gassing all night ithink i am doinghis head it poor old sod

hmmmmmmm getting a strong craving for this bloody kitkat now....might have to get my friend to send me a care parcel from cheltenham.. :haha:

i think i am off up the wooden hill to my bed, i am so so tired.....

talk to you tomorrow my lovelies.....

thanks for letting me uncross the old nips by the way, it was ever such a small bit uncomfortable...

lots andlots of love

ah trynitely.... we all do it, the money i wasted on testing....its ike this need to do it even when you know its far too soon and willdefo ne a :bfn: but love, it really is too soon, so dontbe down hearted..... those cramps could well be a little lovebundle snuggling in for the long haul, i really hope so..

i said i wasnt gonna be a SYMPTOM SPOTTER..... but i am SSFH ( symptom spotter from hell) ....... i googled every little twinge.....

i really am going to bed now...NIGHTY NIGHTY.....

sweet dreams

Awww mega huge :hugs: Trynitey.....BFN's suck so bad!....I done the exact same thing last month at 10dpo.....you're not alone!
FX'd that it is a tiny wee baby burrowing in and getting cosy....:dust::hugs:
sorry i got your name wrong....trynitey... i am tired and OLD
LOL! Thanks ladies.. I knew it was too soon but I was sooo hoping. Normally I get cramps like this the day before I start my period, but it would be too early to get this this early I would think. I get spotting a day before my period starts too so if I haven't seen any spotting on Friday then maybe I'll have some luck my way.
Yeah I'm a little amazed myself. I'm not really sure what constant LH levels mean, I just hope they start going up soon!

The apple cinnamon tea is also caffine free! It's made by Celestial Seasonings (don't know if you have it over there). It's so freakin' good.

Just had 2 cups of tea myself. Needed a little pick me up as this rainy chilly weather has me feeling sleepy. Good think I've got my Snuggie!
Hi Ladies!

Pretty uneventful day here. I don't feel quite as bad as I did yesterday, but I don't feel good either. I went to bed at 9:00 last night and I'm still exhausted today. I went to school early today to try to work on papers, but I didn't get anymore done than I would have at home. So I'm behind, but my students will just have to deal with it. If they want my sympathy when they're sick, they need to give me theirs now. The weather certainly isn't helping me feel better, either. It's about 38-ish and raining (well, it's freezing rain). It feels like it's been so long since the sun's been out that by the time it does come back I might spontaneously combust vampire style.

Not really having any pg symptoms, either. My bbs are a little sore but that's standard before af. I think that I've been feeling so crappy that even if I was having pg symptoms, I probably wouldn't notice them!

Well, I think I'm gonna curl up on the couch and rest for a bit before I have to make supper. I'll pop back on later.

yay welshrose!! i SO hope this is your month <3
So, I'm not sure if I have an evap line or just didn't look close enough to my pregnancy test :S
oooooh trynitey....let us know

morning all.....so, didnt ant tog et up this morning...... ugh!!!!!!

nope cant get those teabags here, thats not fair....i am very sad now..... i do have lots of other nice flavours, but that one just sounds so, autumnal and lovely....

right, cant stop now, got to do the rottenkunchboxes, my worse ob of the day

oh yay!!!! my ticker has moved up a notch...yippeeee.....

not feeling great thismorning..YAY!!!!!!..... i hope its morning sickness kicking in.....i actually cant believe i said that..but i mean it ......

how are all my lovely girls this morning????

its still dreary here...... i love cold crisp days..but this is damp...yukky

Morning girls! :hi:

I've had the most horrible constipation since last night. I feel bloated as a whale and can't pass anything (sorry for TMI). Blehhh....

I decided to try some more regular teas a couple of days ago. Bought myself a multi-pack and found I really like Earl Grey and Lady Grey.

BTW, anyone who's interested in that apple & cinnamon tea, I found it here:


I've used that company several times and they're very good. Shame you have to pay delivery though as just over a quid for 10 teabags is bloody good value.
Weather is the same here too. Cold and rainy.
Yay loobi that is exciting your ticker moved!

CD 10 now and I'm itching to do my OPK!! Didn't get to DTD last night as I just got put on new meds and they're making me feel bad. Got to start tonight!!!!! For real. I'm on call for the next 3 days, so let's hope i get some baby makin' time in there somewhere. I'm going to try to OPK before I go to work, and then when I get home.

Hope everyone else is doing good this morning!

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