Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi Widger - thats what they have said to me at the mo no treatment until I get pregnant but with last months loss I went to docs who referred me for a scan - I did a sample which got sent back becuase the receptionist forgot to put my name on, then when I rang a week later to see if the scan date had come through, the secretary was on holiday and it hadnt even been done !

The specialist has said when I get pregnant call them immediately he will refer me to EPAU and from there it will be either progesterone or aspirin or whatever is needed but to be scanned as early as 4w.

All im taking on advice is extra folic acid - did mention late ovulation and told him B100 and he didnt say yeh or neh so spose just take it anyway xx
Hi Widger - thats what they have said to me at the mo no treatment until I get pregnant but with last months loss I went to docs who referred me for a scan - I did a sample which got sent back becuase the receptionist forgot to put my name on, then when I rang a week later to see if the scan date had come through, the secretary was on holiday and it hadnt even been done !

The specialist has said when I get pregnant call them immediately he will refer me to EPAU and from there it will be either progesterone or aspirin or whatever is needed but to be scanned as early as 4w.

All im taking on advice is extra folic acid - did mention late ovulation and told him B100 and he didnt say yeh or neh so spose just take it anyway xx

Thanks for message. I didn't think they would scan you as early as 4w? I do have a letter from my doc to say I can go for a scan whenever at EPU but not sure if want to go tomo or a week later? When I called the office for my genetic tests she answered straight away... don't know what is going on. I'm so confused and worried... I know it is no good for me but so hard to be positive at times. Sorry for moan. My head is fried.:wacko:
I never actually had tests done, my tests were done MONTHS ago either before or just after april.. my obgyn just gave me prometrium and refered me to an endo about thyroid,
I am hopingi am pregnant (only had unprotected sex once (CD10) lol), and it stickss!. i hate losing themithurts so muchh,

sorry to hear about your losses, hope next time is a very sticky one!
Omi - Good to have you back. How is the wedding planning going? You must be really excited as not long to go?

Fluffyblue - Good luck with your results. Will be thinking of you and make sure you let us know how you get on xx

Tansey - Great news op went well. I think you can give yourself a few days off BDing ha ha... Good luck xx

AS1 - Fab news about your results. I am so pleased for you but can totally understand how you feel. It was a relief there was nothing wrong but at the same time sooooooooo frustrating as it has to be happening for a reason - right? Have you thought of the NKC trial that MrsJD went to? Are you still going to wait?

As for me I am cr*pping it to put it mildly - I recently got a bfp if some of you didn't know. I was convinced I was bleeding today but went to the toilet and was just some cm but will constantly be on knicker watch. I'm desperately trying to get in contact with my consultant to book an appointment with him for next steps but receptionist is just never there. I am due to go for a scan next Sat as don't want to go too early and don't want to go during work time as want to keep it all quiet. I'm concerned that I'm not being given advice as to what to do as some people obviously take something as soon as they get pregnant. I have been taking baby aspirin (consultant was going to talk to me about that at our meeting but I've decided to take it now) and my supplements but that is it.

What did your consultant say to you if you got pregnant again? Are you taking anything TTC on their advice? I'd really appreciate advice as worried this one will go wrong too :cry:

Ta widger - yeah I'm still going to wait until after christmas, just going to try and relax, eat healthy (and have the odd glass of vino :winkwink:) over the next couple of months - its just been a stressful year!!! Yeah I have thought about the NKC trial, am going to wait and see what the consultant says in a few weeks......and also still have the genetic results to get which I have my fingers crossed for. I can't help thinking theres something not right though as its a big coincidence to have 3 almost idential mc at exactly the same stage in the pregnancy, no bleeding etc.....but who am I to argue with results??! xx

Widger - you poor thing 'knicker watch' is such a nightmare and I know at this stage a week seems like a year!!! Could they possibly scan you tomorrow? Just to put your mind at ease......
As you know I just took aspirin with the last one so can't offer any other advice on supplements or anything, but they will prob test your bloods for the other stuff at your scan and let you know if you need anything......let me know if you decide to get an earlier scan :hugs:
Hi widger,

wedding plans are all good and yes, we are getting very exited! :)

Oh, hun i can so very much empathise with you... its a terrible position to be in. Particularly if you've had more than one mc as you dont just have the dread that anyone who's had a mc can relate to, but at this stage you feel out and out pessimism at times even though you try your hardest to have some positivity about it , too.. Brave ladies!! Its a hard job this, but we manage to keep going! :hugs:

Ive been dishcarged from the pre natal clinic i was with at the hospital. They've stabilised me on my thryroid meds and I will see them asap when i get pg again although my GP will set that up. I need to be monitored closely due to the thyroid levels will be changing when pg, but im classedas a high risk pg anyway due to my age so i will defenitely have the full boohna of monitoring and tests. But short of having scans done every day for re-assurance i know in my heart i will be crapping it too! And to be honest even scans every day would not have changed the outcome of my pg's...nonetheless its a terrible feeling to be carrying with you...:hugs:

All the best, hun..hang in there and may you finally be triumphant in the end.

Hugs, Omi xxx
Hi ladies,

Widger, congratulations and hope all is well with you at this nerve-wracking time. Many good wishes.

On i-village recurrent miscarriage support board there is a section for ladies who are pregnant after m/c; and on mumsnet there is a "knicker-checker" thread (aptly named eh!).

AS1 - good news about the tests coming back OK. Before your appointment it may be worth writing down all your questions; including about any further tests that you might be considering. I also found it helpful to discuss with the doctor what I should do if I became pregnant again. He then wrote to my GP with details: GPs can prescribe medications if they have advice from the specialist and obviously it's easier to get an appointment with them than get in touch with the hospital (NHS administrators never seem to be in!).

In my case the doctor suggested going for a first scan at around 6 weeks (any earlier and there is unlikely to be a heartbeat etc., so could just stress you out), then having scans every two weeks until 12 weeks.

OMI - nice to (virtually) meet you: sorry for your losses. Hope the wedding plans are going well.

I was prescribed progesterone for the second part of my cycle as they found a problem with my ovaries, started trying it this month but according to (internet cheapie) ovulation tests I didn't ovulate. Though the instructions (which I didn't read before) said you shouldn't do the test after drinking lots of liquids, as it can lead to false negative results, and I had had loads of water / wine most days as was on holiday - oops! Took the progesterone anyway, just guessed when to start, and have been feeling sick, tired and stuff: feels a lot like pregnancy-symptoms, but am trying to keep my feet on the ground as it is probably just the progesterone. Think that with recurrent m/c I have become a bit obsessive about monitoring possible symptoms - of both pregnancy and m/c and stuff - could drive you mad!

Take care ladies!
Hi all - nearly time for me to start :sex: again - am feeling loads better but still can't sleep on my tummy :dohh:

Widger - 'knicker watch' is the worst isn't it. Last pregnancy DH was worse than me, I would go the loo and come out and he's looking at me wanting to know that all is ok. I said you're making me worse - i'll tell you if anything is worrying but i am going to be peeing a lot hun!
When I woke up after the op the doc told me stuff when I was groggy but i did manage to ask can we try? Yes. What happens if I get pregnant? You'll be seen by the EPAU.
So if I got pregnant before my appointment in 5weeks I presume I ring up the EPAU and explain my situation - I'm hoping for bloods to check the HCG rising as it should. Will probably want scans too but I am quite sacred of them now.
Hope everthing is going ok for you. Have you had a scan or is it next Sat? :hugs:
Well ladies am back from specialist..

Apparently i have low progesterone which is my problem to holding pregnancy so i am on :

Clomid 50mg for two cycles
Progesterone suppositries from ovulation

Aspirin and increased progesterone on confirmation of pregnancy and two weekly scans from 4 weeks pregnant.

Also have been referred to fertility clinic in January wahey ! Mr Fluff got to do the biz in the pot but not till Jan hehe

Thanks for all your wishes xxxxxxx
Hi Hun can I ask how u get checked for things like that?I have had 2mcs and hav no idea what 2
ask my doc for as I know hel say I have to have 3 xx.
Well ladies am back from specialist..

Apparently i have low progesterone which is my problem to holding pregnancy so i am on :

Clomid 50mg for two cycles
Progesterone suppositries from ovulation

Aspirin and increased progesterone on confirmation of pregnancy and two weekly scans from 4 weeks pregnant.

Also have been referred to fertility clinic in January wahey ! Mr Fluff got to do the biz in the pot but not till Jan hehe

Thanks for all your wishes xxxxxxx
Hi Hun can I ask how u get checked for things like that?I have had 2mcs and hav no idea what 2
ask my doc for as I know hel say I have to have 3 xx.
Well ladies am back from specialist..

Apparently i have low progesterone which is my problem to holding pregnancy so i am on :

Clomid 50mg for two cycles
Progesterone suppositries from ovulation

Aspirin and increased progesterone on confirmation of pregnancy and two weekly scans from 4 weeks pregnant.

Also have been referred to fertility clinic in January wahey ! Mr Fluff got to do the biz in the pot but not till Jan hehe

Thanks for all your wishes xxxxxxx

Hi Laura

Ive had 4 losses so had all blood tests done at CD7 then CD21 also have some scans done.

I ovulate irregular so he wants to regulate the ovulation so I get a longer LP which is where the progesterone kicks in after Ovulation.

I just went to my GP. We have sub fertility not sure what this means but we have been trying for number 3 for 2 years.
Glad you got some answers and treatment fluffyblue!
Glad you got some answers and treatment fluffyblue!

Thanks hun I feel a little better looking forward to starting the Clomid but more to the progesterone !

Its awful having two problems unexplained infertility (secondary) and recurrent miscarriages becuase the two are not linked !
Well ladies am back from specialist..

Apparently i have low progesterone which is my problem to holding pregnancy so i am on :

Clomid 50mg for two cycles
Progesterone suppositries from ovulation

Aspirin and increased progesterone on confirmation of pregnancy and two weekly scans from 4 weeks pregnant.

Also have been referred to fertility clinic in January wahey ! Mr Fluff got to do the biz in the pot but not till Jan hehe

Thanks for all your wishes xxxxxxx

I'm glad your results went well and they found a problem that can be solved Flufflyblue. How do you feel about it all? Are you going to start TTC straight away? It sounds like you are getting great care. Where do you live? We all know the postcode lottery eh.

Smiler13 - Thanks for the thread ideas. I will defo have a look over there. I love the 'knicker checkeridea :rofl:

Omi - Thanks for your kind words. Fingers crossed everything happens for you too very soon xx

Tansey - Good luck on the BDing :blush: I am going for my scan this Saturday... very nervous.

I thought I was out on Friday as really felt like AF was on her way but good old knicker checking found that I was worrying about nothing.
I live in Brum but alot of it is pushing for treatment here. Doc was brill he basically let me pour it all out again.

We are gonna start trying properly again right away as now 2nd cycle since last loss so Clomid starts tomorrow. Hubby gonna book some time off with me so we can predict when Ovulation comes with Clomid. Gotta have CD21 scan and bloods so fingers crossed the suppositries will kick in and maybe this cycle or next ill get my baby xx
Hi Hun can I ask how u get checked for things like that?I have had 2mcs and hav no idea what 2
ask my doc for as I know hel say I have to have 3 xx. [

Laura - I saw your post on 1st trimester. Are you sure you are defo going through a mc? Have you had a scan? I'm really sorry if you are xx

My doc would have given me tests etc at 2 mcs. It all depends on where you live/age etc. At the beginning of this post there is a long list of tests that I had taken and Smiler13 as created a tests and treatment thread that you should be able to find. :hugs:
I live in Brum but alot of it is pushing for treatment here. Doc was brill he basically let me pour it all out again.

We are gonna start trying properly again right away as now 2nd cycle since last loss so Clomid starts tomorrow. Hubby gonna book some time off with me so we can predict when Ovulation comes with Clomid. Gotta have CD21 scan and bloods so fingers crossed the suppositries will kick in and maybe this cycle or next ill get my baby xx

:dust: Let's hope the clomid and suppositries do their magic xx I'm hoping this will be a happy end of the year for all of us because it has been pretty dire so far :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Widger, congratulations and hope all is well with you at this nerve-wracking time. Many good wishes.

On i-village recurrent miscarriage support board there is a section for ladies who are pregnant after m/c; and on mumsnet there is a "knicker-checker" thread (aptly named eh!).

AS1 - good news about the tests coming back OK. Before your appointment it may be worth writing down all your questions; including about any further tests that you might be considering. I also found it helpful to discuss with the doctor what I should do if I became pregnant again. He then wrote to my GP with details: GPs can prescribe medications if they have advice from the specialist and obviously it's easier to get an appointment with them than get in touch with the hospital (NHS administrators never seem to be in!).

In my case the doctor suggested going for a first scan at around 6 weeks (any earlier and there is unlikely to be a heartbeat etc., so could just stress you out), then having scans every two weeks until 12 weeks.

Take care ladies!

Ah Thanks Smiler 13 - thats really helpful. I was also looking for the rmc testing thread you started to note my tests but couldn't find it unless I'm loosing it :wacko:

Am also taking note of the I-village info you giving to Widger as will defo need this the next time I get my BFP!!
Really hope you get some good news soon loads of baby :dust: your way XXX
I live in Brum but alot of it is pushing for treatment here. Doc was brill he basically let me pour it all out again.

We are gonna start trying properly again right away as now 2nd cycle since last loss so Clomid starts tomorrow. Hubby gonna book some time off with me so we can predict when Ovulation comes with Clomid. Gotta have CD21 scan and bloods so fingers crossed the suppositries will kick in and maybe this cycle or next ill get my baby xx

Loads of luck this cycle fluffyblue - hope you get your sticky BFP! X
I found it.....
thanks my testng soon (after i cried in the docs) even though ive only (ha only) had 2 he said he would persuade the hosp to do it. now im worried its something untreatable :( on my way home seen a women with a big bump, and a ciggy in her hand and i just thought, why us xx

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