Pumpkin Patch

Woohoo! My line got darker this AM on the OPK. Better get to the BDing.... I love doing OPKs because at least I have one thing with two pink lines on it. Ha.
not feeling very hopeful here girls...tmi coming up...something is coming out of me, its not blood, its clear fluid, but i have no control over it....

i rememberhaving this feelng the day before i started bleeding with my miscarriage back in 2002.....so girls...looks like its not great news from the loobi household....
Tested this morning to check since I didn't know if lastnight was an evap or not... but this morning it looks like a BFN to me.

My boobs don't hurt much anymore so I'm assuming that I'll start spotting tomorrow or Saturday like I always do a day before my period. My temp did go up this morning though and I've been cramping still but I really think I'm out this month. Maybe next month. I'm not going to test again til probably Monday if AF doesn't show.. but I'm pretty positive that she will.

Good luck BD'ing JLOVE!

I'm soooo sorry Loobi! I hope that it's just extra discharge (which I had bad in my pregnancies) and that you wont miscarry. Sending good thoughts your way.
oh loobs, i really hope everything is okay! :( *prays hard* youll keep us posted wont you?
yes of course i will keep you posted, dont really know what to think, i am hoping its just watery discharge, but i guess after lsoing baby back in july and not bleeding or anything til i found out he was already gone when i went for appointment and ihad had no indication...i am bound to panic

not really sure how i will cope if this is all going to go badly for me....

dont think i would try again, couldntput myself thru it i dont think

we shall see... i willet you know what happens

i tested earlier, its still positive... so hopefully its ok
aw darling i am sure everything is fine, i can understand how your mind must start to run away with you after what you have been through. I cant imagine how hard it must be to be pregnant after having had losses. Just rest up as much as you can love, im sure all will be just fine. Why not give the doctor or midwife a call, maybe they can help put your mind at rest?
its not the eeasy here sadly, the health system is nowhere near as goos as uk.... we deo dont have the chance of talking to any midwife until we are way way more pg .... i will have to just wait it out
I am sorry to hear that loobi, but I hope all is well. Ive never been pregnant before so I coulnd't tell ya one way or the other. :shrug:

Don't lose hope, and hang in there!

The weather is miserable here, so I'm hoping I don't get called into work. Would be the perfect night to start BDing! First I've got to go to an eye exam. I had surgery when I was 1 to correct my crossed eyes and now that eye is feeling very lazy. It's a very strange feeling, and makes it very hard to concentrate on the road when driving.

Well you all take care!
nope..... definately , there will be no baby for us this time..... am bleeding now too...

i really hope you all get your :bfp:

not really sure if i will be back.....

good luck girls

Oh Laura, I'm so sorry!! :hug:

I'd love to say it could still be alright, but I don't want to get your hopes up. I'll still hope for you nonetheless. :hugs:
thanx bexx, but i know in my heart its gone.....

i hope you all get your hopes and dreams come true....
xxxxx i will hang around a wee bit, to se how things pan out for you all
good luck
Awww Laura....I'm so so sorry sweetheart:hugs::hugs:
Anytime you need a shoulder or an ear over a cyber coffee and cuppacino kitkat....you know where I am sweetie....Love n :hugs: babe....take care:kiss:
i want to say i will be joining you ttc... but i hope you girls will not still be ttcing by then......

its taking its time to get going, i have a friend who keeps telling me its not over, but i never had any bleeding at allwith any of my healthy pregnancies.... it has actually stopped for now.... but i feeldodgy..

i dunno..... i am a mess......
I don't know what to say babe...I want to tell you that spotting and even light bleeding in early pregnancy is very common...:hugs:....my friend had spotting whilst carrying her DD at 6wks, I had spotting with Callum @ 10wks so it does happen and healthy babies do result.
On the otherhand I know the complete hell of that limboland only to well babe:hugs: Could you go to the gp and explain that you're going out of your mind? Perhaps see how things are in the morning. How many weeks are you hun? I know in the UK they will not scan until 6wks....but if you were unsure of your dates.....:shrug:

Sending Oooooodles of love:kiss:
the thing is..... i know bleeding is quite common, what is freaking me out is the gushes of liquid.... it came from inside,it was not cm..... so i feel it was the amniotic fluid, ( i know there is barely any at this early stage ) .... i ust feel it.....

i will keep lookng in at you girls and hoping to see lots of :bfp: you all deserve it so much and if there is good news i will tellyou, but in my heart i kinda know therewont be good news.....

lots and lots of love
Loobi, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with my first daughter, and I bled with her for about a week... pretty heavy bleeding with cramping involved. I was put on bedrest and told to not over do it, and she stuck.
Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry.:cry::hugs::hugs::hugs: Please keep up posted; I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Not much to report here. I think I feel better today, but I'm still super tired. My bbs are killing me, which is normal before af, so I really can't read too much into that. My temp dropped today, so I just have a feeling that I'm out and that af will arrive right on time on Monday. This next cycle will probably be our last cycle trying for a while, since any later would put my EDD right around the start of the school year. Quite honestly, I'm looking forward to not trying for a while. I'm tired of obsessing and worrying about it, so I'm ready to just take it easy for a few months.

Glad you found a few teas you like, Becky! Like I said, Earl Grey is my fave; I drink at least a cup a day, if not more!

Good luck with the bding jlove!! Sending you tons of :dust:

Lisa, dear, how's the 2 ww going? Hopefully it goes quickly for you and ends with a BFP!!

I have to try to get caught up on papers this weekend, but I'll be on to check in.

HUGS everyone!!!
laura darling i am so sorry :hugs: i know you are trying not to get your hopes up but i will still be praying for you and the little one inside, it aint over until its over sweetie xxxxx just a PM away if you ever need to talk :hugs:

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