Pumpkin Patch

what is this thermometre i should buy please
A basal body thermometer hun...BBT...one that goes to two decimal places. I got mine for only a couple of £ on ebay:hugs:
Likewise, mine's the Baby Mad one and I got it off eBay too for a couple of quid. :)
Hey ladies WelshRose said to come join u lovely ladies if you wouldnt mind having me that is :blush: xxx
Loobi: Thanks for looking up the link! I got it on my signature now :thumbup:
I'm so sorry for your loss. Growing the roses is such a lovely way to remember your 2 angels. I think they know how much you love them and they are watching over you :)
What age are your 6 children now?

WelshRose: Hopefully we will all be moving off to the 1st tri after this cycle. I am one big coward when it comes to any medical treatment. I guess us girls will do anything to have our little babies. I just hope it will help things along. I shall report here how I get on (and whether it will hurt with those little needles, ouch!!)

Loobi: P.S. I bought my Thermometer from Boots. They called it fertiltiy thermometer and they are expensive! It is way cheaper to buy online. I was too lazy to order off the internet. I happened to be going to the shopping center on the day, so I just pay extra for a Boots one!!
Hello Telle! Welcome to the Pumpkin Patch!! I only just join today as well.:thumbup:
Are you trying for your 1st as well? Telle
ahhh you girls are getting me really excited!!! Damn it i want to pee on one of my FRER's now :p

bumble b, im sorry you have pcos :( i suppose at the very least you know what is going on with your body now. and i really hope you get a great big BFP really soon! a friend of mine had PCOS and got pregnant after cutting out all sugar from her diet, her dietician reccommended it and it worked! :thumbup:

Loobi, i really hope you get your BFP soon!

welshrose, nibbler, bex, and anyone who i have unintentionally forgotten about - <3 :dust: <3

OMFGoodness i am just so desperate to be pregnant!! this whole time i have been trying to convince myself that i wont mind if i dont get lucky this month because i want to lose some weight, go out on a few big nights out, have a few dinners out with the hubby etc.... but i would gladly forego all of that just to see that BFP.

But, what are the chances of me having ovulated just a couple days after coming off the pill? people say its unlikely but how else do people get preg by accident after missing one pill??!! surely its possible... and we DTD loads after i came off of it and the week after. Am i just clutching at straws or could it be possible?
:wacko: Not sure whether to add the Pumpkin Patch logo or not yet. Got terrible cramps during my meeting today (the worst, when you gotta sit through boring lectures in pain) and started spotting today. However, has been light pink and brown, and enough to use a liner, but not a tampon? I'm gonna watch it, and if it stays like this or goes away, I'll def. test tomorrow. Otherwise, consider me a vine in the patch. Screw it. Well, if I am starting over, I'm going to find lots of little things to do different. Like start temping, or checking CP everyday! Check in tomorrow morning. Night girls!
morning girls.... cant stop long, i am up a bit late and have to do the lunches....

ut you are gonna think i am wierdo....i didnt want to waste a frer this morning, cos i KNOW KNOW KNOW its a waste..... so, doyou know what i did, I peed on an opk stick.....( i know , i have no idea what made me do it) but i have a question for you.... is it normal for it to comeup with a line when you are due AF??? it was a faint one, but is that normal, or are my hormones up the wall???
Hey all.
im new.
recently had my implanon removed now TTC
supposed to be ov'ing today or in the next few days, tried an OPK yesterday and today both negatives. pretty disappointed but hopefully i will ov this month.
i hope everyone is well.
good luck
well, now i know why i got a +opk...... i have just got faint lines on 2 internet cheapies.....and a frer!!!!!!!!!!!!..

i am not due :witch: til sat, so will hold off til then to do any more, just in case its goes :bfn:

am so scared that it will.... am very crampy, and getting those funny little twinges down really low...

will keep you posted
i am so scared to get my hopes up.......
i wish someone would come in and calm me down
oh loobi!!! omg thats so exciting! i really hope its a sticky beany xxxxx congratulations!!!!!!!
i think im out of the running this month girls, the :witch: flew in this morning :(
thanx im_mi...... i am trying not to get toooooo happy, cos its so early..... but i was ust gobsmacked when i stood there looking at the test, and the line was appearing, i kept saying to myself, 'no its your eyes you daft bat.....' so i did a frer, and sure enough, a faint line came up, so did another internet cheapy and there it was again... gonna hold off now til a couple more days and hope that its darker, not surehow i would cope with not being after this, i didnt think of the possibility of losing anothe rbaby when i was so desperately trying to get pg again.... not sure i could cope with that, so FX it is snuggling up in there for the next 9 months..

so sorry you got your visit from :witch:

well see now im confused as its gone back to light spotting again??!?!?! its been so long sice i had a real AF ive forgotten what they are like, lol. gonna start a new cycle on FF anyway.

aw im sure its a sticky beany!! although i completely understand your anxiety after your losses. OMGosh so exciting!! Youre pregnant!!! :happydance:
Check out the signature ladies!

Yeah, she found me. I was mad when I went to bed last night because I knew the cramps were too much to be anything other than that damn woman. This morning I'm having a gigantic cup of coffee :coffee: just because I can, and then I'll be having a drink with dinner. F it.

To my new cycle:
Welcome! And don't screw up this time:nope:. Your goal is to be the last I see of you for a very long time.

So if I calculate this correctly, my new testing date is November 3rd. I'm going to have a lot going on this next TWW so I think the hardest part of this cycle will be the TWW leading up to the TWW. Ha, if that makes any sense. I'm going to start temping tomorrow, just because, and I'll post a link to my FF chart, just because I can.

Twinmad..... guess your baby dust missed me, but looks like it got loobi! Hope it sticks loobi!

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