Pumpkin Patch

Afternoon ladies!

Just hanging out trying to get motivated to work on papers. I'm feeling better, but still tired and run down, which I've read is normal after you've had the flu. No pg symptoms except sore bbs still, but no af symtoms either. :shrug:

On the plus side, DH heard from the urologist yesterday. Sperm count was fine, totally normal, but motility was a little low, just like last time. So the doc said that the antiboitic should take care of the motility problem and then we should have no problem getting pg! So if I don't get pg this cycle, I have really high hopes for the next cycle! :thumbup:

I'd better get some work done, I suppose. I'll pop back on later to check in; I'm sure I'll need a break from grading anyway! I hope everyone's having a great weekend!!!
My OPK was positive! So does that mean I O'd or am about to? I just want to know which day so i can track DPO....:happydance:
It means that you should O in the next 24-36 hours. Get busy bding!!!!:sex:
Have fun and :dust::dust::dust:
laura i am so sorry :( wish i could give you a big hug right now. I added you on facebook sweetie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

nothing to report, just wanted to nip in here and give you all a :hugs: and spread some :dust:

is it just me or do the weekends just fly by??? i look forward to having DH home all week and then it goes by in an instant! tomorrow we are going to mothercare to get Jack some babygro's to sleep in (we are going to try to transition him from his sleeping bag to a duvet). i love going to mothercare, i always find myself wandering wistfully around the teeny tiny newborn stuff.
Oh Laura, I'm so very sorry for your loss sweetie. :hugs: :hugs:
quick question.... i am not saying we will ttc again, but just so my diary is up to date.... should i count today as cd1?
tmi coming up.... i think i passed the products earlier on...the bleeding is very bad, like my normal heavy period, lots of pain.... i will not waste a hpt to see if it neg yet, but i can touch my nips now without feeling ike they have glass stickin in thm..... so i would guess i could count it as cd1.... what do you think?
Morning Girls:hugs:

Loobi....Hope it all eases up soon hun:hugs: That's what I did both times, just as with a normal period...disregard
any days of spotting and go from the first day of proper flow. I was also advised by my GP to leave it 2wks before
doing an hpt hun. Heaps of love sweetheart....:hugs::hugs:

JLove.....:yipee:.....Positive OPK.....:wohoo:
Enjoy your day Babe:winkwink:.....:dust::dust::dust:

Im_mi.....oooh Mothercare.....I haven't been in there for ages.....think they should put a nice coffee shop in there
for refreshments cos I could easily spend half a day in there!:dohh::rofl: How's the cm behaving hun.....:dust::dust:

Jenny....hope you're getting throu that pile of papers babe:hugs: That's fab news that DH's count is fine:yipee:
Hoping you will get your :bfp: sweets:hugs:

Bexx.....Get away from the cupboard:devil:.....:rofl: Only 1 day til the chains come off!.....even I'm feeling weak and
want to take them off a day early for you!.....Don't do it WelshRose!....stay :bodyb:....it's the first step to battling
POAS addiction!:rofl:
How are you feeling sweets....anymore symptoms we need to hear about???

Well I never seem to say anything different about the tww this end....Boobs STILL not sore:shrug:.....Spotting still
going on....feeling sicky on and off all day....had some tingles in my boobs yesterday but they came and went.....all
very uneventful really. Had another tiny rise this morning on the chart....just hoping and praying.

Heaps of Love n :hugs: to everyone xxx
I'd agree with WelshRose. If the bleeding is in full-flow, then count it as CD1.

It's lovely to see you back BTW. :flower:

I had to rummage around my underwear draw looking for my one and only sports bra this morning. My boobs are so darn sore and there's no way I'm putting them anywhere near underwire lol.

The tenderness is sometimes worse in one boob - is that normal? And it's no longer confined to just the sides, underneath hurts as well now.
oh bexx...you are so goo dnot testing....

yeah its normal for them to hurt all over..... got a good feeling for you love....
i am ok, very pissed off.....if i hadnt tested i would never have even known..... now i am panickng that there is something wrong with me.....

not sure, but i dont think we will try again.. but sure, i willfollow you girls where ya go so we cans till chat , if you ladies dont mind that is....
Morning Ladies! :hi:

Just sitting here drinking some :coffee: I may need a lot today; Alex woke up at 5:45 puking. DH got up with her and cleaned her up and I tried to stay as immoblie as possible in bed, but I think I may have messed up my temp for the day. I took it at 6:30, a half hour earlier than usual, and it was up, leading me to believe that I was either awake too long or morving around too much before I took it. :shrug: Oh well. Poor Alex has thrown up about every half hour since she woke up and at this juncture there's nothing left. I feel so bad for her; she looks just awful! I know there's not much I can do except let it pass and try to make her comfortable, so that's what I'm doing. Hopefully it passes soon because she hasn't had more than a sip or pedialyte all morning and I don't want her to get dehydrated.

As for me, bbs are still sore but that's about it. I'm having weird cramps...not exactly like af cramps but not really like anything else, either. I sure hope it's not whatever bug Alex has...like I have time to get sick again! The last time I had a stomach bug was back in March and I was seriously laid up for 4-5 days. It was awful!

Becky and Lisa, your charts are looking great! FX'd for you!! Hope you're having a good weekend! How's the weather across the pond? Lisa has it been nice enough to take Callum to the park at all? It's finally warmed up a bit here, but now that Alex is sick I obviously won't be taking her anywhere! :nope:

Well, I'm going to try to get some papers done. I shut the tv off in hopes that Alex would go back to sleep but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm sure I'll be back on throughout the day. Talk to you ladies later!
Jefner, it's bloody cold over here lol. We went to visit a friend earlier and the sun was nice and warm, but as soon as it went in I was freezing my sore boobies off. :D

It was lovely to see my friend's new baby though, she's absolutely gorgeous. I've never really been around babies, so it was all very new to me and only deepened my desire to have one of my own.
Hi Everyone:hugs:

Jenny....aww bless lil Alex:hugs:....hope she's feeling better tomorrow:hugs:
Weird cramps.....I'm kinda liking the sound of that:winkwink: Got everything crossed babe....for tuesday?
We didn't go to the park this weekend hun....went out for a long walk after our Sunday lunch....through some woods etc....Callum and Poppy loved it!

Bexx.....I am so excited for tomorrow and you testing babe.....I'm so close to saying if you're not pg then I'll eat my hat!:rofl:....You must tell us ASAP!!!:rofl::hugs:

Im_mi...how'd your mothercare excursion go?

JLove....Be prepared for the cupboard locks to go on tomorrow!....Hope you've got some super strength chains for mine to although at the moment I'm actually having no urge to go and POAS.

Does anybody know whether superdrug tests are still on offer?

Well I actually can join you Bexx and Jenny in the sore boobs stakes:yipee: They are sore in a different way to usual....as you say Bexx underneath and the areola area, have also had the stinging sensation a couple of times today in my nipples as well.
Not a lot else to report this end....just eager to go to bed to be able to see where that next temp is going and be another day closer to testing:dohh:

Hope everyone is ok....:hugs: n Love
Wow for all the sore boobies! I hope that it's a good sign for all of you!

Bexx... you are doing great not testing! I dunno how you are doing it :lol:
Bexx.....I am so excited for tomorrow and you testing babe.....I'm so close to saying if you're not pg then I'll eat my hat!:rofl:....You must tell us ASAP!!!:rofl::hugs:

Does anybody know whether superdrug tests are still on offer?

Well I actually can join you Bexx and Jenny in the sore boobs stakes:yipee: They are sore in a different way to usual....as you say Bexx underneath and the areola area, have also had the stinging sensation a couple of times today in my nipples as well.
Not a lot else to report this end....just eager to go to bed to be able to see where that next temp is going and be another day closer to testing:dohh:

Hope everyone is ok....:hugs: n Love

I can only hope there's truth in your confidence lol. :D To be honest, I'm feeling positive about this cycle too, I'll definitely be posting on here as soon as I've tested. :thumbup:

Don't know about superdrug tests BTW, but Boots are doing Buy-One-Get-One-Free on First Response tests. I was thinking of picking up an FRER in the week.

I'm so glad you're getting sore boobies too! Would be so lovely if we could all get our BFPs together! [-o<

Wow for all the sore boobies! I hope that it's a good sign for all of you!

Bexx... you are doing great not testing! I dunno how you are doing it :lol:

If it's not a pg sign, then there must be some kind of sore boobie virus going around lol.

I'm not that good at avoiding the tests, believe me it's taken a great deal of restraint to do so. :D

The waiting is almost over though, hopefully tomorrow will give me the results I'm hoping for. Then I will pass those cupboard chains onto JLove. Mwahahah! :D
Not much to report here. I got yet another + on my OPK tonight! So probablu going to try to BD tomorrow. I'm beat tonight. Thank you for passing the chains! I'm going to need them. I have a good feeling about everyone this cycle. Good luck with testing everyone....can't wait to hear how it end up!

Good night!
yipppeeeee for ll the sore boobies..... mine are gone back down this morning ... back in me small bra tday....

good luck all... but sounds like the old :spermy: may have swam like champions already.. yay

lotsa love
hi ladies, sorry haven't been on here much, work has been really busy & yesterday we spent the day sorting out the garden.

loobi :hugs: i'm so sorry hun.

trynitey, congratulations on your beautiful :bfp:

nothing to report my end, infact i'm feeling a bit fed up. no sign of ovulation so looks like i'm in for a long wait again :cry: my sister in law starts ttc in feb, she has perfect 30 day cycles so whats the betting she falls effortlessly! i know it sounds pathetic but i wanted to give hubby's parents their first grandchild :cry:

anyway, how is everyone today?
Morning Girls:hugs:

Bexx....where are you?!?!.....:test:

Bumbleb....glad to have you back with us chick....missed you:hugs:

JLove....hang in there sweets....hope you catch Lil Miss Eggy:hugs:

Loobi....:hugs:....what are you up to today hun?

Jenny.....How's Lil Alex today?...hope she's feeling better and you and your DH have escaped the bugs. Any positive signs?

Im_mi....How you doing babe? How are the meal plans going:hugs: Hope you can join us in the tww soon!

Trynitey....How are you feeling babe sat way up there on :cloud9:

Well I have another really horrible headache today, sore boobs..... and still spotting, I wish I knew what was going on in there and why its happening....it's getting me down now.
Does anybody know anything about progesterone cream?

Heaps of love n :hugs: xxx
hi... not up to anything much...feeling pretty low....
keep trying to pick myself up, sometimes i think i want to ttc again, but then i just dont think i could take the soul destroying pain that comes when it all goes wrong.... i wonder why this keeps happening, am i just too old now and have bad eggs..... my head is melted and my heart is just broken...... i feel like i could just curl up and stay that way for months..... like my life is at a standstiill.......

sorry for the downer.......

waiting for bexx good news , its gonna be good i can feel it in my water..
i dont know anything bout progesterone cream... but would be interested myself...let me know if ya get any info..

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