Rainbows Due December 2015

I'm stalking you Jump :p

Hi all. Hope we all have some sticky babies in our wombs and hope the next 9 months go sailing smoothly.

I took a test this morning. I really was expecting it to be negative as the two cycles before it was 14 days. So with some angus castus (although I took it after ovulation as I wasn't really trying so worrying about damage done now) I managed to get pregnant. I am still in shock. My son was born at 19 weeks on Christmas eve, this baby is due Christmas day. I guess it was meant to be fate.
Hi Ladies

Feel like I'm going insane, it's seems to be taking forever, and I'm still only 6 weeks.. just want to know that everything is ok in there, like I'm sure we all do.

Have the docs on weds and going to ask for referral to epu so fingers crossed.
I know, first tri drags doesn't it? I've been in first tri for almost 5 or the last 6 months at this stage... I'm ready for 2nd already!

Welcome jrob :hi:

I hope you get answers soon fibberty :flower:

InVivo, your scan's tomorrow isn't it? How exciting!
Thanks for adding my due date jumpingo 😊
I feel different this pregnancy, much more like when i was expecting DS (hope thats a good sign) already feeling tired and slightly icky x
Hi Ladies

Feel like I'm going insane, it's seems to be taking forever, and I'm still only 6 weeks.. just want to know that everything is ok in there, like I'm sure we all do.

Have the docs on weds and going to ask for referral to epu so fingers crossed.

I completely agree. I feel like crap, but can't tell anyone! Wishing I could just get next week's scan (I'm lucky, it is early), see a heartbeat, and relax a little bit.

This is going to be a long, nauseating, few months...
Welcome, mummy2o!

Leann, that's right -- scan's at 8am. Part of my is sure that I'll see a healthy little squishy and the other part thinks that it's going to be bad news. Just want to know either way now.

Flibberty, really hope the spotting turns out to be nothing.
Aw I'm sure everything's just fine with little squishy. The waiting is awful isn't it! Can't wait to hear!
I went to the hospital yesterday. They refused to give me a scan.. Because my pt was negative :'(

Looks like I've lost another angel.

I called my specialist and they said to continue with the progesterone and go for the scan tomorrow basically to confirm but it's not looking good.

I just understand how I could have a mc with no pain and no actual bleeding
Flibberty, I'm so sorry to hear that.

I won't be looking forward to December with you either. Looks like Squishy stopped developing at around five weeks -- no baby on board for me today.

Wishing the rest of you a happy eight months and a very exciting December.
Awe nooo InVivo :nope: I'm so so sorry to hear that, it's so unfair. :hugs: Take good care of yourself, do you have a good support network IRL?

Fibberty I am sorry you're going through this, I hope maybe the test was wrong and you get good news at the scan tomorrow :hugs:
Invivo I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs.x
Flibberty really hope that the scan shows differently tom. Xx
Im so sorry InVivo, take care of yourself hun,
Fibberty i really hope your scan shows different, the hospital pregnancy tests arent very sensitive maybe it was a false negative, good luck for your scan hun

Iv just been booked in for my scan on the 29th April, im terrified, 8 days to wait, im really hoping for good news but im feeling less and less positive every day
life is so unfair.:cry: take time to take care of yourself...:hugs:

i hope the hospital test was wrong! hang in there and know that you are so strong:bodyb: but it's totally okay to cry too:hugs:
Flibberty sometimes the body reabsorbs the fetus so you don't get pain or bleeding, its more common with twins, but can happen to single babies also. It happened to another lady on here and everyone accused her not being pregnant. I'm sorry if this has happened to you. Have you taken another test at home?

Invivo I'm sorry for your loss.
Im so sorry invivo. There are no words just known im thinking of you.

Booked my scan for 8th may only 2 weeks away but feels ages away.
Oooh chimpette good luck for your scan. Im debating an early scan at 8 weeks too, local EPAU offered to scan me at 8 weeks after 2 previous losses x
Can I join you ladies??
I got my BFP on wed and another darker one today, my due date using LMP is 2nd jan but I don't think there is a 2016 thread yet......
I have had 4 beautiful challenging DS and then Oct last year a mmc at 10 weeks followed by a d&c then in Feb another mmc at 11weeks which was a natural mc although I haemorrhaged and nearly died.....
I am under the hospital "due to my age" and was prescribed aspirin on a +ve test, which I have started increased folic acid which I started about 10 days ago as it took them ages to do the prescription and they will give me progesterone pesseries on confirmation of a hb. I called the EPAU this morning and have a scan booked for 12th May (6+3) so dh and I are keeping our fxd and trying not to stress too much, but we have both said we don't feel excited :(
MC takes the joy out of this part xx

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