I'm still meh about my pregnancy and getting more and more scared as I'll be in 2nd trimester soon and that's when things went wrong. Have my scan tomorrow, so that's good. I'm also having issues with my health visitor. DS and DD have a 7 year age gap and DS was raised fine. But it seems that parenting has changed since then, so now I'm at a cross roads on how to raise her. Although as I said DS is perfectly happy and healthy.
Eclaire I think that's a normal response as people tend to be more excited with your first. I'm on my 5th pregnancy. 4th people know about, hopefully 3rd baby, and I think people are more worried this time, although my parents still want me to get rid of him/her. So I get there lovely response.
Eclaire I think that's a normal response as people tend to be more excited with your first. I'm on my 5th pregnancy. 4th people know about, hopefully 3rd baby, and I think people are more worried this time, although my parents still want me to get rid of him/her. So I get there lovely response.