Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

hi all

It's been ages since i been in here :blush:
well my doctor has agreed to refer me to Liverpool hospital, to get tested for Killer cells :happydance: but im still waiting for a appt to see specialist in london, its taking so long...waiting...waiting...waiting...oh and waiting!!
Thats all i seem to do!
Get the one, im sure of it!!

Hope all are well

hi ladies havent been on here in a while so hope everyone else is well.

just thought i would let you all know how i got on at my consultants. got some good news (which i was hoping for) and bad news (which was to do with my dodgy cycles).

so good news first!

she took my bloods there and then to check my hormone levels! she was pretty happy when i told her i had started af as it saved me having to go in at a later date. i told her docs did tests on cd21 to check for pcos and she told me that doesnt test for pcos but tells you how many eggs you have. so the test she has done is the right one needed to test for pcos.

second bit of good news! she has booked me in for a scan to check my ovaries,tubes,womb etc and make sure its all ok which is what she failed to do the first time round!!!! i should get an app for the scan soon.

and 3rd bit of good news. we discussed my care plan if i am to fall pg again. usually i have to see my doctor to be reffered to the early pregnancy unit but she wrote in my notes that when i reach 6 weeks to contact the epu direct and they will book a scan for me. after that i will be scanned every 2 weeks and see her at 14 weeks when i presume the twice weekly scans will stop.

though i hope they will continue to do them til i pass 19 weeks (same gestation i was when i lost my dear jessica).

so all in all my complaint was listened to and everything i had wanted to happen did.

now for the bad news.

i told her about my cycles which she said she cant help with :( as i havent been ttc that long she didnt take into account how long it took with hollie and how irregular my cycles are so unless she diganoses pcos i have no chance of getting help with my cycles. heres hoping the pre-pregnancy unit may be more helpful! oh and she also couldnt comment on my body gearing to ov and then failing and oving again this cycle as apparantly the opks are a commerical item and arent as reliable as a blood test!

i also asked about my 2nd loss. as i had an erpc i was told (and i am sure i was given a leaflet) which stated that the baby would be taken away for testing. i presumed genetic testing after doing research on the internet. so i asked her about this and she said the hospital doesnt do genetic testing on babies that early but only tests to comfirm it is a complete misscarriage and not a molar pregnancy. tomorow i am going to try and find the leaflet i was given after i had this loss and see what it says.

lastly i toldher about the nkc trials and asked for her to refer me to this and she said she couldnt?! ffs! she is a consultant and all she had to do was ring up and ask. but i got the feeling she wasnt keen on the trial as she just said something along the lines of the treatment not being proven and as its a different hospital and not their trial she couldnt.

i now go back in 8 weeks for the results of the hormone tests and the scan (i know tell me about it 8 long bloody weeks!!!) would of thought she would have seen me sooner but i should really of expected it since all my other results i have been made to wait nothing changes there! hopefully i will get my bfp then though!

also see my doc tomorow to ask for a referal to the nkc trials so fingers crossed i get a nice doctor.i wrote down all the info about it so i am armed ready to confront him/her lol.

anyways sorry for such a long post needed to get it all down well done if you got this far! i shall try and catch up with everyone elses news tomorow. x

I've had recurrent miscarriages in the past (but I have no trouble with conceiving).

My doctor says the reason behind miscarriages could be my high level of prolactin. However, I did some research and it seams like prolactin interferes with the very ovulation - in a way that it prevents fertilization.

But I don't have any problems with ovulation, nor fertilization/conceiving. I only have problems with keeping the pregnancy.

So what is the deal, does high level of prolactin causes inability to BECOME PREGNANT or does it cause MISCARRIAGE?

Thanks in advance for your answers !
Hi all guess what - CD1 today! I had a 29day cycle even with the D&C on CD21! AF is lighter than normal though. So at least as soon as :witch: has gone we can try again. Still no post-op appointment :( Also I suddenly realised I haven't had CD3 bloods done - I'm 37 what if i haven't got good enough eggs? I rang docs but forgot they are shut on a thurs afternoon :dohh: I don't know whether they would do them anyway (long story but no funding for fertility tests). Also what CD should it be coz CD3 is a Sat so wouldn't be able to get them done anyway. Also we are off down South early tomorrow and would the D&C affect the results for this month - have I confused you all enough yet :wacko: Maybe this month i'm not meant to get them done.

andzelika - sorry I can't help.

Also ladies why are our lives about WAITING :hissy:
tansey i had my cd3 test done on cd1 but my consultant said it was fine so maybe ring tomorow and see if you can get an appointment.i dont know why our lifes revolve around waiting sweetie! we deserve answers straightaway and our bfps straight away but i guess life never works out that way.

i am glad af has shown so you can start ttc again.

andzelika- i am sorry to have to welcome you to the thread but am glad you have found you. yes high levels of prolactin can cause miscarriage or thats what i am led to beleive when doing my research on rcm. i hope that the doctors are able to control your levels so you can go on to carry a baby to full term.

well at my doctors soon so wish me luck with getting a refferal for the nkc trials. x
ah well what a waste of time that was!!!!

why does it feel the whole world is against me.

i saw my consultant on tuesday who wouldnt refer me for the trials i wanted to go on. so i phoned docs and got an app today.

well the doctor told me he cannot refer me to outside hospitals he can only refer me to ones in my area?!!!!!

as soon as i saw which doctor was on shift i knew he would say no straightaway as he is such an ar**hole!!! excuse my french but i am angry and upset right now!!!!

so came home rang the consultants secretary who is doing these trials to ask if i could self refer as my doctor wouldnt refer me. so she asked if i had a consultant and i told her i did and that she wouldnt refer me either. the secretary said that i cannot self refer and i need to be referred by a g.p or consultant and that she's had no problems with other referring other patients!!

arrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! i literally broke down in tears on the phone and quickly said thanks and bye.

it really does feel like the whole world doesnt want me to get pg and thats why i keep getting sh*tty treatment after sh*tty treatment!!!

now at a loss what to do going to try and get a app with the female doctor who has been lovely in the past and ask her. the secretary did tell me to get the doctors to ring her so shall take in her number for her.

so fed up right now feel like its a sign i arent meant to get pg again!!!

will i ever have one day where i dont have to worry about tests,results or cr@ppy doctors!!!?!!!! x

sorry for the pity post i am just so fed up with thr nhs right now!!! when are they going to cut me some slack ffs!!!
thanks tansey for the good luck! hope you are well sweetie! hope the tenderness has eased on your tummy now! x
Babytots, sorry you are having a bad time. It is hard enough dealing with things without having to chase all the tests and deal with mean doctors - poor you.

Definitely try with the nice female one and maybe take in some information about the trial that you'd like to go on (there is a link to some information somewhere on this bit of Baby and Bump).

Hope that there is some progress soon and that tomorrow is a better day.
Hope you are all ok with me posting this here as I hope it will help someone who like i did never thought i would ever be in this position xx

Over 3 years ago I had resided myself to the fact that I would never have a child of my own, a little kick in my tummy or that precious moment of holding your own baby in your arms. After 3 miscarriages, one each year for 3 years and having all the tests come back all clear I thought I had no the nurse says you only have 2 choices now either decide to not have children or carry on and try hormone treatment.

We lost our first baby at 8 weeks gestation which was extremely traumatic and i was not cared for by hospital staff, nothing was explained, i was given my first internial which to this day has left me mentally scared, I returned home feeling empty and raped. My husband was my rock and we pulled through.I lost my 2nd baby at 11weeks gest on my way back to the airport after our wedding/honeymoon abroad and had to be operated on quite urgently as it was a mmc and the doctors feared i could get an infection in my womb which may in effect make me unable to ever carry again. My final loss was only 6 weeks into the pregnancy and at this point i thought that was it, especially after all the tests returned all clear.

We took a year break and me and my husband both took time to do things we enjoyed doing. We got pregnant again in 2006 and started hcg injections which we were told were not full proof but would help support the pregnancy, i was scanned every 2 weeks and reached the magic milestone of 12 weeks and onwards, all along in my head i kept positive and thought this baby is going no where. The pregnancy continued and at 16 weeks i was passed over to normal care, i got the first movements the kicks the sleepness nights ...... then on 28th october 2006 (11 days overdue) and after a good labour we were finally blessed with Joshua all 8lb 14oz of him, he was perfect and so strong, then i thought miracles can happen. He is our miracle. He is now nearly 3 years and through the same treatment we had another miracle skye born last year. Dreams can come true.

Hang in there girls and i hope and pray for you all may miracles land in your arms xxxx
Thts a beautiful story. You scared me a bit near the end I thought something bad was going to happen but you had a healthy baby. This story made me so happy. Thank you xx
thanks for sharing your story its lovely to know that miracles can happen :D

well another update didnt get to see the doctor as she was fully booked but wrote down a letter and included the relevant info on the nkc trial and handed it into the reception as luck would have it the dr was stood next to her so i swiftly left the building as i hate being put on the spot and thought it be better for her to mull it over plus couldnt handle it if she said no too. heard her opening the letter as i left but didnt hear back from her maybe next week though.

got my scan date through for the 13th so bit of positive news. just annoying i will have to wait another 6-7 weeks for the results! x
KK1981 - Thats so good to hear your story as it gives me some hope! I'm in the same position 3 mmc and tests so far are all clear, I'm also taking a break right now and hope I have the same positive result as you when I ttc in the new year :hugs:

Babytots - good luck with you scan and the NKC trialxx

babytots I hope that you get the pelvic scan you need asap and also get to take part in the trial. Just one q, did you get your thyroid checked (both function and antibodies) as various thyroid problems can cause recurrent miscarriage but this can often be overlooked.

I also have suspected PCOS, been suffering since i was 12 but have been told the CD3 blood tests they do in the uk on NHS don't usually tell them enough to diagnose based on them alone, most ladies I know they turned out inconclusive and they got diagnosed by the scan or by symptoms alone (if you have at least 4 of the symptoms of PCOS and no other cause can be found then PCOS can be diagnosed on this alone). I am having problems as since I have children (though I have had serious problems TTC over the years and two m/c as well) then I 'cannot possibly have PCOS' according to my usual family doctor and even the BUPA GP I saw with the hope of getting a private referral; the private GP said she could refer me although personally she didn't think I have anything wrong, but the only specialist she could recommend costed about 5 times as much as one my friend saw, for exactly the same tests and consultation. I finally got a locum doctor at my GP's surgery to refer me for the blood tests; she did it reluctantly and said due to the system in this area where all tests and scans are done by a privately run polyclinic that it would be up to them to decide to do the scan afterwards or not depending on the results, but shortly after being given an appointment I found out I was pregnant but have now miscarried. Since I got pregnant to begin with though this has convinced my doctors that I am fine, even more than previously. We've given up on getting a diagnosis in this country now and maybe the opportunity will come up to get it diagnosed abroad. What kills me is I am suffering from other symptoms and would rather have those alleviated even if it means no more kids but the doctors seem to think I just want to enlarge my family and am being rather frivolous LOL. I wish you the best of luck hun; if it does turn out to be PCOS and it is only PCOS causing your problems it can be an uphill struggle but I know many, many ladies with PCOS who successfully conceived eventually with no problems and then went onto have several kids.

KK1981 thats a really lovely story and it sounds like the treatment given really worked for you!

Soph x
Thanks girls, im glad you liked my story. I had a very early failed pregancy inbetween my son and daughter as well as the other 3 lil ones i lost as i did not know i was pregnant untill it was too late as the doctors said i had to wait for a week for a positive test from them before going to the epau but one week was too late , so when i became preganant with my daugher i went straight the epau... i thought i was 8 weeks gest but sacn showed no heartbeat and just the egg sac so the outlook was bleak, it was my choice to start the hcg injections as i knew bu the sonographers face she thought the pregnancy would miscarry. 2 weeks later there was a flicker.
Have fingers and toes crossed for you all, its a very emotional ride and even when your past the danger zone you feel like something will go wrong, even now i check them every night to see if they are breathing.If anyone is offered hcg injections and needs any advise or want to know what its like im happy to help.

Good luck girlies xx

babytots I hope that you get the pelvic scan you need asap and also get to take part in the trial. Just one q, did you get your thyroid checked (both function and antibodies) as various thyroid problems can cause recurrent miscarriage but this can often be overlooked.

I also have suspected PCOS, been suffering since i was 12 but have been told the CD3 blood tests they do in the uk on NHS don't usually tell them enough to diagnose based on them alone, most ladies I know they turned out inconclusive and they got diagnosed by the scan or by symptoms alone (if you have at least 4 of the symptoms of PCOS and no other cause can be found then PCOS can be diagnosed on this alone). I am having problems as since I have children (though I have had serious problems TTC over the years and two m/c as well) then I 'cannot possibly have PCOS' according to my usual family doctor and even the BUPA GP I saw with the hope of getting a private referral; the private GP said she could refer me although personally she didn't think I have anything wrong, but the only specialist she could recommend costed about 5 times as much as one my friend saw, for exactly the same tests and consultation. I finally got a locum doctor at my GP's surgery to refer me for the blood tests; she did it reluctantly and said due to the system in this area where all tests and scans are done by a privately run polyclinic that it would be up to them to decide to do the scan afterwards or not depending on the results, but shortly after being given an appointment I found out I was pregnant but have now miscarried. Since I got pregnant to begin with though this has convinced my doctors that I am fine, even more than previously. We've given up on getting a diagnosis in this country now and maybe the opportunity will come up to get it diagnosed abroad. What kills me is I am suffering from other symptoms and would rather have those alleviated even if it means no more kids but the doctors seem to think I just want to enlarge my family and am being rather frivolous LOL. I wish you the best of luck hun; if it does turn out to be PCOS and it is only PCOS causing your problems it can be an uphill struggle but I know many, many ladies with PCOS who successfully conceived eventually with no problems and then went onto have several kids.

KK1981 thats a really lovely story and it sounds like the treatment given really worked for you!

Soph x

thanks hun i arent sure if i had my thyroid checked they never tell me what they actually test for :growlmad: so i shall ask when i next see her.

i have a couple of the symptoms of pcos the irregular cycles,annovulatory cycles or cycles where my body gears to ov and fails then trys again later and i have suffered from acne since my periods started. 9 years and counting bloody hate it.

hopefully the blood test will show something but if not then hopefully the scan will.

i am sorry to hear you have had a struggle to try and get a diagnosis just because you have children and can pg doesnt rule it out!!! i think thats why my doctors are like they are they dont think i need anymore testing done because i have children and can get pg. but like you i have suffered with my symptoms since i was 13 and my periods started. grannted my cycles are better then they were they are still very irregular i never know if or even when i will be ovulating,

anyways rant over am sorry for your losses sweetie! i am glad that i am not the only person to be overlooked because i have children though wish you weren't in the same boat as me :( it sucks doesnt it!! x
Babytots i can't believe your doc and consultant are being so unhelpful! I hope the female doc sees sense! I will only see one female doc at our surgery as she is the only one who seems to understand and shows a genuine interest!

Hope everyone's ok?
Hi babytots and all

its ridiculous and its such a postcode lottery as well. One of my friends who lives a mere 4 miles away but under a different NHS trust, has one child which she had no problems having and who is less than a year old, no miscarriages and no other history of gynaecological problems yet her doctor immediately booked a pelvic scan and in depth hormonal, thyroid and other tests for her right away as she is feeling extremely tired recently (and thats it) and it seems that having kids in that area is no bar to having such problems looked into and taken seriously, pfft. I am so sorry you have been so let down by medical professionals, and I hope they start to take it seriously and refer you for the trials as well as doing the tests necessary. I had the thyroid tests done many years ago when my problems were worse than now (when I lived in another area and didn't have children yet) so I don't think thyroid is causing it now; though ideally I'd love to have it tested again its like getting blood out of a stone with these people lol and I don't want to push my luck with them further than the most basic of tests I just about managed to get them to refer me for. Although its very expensive I'm now looking into getting a private gynaecological scan (they do you both internally and abdominally at the same appointment) as I found a reputable clinic in London (luckily, local to me) that will scan and diagnose without a doctors referral. Its about £200 but thats a lot less than BUPA quoted me for the same scan and certainly a lot less as its not coupled with all the extra consultant fees and extra blood tests they wanted to throw into the mix (the end cost of which I was told would be at least £1000 just to get diagnosed). Yikes!

hello ladies, sorry to hear some off you are having really CRAP treatment!!!!

I referred my self to liverpool and had no trouble i just said that my consultant was..... and that she had given me leaflet on it with contacts !!

I could not be considered for the trail as i was to OLD!!!!!!!! (If one more person says that i will hit them) but they agreed to do it privately which was expensive £500 i then persuaded my consultant to prescribe treatment when i next get pregnant!.

From experience of 7mc im sorry but i have learnt to bend the truth, negotiate, and in the extreme out and out lie!!!! I should feel bad as i have worked for the nhs for 23 years, but i have often had crap treatment iand i will do anything to get to my goal. Tread carefully ladies and play them at their own game thats what i say.......sorry if i offend, i must sound very bitter, but i just want my baby!
Babytots - I am so utterley peed off for you with the lack of help you are getting. Can you not get another docs opinion? It is so frustrating that they are not prepared to listen to you. I hope that you giving her the NKC trial info will change your docs mind xx

Sophster - Sorry it seems like your doc is a pain too. I know that many women on the LTTC forum on this site suffer with PCOS too so may be able to give you more help/advice on what happened to them. It must be so frustrating for you xx

KK1981 - Your story is so great to hear. I am currently 'cautiously' pregnant and have had 3 mcs over the past 1.5 years and my tests have all come back clear. I am hoping that this one will stick and your story has defo given me some hope xx

Tansey - Hope all in the TTC is going well ;)

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