Pumpkin Patch

yes loobi, they suck. I guess all we can do is keep reminding ourselves how amazing it will feel when we get the :bfp: we have been waiting for!
Hey Girls:wave:

Aww big :hugs: Im_mi and Loobi....Definately agree with you Im_mi...those :bfp: will be magical when they arrive....and without a :witch: there's still hope so hang in there!

JLove.....where are you sweetie?!.....the suspense is near killing me!:rofl:

Jenny: How's your day been babe?

Hope everyone is ok:hugs:
come on jlove...we are all waiting foryour news.....
:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: thats what i feel like doing..
one minute i have got cramps, next they are gone away...grr.....:witch: she is the biggest pain in the arse
I'll definately:drunk:to that babe!:rofl:

How's your day been? What have you been upto?

feel sick this morning girls...i wasted yet another test..... i think i am slightly insane at this stage.....

i definately got a sensation yesterday that i have only ever had before when i have been up the duff....... i think i am having what my dh calls a mental pregnancy!!!!!..its all in my head......

i have taken the test apart to hold it up to daylight when the sun is up properly...( i have been told that FRER do not get evap lines)......

i am officially driving myself, and probly you girls too ..INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but seriously , how unfair is it of the body... my nipples are wayyyyyyyy sorer than a usual pre af sore.....and as i said i had this stretching feeling right down on one side almost at my bikini line yesterday when i moved too quickly...... .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Morning lovelies,

Just stopping over to spread some :bfp: :dust: on all of you... i'm cheering the sidelines seriously so get to the BDing with all effort :winkwink:

loobi i'm keeping my fingers x'd for you! all sounds promising.

i've got dr's at 9am, really nervous even though my dr is so lovely, it's the power they have over things like this. it's my day off today so i'm off to see my friend for lunch & have a cuddle with her little 9 week old son oscar :happydance: he's a right little cutie.

in sunny essex it's far from sunny, it's peeing down outside :rain: & i'm now regretting straightening my hair coz as soon as moisture hits it...i'm transformed into a poodle :rofl:

speak to you all later, i'll let you know how i get on xxxx
Sorry girls,
Work was hectic yesterday, and didn't even get a chance to get to the store. Good news is that AF was due today and still hasn't shown her crooked face yet! I've got to go outta town for a business meeting today, so I'm thinking if I still haven't heard from Auntie yet, i'll stop by the store. I thought about not putting a tampon in my purse because I might jinx it, but decided that would not be good later. Each minute that goes by that she still hasn't come gets me more excited! I'm not having any AF cramps yet, and my BBS are still killing (normally they would have subsided by now!) I promise I'll check in later with either a :happydance: or a :growlmad:. Hahaha. Please stay away witch bitch, please stay away!

FX'd loobi! Sorry to keep you in suspense WelshRose!
Hi girls! :hi:

I'm so sorry I've been away for a few days, the evil side effects from using the metronidazole turned out to be a virus or something and I've felt absolutely awful. I've been on anti-vertigo meds and it's only just started to ease up, plus I've been feeling nauseous constantly.

Yesterday was the first day I didn't have to take the antibiotic pessaries and I stopped my vertigo meds too as they didn't seem to be helping any more. I only get dizzy when I bend down now or turn over suddenly while lying down.

It seems the antibiotics have cleared up my BV though, which is great. While I've always been able to tell where I am in my cycle because of the amount of mucous I produce, it's always been cloudy because of the BV. Yesterday though, when I went to the loo I noticed some properly clear, stretchy egg-white CM - and there's even more of it today! :happydance:

So looks like ovulation is imminent! I haven't felt any twinges yet, though it doesn't happen every month so I can't rely on that. But it's so nice to see such a good indicator of my fertile phase so clearly.

How are my cycle buddies getting on? Are you getting any good CM yet?
Good afternoon girls. I wonder if I can join u girls? My next AF should be due 2nd week of November so at Halloween I should be getting busy Bding instead of trying to hide from the wicked witch.

Day 4 of spotting and temp is already dropped. I can't wait for the witch to show her face so I can try again. My PMS is getting so bad that I am now Queen of Psycho Land after days of being a crybaby.

So onto cycle#7. This cycle I will be having acupuncture for the 1st time in my life... So nervous!!
^sorry youre having a hard time with the PMS :( i hope you feel better soon and that the witch hurries up! :dust: for you xxx

Feeling all weird in my uterus again today... not like cramps, just like an awareness. also lots of browny blood-tinged EWCM. I just wish that the witch would hurry up so i can start trying properly (or, y'know, get a BFP in the next week or so lol.)
went to doctors, turns out i have pcos, she just came out with it
"'i will refer you straight away as the scan last december shows you have polycystic ovaries so we don't need to wait on the results of the blood test"
i was like WTF!!! they have known for that long and no-one has thought to...TELL ME! :growlmad:
my appointment is on november 10th. she said she'd also like me to lose a stone, i didn't think i was fat so that was a bit of a kick in the teeth :cry: i'd love to get a :bfp: before my appointment so i can be tell them to shove their stupid diet up their bum :rofl:
welcome nibbler.... you and i will be :sex: at the same time again, we should be poas buddies again..... i am in bits with my tummt today, and i also am like a bear witha sore head, ( but its actually mummy with a sore tummy)...

bit gutted cos i had some firm symptoms, never mind, now i know for sure she is on the way i have kinda acceptedit a bit more, felt worse when i was kinda in limbo over the whole thing.....

im_mi...i reckon you might get your :bfp:

bumbleb...i was gonna mention that to you whenyou were mentioning missing af...i had pcos years ago

come on team pumkin patch, lets go for loadsa :bfp:'s.......
im_mi: Fingers crossed that you will have :bfp: instead of the stupid witch!!! I always suffer from PMS, but I think the poor DH is suffering more :shrug: One moment he has to try consoling a crying wife and next, he is getting ready to have his head chewed off!! :blush:

bumble: I hope you get your wish! Here is loads of :dust: that you get your :bfp: before your appointment. I also suffer from PCOS but I haven't had any symptoms for a long while and my period is quite regular. So here is hoping your symptoms will settle down too.

Loobi: Thanks for inviting me here. I pray that you won't be my POAS buddy this cycle. I will be praying for a :bfp: for you!! :happydance: There is still hope as long as the wicked one hasn't shown her face!!! I am onto day 4 of spotting, so my period hasn't started properly and can't start counting CD1 yet. I just wish the witch will hurry up already!!

By the way girls, how do I add the pumpkin patch thing to my signature?
hiya nibbler... nah babe, i am defo out, i know my own cycle, and if i got :bfp: AFTER THE PAINS TODAY I WOULD HIT THE DECK!!!!!!

i also caved and tested again, it was a defo :bfn: ....... so we are out til next cycle... we are all set to :sex: for the week in the run up to halloween....... and lots of fun in between i hope...... not really sure where we will go after that, maybe wait til the new year or admit defeat..... we will see what happens and how we feel..... i took roses from My little lost babies roe toay to make a new potpourri.... i tend it daily , it gives me a little sense of peace when i am out there, DH says he find it still surreal thathe is out there...but i find it a comfort cos i know i am giving him so much love.,physically as well as mentally and emotionally...
anyway signing out now with a glass of red...

not sure which page it is on, but one of the girls put the url up for the singnature....making it easy to add....

i hope this is it. but i am not toto hot on pc...could be wrong
ah crap.... will look back to see where it is... i think it was bexx. popped it up
Awww Hey Nibbler!....:hugs:....So glad to have you amoungst us.....althou obviously sad that the :witch: got you:hugs:
You'll have to let us know how the acupuncture goes....it fascinates me but I've never tried it.

JLove......I've got pretty much everything crossed for you babe....(well everything that can be crossed in the lead up to O!:winkwink::rofl:) Heaps of :dust: babe...thinking of you:hugs:

Bexx....Awww you poor thing:hugs:...glad the BV has cleared up thou and the vertigo is improving:hugs: :yipee:for ewcm:yipee: Still creamy here but then I think I ovulate a couple of days after you. Get :sex: girl!:winkwink:

Loobi....it's a complete mind game isn't it...this ttc game....always get me :wacko: every cycle....but then you've probably all guessed that:dohh::rofl:
I'm :happydance: but Hubby is :sad2:....X factor is on for 2hrs on saturday night.....that'll teach him for making me sit thru all the rugby games:winkwink:

Im_mi......It's sounding really good babe...hang in there....keeping my fingers and toes crossed:hugs:

Bumbleb.....They've known since when?!:growlmad:
And you certainly don't look like you need to lose any weight from your profile pic either!:hugs: Sending lots of Love, :hugs: and PMA cos even with PCOS it can be done! Truckloads of :dust: for this cycle babe and I hope you get to shove your :bfp: up their bum as well as their diet!:rofl:

Jenny: How's your week going chick? Hope all is ok:hugs:


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