Pumpkin Patch

morning, well, as you can imagine, i havent slept very well, but no more bleeding....and on a digi i am still getting pregnant 1-2 weeks, which freaked me out, cos it hasnt changed in 8 days, but..... i think implantation happened on oct 6th.... which means that is still right doesnt it?? my first thought was " oh s**t! the levels arent rising so i am right bout miscarrying...but then dh said that bout me saying bout thinking implatation was that day, so its only been in there for 10 days..... i am probly grasping at straws here..... but gotta hang onto something...going to go to gp this morning with the digi , and the emu too..... cos i ant to be sure its on my records as a confirmed pregnancy....

really hope you are all ok...... looking forwar to seeing lots of :bfp: in here soon
Morning Girls:hugs:

Loobi....Sounds like a plan hun....have everything crossed for you:kiss:

JLove...Goodluck with getting time to bd babe....sending truckloads of :dust:.....keeping everything crossed that those opk lines will lead to a fantastic set of lines on the hpt...:hugs:

Im_mi...how you doing sweetie?

Bexx....aww love you....hope you've had some relief today.....I seem to be completely the other way this morning:blush:

Bumbleb....where have you gone chick?....hope all is ok:hugs:

Trynitey....hope there are no signs of the nasty ol hag babe....and lots for your :bfp::hugs:

Jenny.....glad you're feeling better babe:hugs: Wish I could send a fairy over to mark those papers for you:winkwink: Any new symptoms today?
The tww is not going to bad here really. My boobs still aren't sore:shock: Have had headaches the past two mornings up until lunchtime and have been more tired than usual but that's a bout it really...:shrug:....Chart is doing ok I think....take a peek:hugs:

Hope everyone has a good day....:hugs::flow::hugs:
I am still awake, and it's 3am here! Was working on a Christmas gift for my daughter.

So yesterday when I tested and thought that it was either an evap or a faint positive, I thought this morning's came out negative, and I took another in the evening today and it is another faint faint line. DH says I am just thinking its there b/c I want it to be. But I dunno, I swear I see SOMETHING but DH doesn't. I guess we'll see if I start this weekend then.
Ooooh Trynitey.....can you not post a pic in here?!.....keeping everything crossed for you sweetie:hugs: I have heard that some people getter better lines not using fmu....maybe you're one of them:shrug:
fingers crossed trynitey.... my dh couldnt see my first lines on the first day either....

my boobs arent as sore today and i think they have gone down a bit too.... so i am feeling that i am correct bout the impending mc.... i know you all probly think i am just being so pesamistic..( SP) but i just know how they felt a few days ago and they do not feel the same today.....

going to go dr anyway, with my digi in hand and the fmu i used to get it this morning, dh doesnt want me to buy any more tests, but i feel that at least by testing i can kind of see whats going on myself, cos there is little use going to epu at this early stage, we would spend best part of a day sitting there for them to not really give me any more info than i already know..... as nothing would show yet anyway...

We didn't get a chance to DTD last night....I got called out on a case and by the time I got home I was so tired I just fell asleep. And DH got outta bed this morning before I woke up. But, I'm not too worried about it as I haven't gotten a + on the OPK yet!

This guy I work with brought in pics of his 4 month old yesterday and made me jealous. I know it will be my turn soon!

Sounds like a good plan loobi. I am hoping for the best for you!

I was a little confused by the OPKs yesterday. The morning one with less concentrated pee was stronger then the afternoon one - and I held it for like 4 hours.......any insight???

Hope everyone is well!
Morning Hun:hugs:
I'd defo test again today....and take the phone off the hook for a quickie:winkwink:....some people's opk lines only just get as dark as the control but don't get any darker....would hate for you to miss the crucial time.
Do you have any other O signs? How's your temping going?

Laura, do let us know how you get on at the doctor's today, I hope he/she gives you some good news. :flower:

I'm feeling hopeful today. My temps have risen again - could I be going triphasic? I know that alone doesn't guarantee anything, but my boobs have also gotten incredibly sore overnight. They've been tender since 1DPO, but this is much stronger. It feels like they're too heavy.

My neck is aching too, but I'm still putting that down to the redecorating we've been doing.

I was really naughty and did a test. It came out neg, which isn't that surprising. If I did have implantation, it would have only happened within the last 48 hours, not enough time to build up sufficient HCG levels.

These next few days are going to crawl by.....
Ooooh Bexx.....Nice Rise:winkwink::yipee:
Naughty girl breaking into that bathroom cupboard!:rofl: It's way too early hun....of which you already know......keep outta there woman!:winkwink::rofl:
When is official test day for you?
Getting excited for you guys now....test day is almost here!:yipee:

Laura :hugs: good luck at the doctors today, i hope everything is ok. maybe they will be able to start testing your hCG levels to see if they are rising adequately? that might give you the answers you need :flower:

trynitey, post pics!!! early positives can look a lot like evaps. i think the main thing to look for is colour! maybe take a pic and then mess with it in photoshop, like adjust the saturation to see if your line has colour?

welshrose, im glad the 2ww is treating you nicely! how long until you can test? hope this is your month <3

oooh bexx your symptoms sound promising!!! cant wait until you can test, until then ima going to chain your bathroom cabinet shut!! step away from the HPTs! :haha:

Jlove, if in doubt do the dance! :laugh2: hope you get a chance to jump on him soon!

so i am due to O pretty soon, within a week, so i think its time to get down to baby making! its hard, though, DH is always sooo tired in the evenings and i worry about him feeling like hes being forced to be Mr Loverman :haha: obviously i love it when he makes the effort but a quickie is better than nothing when it comes to BD'ing! :rofl:
Hey Im_mi....:yipee: for impending O......hope you catch the eggy sweetheart:hugs:

Yay for chaining Bexx's cupboard shut....there's now two of us :devil: hiding inside gaurding those hpt's....shouting get out of here!:rofl::rofl:

I'm due to test according to FF on the 25th (next sunday).....gonna try so hard this month to win the challenge of not testing early!:dohh:

Morning Hun:hugs:
I'd defo test again today....and take the phone off the hook for a quickie:winkwink:....some people's opk lines only just get as dark as the control but don't get any darker....would hate for you to miss the crucial time.
Do you have any other O signs? How's your temping going?

I'm def. testing again today.....probably in an hour, and then again in the PM. I kinda gave up on temping, as I kept forgetting to take my temp every morning. So, even though I know it really doesn't count, I'm taking my temp after sitting still and not eating or drinking for about 15 min. Just to get a general idea of where it is. I did the same thing last cycle and noticed that after O is was about a whole degree higher until AF. So, I'm not using it the way I'm supposed to, but I guess you can see where I'm coming from.

As far as O symptoms.....not really. I haven't checked my CP this morning, so not sure about that. As it is CD 11, I'm going to have to find time to DTD. No matter how tired I am. Lol.:sleep:
Ooooh Bexx.....Nice Rise:winkwink::yipee:
Naughty girl breaking into that bathroom cupboard!:rofl: It's way too early hun....of which you already know......keep outta there woman!:winkwink::rofl:
When is official test day for you?
Getting excited for you guys now....test day is almost here!:yipee:


Technically I should test next Thursday (the 22nd) but I'm thinking I might give it a try on Monday as a lot of people have luck from around 11DPO.

BTW, I know my FF chart shows me as being 7DPO today, but I'm pretty sure I ovulated a day earlier than it thinks, so I counting this as 8DPO. :D

oooh bexx your symptoms sound promising!!! cant wait until you can test, until then ima going to chain your bathroom cabinet shut!! step away from the HPTs! :haha:

Yay for chaining Bexx's cupboard shut....there's now two of us :devil: hiding inside gaurding those hpt's....shouting get out of here!:rofl::rofl:

Uh-oh, I'm in trouble now lol.

Must Not Test. Must Not Test. Must Not Test. :thumbup:

Of course, you must both be model citizens and not test early either. No double standards thank you very much, or I'll be wagging my finger back at you. :trouble: :winkwink:
oh dear, i am a fiend for early testing! i am such a hypocrite LOL! but i will try really hard not to this cycle!
oh dear, i am a fiend for early testing! i am such a hypocrite LOL! but i will try really hard not to this cycle!

Ditto Babe....It'll be a first if I manage it!......must avoid the wagging finger....must avoid the wagging finger!:haha:

11dpo should be ok Bexx....got everything crossed babe!:hugs:
Monday still seems an ocean away lol. It's funny because hubby is on holiday this week and yet all I want is for it to be over so it's time to test. :D

Quick question for those who've been through pregnancy before regarding boob pain. Is the pain in any specific place? I'm getting it all around the outer edges, not near the nipples/areola. Occasionally I have a shooting pain from the outside in towards the areola. Most of the discomfort is on the sides nearest the armpits.
I can't actually remember the boob pain with Callum hun....I remember my nipples being soooo sore but that was from about 6wks....it used to wake me up in the night and everything.

The shooting pains down towards the areolas sounds promising....I do remember a kinda stinging sensation over my boobs at around 7dpo with Lil Bean.
As for the edges babe....I think a lot of people get it there and get :bfp: but I get it there normally in cycles where AF has arrived:dohh:.....Hope it's a promising sign for you thou:hugs:
Alright, O for me is right around the corner. Just checked CP and it's ready to go and I've got EWCM. Yay! Now, just to find the time....you think if I call DH and tell him the house is on fire to get him home he'd be mad?:winkwink:

Gonna go do my OPK before I head off to work. If it's not + I know it's lying. Ha. I have high hopes for this month. For me and everyone else!:happydance:
Yeah, I get tenderness just before and for the first few days of AF, but rarely is it as intense as this. Plus it's 6 days before I'm due and I never get it this early, maybe 3-4 days at most.

It's even worse after wearing a bra for a few hours lol.
:happydance:OPK line is the darkest ever. Not fully +, but I'm going to take it as a green light. FF is also giving me the green light. (Not like I need a traffic light to tell me when to BD or not, haha).

Bexx, sounds like good symptoms. Hope its a BFP!

So I'm actually going to stay home from work today unless I get called in. Now it's just a wait for DH to get home. FX i can stay home in my Snuggie! It's only going to be 50 here today. I know it doesn't sound cold, but it's chilly here.

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