Pumpkin Patch


bexx..... 2nd july is a good day to have a baby...my ds ( who is a8) was born on that day..... and my other ds is jul 5th ( he is 9)...... in fact all my boys came in july as poor tiny Jarrod came on 5th too.... ( poor xander, he didnt have a good birthdaythis year)

SO....early july is a brillo time to have your baby....so excited for you, bet you cant stop smiling....

well, we have decided we will try again.....( and probly again and again, as i dont think i actually ovulate every month) ...

so...COME ON NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!

i am counting today as cd3 and thankfully it seems the bleeeding is almost done..I expected it to be worse, but , sorry tmi coming up.. the clots and lumps cameaway early on sunday morning, so its been alot better since yeterday, and today i dont have tummy ache either....

still cant believe it, but am trying to move on......

Jenny, glad alex is better, as lisa said i bet she will be proerly back on form today....

i have dd ( kya who is 6 in 2 weeks ) and DD ( Xander who is 9 ) off today, theyare both under the weather with coughs and colds..... big DS has gone into college, but he is not feeling brilliant either, but he only has today and tomorrow then he is off fr 10 days.... DD ( cordelia who is 8) is goin in , i actually said she could stay off if she wanted to , but she said she wants to go in....bless her

its raining here today , a real day for the fire and duvet... i am gonna mop my floors, and then sew , am making a xmas card, i was going to start another biggy, but with myhead all over the place, my concentration isnt great..... i am actually usually a xmas freak, i just love it, but i am dreading december this year, as my poor little man was due on 10th..... maybe i will feel better after the day has gone, i know its ust another day, but i dunno...when i thinkabout it i get a funny feeling in my tummy, and feela bit sick....
DH was watching something on tv the other day and someone was singing silent night..... i sat sewingbeads onto the angel crying my eyes out.... a friend of mine says maye i need counselling, but ithink its ust that he was loved and wanted so much.... it just still hurts

Jenny, so sorry :witch: got you..... lets hope we get our :bfp: in november ay?? ( as i siad i dont o every month, so i doubt i will get mine, but will try and see what happens)
i have been reading up, and some people say wait to try again. but i am not going to..... surely this was ust bad luck this time.... hope so anyway..

does anyone know if there is anything i can do to try to make it more hospitable in there for snuggling into ???

i read that b6 is good for lengthenng the LP..... not even sure if i have a prob with that, i dont think so, cos my period comes 14 days after o'ing.... i take epo for EWCM, and di take something called fertiaid last month, but dont think i will bother with that this time, in case it had something to do with it not being a good one.... there is a thread on here bout it, andit seems quite common for these pregnancies to miscarry.... not sure if that is to do with the actual product, or just that this is worldwide, so there is just so many people talking bout it there is bound to be a higher number of m/c, by ratio iykwm.. anyway , i will not take it this time.... and hope i can ovulate on myown....
been reading bout angus cactus and allthis other stuff, but to be honest, too scared to take anything now, just in case it had anything to do with it....

oh dear i am so so sorry, i waffled a short novel again.... just needed to talk....

bexx, relax and enjoy your journey sweetheart, this will be the most amazing thing you have ever done.....

lisa...... i really hope you get your dream at the end of this week.....

bumble b..... hope you are ok....
jlove....... oooooh you are in the 2ww......
trynitey, hope you are feeling ok and the morning sickness doesnt get you
jenny..... are we staying here?? or will we be starting a new thread???? i will follow you whatever you decide to do..... ( i dont mean this ina nasty way, but i hope nobody else fromhere follows us, hope you all get to go to the mums to be clubs)

im_mi, how is your cold.... let us kno whow you get on with the proper OPK'S.....

hope i havent forgot anyone.....
lotsa love
whoah..... that was mammoth....SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww hey Loobi...:hugs:
So glad that you are going to try again sweets...:hugs: Sending so much :dust: your way. I think they just advise to a wait a month for ease of dating purposes esp when it was an early one....that's what the GP told me. Some people also say that you are actually more fertile after a mc.....so PMA coming your way:winkwink:
I would really reccommend charting your temp hun...at least that way you would know definately whether you've O or not each cycle as sometimes your LH can surge but then you may not O for whatever reason.....hopefully you won't have anovulatory cycles but if you do they're there on paper then to take to the GP or whoever.
I did some research yesterday and there was a thread last month about wild yams and it having a chemical in it that forms the building block for progesterone. I made Sweet potato and butternut squash soup last month and didn't have any of my usual spotting 1-2 days before the witch ....whether it was just a coincidence we'll never know....but I can't face the thought of the soup this month...:sick:...so went to Holland and Barrett and bought some Wild Yam Root capsules....FX'd they work and can help stop my spotting[-o<
Agnus Casters seems to be another good one to balance the hormones if they're a lil out of sync.
Making sure you have enough iron in your body also, as apparently it needs to be a certain level to be able to sustain a healthy pregnancy...again in Holland Barrett they do iron and vitamin c combined tablets as the vitamin C helps with iron absorption...don't take that one at brekkie thou cos dairy stuffs stop iron being absorbed.
And obviously Folic Acid....My gyne told me to stop taking pregnacare and just take a straight folic acid tablet.

It's horrid and wet here to hun...really dark and dismal....I hate days like this....definately duvet days.
Aww I was a proud Mummy last night, we had Callum's school parents evening and they are so pleased with him and how he's progressing. She was really excited to show me a dragon that he'd drawn yesterday with scales and everything and his writing that went with it....she awarded him star of the day for it....:awww::cry::haha:
We took him to MacDonalds for tea as a good boy treat and opposite is Pets At Home and without being prompted he broke the word Pets down into its sounds and then read it, I was so :shock: bless him.
Not upto much today, ironing probably and then dreaded food shopping....:growlmad:

Sending cyber :coffee: and :cake: to have with the chin wag:rofl:
my birthday is 6th july, it's nice coz you get loads of presents at xmas then loads 6 months later :happydance:

loobi i miscarried on hubbys birthday last year, was a terrible day for us :cry:
this year i thought we would be really down but instead we went out shopping & for a nice lunch & ended up having a fab day. i was never given a due date so i don't know when our baby should have entered the world so i suppose i will always think of beany more on hubbys birthday because it is the only date we have in our heads. i'm sad of course but in a way i'm glad i got to know what it feels like to stare at my very own :bfp: it was a lovely few weeks.

changing the subject completely...my new windows get fitted in my kitchen today :happydance: the old ones are awful! hubby (steve) is a carpenter by trade which is very handy as he is doing most of the house himself to keep costs down.

i've got a meeting tonight at work, i have got to run a girl home after, she always asks me & i am too kind to say no but she never offers me petrol money & its really out of my way so today i text her back saying i will need petrol money as we are watching every penny, she text back saying thats fine, all you have to do is ask! I might sound old fashioned but i thought it was a bit rude to never at least offer??! or is it just me, i dunno :shrug:

still no sign of ovulation, opk's are still the same as last week! can't even get excited that i might be nearing ovulation coz last cycle was 70 days!
sorry welshrose, didn't see you there.

thanks for the :cake: i'll take a huge chunk thankyou very much :rofl:
Hey Bumbleb..:hugs:
No I don't think you're being old fashioned at all....you shouldn't have to ask!

:happydance: for the new windows Hun....and :thumbup:Steve!
I usually end up doing the DIY in our house....too much of a perfectionist for hubby's liking:dohh::rofl:
What date do you go and pick Lil Rylee up....it can't be long now?

Hang in there with the opks hun....:hugs:
:rofl: That's ok.....I think it's a carrot cake by the way.....Ummmm could quite fancy a slice myself!:winkwink:
i work in a thorntons cafe so i'm surrounded by yummy cakes all day :happydance:

we pick rylee up on 22nd november, she will be 8 weeks old bless her. they send us pics every week so hopefully they send some tonight so i can show you what a little cutie she is becoming
butternut squash a sweetpotato soup....hmmmmm, not sureif i could swallow that....

maybe i will try taking the other stuff though. i do get very heavy AF so maybe it couldnt hurt to take that iron and vit c one.....

mmmm carrot cake is one of my faves.....

bumble b, i know how you feel, i used to only get my af every 4 months or so sometimes, it didnt matter to me then cos iwasnt trying to get pg......

i have done my floors..... not doing anything else today, gonna make a xmas card .....

lotsa love
oh ah thorntons cafe??? yum yum

mind you, having said that, i used to work ina bakery and it was my job to put the cream in the cakes, it put me off em, i never wanted to eat them when iwaslooking at em all the time......

lotsa love
rylee aged 2 weeks. she's now just over 3 weeks so will add more pics when i get them.


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omg...how sweet.... ah they are so cute when they tiny arent they?? makes my 2 look like giants..smelly giants at that.....
btw...i dont think you are old fashioned either, i wouldnt dream of asking someone for a lift and not offering some money towards petrol....

got a bit of a headache this morning.... had trouble getting out of bed.....was making the bed, and thinking how i just cant wait to get backin it later... love my bed
i love my bed too, my facebook status currently says 'hayley must have been in a time warp as there is no way she has just slept for 8 hours!' :rofl:
hahaha..... mine says come on november!!!! i have to br cryptic, as nobody knows we are ttc....
Good morning everyone!

Yes, I am officially in the TWW! Yesterday's OPK ended up being negative. The line was still strong, but not as strong as the control. And my CF went back to sticky. Super. Boobs are already starting to hurt, but sometimes they do from O until AF. SOOOOO, I'm counting today as 1DPO, even though I'm not really sure if I O'd yesterday or the day before, but I know it was sometime around then. I wasn't at work that late last night, but we did have to drive 2 hours to get to where we needed to be.

I had a headache that would not quit yesterday. That made working all that much worse. But it has gone away and today is the last day I'm on call for a while. Which gives me plenty of time to sit back and symptom spot. Lol, kidding. But seriously, I probably will. You say you wont, or will try not to, but everyone is lying when they say they don't do it. If I had cramps at 3dpo, I would think possible implantation even though I know that would be impossible. :haha:

Alright, hope you girls have a great day!
yay, Jlove, congrats on being in the 2ww! i hope it flies by and ends with a :bfp:

Laura im so glad that you guys are going to try again, im sure youll get a :bfp: really soon, and a sticky one at that! :hugs:

Lisa, you must be so proud of your little man!! :D sorry about the cramping, i hope it feels much better soon. i used to get awful cramps just like that when i was in the first tri, they got bad enough to make me want to puke! so it could be a good sign! :dust:

bumbleb, your lil pup is so adorable!!! *wants*

sooo.... i think i got ovulation spotting today :happydance: when i wiped this morning (sorry tmi lol) there was quite a lot of bloody EWCM, i started to panic thinking it was AF but after a quick google i think its DEFINITELY ovulation bleeding!!!! EEE! but does that mean i already ovulated or that i am about to? because we havent DTD since sunday night! Well ill be jumping on him tonight for sure, i dont care how ill i am or how tired he is, lol, we WILL have sex! :rofl:

How are you all doing today then ? Still crampy, Lisa? i cant wait until you can test!!!
Laura, you're the best person to decide when it's right to try again. I'm really glad you've decided not to give up. :flower:

BTW, are you a Buffy fan? Just wondered as the names of a couple of your little ones are characters lol.

Oh, I'd definitely agree with Lisa that charting your temps is great. I didn't think it would be that useful until I started myself. Now I love being able to look back and see the different stages of my cycle so clearly. :D

Lisa, I'm using Sainsbury's own brand pregnancy vitamins (Mum & Bump). They're very cheap too, less than £3 for a month's supply. I quit using the Pregnacare because I wondered if it was causing my severe vertigo, strangely enough it stopped the day after and hasn't been back since. So I'll never touch Pregnacare again.

BTW, I got cramps around the time of implantation. Not as full-on as AF cramps, but they were definitely there.

I've got ironing to do as well today. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow and needs shirts lol.

bumble b, sounds a bit cheeky of your workmate to not offer petrol money. I've only ever asked for a lift if it's not out of someone's way.

JLove, congrats on passing ovulation! :D I too find the first 7DPO really frustrating. There's no symptoms to look out for and you've no idea if you've successfully conceived. It's the true limbo stage lol.

im_mi, I think you can spot up until 24 hours or so after ovulation. I believe it's the follicle rupturing that causes it, but it's not been proven for sure. I would get plenty of BDing in for the next couple of days at least. :D
i couldnt take the pregnacarw when i was pg with jarrod.... made me feel horrible....alot of women swear by them, but i swear at them..haha....... C**P
Thanx Bexx! Hope I'll be in your shoes in 2 weeks. Damn this wait. Going to work to go do something for a while, lol. I'l talk to you guys later.

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