Realy early pregnancy ladies! lets support each other all the way to wen we givebirth

wogbubble- i am even soppier than yoU! i was crying my eyes out because i didnt think i could eat ice cream because i thought it had not got pasturised milk in.. and i was crying so much sayin i just want some icecream!! lol then i was really happy when i figured i can eat it lol

hanah- congrats hun - whhy do you think your weight will cause an issue? are you under or over wieght?

im overweight and so far they havent said it will efect anything xx goodluck hun

gemma- congrats hun! i have the same worrys as you , alot of us have had sickness from 3 weeks but every midwife i speak to is sure it wasnt sickness that it only starts at 6 weeks! lol im sure i had sickness nice to know other women did too!

yhhh i thought i was going mad :) been feeling really ill lately :( anyone showing yet im getting a little bit of a bump x
I'm Natalie :) .. I'm only 17 but excited about having my first baby!

My last af : 8th May
Estimated due date: 12th Feb 2012
How far gone am I: 7 weeks + 3 days
How far when found out: 4 weeks + 4 days
Urine or blood test: 4 home urine tests + 2 hospital urine tests, all positive!
Symptoms: nausea, breast tenderness, dizziness and aversion to food
Was I ttc or was it a suprise: A very big, unexpected surprise!
Vitamins: Folic acid, iron, vitamin D and vitamin C
Age: 17 years old
Who have I told: all my family, OH and his family
When will I tell others and how: on facebook with my first scan picture
Worries: Miscarriage
Most excited: about being big pregnant and anxious to meet my bean! :)

Hey ladies hope you don't mind me joining you

Been over in ttc after a loss forum as I had a mc in march
Got my BFP just over a week ago and I'm VERY nervous
Had nausea from BFP until Sunday but not much in the way of symptoms now and it's worrying the heck outta me!!

Looking forward to following all your journeys

Hello there...your screen name looks very familiar to me (we both had losses around the same time) you comforted me It's so so so good to see you here!!!! :) Welcome and don't be worried the symptoms come and go :)Mine have...Good luck for your sticky bump!!!!!!
Aww congrats sweet were the same age I'll be 21 wen bbys born - sorry. Bout ur loss! How long u been married I got married in april :) x
Hey ladies hope you don't mind me joining you

Been over in ttc after a loss forum as I had a mc in march
Got my BFP just over a week ago and I'm VERY nervous
Had nausea from BFP until Sunday but not much in the way of symptoms now and it's worrying the heck outta me!!

Looking forward to following all your journeys

Hello there...your screen name looks very familiar to me (we both had losses around the same time) you comforted me It's so so so good to see you here!!!! :) Welcome and don't be worried the symptoms come and go :)Mine have...Good luck for your sticky bump!!!!!!

Yeah I remember you too Hun!!
Aww its lovely that u both are here in first tri together! :) congrats to both u ladies :)
Ya it is and it looks like we ovulated around the same time! How neat! :) How are you feeling youngwife20?
Gemma- I think I have a bump lol but its just bloated most likely!

I have to add another symptom to the list exaustion! I have never been so tired in my life! I struggle to get out of bed lol

Natalie- congrats hun! And wow ur taking all the vitmaines I'm only on folic acid hopefuly I'll get a few more from the midwife on wednesday

Roberts girl I feel ok apart from super tired I keep falling asleep on the bus lol no mater how many hours I sleep I wake up and my eyes won't open as if I've hardly slept lol I hv a scan on monday midwife on wednesday so I'm excited for that + how r u feeling?
I know how you feel I can't seem to get enough sleep :/ I have been sick the last 3 days. I feel better today :) I am excited to say today I am 6 weeks (I think my ticker might be a little behind) and of course this may change when we go for my first ultrasound @ 8 weeks (july 21st) 6 weeks and no spotting!!! By now we were told it did not look good..(last February) My HCG was rising but very slowly..So I feel so happy about this time around I have a great feeling :) Of course every cramp scares me, but I'm not paying too much attention to that I'm just enjoying my pregnancy. I know 9 months will come fast. And my Hubby and I had a good time thinking about how big I will be on my birthday (January 18th) The Nausea is the worst symptom right now for me, it is at it's worst at night and if I have an empty stomach, I'm bloated as well...I hope I have a little belly at the end of July when we are on vacation I will love sporting that on the beach! :) Hope everyone is doing good!!!
And oh I have lost 10 lbs...I hope that's okay I know our metabolism is working @ 20% faster...
I think my weight might cause me a problem as I am quite overweight. We didnt plan on getting pregnant and it was a surprise (a happy one at that!! :D)
I have already lost 1 stone 5 lbs before I found out I'm pregnant but I seem to have stuck now at this weight! I'm eating healthy I am just conercerned that I am going to have complications and the worry that I wont be able to see or hear baby in ultrasound :(
I have always been broad even as a young child when I was swimming for the county 6 days a week, so Ill never be thin but I need to lose about 6 stone to be healthy weight :( xxxx
Hannah- they say people do loose weight when pregnant but if you keep loosing maybe tell ur doc or midwife, I never heard the motabilsm is faster , did they say why?

Hannah- I worried about the heartbeat to but I don't think it will cause problems if u keep eating healthy! I actualy got pregnant on an extreem diet ( I had no food for 10 days just diet milkshakes) it seem to help me concieve as I was trying 5 months prior to that diet!

Update: so I told people at work because I have a midwife apointment on wednesday and people at my work are a bunch of complainers always saying something if someones off so I said " I. Have a midwife apointment so I don't wanna hear everyone complaining that I have a day off!" Which I didn't tell them now I enjoyed it being a secret when one of them found out there reply was " I was pregnant once but I lost it. I would hav aborted it anyway tho" its like why do I need to that..

I'm trying to stay away from anything negitive . Becoz pregnanxy is hard enuff without hearing every single thing that can go wrong!

I hear heartbeat on monday so excited!
Robertsgirl- I'm so happy for u that ur not getting any spotting that's positive!and maybe ur nausea is the reason for all ur weight loss keep an eye on it! And I'll be huge by my birthday in dec! :p its exciting and I hope u do get a nice little round belly by ur vacation!
Hi all. I found out about 5 days ago.
My last af : May 23
Estimated due date February 27th 2012
How far gone am I: 5 weeks 5 days
How far when found out?: 5 weeks 0 days
Urine or blood test: Urine test (two of them) both positive
Symptoms: tired, some cramping, some nausea
Was I TTC or was it a surprise: Been trying for 9 years
Vitamins: Taking Iron pills for anemia and taking prenatal
Age: I'm 28, will be 29 in July
OH: The husband is 29
Who have I told: His parents so far
When will I tell others and how: Probably face to face.
Worries: No real worries. Just keep praying for the best.
Most excited: finally seeing the positive test, finally knowing that I am a parent.

Nice to meet you all
Lunar- 9 years!! Wow that's a long time! I'm happy for u that u got ur bfp! Congrats and that's so exciting we are all parents now!!! :). Have u checked ur prenatol vits don't have iron in don't wanna double dose! Xx
do you have pics? the hCG doubled every 48-72 hours... not every single day, so maybe its just still working its way up. Even though it was FMU it may have been less concentrated for some reason. A line is a line! If you see it for sure than youre pregnant!
Thanks. Yes. a long, long time.
I have really bad anemia.. so I have to at least take a good dose of iron to get my numbers up, especially now. i think the prenatals have 25mg.. and the pills have 25mg (suppose to take them 3x times a day. I might just cut back a dose). I'll call the doc on tuesday.
My last af : 21st May
Estimated due date 25th February
How far gone am I: 6 weeks
How far when found out?: 5 weeks
Urine or blood test: 5 Urine tests
Symptoms at 5 weeks: sore boobs, tiredness, lots of trips to toilet
Was I ttc or was it a suprise: Surprise, but I wasn't using anything, so not completetly surprising
Vitamines:doctors tomorrow for folic acid
Age: 20 years old
OH: Not sticking around :(
Who have I told: My dad, my friends, some work friends
When will I tell others and how: when it's born :)
Worries: worried that i'll get to the scan and it'll all of been a false alarm!
Most excited: Seeing my baby :)
Welcome Lunar and Tickety!!! Thank you young! I'm excited for you to hear your baby's heart beating so sweet! I can't wait for the 21st that will be our first ultrasound and to see the tiny baby and the heart beating will bring tears to our eyes. I have lost a total of 15lbs..I'll be calling the Doctor Tuesday I'm sure that's too much weight for someone who is only 6 weeks pregnant. It's the morning sickness I have it all day :( I hope it gets better before the end of July I really wanna enjoy my vacation.. I was feeling my lower belly this morning and it seems to be sticking out a little bit :) It's neat to feel my pregnancy today marks the day last time I was pregnant that we found an empty I feel more full this time around :) I hope everyone is well and blessings on everyone for a healthy and happy 9 or 8 and maybe even 7 months :)

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