Rant - Friend really upset me - about where I shop!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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No my friend is a single mum with a 5 yr old, rented house, declared bankrupt about 5 yrs ago, and has recently been cleared. she is currently off work with stress and anxiety, and is on quite a cocktail of drugs, and she often drinks.:dohh:

No she came on MSN the other day saying that she had just done her weekly £100 quid shop, (this is just for her and son). I asked what she had been buying 'gold?' just as a joke, I do a monthly shop at iceland to stock up the freezer, so i started telling her about some of the bulk buys you can get here and that our weekely shop for 3 of us was usually about £40.

She she came back with i wont feed my self that crap, i buy fresh and you dont know what is in their food.. (hubby works for a number of food factories and sees excatly the same food go in to differerent boxes.

I mentioned about fishfingers i think 20 for a quid, and she went on about how crap they probably were and she wouldnt feed her kid that crap, so this really started to put my back up, here i am trying to offer some advice as i know that she will be on sick pay, then she had the cheek to ask if her kid could have Ewans cast off shoes!! he is 5 but ewan is bigger than him and has bigger feet. THis will sound rude but if she can spend 100 quid on food she can buy her kid decent shoes!!

Then last night she came on MSN asking if id been to iceland and what had i bought so was telling her and she said well i much prefer fillet steak made in to stroganoff, now i'm seeing read! and asking if my sausages were 100% pork as most have apple or crap added.
And then went on that £100 quid shop would be better quality than a £39 quid shop that i did, i dunnno if the meds are making her argumenataive but i didnt go online for an arguement about food!!! she buys lots of fruit and organic meat, but i guarantee that her kid goes to bed on fish fingers and beans most nights, and she eats seperatly.
In the end o lost my temper and said i couldnt careless if you shop at Fu##ing waitrose all i care is that my family gets a varied and balanced diet,, and she started going on so i turned off msn as i was getting upset.
It felt like she was saying i feed my family crap and she doesnt, and it was almost making me in tears, as i try so hard to keep food costs down.
We grow alot our selves. but she had no right to critises what i feed my family i was trying to offer help so that she might reduce her costs.
I wont bother in future.
Sorry for the rant but needed to vent at some on, preg hormones dont help my mood much!!
The cheeky cow, how dare she have a dig at you:cry:.

Like u say she can spend 100 on food but not on shoes for her LO:hissy:.

Dont feel bad, there is no way you feed your family crap. She cud spend 300 on shoppin and it dont means its good quality.

If that was me, id block her 4 a while and let her rant at some other poor sod.

There is a credit crunch on, and we do what we can to get by, and we wud never feed our kids summat we wudnt eat rselves.

TBH your friend sounds very selfish and her son sounds like he left out in the the cold while she eats like a queen, when was the last time she wore hand me down shoes???!!!!

Sorry im rambling.


V x x
Dont worry about it hun theres nothing wrong with Iceland!! She will be the one moaning when recession starts!!
:hugs: you will always find people like that hun. You're a fab mum and wouldn't do anything to harm your son. Ignore her she is just being awkward.

wow!! wat a moo.... i shop in tescos now and i spend over £80 on food just for me n OH, i hate having 2 pay that as its the same i used 2 buy from iceland..

gimmie iceland back anyday!! lol..
It felt like she was saying i feed my family crap and she doesnt

That's exactly how I would have taken it too :shock: Can't believe she's being so rude! I would have been so offended if a 'friend' suggested that the food I buy for my family isn't good enough! We live on offers and supermarket own brand stuff because it's cheaper. She needs to realise that anything sold as food needs to pass serious tests before it can get anywhere near our shelves, and kids having a varied and healthy diet is far more important than having a lot of money spent on their food. And anyway, half the money you spend on food from more expensive places goes on fancy branding etc and not into the quality of the food itself.

Sounds like she's been feeling bad about herself with people knowing about the bankruptcy and wants to prove that she's not broke and can afford what anyone else can. Doesn't sound like much of a friend though :grr: x
I shop in waitrose , m&s and occasionally asda and there all the flipping same just iceland is more for frozen foods! She has some cheek! Regardless where you shop atleast your all being fed and there is alot of healthy frozen foods in there! People like that make me angry ! :hugs:

Head up chick nothing wrong with iceland ... well ok apart from the cheesy kerrie katona adverts ;)
She had no right to make me feel bad, and i know its easy to argue on msn. But she just wouldnt back down.
I said to her 'sorry but this isnt the mate that i usually talk to, i am going now' she 'well i'm trying to sort my self out by eating quality food and having a good diet'
Grrrrr shes the one who left the easter eggs on the floor so that kid could help him self!!
She luck she gets tax credits and working tax credits, we have a mortgage and a 2nd mortgage OH runs his own business so he is often out, Ewan sits and eats tea with us, and has rarely been offered anything different to us at tea unless i know that he really doesnt like something like tomatoes or peppers.

Buying meat is so expensive, just a couple of chicken breasts can cost £5 so i buy reduced meat, and my grandad gets given the seconds that the garage cant sell as they are off their sell buy date so we freeze them and us as and when. Eat loads of pasta too which helps bulk out meals.

Shouldnt let people get to me but what she said really DID get to me last night.
Totally agree she has no right to make you feel bad. I wasn't trying to excuse the way she'd been talking to you at all! There's nothing wrong with the way you (and a lot of people) feed your family and I'd seriously be thinking about whether or not I still want to be friends with someone if they started saying things like that to me :hugs: x
sometimes the only way some people know how to make themselves feel better is to make everyone else feel crap... ignore her!

you know your a good mum and doing whats best for your family... you dont need people like that getting you down.

for someone who seems to be going through so much you'd think she would be more down to earth but she sounds completely stuck up her own arse. :hissy:

Hope you dont let it bother you :hugs:
My DH works with food packaging & the majority of food is made by the same company it just goes in to different boxes for different shops & sold at different prices x
Cant believe a 'friend' would be so bloody rude to you x
You do whats best for your kids & feeding them is a first priority.
Spending £100 on food for 2 of them thats ridiculous (sp) me & DH spend about £40 in tesco for a week just the 2 off us x
Sounds to me like she is very stuck up & a bit of a snob x
Just ignore her hun x silly moo x
Totally agree she has no right to make you feel bad. I wasn't trying to excuse the way she'd been talking to you at all! There's nothing wrong with the way you (and a lot of people) feed your family and I'd seriously be thinking about whether or not I still want to be friends with someone if they started saying things like that to me :hugs: x

Don't worry i didn't have a problem with what you had written:hugs:

I was trying to support her so much last month via MSN, as she fell apparently 'head over' with a 53 yr old married bloke, as soon as she mentioned it i had alarm bells ringing thinking this is gonna end in tears, apparently he was going to leave his wife to be with her, but then she said nothing would happens until he left his wife, and funnily enough he decided to give it another go with his wife.... this is when so called mate hit the prozac and diazepam, apparent feeling suicidal.
So i asked if she wanted me round and i am always on email etc and she goes and throws this back in her face.
My family doesnt like her but i have always defended her, having her kid actually lade her grow up alot and did her the world of good.
She always expects us to go over to her for the evening and rarely comes to us, she says its easier as we have a younger kid ad he can go to bed when ever...
Ewan is now the same age as when that excuse was first said.

What happens when you block some on on msn does it show them that they have been blocked? or do i just look offline?
What happens when you block some on on msn does it show them that they have been blocked? or do i just look offline?

They dont know they have been blocked :) they just wont be able to bug you anymore
Not sure about the msn blocking thing, but I think with yahoo it removes you from their list and they can't add you again. I think.

It's really really weird that someone would go on msn to start an arguement about food! She sounds like a really insecure person. Don't let her get to you, you know you're doing right and her opinion is obviously worthless. Sad for her because it sounds like you've been a good friend and I imagine she doesn't have many of those.

I had a friend who used to spend a lot of money on food for her and her DF, including a lot of wine, yet their kids sat down to spaghetti hoops on toast most nights (and were yelled at if they asked for more) then their parents sat down later to a gourmet meal. Never did get the logic.
I wouldn't worry, if she wants to spend that amount of food leave her to it!! I wonder what she would think of me I get my frozen food from Heron lol Its cheap but nice.
My DH works with food packaging & the majority of food is made by the same company it just goes in to different boxes for different shops & sold at different prices x

Exactly! which is what i was trying to tell her at one point but she wouldnt accept that Lidl fish fingers were probably the same as captain bloody Birds eye!! OH works as a process engineer for Youngs, mariner foods, Unilever, Walkers etc.

so its not like i'm talking with out knowing, Oh said ignore her but preg hormones are just not backing down, and when you refer to my family i do tend to get a bit peeved!!!

Wouldnt suprise me if she has been on the wine, whilst on tablets.
Oh and she buys wine to cook with... even the cheap bottles are 4 quid!!:hissy:
I shop at iceland and i spend £30 a week on our frozen food.
I dont see the point in spending a bomb on food my kids probably wont eat anyway.
Leave her to it, she sounds like her own worst enemy if you ask me.

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