Quick clomid question

Hello! Don't know what was going on with the stupid FB chat thing last night! Kept going off! Anyway, shame the midwife was a but rubbish! At least you have nicer ones at the docs! :flower:

And yes I'm definitely getting bigger already! I have a little bump which I didn't think I would have for another couple of weeks! I've put on about 4lbs but it feels like more! I invested in a boyfriend jumper to wear with leggins and I think that's the comfiest I've been! I know what you mean about the jeans, elasticated all the way! lol! :thumbup:

It's at 9AM tomorrow on 9th 09/09 how weird is that! Hope its a good sign! Can't wait, my hubby wants to tell everyone after tomorrow, but I'm still being a little cautious and waiting til next week I think, I'm so excited though! Is yours 21st? Not long now! :happydance: :happydance:

Not really thought about the Antenatal classes yet, but the yoga sounds like a good plan!

Still feeling rubbish, but I'm putting it down to tiredness, the nausea seems so much worse during the week because I'm getting up earlier and its a longer day and I can't have a nap in between! Weekends aren't so bad! Boobs still sore, hopefully only another couple of weeks and the symptoms won't be as strong, still I'm actually grateful I've not been sick! I hate being sick! How are you doing?

Well I'll of course let you know how it goes tomorrow and send you a picture of hopefully our bigger bean! :baby:

Speak to you soon! :hugs:


it is very very wiered how its all the 9's i think its a great sign xx:baby:

sorry to hear you are feeling rubbish, however i have to admitt i am missing my afternoon naps, hopefully i will sleep better at night, as i just seem to keep tossing and turning, ar you hubby sounds very excited, (whats his name by the way lol)

mine (Jay) is just the same he cant wait to tell everyone.

oh forgot to say i went to my nephews party on sunday my brother rang this morning and said "i hope you dont mind me asking - but are you pregnant," nearly chocked on my tea lol........clearly i look different and am showing.:blush:

i have put on nearly half a stone so bad, and i feel so fat!!!!! its hard as just before my wedding i lost 4 stone, so its very hard to know its slowly coming back, but i know its all worth it, and i know to take it easy on the crisps, but its so hard when all you fancy is nibbling on crisps or biscuits.

hopefully the swimming will help me tone a little or something lol

oh also bought some maternity support bras, i have to tell you, IT IS TOTALLY HEAVEN

i wish you all the luck in the world for tomorrow and i cannot wait to see the bigger bean i really cant.

ill be thinking of you all, email me when you xx :hugs:
Hello you! I was going to e-mail yesterday but when I finally got in to work, I was so busy, then I started to get a headache in the aftenoon (from not sleeping much the previous two nights) :wacko: so I went to bed when I got in for half an hour, but then a friend of mine who is unfotunately going through a divorce asked if I could ring her and she was in tears bless her, so by the time I'd spoken to her, and had tea, I was shattered!

I went to bed at 9.30pm and eventually gave in and took some paracetamol and went to sleep, but woke at Midnight, then again at 4AM and could not get back to sleep! God knows why, I thought the reason I couldn't sleep before was because I was thinking about the scan! Anyway, I was fed up and grumpy this morning and got to work late, and have felt groggy most of the day! :growlmad:

But anyway....after my rant! Yesterday was amazing! :happydance: We saw Bean kicking! it was really kicking too, so we think its a boy and wants to be a footballer! everything seems fine and she says it measured 4cms so I'm 11 weeks now! Or will be tomorrow! So glad everything seems to be going well. Next scan with NHS will be in November, guess which date though...Friday 13th! Can you believe it! Ah well, all the nines seemed to be good luck, so I'm sure it's fine! :thumbup:

Can't believe your brother noticed! I have put nearly that on too though, but if you think about it 3 months is quite a long time, so we're allowed! Well done for losing all that weight before your wedding that's amazing! And don't worry, if you did it then, you'll lose it no problem after the birth!

Hope you're having a good day hun and speak to you soon. Will send a picture too your e-mail address later xxx :hugs:

Yay, i am so glad it all went okay, have been checking here and on facebook to see if you had emailed lol.

kicking hey, at 4cm long thats crazy to get your head around that, i even just looked at a ruler lol, so tiny. are you going to find out what you are having?

i have been suffering from headaches too, and hun, i have not had a decnet nights sleep since i dont know when, i am up every 2-3 hours peeing, or tossin and turning, its is really starting to affect me now, i was awake so early this morning that i was in work at 8am, now thats saying something!

i just wish i could sleep through, just one night, guess its all good preperation! but please tell someone we have 7 motnhs left to prepare and a decents night sleep would go down a treat.

did they check the fluid behind beans neck, that test thingy?

how spooky i am 11 weeks today lol, so snap lol when are you going to tell work? have you worked out how long you will be taking off? i didnt realise how rubbish the maternity pay was grrrrr

i hope you are feeling better hunny, are you drinking lots of water?

cant wait to see your scan xx:hugs:
Hi darl! Glad I'm not the only one suffering with headaches and lack of sleep! Like everyone keeps saying we'd better get used to it, but when the baby comes we won't be nauseous and extra tired from carrying a baby! :baby:

I've e-mailed you the scan picture, it says Bean at 12 weeks but its really 11, I'm coming up to 12 this friday! I can't believe its your scan next week isn't it! So excited for you! Its amazing to see the little movements! :happydance:

I've felt a little better today and had a fab weekend, told my friend's as they asked why I wasn't drinking at the 30th birthday party, they were really pleased, I'm not putting it on facebook til after the next scan (free one with babybond on 26th).

They didn't do the fluid check, they don't offer that on the NHS up here, just the blood test at 16 weeks, and I'm not having it done with babybond either as it would have been £150.

I've told work - most people had guessed anyway! How about you? are you going to tell everyone after next week?! I think I will probably take 9 months off, maybe going back after 6 if I can't afford it! Cos I think you can reduce the maternity leave, but can't extend it. I can't imagine I'll want to go back at all but needs must! I think if we do decide to find out the sex we're going to keep it between ourselves and not tell anyone, then its our little secret! My hubby (Mike) wants to know, but I wanted to keep it a surprise, but I think I could be persuaded as I'm so impatient! :wacko:

Anyway I'm off to bed! Speak to you soon hun! :hugs:

Hey you

wow your bean photo is amazing so pleased you got to see it, i am so excited for mine i cant even tell you

oh i am so so poorly i had a sore throat on friday, woke with a cold on saturday, had to leave a wedding early on saturday - i felt so ill:growlmad:

sunday in bed/couch all day, monday dragged myself to work and got sent home, today i was meant to be in london for a seminar but i just could not move! i was up all night, blowing nose, sneezing coughing blah blah blah!!!!!!! think jay is going to move out lol

i am so tired from not sleeping, when i say i have watched clock go around -i have grrrr!:nope:

i have never felt so rough from just a cold! and to top it off i have not been sick from being preggers but i have from coughing, now that is bizzar! its just so hard cause i cant take anything, so take it from me hun, stock up on vitamin c, drink lots of it you dont want a cold believe me hun:wacko:

i just hope i am not hurting pickle with all the couging and nose blowing cause believe me i have been doing it a lot, 4 boxes of tissues in 3 days!!!!!!!!!

anyway enough of my rant

i am glad you had a good weekend, your photos look fantastic

i suppose there are only so many excuses you can give friends, luckily i have stayed clear of most of them, not long to go now!! although i was waiting for a promotion at work so was going to leave telling friends and work till that went through, as once one person knows somethin around here everyone knows!

but looks like that has been put on the back burner due to cut backs and will happen soon. this has annoyed me somewhat! so i have asked that they put it in writing, so if andf when i tell them they wont discriminate me, so annoyed i really am.

i am hoping to take a year off have been saving for a while for this and we are still being really careful and putting money away monthly - well as much as we can so i can try and achieve this, if not prob nine months. maternity pay is rubbish!!!!

i think i will be finding out, but will not let people know that we have as i know they will keep asking - i know my parents wont want to know.

its all so exciting xx

i hope you are okay and having a good day sweetie xx:hugs:
Hi ladies

I hope you can give me some advice. I've been reading your threads with interest as most of you on Clomid are having scans and injections on what looks like a monthly basis.

Is it weird that I haven't had any of those things offered to me? I am now on my 5th round of 50mg Clomid and I've had nothing apart from a visit to the consultant a couple of months ago and all he did was talk about how we would have to pay for IUI or IVF in a couple of months time.

I feel a little cheated. What is supposed to happen?

Thanks for any advice as I'm so confused. xx
Hi Choccie

it is highly recommended that you have scans with every cycle of chlomid, to make sure you are not over hypertimulating, which can be dangerous, this means producing to many follicles, and of course to make sure the drug is actually doing something or not!

can i ask are you seeing a gyny or a fertility specialist?

you dont usually have injections with chlomid, i only had one injection once, to make me ovulate as the chlomid did not work for me after 6 rounds.

i also took injections for IUI.

i get so mad at these doctors who dont do what they are meant to do.

are you on the NHS list for IUI or IVF?

you do need to remember that each consultant seems to have their own agenda, but for your own health you should have a scan to make sure you dont hypertimulate.....

my mistake was being refered to a gyny consultant by my rubbish doctor and not to a fertiolity specialist like i found myself and also my private health covered.

good luck and feel free to ask anythin else.

p.s maybe you should ask your consultant how do you know i am not hyperstimulating if you are not scanning me?
you should also be having blood tests to see if you have ovulated, you cannot depend on the ov kits

Hi hun, so sorry you've not been well! It's awful getting a cold at the best of times, but when you're pregnant it's worse! I think it must be quite common to be a bit run down though as your little pickle will be taking all your nutrients! Hope you're starting to feel a bit better, if not stay in bed and rest, that's all you can do! :sleep:

That's a pain about your promotion, like you say though get it in writing so they can't change their minds once they know! I think we should have started saving a little earlier! But its difficult with just day to day stuff!

Mike's sister has been really good though, she's buying us one useful thing every week when she goes shopping, like nappies, or baby wipes that kind of thing, so we should have quite a bit by the time little bean arrives! I think we might start doing that too! There's loads of money off vouchers too, if you joing like the Boots club for example, I think you can claim a free bag you know for nappies and baby things when you buy some pampers or something!
I'm getting more excited as each week goes by! as it means we're getting closer to having little bean or in your case pickle! :baby:

I've been in a foul mood tonight for some reason, :growlmad: think its cos I'm tired, I'm going to bed soon, but I slept pretty well last night, only got up once! After last week's lack of sleep it was very welcome!

Anyway hope you're ok hun, get well soon! And speak to you soon xx :hugs:

Hi Choccielover, I had 4 rounds of clomid before taking a break, the first 2, I just took the tablets then had a blood test on day 21 to see if I'd ovulated, which I had, but then rounds 3 and 4 I also went for a follicular scan to check the size of my follicles before ovulation and then for the injection. I however had a bad reaction to the injection after round 4, I suffered from hyperstimulation as I was already ovulating on just the clomid, I didn't need the injection as well. I would ask for a blood test to see if you're ovulating on just the clomid, in which case I would try and relax on that for a couple of months! If its not working for you, ask for the injection instead. They can try a few things before putting you forward for IVF. If at any time though you don't feel you're getting anywhere with the doctor or specialist you're seeing, don't be worried about asking to be referred to someone else.
Good Luck! x
Dear Hopeandfaith

Thanks so much for that. I'm with a FS on the NHS but come the end of Clomid we'll have to pay for our IUI or IVF.


surely if they know the chlomid does not work for you, as it didnt for me, surely your next automatic step with the NHS is IUI/IVF, that you DONT have to pay for.

something doesnt seem right?
Hello sweetie.

Backt to work for me today, had a cranky line manager on the phone to me yesterday, and i thought you know what, its just easier to come in! long story but to sum things up i call her the dragon!!!:growlmad:

i do feel a bit better mind you, just very tired, but no news there lol

thats really nice of mikes sister hun, jays mums is also doing the same, she did it for her daughter and i think her nappy supply lasted her 5 months!! amazing huh, like you think i will start to!!

oh look on ASDA website they got a sale on on lots of baby stuff, however, not sure what is cheap and what is not, never really bought anything before lol

Just found out the baby show is coming to london and hubby wants to take me, how exciting, think i will leave credit cards at home i have seen some stalls that will be there, wow!!!:flower:

i am so apprehensive about monday, i have got it into my head that what with the cold, sneexing, blowing, coughing etc.......that i have upset pickle, i just hope everything is okay, it really cant come soon enough.

i slept well last night only up twice, with the coughing, so like you its very welcomed!

have you got a pregnancy journal? jay is at footy tonight, i plan to sit in and fill some of it out, i would like to say with a nice glass of reD LOL (wow that would go down a treat right now lol):coffee:

we going to start taking belly photos too if mine fits into the camera lens hahahahaha

i can see you are enjoying a lovely kit kat as we speak hmmmm that would be nice, better than these tangerines i am throwing down my throat.

oh just found out someone in the office next door is pregnant, through IVF and we are due at the same time, i cant wait to tell her it will be nice to see each other grow etc.

its funny how so many of us around us have problems conceiving, and we dont even know it.

anyhoo, i hope you have a good day and the afternoon flys by for you hunny xxxxx

lots a love n hugs :hugs:
Hi honey, firstly sorry for the long e-mail!

I'm glad you feel better, although having to go back to work for a dragon can't be nice! :growlmad:

Oh I can't tell you what a shit day I've had today, :growlmad: it started off bad when I didn't leave til late cos I was rushing to the loo thinking I was going to be sick, which is weird because I haven't been sick all this time! Then I got to work and the same happened again, so I tried eating a banana which helped, but a couple of people were commenting (only joking) but saying oh its going to be a long 6 months, implying I was making a mountain out of a mole hill when I haven't taken one day off sick in this whole time despite feeling rubbish most days! Perhaps I was being sensitive, but you know how easy it is to feel emotional!

Anyway it was fine after that, hubby sent me a message that cheered me up and all was fine until lunchtime. I'd asked our Lab dept. for an update on some samples we were sending out that were due at the beginning of this week and I knew they were already behind from an e-mail that was sent last week, but being over a week ago, I needed a more up to date update if you like! Anyway, e-mail came back that was a bit arsy from one of the technicians, and the next thing I know, this other guy brings the samples to me and starts having a go at me in the office saying I should have known as he told me last week there was a delay cos I kept pushing other jobs in front, and I should use my common sense etc. I was like, hang on, I only wanted to know when I could send them out I didn't ask for a load of abuse to go with it! Well it turned in to a bit of a slanging match, more from him, but I wasn't going to let him speak to me like that, pregnant or not he shouldn't have spoken to anyone the way he did, he was totally out of order. Well at first I was mad, but then I just got upset thinking I'd stressed myself out and hurt Bean and I just lost it and burst in to tears and couldn't stop for about 20 minutes! :cry:

Of course I'm fine now, and everyone in the office backed me up and made me feel better, but the b*stard didn't even apologise to me! So I'm still narked about it now! I was having a bad day as it was and he just made it ten times worse! I'm so tempted just to not go in tomorrow, but I'm not going to let him bother me.

I'm so glad its friday tomorrow, and in 2 weeks we're off to Portugal with my mum and dad for a week so I'm really looking forward to that. :happydance:

What time's your appointment on Monday? And don't worry Pickle will be fine, I felt as anxious as you before hand and Bean was there kicking away! I really wish you didn't live so far away cos I'd come over with some elderflower cordial or something! lol! :flower:

Anyway darl, sorry for my rant, I hope you have a fab weekend and I'm sure I'll be in touch before Monday to say good luck and can't wait to see a picture of pickle! :baby:

Lotsa love
xxx :hugs:

HI ya you

sending you a BIG BIG BIG HUG ((((((((((((((((((((((((H)))))))))))))))))))) :hugs:some people, i tell you!!!!!!!!

firstly, the first half of your email made me really mad...........but the last bit really, really made me smile thank you it really made me smile xx :flower:

It must have been something in the air yesterday as i had a terrible day to with the dragon here, i think i am going to get some union advise to be honest.:growlmad:

some people are so far up their own backsides that they dont care.

i am really sorry he upset you, i hope he feels guilty!!!!!! or his beer is off at the weekend lol

wow portugal, i so wish i was going away, could do with some warm weather, am i allowed to say i am jelous lol lol.:thumbup:

more to the point i will miss you :hugs:

hubby is so excited for monday, i just feel so nervous i cannot wait to see pickle kicking about i really hope he/she is okay i really do.

my friend who had IVF had her three months scan, and knows she is having a boy!!! i didnt think it was possible to find out so early, strange!

would you believe i slept through the night last night (slightly worrying lol) i couldnt believe it! felt so much better for it, and we even slept through the alarm, which we never, never, never ever do, obviously we needed it.
please dont apologise for your rant, thats what friends are for:hugs:

do you have any nice plans for the weekend hun?

i hope you are feeling okay hun and sickness has gone? might just be your hormones leveling out! oh and i cry at everything, i cant even watch x factor without balling it. do you have sky?

lots a love xxxx:hugs:
Hi hun! Only one more day to go! I can't wait to see pickle's photo! And your day is finally here! And don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine! I think I'm going to be nervous before every scan/blood test/etc! :wacko:

Did I tell you I found out I'm Rhesus negative? it means I have to have an injection, basically a mini blood transfusion I think in January at about 28 weeks! Bit scary but I think it will be fine!

I told one of my friends yesterday ( she already has 2 girls) and she was really pleased, and she says if we want anything like baby chairs (the floor ones with the toys) or maternity clothes I can have them! I was really grateful because there's so much to buy! We said the only things we want to buy for ourselves that's new are the cot and the pram, but even then I think we'll wait til the January sales! :thumbup:

Wow she found out already at 12 weeks! I can't believe some find out that early! I didn't think genitals developed til about 14 or 15 weeks? perhaps if its a boy it is more obvious! lol! :baby:

We're very lucky to be going away, but we booked it before we found out I was pregnant, but its perfect timing really cos I'll be in the 2nd trimestre! Can't believe I'm saying that still! :happydance:

Sorry you're having a bad time at work too, its rubbish isn't it! Well only another 5 or 6 months and we'll have another full time job! but this one will be much more rewarding! And yes we'll probably be knackered but I won't care when we have our little bundle! :baby:

Anyway best of luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you, and send me the photo when you can! Lots of love and hugs! :flower: :hugs:


Oh and yes we have Sky plus, which is good so I can record Strictly and the XFactor and I don't have to miss one! and I cry at XFactor too! lol! xxx
hey you

hasnt it been a lovley day, not that i have been out, i have been asleep most of the day!!!

thats so nice of your friend, especailly the maternity clothes.

not sure if i said but my sis in laws best friend has 3 bags of maternity clothes for me to go through, not that she knows yet that its for me! lol i already have tried on 4 pairs of jeans, one pair had the band that will go right over the bump it is so comfortable lol

i wil be pleased for any clothes as they are so expensive and so many stages to go through.

your negative - didnt know a blood transfusion was what they did for that, but hey least they test for it!

hopefully everything will go well tomorrow i am so worried about it, so glad its here already, not sure what the night will bring lol

it is going to be a nightmare getting around to everyone before people start telling everyone, its hard where i live, once one person knows the whole world does, and i am worried about someone posting it on facebook and i havent told people, bloody facebook, wish it was never invented sometimes. its gonna be hard i tell you to get to everyone. but hey let this be our biggest problem lol

oh i asked about sky - as have you found chanel 254 and 255 they have lovely baby programmes on there, usualy on in the mornings but only get to see them at the weekends, its lovely to watch.

i will be in touch when i can and tell you all about scan, not looking forward to blood tests hey ho lol

lots of love hope you have a good day sweetie xxxx


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