Realy early pregnancy ladies! lets support each other all the way to wen we givebirth

Hey Ladies! I am so excited about this thread! :)

My estimated due date is Feb. 9
I found out that I was pregnant at only 2 weeks!
Urine or blood test: I took two urine test and they both didn't come out either positive or negative and positive blood test
Symptoms: Extremely tired
Worries: When I went to the doctors at 3 weeks she had told me that I would'nt make it past 5 weeks and I am now almost to 7! My pregnancy is very high risk since I had my daughter 7 months ago.

I am so happy! :) ultra sound this week.
Evening ladies,

After being so excited about the new pregnancy, today I woke up with no symptons. Sore boobs and feeling of fullness has gone. That was my only symtom. Oh dear, I hope this isnt the start of yet another MC. Does anyone else have symtoms that have gone, or no symptoms.
Rocky, I wouldn't worry about that, it's common to have no symptoms that early!

Well all, I am still having the brown spotting (only when I wipe) and my pg tests still look on the light side, but then I'm only 14dpo. Anyway I did call the doctor and ask them to do the hcg blood tests and they agreed to do so.

I went for the first test today (they drew the blood at 11 AM) and I go back again Wednesday morning for the second test. I should know by Weds afternoon or Thurs morning at the latest if the levels are rising like they should. Please send me positive thoughts or say a quick prayer if you are so inclined that everything is ok!
I'm doing the same bloods Monday Wednesday and Friday. But I think I already know the outcome. My BFP lines are getting weaker not stronger.

Good luck to you
I'm doing the same bloods Monday Wednesday and Friday. But I think I already know the outcome. My BFP lines are getting weaker not stronger.

Good luck to you

Some of mine seemed to get weaker, too. I read that there were people that happened to where it didn't end up meaning anything...well, fingers crossed for both of us!
Radiance- oh why is it high risk just because u had ur baby 7 months ago?

And I am so happy for you , you've made it passed she said and you will have a happy and healthy baby :) I wish you luck!! :) have you told any1 yet?

And wow u have an ultrusound this week how exciting ul be able to hear the heartbeat! I have a ultrusound in 2 weeks so excited too!

Rocky- first of all your thing says "TTC" change it to "pregant" because peoples symptoms tend to come and go hun its normal but if your realy worried contact your gp but I don't think you should worry my boobs were so sore! But they are easing of now my body is just adjusting to the pregnancy so symptoms come and go. Though I'm no doctor that's just my opinion.

Nfg- goodluck hun I will pray for you. Just take it easy and have plenty of rest , and just think positive hun and keep your self busy!!

Nfg and rocky- it getting lighter doesn't nesserly mean anything ( GOD for BID even if it is a mc it will still be as dark as it was to start with for a while it doesn't go down instantly) which is why I think its just that you can't take the pg test the same presise second every time u do it and drink the same amount of water etc so the darkness can vary ladies! Try not to worry!!
My last af : 20th of May
Estimated due date: February 24, 2012
How far gone am I: 4 weeks, 5 days
How far when found out?: 4 weeks
Urine or blood test: urine, faint positive at 14 DPO with POAS, darker every day since
Symptoms: lower back pain, mild cramps, bloating, sore boobs, nausea
Was I ttc or was it a surprise: TTC for 2 months
Vitamins: Sanatogen Mother to be vitamins and also Omega 3
Age: 33 years old
OH: my husband is 34 years old. We have had a whirlwind romance, met Feb 2010 and got married 8 weeks ago
Who have I told: Just my husband
When will I tell others and how: we plan to tell parents in a couple of weeks and announce to everyone else on DH's birthday 24th Aug as it will be 3mths then
Worries: worried about every little cramp! I don't want to get excited just in case!!
Most excited: about everything 'cos I just can't help myself!:happydance:
My last af : 20th of May
Estimated due date: February 24, 2012
How far gone am I: 4 weeks, 5 days
How far when found out?: 4 weeks
Urine or blood test: urine, faint positive at 14 DPO with POAS, darker every day since
Symptoms: lower back pain, mild cramps, bloating, sore boobs, nausea
Was I ttc or was it a surprise: TTC for 2 months
Vitamins: Sanatogen Mother to be vitamins and also Omega 3
Age: 33 years old
OH: my husband is 34 years old. We have had a whirlwind romance, met Feb 2010 and got married 8 weeks ago
Who have I told: Just my husband
When will I tell others and how: we plan to tell parents in a couple of weeks and announce to everyone else on DH's birthday 24th Aug as it will be 3mths then
Worries: worried about every little cramp! I don't want to get excited just in case!!
Most excited: about everything 'cos I just can't help myself!:happydance:

I am right there with you! I am due March 1, 2012. LMP was May 22, 2011. This was my first month of BCP, and we ended up with a honeymoon baby! I am thinking that every cramp is AF and keep running to the bathroom to check. It is never there, only some CM. I've had one chemical pg in that past (before DH). This is sooo stressful. I am trying to hold out on doing my blood work until July 1st, but I am not sure that is going to work. I got my BFP on Father's Day and couldn't resist telling DH. He said the line was really faint, so while he was out I ran and got a digital. In very clear terms (even in the afternoon) it said pregnant! He couldn't believe it! It's only our first month TTC. Is anyone really that lucky??...:shrug:
Hi ladies, will be a long yet exciting 9 months, i am between six weeks and seven, found out three weeks ago and feel like i have a terrible hangover all day every day yet still cant tell anyone as had 2 miss carridges and dont want hopes up yet, bloods good making appointment to see midwife tomorrow so going to ask for a early scan not sure what my chances are wish me luck,

all my love and rememer we have an excuse to relax so use it x
Welcome newly pregnant ladies! And people are totaly that lucky! :)

Its completly normal to worry but try not to make it worse for your self !
Tinks- see I don't feel like eating sometimes too I'm so bloated!

Scummy- congratulations and goodluck I'm sure they should give u an early scan I've had a scan at 3 weeks 5 weeks and I'm having another one at 7 weeks ( the one @ 3 weeks wasn't to check the baby was to check a bleeding cyst the one @ 5 weeks was to check baby wasn't ectopic one at 7 weeks is to check the babys heartbeat! :) when do you think ul tell ppl scummy mummy :) x
My last af : 16th of May
Estimated due date: February 20, 2012
How far gone am I: 5 weeks, 3 days
How far when found out?: 4 weeks, 1 day
Urine or blood test: urine - clear blue digital positive on day period was due, blood test positive as well.
Symptoms: mild nausea before I knew I was pregnant but its gone. Sore boobs.
Was I ttc or was it a surprise: TTC for 19 months
Vitamins: Whole food prenatal - can't remember the names (I bought 3 different kinds and have been alternating!)
Age: 32 years old
OH: 38 years old.
Who have I told: My fiancee, my mom, my aunt, one coworker, and 1 friend (I can't keep my mouth shut!)
When will I tell others and how: I will tell others once I move into the second trimester. Work folks won't know until I start to show.
Worries: I am so anxious about everything from ectopic to mc to you name it i'm worried about it! I never thought I would get pregnant so my nerves are shredded! I have a scan on Monday and I'm really really hoping for a heartbeat. I wish I had more pregnancy symptoms. I never thought I would hope to feel unwell!
Most excited: I'm over the moon and in awe. I'm just unbelievably grateful.
So, I've been having that brownish spotting all along- it's light and only when I wipe.

I had requested the HCG level tests and they didn't rise as much as they hoped they would.

Monday, at 3 weeks 6 days, they were 410 (at 11 in the morning), and Wednesday, at 4 weeks 1 day, they were 587 (at 8 in the morning). Doctor said they hadn't risen as much as he hoped but that he couldn't rule anything in or out yet and that we should continue to monitor it (it's still too early to do an ultrasound).

I go back tomorrow (Friday) morning to repeat the test and I REALLY hope the levels rise more by then. We will see.

In the meanwhile, yesterday evening when I wiped, it looked pinkish rather than brownish and that was the case a few times, which got me more scared. I ended up going to the hospital last night just to get a shot of Rhogam just in case (I have RH Negative blood and basically whenever there is bleeding in pregnancy, a termination of a pregnancy, or a baby born with a different blood type, the mother needs this shot so that if the baby's blood ever mixes with hers, the baby's blood doesn't attack the mother's or some such, it can be dangerous for the mother).

So I took care of that, been resting and relaxing as much as possible, and just waiting now. This morning the spotting (still very light) looks brownish again. So, I still have no idea what to think. Just waiting until tomorrow so I can go do the blood test and see where my HCG levels are at.

Please continue to keep me in your thoughts, prayers, etc!

Hey nfg, fingers crossed and prayers that all is fine for you,

Yeah I have an apple seed sized baby, but the tiredness and nausea are kicking in. How is everyone today, any new symptoms?
Im 7weeks tomorow :) Still waiting for my first appointment with the midwife, hope its soon!! I have lower back pain and mild cramps every now and again. I am feeling sick but not actually being sick! My boobs are sore and heavy :( and today they are itchy which is weird! I am bloated which makes me look about 4month!
I really wana tell friends but dunno if its to soon yet??? xx
Hi Nancy,

I'm almost the same as you. But my bloods came back and now at any 115 for 5 weeks, so for me it's just a waiting game to MC again. 

But my fingers are crossed for you.
Nancy- aww that is worrieing I wil pray for u hun and sometimes it doesn't rise too much but it doesn't mean. Anything bad always so fingers crossed for u hun
Soph- its completly upto u when ur ready to tell people :)

And. Not a new symtom but one I forgot to mentiom. My nipples have been poking out non stop since a week before af is due :)
:hi:Hiya ladies

My last af : 12th of April
Estimated due date: January 16, 2012
How far gone am I: 10 weeks, 2 days
How far when found out?: 3 weeks, 4 day
Urine or blood test: urine - 9dpo faint line on internet cheapie. ClearBlue digital positive on 10dpo.
Symptoms: I've had constant nausea from 6 weeks. Sore nipples from 2 weeks.
Was I ttc or was it a surprise: TTC for 6 months
Vitamins: Pregnacare Complete
Age: 27 years old
OH: 27 years old.
Who have I told: Pretty much everyone (I can't keep secrets!)

It still really frustrates me when midwives and GPs answer my questions with: well you are still really early.... :grr:

It may be early but we've been able to hear our little person from 8 weeks on our doppler and that always makes me feel better when people make him seem really insignificant with what they say.

It's nice to meet you all, keep updating on how you all are.
Radiance- oh why is it high risk just because u had ur baby 7 months ago?

And I am so happy for you , you've made it passed she said and you will have a happy and healthy baby :) I wish you luck!! :) have you told any1 yet?

And wow u have an ultrusound this week how exciting ul be able to hear the heartbeat! I have a ultrusound in 2 weeks so excited too!

Rocky- first of all your thing says "TTC" change it to "pregant" because peoples symptoms tend to come and go hun its normal but if your realy worried contact your gp but I don't think you should worry my boobs were so sore! But they are easing of now my body is just adjusting to the pregnancy so symptoms come and go. Though I'm no doctor that's just my opinion.

Nfg- goodluck hun I will pray for you. Just take it easy and have plenty of rest , and just think positive hun and keep your self busy!!

Nfg and rocky- it getting lighter doesn't nesserly mean anything ( GOD for BID even if it is a mc it will still be as dark as it was to start with for a while it doesn't go down instantly) which is why I think its just that you can't take the pg test the same presise second every time u do it and drink the same amount of water etc so the darkness can vary ladies! Try not to worry!!

yeah its high risk because I just had my daughter.
the ultrasound went great! good healthy heart beat, I think its going to be a boy :laugh2:
My family knows and so does my boyfriends and a few of my best friends
I am just so excited, I want to tell everyone! lol

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