Quick clomid question

Hi Jess ( by the way been meaning to ask, whats the story behind the name jessica lol, nothing to do with jessica simpson has it lol)

Babybond was the place that had no slots for me, freeky huh lol!

But get this i have found another place not that far from me, that can fit me on SATURDAY morning, :happydance: booked it yesterday, my hubby is soooooooo nervous and kept saying shall we, shant we lol and i just said it can only be a good thing and if anything, help me relax, because, i dont know about you, but i have not slept properly for weeks, prob months actually, with all that went before it. :sleep:

Either i am thinking things over in my head or going back and forth to the loo lol. so tired, but not complaining lol.........

i am excited but aprehensive, i guess thats normal though.:wacko::flower:

we was reading my book last night, and hubby seems to think i am like 9 weeks, cause they go from last period, wow didnt think i was that far, but hopefully they can confirm on saturday and then you on sunday.

so pleased you are here :hugs:

speak soon hunny, glad you are feeling better xxx
Hi Mnms

i was jsut on chlomid, 50, 50, 50 100, 150 no other drugs went with it, until i moved onto injections, cause unfortunately chlomid didnt work for me. i was on cd 2-6 every clinic has different opinions etc.

i wish you lots of luck, remember chlomid can dry your cm up and make it hostile for sperm, so preseed is good for that.

good luck x
hello you that's so fantastic about your scan! :happydance: so strange we seem to be doing everything together at the moment! I hope everything's fine with both of us, and I'm sure it will put our minds at rest! After the scan are you going to tell your mum? She's be so pleased for you! :cloud9:

That's strange about babybond, cos you're in Essex right? how far's Chelmesford? cos I had a look on there for you and thought you could just pick a few dates in the next week or two? Anyway, I'm going to ring the one in Manchester later cos I think I have to pay the balance before sunday, we only paid the deposit.

Oh and Jessica is a girl's name I liked, but when we got our cat from a rescue centre, she was called Jess (like Postman Pat's cat she's black and white) so we couldn't use Jessica if we had a girl! :wacko: Bit silly really, but I didn't want to use my real name on here just in case! Daft huh? Anyway, your username is much better! And it worked! :thumbup:

Well only a few days to go! Talk to you soon! :hugs:

Well dont get spooked out, but jessica is a possible middle name for us!!! after my hubbys grandma

chelmsford is not too far but the times didnt work out for us, and there was one like 5 mins from where i live. but it has worked out ok now as the one i am going to, i think its called my www.ultrababy.com is only 20 mins away so closer than chelmsford, to be honest i didnt look any where apart from chelmsford and the other clinic near me as i thought it was silly to travel, anyhooo its all worked out ok, and think this one is cheaper too, not that it matters x

how far is manchester from you?

i think we are still going to wait until NHS scan, we have waited this long so another few weeks wont matter, then i can plant the picture in my mums hand and hopefully there will be lots more to see, (cant believe we talking like this, lol ):happydance:

you know whats great about this thread, its like our own personal diary what a lovely memory xxx:hugs:

popped to the shops at lunch, have my god daughters 6 birthday party on saturday (remember my friend who became pregnant and i was all upset etc, well its her daughter) shes having a boy and is over the moon.

i think she will be totally shocked when i tell her. you know she still hasnt said a word to me about anything..............................

i tried on a hundred things and yuck!!! nothing looks nice and i cant seem to hold belly in either i am feeling very bloated and frumpy at the mo!:shrug:

oh also you remember the girl i bumbed into at the clinic that time, well funny story.

i havent heard from her in weeks, she has IVF around the same time as my treatment, anyway i said to hubby i bet shes pregnant i have not heard from her. i only thought this as i didnt want to email her, knowing i was pregnant and have to lie.

anyway, i got an email from her yesterday, to tell me she is pregnant, how amazing is that, she told me she didnt want to email and lie lol...... she didnt ask about me just said i hope yours worked for you too.

she had a nightmare with her treatment and ended up on a drip and got told her chances are slim, well to her shock she did, i am so happy for her.

i am just hoping my cousin, who has been trying for 6 years gets her miricle too, its going to be reallly hard having to telll her!!!

wow look at the time only 3.35pm grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr roll on the weekend actually roll on home time i need to sleep lol

hope you have a lovely evening

xxxxxx :hugs:
Just wanted to wish you lots of luck for the weekend, i am sure we will catch up real soon.

i hope you are okay hunny xxxx
Hi you, so sorry I didn't e-mail friday, I wasn't able to get on the internet at work, then had a sleep in the afternoon, I was wiped out by friday night! I wanted to wish you best of luck for yesterday! I was thinking about you! :flower: How did it go? I'll tell you about ours when you've told me about yours. You go first! :hugs:

Hey you,

all i can say is WOW, WOW, WOW, indescribable, it really is! i am so glad i went and had it done i really am.:happydance:

Hubby was a bag of nerves bless him until i saw him point at the big plasma screen (lol) and shout omg, look theres the heart beat and i was going, where, where, or yeah, there (it so reminded me of the scene out of friends)

the consultant then unexpectantly turned the volume up and we heard our little pickle..........amazing, totally amazing. Heart beat is beating at the rate as it should do, and even saw the yolk sack which is meant to be good!:winkwink:

i walked out of there in a daze and first thing i did was head to my mums (lol):happydance:

i now cant wait for 3 month scan as it will be great to see the difference in images.

i still look at the photo and it is very sureal, had the best night sleep though, lol

soooooooooo, et toi??????? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hello you! I'm so glad it went well! We had a lovely day too, it was amazing! I was in tears as soon as I saw the little heartbeat flashing away! :baby:

Although it wasn't quite as I had imagined! We basically got there half an hour early (my hubby is one of those who needs to be early for everything where as I'm usually late!) so I'd started drinking my water when we left thinking we'd have an hour to go. It took about half an hour to get there. However, we arrived and they were a bit behind apparently, so we were told we may have to wait a bit, but I didn't think it would be that long, so I carried on sipping my water. Anyway 20 minutes after we should have gone in, I was so uncomfortable I thought I was going to have an accident, so had to go and have a little wee and hold the rest in! So difficult let me tell you! :wacko: So by the time we got in there 10 minutes later I was like please don't press too hard! She then started saying don't worry if we don't see anything straight away, and I panicked a little, but there it was beating away and the outline of a little baby! Which my hubby said looked like Casper! lol! I can't tell you how happy we were, totally worth it! :happydance:

I am now 8 weeks 2 days apparently! did they tell you how far along you were hun?
One good thing about having to wait so long is that they've said we can go back in a few weeks for a free scan to make up for it! So we get to have our NHS scan then another a week or so later!
So what did your mum say?! Bet she was so excited! So pleased for you I really am! I can't wait for our little bumps to appear! I'm so glad we're going through this together, its strange not even really knowing each other before, I feel like I know you through this experience! I'm totally on cloud nine! :cloud9:
Talk to you soon hun! Take care. :hugs:

hello you,

sorry, i tried to email last night, but my laptop froze mid way through a long response lol.:wacko:

i am so so so so happy everything went well for you at the scan, an amazing feeling isnt it, thank you for booking yours, cause i dont think i would have done, if you hadnt lol.:flower:

wow you get another scan, lucky you, i am so pleased for you hunny.

like you i drank a lot of water, when she started pressing on my tummy, i was like oh no, not too hard please ( i am funny with those scans anyway, i dont like the pushing feeling, all in my head i know) anyway, she couldnt find anything, i wasnt at all worried as i knew i was resisting her pushing any harder.

she told me to go empty my bladder. aparently while i was in the loo, she quizzed my hubby, asking if we had done a pg test, have i had a blood test, obv she was convinced there was nothing there!!!!!! (lukcy i found this out after)

anyway she did an internal and there is was ickle pickle lol........ and yes ours looked like casper too lol, i so cant wait for the 21st, seems like ages away.

when i got to my mums, i said to her 'oh this came today, its a belated bday present, i handed her the envelope with pic in, as she opened it she screamed and cried, it was lovely to see, she said to me i am so glad you told me as she was not sure how long she could have waited before she would have had to have asked if i was pg......... i guess mums have an intuition.:baby:

my hubbys mums reaction was brilliant too, she ran out the room crying lol.

well sweetie, i am one day behind you lol, she dated me as 8 weeks and 1 day.:hugs:

she did say that this may change at NHS scan but i know i am roughly that cause of when i had the treatment, ooooh we may have kiddies born on the same day, now that would reallly freek me out lol

what date is your NHS scan hun? soon isnt it?

how you feeling lately hunny?

speak soon hun have a lovely nausous free day lol xxxx

p.s. did you get my email i sent to your email account?:hugs:
Hello you, that's so lovely about your mum, my mum was the same when I told her, and she was so excited when she saw the scan picture cos we hadn't told her we were going! :flower:

It was fun chatting on FB at lunch! I was so bored at work today, it's quiet at the moment because much of Europe is on holiday, I'm kind of glad cos I don't think I'd have the energy if it was busy, but at the same time, the days are going so slowly! :wacko: Although like you say the midwife appt has come round quickly! I'm hoping to find out from her tomorrow when she's booked us in for the scan, cos I haven't had anything through from the hospital.

I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, have a good nausea free day too!
xxx :hugs:


yes the days are dragging - cant stand it, i am really busy but just cant concentrate!

it was lovely talking to you too the other day xx

so how did it go today?

oh did you say you were 8weeks+2 on your scan date? cause on your amazing scan photo, its got somthing that says 9w+2? or is that something different hun?

speak to you later hun, going to have some more carbs lol xxx
Hello! I got your picture, that's so cute! :baby:

It's so exciting, even more so when I tell you our scan is in two weeks! I can't believe it! The midwife was lovely, she came to the house, talked us through everything, family history, how I was feeling, birthing options, everything! She took my blood and a urine sample, but unfortunately, I don't see her now until after the baby is born! how mad is that! I'll be seeing midwives at the hospital and at the GP clinic on Tuesday mornings apparently, I think every 3 weeks or something, not really sure.

Yeah she went off my last period (which is what they originally did at the scan which is why it says 9w). I didn't actually tell her I'd already been for a scan that put me at 8w+1 because I knew then they'd put the scan back a week, and we have the free one with babybond anyway, so this way we get two! (cheeky I know!). She gave me a pregnancy guide and loads of stuff for joining baby clubs and money off things like nappies etc. We've got all sorts! So its been a good day! apart from the nausea had been quite bad today, I've felt particularly hungry today too which makes it worse I think!

So how have you and pickle been! Not long til your appt now hun, hopefully the next couple of weeks will go quickly! :flower:

Talk to you soon xxx :hugs:

Hey you,

so pleased it all went well, she sounds lovely, i guess where you live you get to meet the midwife that will be visiting after the birth before hand! which is a nice touch i suppose.:happydance:

it will be interesting to see what the NHS scan dates you as. what date is that scan?

i am okay hun, as i said symptoms wearing off which is worrying me but think i am being paranoid, i am still very tired and clothes not fitting, i am going to have to buy some lol.:wacko:

i have a week off next week, which i am so desperate for, we were going to go away for the week but monday we are going to see hairspray with friends and the friday i have appointment at hospital, i also need to go shopping for a dress for a wedding so that only leaves a couple of days, oh and also have my nephews birthday!

who knows we may go to the beach for a day or two or may check into a nice spa hotel i could do with some unwinding lol

do you have any nice plans for the long weekend hun xxx:hugs:
Hiya hun, good that you have a week off, I wish I did! I'm so in need of a rest! At least we have monday off, we're going to Blue Planet aquarium in Chester then out for lunch which should be nice. :thumbup:

Went to my friend's wedding yesterday which was lovely, but she guessed cos I wasn't drinking and had to have the vegetarian option cos I couldn't eat some of the other stuff, raw fish, brie and rare beef amongst some of the things! She was very pleased for us, but yet another person I've had to tell! Its not staying a secret for long! :winkwink:

I think we have our scan the same day as your midwife appt on 9th September? I should only be 101/2 weeks by then, but we have another one with baby bond when I'm actually 12 weeks.

Don't worry about your lack of symptoms hun, if you didn't have many to begin with, you're not going to start developing them now, they're going to start reducing now, I think the midwife said to me by about 10 weeks (so next week for us) the sore boobs should start to die down, and by 12 weeks we should start to feel almost normal again!
And you've seen pickle's heart beat beating strong and the yolk sac was close by giving he or she all the nutrients it needs, so I'm sure everything is fine. :happydance:

Have a lovely rest and good luck with the dress hunt! :flower:
Catch up soon hun :hugs:

hello xx

i did laugh out loud with the whole, being caught out at the wedding thing lol, how typical to have food like that, just your luck lol, oh well cant be helped i guess and not long now till you can tell everyone hun xx

my midwife app is on friday, i am looking forward to it and so cant wait for the scan.

my hubby has come down with a stinking cold and kept me up most of the night, i dont get much sleep as it is, with constant trips to the loo, so i am extra shattered today.

my friend (the one who has been great) had her baby, a boy on saturday morning, on her kitchen floor lol, it was planned to have a home birth (her 2nd) she was in labour for like 4 hours and hey presto........... no meds, no gas, no nothing, i call her super woman, we were there last night, i cant tell you how amazing she looks!!!

not sure what we are doing about going away all depends on the hubby with man flu lol

i hope you enjoyed the aquarium hunny and that you had a lovely weekend.

speak soon lots a love xx
Hi hun, can't believe your friend gave birth without anything! My friend has had 2 home births and had Gas and Air and even I thought she was superwoman for doing that! I don't know if I could! We've opted for a hospital in Preston, not the closest one to us, but its better for us in case we need emergency treatment or if I want an epidural, which I don't really want, but I don't know how much pain I'll be in! Can't believe I'm even thinking out loud about this already! :wacko:

Hope your midwife appt goes well! If you're anything like me, I asked question after question, she was there for an hour and a half! Time seems to be passing a little quicker now! Can't wait for our scans so we can relax a little and announce it to everyone! Although one by one I seem to have told a few people now! I'm so impatient that's my trouble!

Sorry your hubby has a cold, hope he gets better so you can get some sleep! lol! My hubby has been snoring, well half snoring half breathing funny the past few nights, as if he's bunged up I have to keep prodding him to wake him up! :sleep:

Have a good week hun and hope it goes well with the midwife! :happydance:

Speak to you soon :hugs:

Hi you

strange how you get to pick your hospital! we just get told, but i guess i can go anywhere if i really wanted but the one i will be going to is only down the road so i cant complain.

hubby still sniffly and like you digging him regularly at night!!! grrrr even though we didnt get to go away, we have had a nice time, lunch with family, sleeping, shopping today and cinema and tomorrow lunch with friend and new baby (may tell her tomorrow lol) then friday appointment, oh, what questions did you ask, i keep thinking of some, i must right them down as i keep forgetting!!!!

i am glad you had a better day at work, only two days and its the weekend again hun

off to watch cocktail loveeeeee it lol
Hiya! I've just polished off a cottage pie and a chocolate mousse! How much of a pig do I feel now! I enjoyed it though and I'm sure Bean did too so that's the main thing! :thumbup:

Glad you've had a relaxing week, I'm looking forward to this weekend cos we have nothing planned, well apart from doing a bit of shopping for 80's outfits! My hubby has already bought a wig to go as Pat Sharpe from Funhouse! So funny! My friend is having her 30th birthday party next weekend, she lives in Swindon, so we're travelling down on the saturday, really looking forward to it! :happydance:

As for questions, it was things like going over what I can and can't eat, told her I'd had a but of cramping and pulling at the sides, which she said was completely normal, silly things really like can I dye my hair and paint my toe nails! She laughed and said well as long as you don't eat it its fine! But she said for the hair dye, use ammonia free, which I do anyway.

I asked her about the blood tests and other testing they do for Down's syndrome, they don't offer the nuchal translucency test which is the scan they do around 11-14 weeks, they measure the fluid around the baby's neck, you would have to pay for this, but the blood test they do basically puts you in a category, and I said if I was low risk (which I should be) I wouldn't opt for the amniocentisis test, as there's a risk of miscarriage with that. But that's the only way of finding out for sure the baby's not got down syndrome. I think we'll take our chances, we're young and healthy so fingers crossed everything is ok and where it should be! :baby:

I love cocktail too! It's one of my favorite films along with Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing! Ah the classics! well sort of!

Good luck tomorrow hun and let me know how it goes! :hugs:


wow how hard is it to come back to work :-( not even half way through the day lol. never mind!

like i said friday was an experience, but its done now, so onwards and upwards.

i went to mothercare at the weekend and bought some really lovely maternity jeans, only £20 as well and being a short ass lol they also do petit, so i was happy, nothing seems to be fitting lol. they are very comfortable and i have no idea why we dont wear elasticated all the time hahahaha! :happydance:

are you getting any bigger at all? :winkwink:

going swimming tonight havent been for ages, but i feel like i am starting to stiffen up.

i will look into pregnancy yoga soon :-)

will you be attending antenatal classes at your hospital?i think we have opted for NCT classes, my friend did it and really recommends them, so we have signed up to that.

i am so excited for you, for tomorrow i bet you cannot wait, its going to look totally different to your last scan, what time is it tommorow? :thumbup:

how are you feeling in general?

hope you are having a good day hunny xx :hugs::hugs:

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