Hi girls!!
hope you all had a good weekend. Sorry i wasnt in here much! i wanted to come in and catch up on y'all last night when i got home from work, but when i got in i could hear DS screaming blue murder!! i went up and DH was trying to comfort him but he was just screeching like a banshee and flinging himself around his cot, wouldnt let DH cuddle him or hold his hand or even pick him up!! I got in there and he immediately stopped crying and snuggled me. I hate it when that happens, the thought of him being there screaming and wanting his mummy and im not there.... ugh. and i feel bad for DH, he is a brilliant daddy and Jack loves the bones of him, but i guess sometimes only mummy will do.
Of course he was wide awake after all that screaming so i lay next to his cot holding his hand for an hour and a half and he was just lying there babbling to himself!!! i somehow managed to persuade him to lie there without holding my hand and i was able to sneak out shortly after. i dont like doing that at all, i cant bear the thought of him realising im not there when he thought i was but i was sooooo tired! I think he must be teething again, hes had his hand in his mouth for about 2 weeks now lol. Just 4 molars left to come and that will be all of them! last time, he cut 3 molars in a week, poor love.
and on to TTC stuff.... well, since what i *think* was implantation, i have had no spotting or anything. Im feeling quite nervous actually, because i have this little feeling that I am pregnant, and although i am reluctant to pay any attention to it because it might just be false hope, im starting to realise that i
could be. i could have a little beany in my belly right now. omg.
When we started trying again i was fully expecting it to take months. I didnt even consider that it might happen sooner, let alone the first cycle! My only symptoms have been the implantation symptoms, plus a HUGE increase in my sex drive... just like last time i was pregnant. i couldnt get enough
fx'd fx'd fx'd!!
And how are you all this morning? J, that batchelorette party sounds brilliant! ive never been to a drag show, i will have to one day!
Loobs, im sorry youre feeling bloated! hope you feel much better soon.
hope you had fun plant shopping, bumble b! i dont usually watch X factor but wasnt Danyl good when he did his singing for survival?? i cant believe he was in the bottom two! And yes, wasnt it lovely to have that extra hour?
bexx, step away from the thermometer!! are lisa and i going to have to guard your cabinet again??