Ready for round two... Bring it!!!

Welcome Gingerbaby - FX this is your cycle and you get your BFP

Kaylakin - Hope you got good news yesterday

I am just back from the IUI. Even though they say you don't need to I always lay down for a while after to help the swimmers find their way :spermy:

Decided to use two vials to increase the sperm count. Ended up with 15 million with 34% motility. There were 5 follicles in my chart (25,24,20,18,16). Feeling optimistic but trying not to get my hopes up since plenty of people still get BFN with 5 follicles.

Now the wait begins...

That is amazing counts and follies hun!!!! I think you may just have the right mix this round ;) hehe. Come on EGGIE... get that sperm!!!! haha.

I'll be keeping all my fingers and toes for you hun! :flower:
Thanks seoj :flower:

I am very pleased with the numbers, especially the motility being higher. The Dr. gave me a preliminary idea of what the count was before I decided to use a second sperm vial and let me know that while the count looked similar to last time the motility was much better.

I was really torn about using the second vial. I didn't want to 'waste' one in case we need it later, but I also didn't want to get a BFN and start blaming or second guessing that 'if I had only used 2 it would be different...' Decided it was better to go for it since I had such a good follicle count.

[-o< Hoping the gamble paid off [-o<

Trying hard not to let myself get my hopes too high. I think the odds are still only about 25% but that is way better than the 5-10% they have been on the other IUIs. :thumbup:
Those are fantastic odds hun!!!!! So much better... and I just have a good feeling about this one for you ;) I totally would have used that 2nd vile as well... gotta get those mad amounts of sperm in there while you have so many good eggs!!!!! It can ONLY help!!!! hehe.

FX'd for ya big time!!!!!! 3rd times a charm right? wink wink
Hi guys- mind if I join in?
I'm 28, have PCOS and high prolactin (all under control with meds) My husband and i have been trying to conceive since February last year, I've tried clomid for three months with a gyno, ovulated twice but never got pregnant :(
I started going to an RE, had all the tests done, had a lap done, everything looked good but still couldn't get pregnant so I had my first IUI last month, used fertility meds, had 2 follicles, triggered with ovidrel, and then the dr did back to back iuis, 30 million sperm each day. Anyways I tested 10 days past iui, and got a positive, only to see the next day it was the last of the trigger cuz have gotten negatives ever since. Dr didn't tell me to test till tomorrow but I'm sure id get a positive by now if i was so I'm out :( oh and I'm on progesterone suppositories so can't depend on the fact that AF is late.
Sigh - I cried up a storm after my last negative, I really had my hopes up for this cycle. I'll stop my progesterone tomorrow and wait for AF, then start my next cycle. It's so hard :( can I ask you guys that were on progesterone how long after u stopped did AF come?
Well was just looking to have some people to relate to, 3 of my friends all got married at the same time, we all started to try having babies at the same time also, within 2 months they were all pregnant, I thought I'd be close behind but now they're having play dates and are all about baby talk, makes it even harder and lonely :/
Sorry for the long post but just feeling so down today :/ good luck to all of you!
:flower: Welcome bepaisley :hugs:

Sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I've certainly been there and I think a lot of women on the Assisted Conception board can relate. My friends have been having kids for years and I have several who are pregnant or new moms right now who are in their 30s when it is supposed to be harder and all got pregnant within a few months of serious trying. It certainly doesn't seem fair and it is hard to be around all the 'baby baby baby' and keep it all together.

I took it hard my first IUI. I think once you get to that stage you start to think that IUI will 'fix' the problem and after all the appointments and medications it is that much more disappointing when you see that BFN. I've been more realistic since, but of course it still isn't easy to see the BFN. All you can do is take a few days to feel sad and then get right back to TTC and hope that the next cycle will be 'the one'.

To answer your question, I am on progesterone during the 2ww and AF usually shows the 3rd day after stopping the progesterone. I never test till at least 12 dpo - I don't want to risk getting a false positive from the trigger. Sorry you had to go through that :hugs:
Hi bpaisley and Mrs Bear,

Hope you don't mind me jumping in, my Dr just prescribed me progesterone suppositories today after my 1st IUI. Do you have any info to share about the progesterone? Any side effects or anything to report? My luteal phase is a little on the short side so he thought this would be a good precaution.
Sorry for the your tough times bpaisley, it will get easier I am sure :)

Mrs. Bear- I would have used the second vial to and I have my FX and lots of prayers for ya going up.

Harvest- Which progesterone suppositories are you using? I am on Crinone 8%. The vaginal progesterone causes some pretty intense cramping when you get close to AF but that is really the only side effect I have from it.

Okay so I m so nervous! My second mid cycle (which I have never had to do) is tomorrow. I am praying my follies got bigger. My largest of the 6 was a 1.4 and a bunch of 1.2's. Ugh...this is such torture! I will let everyone know what the RE says tomorrow..just praying we get to do our IUI as planned and get our BFP this cycle!
Welcome Harvest2009 :hi:

I can't say it is definitely from the supplements, but I think the progesterone is what has given me tons of pregnancy symptoms the times I have been on it (sore boobs, nausea, tired, etc). I have only had those when on the progesterone. I am on estrogen too so some may be from that too I guess.

My advice is to not read anything into the typical 'symptoms' because the progesterone can cause them too.

My progesterone is a capsule inserted vaginally so the worst part aside from the insertion is the residue after the capsule dissolves. If that is the type you are taking you will want to wear a panty liner.
gingerbaby - from what I understand they tend to increase .2 per day so if your other scan was Wednesday it makes send that you would have a 1.8 and several 1.6 by tomorrow's scan. FX that is the case and you can have your IUI this weekend.

I know what you mean about it being torture going in and praying the meds did what they were supposed to and there are big enough follicles to move forward. There is no way to tell either. Months I thought were going well ended up cancelled due to poor response and months I was convinced were done ended up having great results. :wacko:
Thanks for the warm welcome! While I don't wish this upon anyone it's also nice to know you are not alone :)
I honestly had no side effects from the progesterone suppositories, my only this this cycle has been a kind of full feeling or some pulling down "there" oh and actually after my IUI I was having some intense back pain starting about day four and an ache until probably day 10, don't know if that was the progesterone or not. And yes def had to keep the panty liners on. Good luck you guys, I love hearing success stories and I really hope to be hearing them on this thread! I'll be taking my final test tomorrow and think ive prepared myself for the BFN so hopefully I don't have a breakdown. I've already planned my trip to the mall for some retail, which I may end up regretting when I see the next drs bill!
Thanks ladies some great advice! I am starting the prometrium on Sunday so I will be sure to liner it up. Not so thrilled about that but oh well! Hopefully it will al be worth it one day :)

GL with the scan ginger!
Welcome Paisley, ginger, and harvest!

I've been MIA. I got a negative beta last Monday (third IUI with!) and I was waiting for AF, which usually comes the morning of the beta (14 dpiui) but decided to come 2-3 days later. I met with my RE to discuss "the next step." He said I could switch to a different oral medication, switch to injectibles plus IUI, or go straight to IVF. I was actually surprised that he recommended going straight to IVF, but he explained how it is much more controlled and he is a big proponent of it. Having said that, he said he didn't want to bias us one way or the other. However, he did say that he didn't want me having "a litter of kids" with injectibles because they are harder to control and he may have to cancel a cycle, or I may have to sit out a cycle because of cysts, etc. Sooo...I was scared about having a litter, but a litter is better than none, right? JK. So, we decided to try one (at the most two) cycles of injectibles plus IUI and then if that doesn't work go to IVF. My insurance covers 6 IUIs and 3 IVF fully, including medications, which is great. It is still weird to me that we might possibly need IVF...I can't get my mind around it. Maybe the month of injectibles and IUI will prepare me more mentally. I'm also just getting to the end of the rope and if I have to do IVF I will, plus the success rates are so much higher and it is more controlled, as my doc said. So, that's my story right now. I'm on CD4 today. Tomorrow I go in for another US (I had one on Friday and they saw a cyst but said that my estradiol was decreasing so the cyst was probably decreasing in it shouldn't hold up my cycle). I also have a class to learn the injections tomorrow. Craziness.

So how's everyone else doing?

MrsBear, I will be anxious to see how you did with the 5 follicles..3rd time's a charm!!

Ok take care everyone...
So sorry to hear you got a BFN Kaylakin :hugs: I thought that might be the case when you weren't posting.

Glad to hear you have a plan. You are very lucky your insurance covers so much - who is your insurance provider? I may need to get me some of that... lol. It may be a state thing I guess since some mandate it is covered. I'm not in one of those states so IUI/IVF and injectibles aren't covered. Your RE probably suggested going straight to IVF since you have coverage for it so the cost isn't a concern.

Injectibles are definitely worth a shot. Multiple follicles only increase your odds. IVF is so much more invasive I think it is a good decision to try them with IUI first.

And the risk of high order multiples is much lower the older you are. I found a study that said that for women over 35 having 6 follicles for IUI increased pregnancy rates but didn't significantly increase multiple rates. That is what I am counting on - definitely don't want a litter.

Here is a link to the study - I find their conclusions very reassuring when I get concerned about multiples with so many follicles

Here is a link to the full study with charts, graphs, etc
Thanks for the info! I'm glad to be starting the new cycle, but sad that it has come to all of this at the same time. It is funny about the insurance, because I work at a hospital and the hospital blocked the state mandate for IF coverage (I'm in CT) - so I get zero coverage if I use the insurance at my job. I switched to my husband's insurance in January when we started IUI and he has Aetna which has the amazing coverage. We really lucked out. Just today the nurse practitioner gave me a vial of follistim and she said it was $! Good thing we have coverage, but we would pay out of pocket in a heartbeat either way.
Yeah, I'm glad I'm going for injectibles and IUI before IVF, too. I'm 30 but I think they will definitely monitor and closely control the dosage, etc, to avoid the "litter." hahaha.

How are you feeling? How many dpiui are you now? I really hope one of those sperm found one of the 5 follies!!

I was a bit overwhelmed after my "class" this morning to learn the follistim. It is very simple but I think the situation in general was overwhelming and I found myself glassing over, lol. Good thing she gave me a DVD and a website where I can watch the instructions too. Also, I just looked it up on youtube so I should be all covered.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle!! :thumbup:
I know what you mean - with each new 'stage' of this process I get both excited and overwhelmed by it all at the same time.

If we don't get success over the next few cycles I don't know what our plan would be. They may advise straight to IVF if I can't get BFP with 5 as it is. We have military insurance though so they wouldn't cover anything and my work insurance is self-funded so they don't either. But I'm the same as you, if we have to pay it we will.

They will definitely monitor you more closely with injectibles, especially this first cycle to see how you respond.

I'm doing ok. 6dpIUI today. Had a temp dip today and lots of cramps and bloating. But I feel like so much of my 'symptoms' can be caused by the meds they have me on so I'm hesitant to read too much into it. So I'm trying to be hopeful without getting my hopes up too high. Though I am sure I will be devastated if I get another BFN. I think psychologically it will be a hit - like 'if I can't get a BFP with 5 it is hopeless...'
I know what you mean - with each new 'stage' of this process I get both excited and overwhelmed by it all at the same time.

If we don't get success over the next few cycles I don't know what our plan would be. They may advise straight to IVF if I can't get BFP with 5 as it is. We have military insurance though so they wouldn't cover anything and my work insurance is self-funded so they don't either. But I'm the same as you, if we have to pay it we will.

They will definitely monitor you more closely with injectibles, especially this first cycle to see how you respond.

I'm doing ok. 6dpIUI today. Had a temp dip today and lots of cramps and bloating. But I feel like so much of my 'symptoms' can be caused by the meds they have me on so I'm hesitant to read too much into it. So I'm trying to be hopeful without getting my hopes up too high. Though I am sure I will be devastated if I get another BFN. I think psychologically it will be a hit - like 'if I can't get a BFP with 5 it is hopeless...'

How are you doing MrsBear? I know what you mean about the BFN with 5 follicles - it's like, is there something else going on if you get a BFN with 5 follicles and decent sperm count? Well, one step at a time, though that is so hard to do! I'm already thinking about IVF stuff but I haven't even had my IUI for this cycle yet. I need to slow down. I'm just getting so used to the constant disappointment and having no success. My injections are going well so far. I've found myself getting stressed with the whole process, and just frustrated with the fact that I even have to be doing all this stuff. Either way, I'm happy to be on to something new, with hopefully better results. I go in on Friday for a scan to see how I'm responding to the injections. I have no idea what to expect....I hope all goes well...

Talk to you later..

How is everyone else doing?? Ginger, Harvest, Paisley?

Harvest, I have a question about the progesterone suppository...Is this instead of a progesterone shot?
I'm doing well? Going to start my fertility meds tomorrow. Im on tamoxifen not clomid which I thought was weird at first but I tried clomid with my on unmonitored and when I got to my RE he said it cause me to have cysts (I have PCOS so thought it was normal but he said no) so anyways he put me on tamoxifen and luckily no cysts or side effects.

I'm like u kaylakin, already thinking of IVF and have been since before my first IUI, had been figuring out finances with my husband and just automatically talking about how mug we'd spend on 3 IUIs and then we'd do IVF, and hopefully IVF would work. Way to think positive huh? dr put me on the exact same protocol this second round and then said we'd discuss changes if it didn't work this time. I am wondering if I should even try injectables or take a break and go to IVF next. That's what my husband wants too, but am also scared to go into such a hard process, and even more scared that it won't work also and it's really the last option. Sighhhh - otherwise I'm good :) haha trying to stay busy I guess. Hope everyone else is well!!
Wow - excuse my typos on from my phone :)
Unmonitored cycles with my OB not on and how much we'd spend not mug!!
I've been thinking about IVF since I started this too. Really don't want to go there but I think it is probably good that we have it in our minds and can look at ways to handle the expense of it should the time come that we move on to IVF.

9dpo today. A couple of separate really sharp 'pinches' in the lower abdomen last night (hour or two apart) and a huge temp dip this morning. Hoping and praying it is implantation and I don't get another BFN...

Kaylakin - my progesterone is a gel capsule that is inserted vaginally, some people have suppositories and others a cream. I think it just depends on the Dr. Good luck on your scan Friday - FX for lots of good follies :thumbup:
Mrs. Bear how do u track ur temps exactly?
I've wanted to but read you have to do it at the same time everyday and have to have been sleeping for a few hours beforehand (don't remember the exact number)
Well sometimes I have to wake up to use the bathroom an hour or two before I wake up normally, sometimes I have sleepless that means I can't track my temps right? Just wanted to see if u had any tips? Besides all that my basal thermometer is digital and beeps so my husband may get annoyed :)

The temp dip sounds so promising though!! FXd it's your implantation, don't want to get your hopes up but I'm so excited for u already! Hoping it goes up tomorrow and it was an implantation dip!!!

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