Pumpkin Patch

according to FF, i am 'probably fertile' at the moment :thumbup: ive only recorded like two temps though so i dunno how it came to that conclusion... CM maybe? what do you guys think?

Well, I'm not temping or anything, but every few days i just like to take my temp after I've been idle for a while (not drank or ate anything) and just see what it is. I notice before O it's usually around 97.7 ish and after, it's been about 98.5 or higher. Still is! 11dpo, and I had a ton of creamy CM this morning. Hoping for the best. PMA PMA!

I know these temps are legit..... since I've been up for a while, but it's still kinda cool to watch it. I think if AF kicks my butt this cycle, I'll do it for real, and actually have a chart.
where is out little welsh rose?? hope all is well....
hi ladies,

well i've not long been home from a rather pants day at work, i stunk of coffee so jumped straight in the bath! was going to cook but thought sod that, so we have just ordered a takeaway & poured a nice class of californian red :wine:

i haven't taken my temps this cycle yet, might start tomorrow if everyone else is doing theres. my last cycle was really long so i got a bit bored half way through & gave up then started again after ovulation, think that kind of defeated the object :rofl:

well i'm off to enjoy my vino, probably pop on before work tomorrow. have a good evening ladies.

oh incase i forget, if olly murs gets through to the final 12 on x-factor this weekend then my hubby will be on the tv, he was filmed at football training last night coz he used to play on the same team as him. he was asked to do an interview but said no, damn it!!!! so you may see him running about the pitch, he was wearing a black training top with SAMS written on the back :football: thats my claim to fame :rofl:
where is our little welsh rose?? hope all is well....

Hey Loobi:hugs:....you just made my night:hugs:
Yep all well here chick, not a great deal to report really....started to do my temps yesterday....and hoping to start the every other day luuuurvin tonight:winkwink::rofl:
How are you holding up for test day?....When is the big day?

JLove84::thumbup:=D>:thumbup:......I'm VERY Proud of you babe!:hugs::laugh2:

Jenny: Aww bless you sweets....it all sounds rather hectic...glad you'll have catch up time on the weekend...:hugs:

Bexx: How's things sweets? I know what you mean about loving Wales!:rofl: I crossed over the bridge 11yrs ago when I went to Uni and have never returned to live in England....Hence WelshRose:dohh::rofl:
We absolutely love Pembrokeshire.....it's what retirement plans are made of!:winkwink:

Bumbleb: Now that's an idea! There's a bottle of rose in the fridge....maybe tomorrow night:thumbup:
I'm a therapeutic radiographer by the way, treating cancer patients in a specialist oncology centre.

To anyone one I've missed...it's not intentional...:hi:....hope you're ok:hugs:
I'm on CD20. first month ttc. very excited and nervous.
i have lots of good symptoms going on right now. :)
good morning... well, one week til test day.... i was haviing sharp twinges down in me bits, but they seem to have gone off now....
but i had real trouble getting comfy in bed last night, every time i lay on my front, i had a real stretchy feeling that was uncomfortable down ones side ... it went off when i changed position...i am symptom spotting, and i said iwas gonna try not to....grrrrrrr... i wish i could just take the 2ww as it is..... and not ss and stress........
not long to go now....... i have FRER upstairs...... will try to get to the end of the week.... they reckon dont they that you can get a result up to 6 days before AF is due to visit?.....i have a poas buddy.... i hope she wont mind if i buckle and test before sat..... having said that, i will only do that if i dont have all my AF symptoms... which, would usually kick in today or tomorrow if she is coming.....lookig back in my diary last month, 6 days before she arrived i was crippled with period pain , had tot ake paracetamol for it and everything.... so, i will allow myself to HOPE if i dont get them this weekend.....my boobs dont hurt too bad, apart from the tips bobbing aroud in my p top...

there waffled your ears off there didnt i??

welsh rose, glad your back...... i was missing you..

Hi all! hope youre all having a great weekend so far :)

DH and i DTD last night, we're going to aim to BD every other day or every third day for now. fx'd!
Morning Ladies! :hi: (or afternoon for our ladies in the UK)

It's the weekend! Yay!! :happydance: Alex and I went shopping yesterday and had a rather sucessful trip. I got Alex a bunch of new "winter" clothes (three pairs of pants, some leggings, and three long sleeved shirts). I also got a Bissell Steam Mop. It works awesome! I have ancient linoleum in my kitchen that always looks dirty, and this mop is actually getting up some of the caked in grime!

It looks to be a cold and rainy day again today, so I think we're gearing up for some indoor stuff today. Today was the second day this week that we've discovered Alex in her crib naked in the morning, so I think DH's going to convert her crib into a toddler bed. That way she can get up and play in the morning instead of taking her clothes off. Wednesday morning when I went in to get her up I found her playing with the poop from her diaper, so I think she needs something more constructive to do when she wakes up!

Well, I'd better go get us some breakfast. I'll pop back on later!

Hey Folks...:hugs:

Jenny: Aww bless her...and bless you having to clean the mess up!:dohh:
Bet she'll love her big girl bed! Has she ever shown any interest in a potty or using the loo?....just a thought that she may be becoming ready?
Weather over the pond is naf as well chick :sad2:....I hate it when it :rain::rofl:

:hi: Im_mi....how you doing sweets? I did have a peak at your chart hun after your post about FF and yes probably the watery cm has confused it. How long are your cycles usually?
We're also going to be trying the every other day approach this cycle...hope it works for us both hun:hugs:

Loobi....how's that bathroom cupboard doing....I'm placing cyber locks on it:grr:....as well as JLove's :rofl:

Aww goodluck Lindseypie!...when are you testing hun?....Lots of :dust: for you xx

Hope everyone is having a fab day.....:hugs:
Hey babes!

To answer your question, Lisa, Alex will sit on the potty, but she won't go potty. She seems more interested in playing with her pants (pulling them up and down) than anything else. I've bought her a couple books about pottying and I've been taking her in with me when I go, so we'll see if that sparks anymore interest. DH did convert her crib this morning. We've laid her down for nap three times now. All she does is get up and play. :dohh: Perhaps once the novelty wears off she'll go to sleep??

I don't know what our TTC strategy will be this cycle. DH has an appt with his urologist on Wednesday, which is right around O time, so I don't know what will happen. Maybe the doc will just look at his chart and give him some antibiotics again without doing any testing. I think I need those spermies more than the doc does! I thought about waiting until I get a positive opk before we do anything, but who knows. Maybe we'll just bd whenever we want and hope for the best while we wait for doc results.

I'll be back later...off to put Alex in bed again!
Aww Bless her babe! It's Sooooo exciting having a big girl bed!:rofl:

A month of just trying as and when sounds good hun...hope everything goes ok with hubby:hugs:....and you definately need those :spermy: more than the doc!

well, i think AF is on her way :( meh. ive been having cramps all night but still no-show. i wont be utterly heartbroken if we dont get our BFP this month as DH and i havent been out for a date night together since our son was born, and we both really want to go out and get a little tipsy together before i get pregnant again. Having said that though, ill still be gutted if the :witch: shows up :(
I'm planning on testing on the 10th, but i'll probably give in and test earlier!
THE WAITING IS KILLING ME! I'm so anxious and excited.. but i'm so scared of a BFN. :(
Morning Everyone...:hugs:

Jenny: Hope Alex settled into her bed last night without too many times of having to put her back in:hugs:
What you up to today? Not a lot going on here I don't think...cooking roast chicken later for dinner and probably popping over the in-laws at some point.

Loobi:Morning Sweetie...Thinking of you:hugs:

Im_mi: I hope she doesn't come babe, lots of people report having af style cramps before :bfp: so don't give up on this cycle just yet! How old is your LO?

Lindseypie: Aww Hun, not long til test day now....hang in there and try and stick to the 10th....the gutting feeling of seeing a :bfn: really isn't worth testing early....trust me:dohh:

JLove: How you doing sweetie?....still being :bodyb: I hope!
What have you been upto this weekend?

Bumbleb:......you're another wk closer to your Lil furbaby coming home:yipee::winkwink:
Have you had to work this weekend?

Bexx: Hope everything is going ok and your having a good weekend hun. How's your parrot now?

Catch you all later hopefully....:hugs:
Welsh rose, my LO is 19 months old :) yeah i remember getting these kind of cramps when i was pregnant the first time around, but they only started like 2 days before AF was due... i may not have even ovulated yet this cycle! I just came off BC so i have no idea whats going on, lol. Hope you have a lovely day, how are you doing? :)

And how are the rest of you doing? all having a good weekend i hope? Im still getting AF pains, i wish she would just come and have done with it so i can get on with things!
Im_mi: Aww bless him...he looks gorgeous in the bottom pic of your sig:awww:
Hope your cycles get back on track straight away hun.
I'm ok hun...counting down to Ovulation day...again:dohh:....not long now thou hopefully it should happen next saturday....FX'd. I must make more effort to chart my bbt as I'm not doing opks this month....have been a bit lazy this cycle and only temped a couple of times.
Hope you've had a good weekend:hugs:

Where is everyone tonight? Hope you've all had a fab weekend!
Did anyone see X-factor? Jamie,Danyl and Olly (keeping an eye out for your hubby bumbleb:winkwink:) are thru...:yipee:....:rofl:
good evening,

well, i reckon old witchy poo is on her way to me, my boobs are killingme , and i am getting little shooting pains in my ovaries which is a bit strange alright!!!!! but this cycle day is the day i get my tummy ache revving up for the monthly visit.... am very low bout it all..... so worried time is not on our side .....

ah well, cant do anything bout it, dh syas we can just keep trying, but mentally, i am not sure if i can do it to myself.....

i am focusing so much on ttc, i am not getting over the loss of my little man,....

we shall see....

i will stay here with all you lovely pumpkin patch girls , andhopefully we will all get what we want inthe end.....
Hey Lou:hugs:
I'm gutted for you babe that you think she's on the way....honestly....I'm going on a mission this month....to creep up behind her and steal her damn broomstick....she won't be able to swoop in on any of us then:rofl:

Just take each day as it comes sweets....but know throu the ups and downs we love you at 'the patch' and are always here for you:hugs:

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