Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Leec, I am so so sorry to hear how much of a hard time you are having. It truly breaks my heart and takes me right back to where I was a year ago, If I am honest I am always just a stones throw away from that happening again, it just bubbles under the surface!!!

I hope you dont mind me chipping in about the anti depressents (citalopram) as I am on them. I have had many many conversations about this and in depth discussions with my midwife and GP and consultants. I suffered in silence with severe anxiety after my first miscarriage and it took 7 months to finally hit me one day where I just fainted at work, I was signed of work and still refused medication as 1) the stigma I had with taking them and feeling like a failure 2) how would this affect my next pregnancy 3) thinking I would be pregnant soon and then my problems would be solved!! well after my 3rd mc I was rock bottom again and I finally took the medication, within 4 weeks I felt like a new woman, I slept at night again (hoorah) I wasnt having panic attacks and I wasnt crying at everything. I miscarried a 4th time but this was nature I guess but I was able to cope so much easier. Here I am now 14 weeks pregnant and still on my medication and I feel strong. I work on a maternity ward and I see patients EVERY DAY that are on this medication and everything is fine. My consultant told me that anxiety and depression can cause the lining on your uterus to be thinner and stop implantation!! I have read this since on the internet and was shocked. I dont know how much weight this holds with mc but its interesting to know.

Anyway I wont ramble on but I just want you to know that you are making all the right decisions!!! you need to be strong and you know what you need to do.

Sending you lots and lots of internet hugs. I just wish you didnt have to go through so much pain. I wish nobody on here did.

I an sorry I havent replied to individual posts, I dont always feel I should but I watch this thread because I can relate to you all and I understand and If at anytime I can answer a question I will.
Thank you everyone for the hugs. You ladies are the best, it's a shame we have to chat in such awful circumstances.

Ruby1, I agree, your gp sounds like a complete prick, a bit like mine yesterday with his give it up and adopt comment, it makes me so mad!!!

Stardust, thank you so much, I am about to pm you :)
Stardust so pleased its all going well for you hun i am going to see mr raajkumar on 6th june his secretary has most of my results but just missing 2 london ones are back but so far all normal!! Were urs? what did he say to you or do for u? I no u told me already but i cant remember!! xx
So sorry to hear your news Hollybush - you'll be in my thoughts.

Goodgirl - I read a LOT about all this sort of stuff and have been using only organic beauty products for about a year now - I figured it was an easy to change to make and might make a difference. Also avoid deoderants with aluminion in (almost all of them) - am yet to find a really good alternative but there are a few to try which do an ok job.

Here's one of the top rated aluminum free deodorant.....

Tom's of Maine Natural Long-Lasting Apricot Aluminum-Free Deodorant Stick. This affordable and aluminum-free deodorant neutralizes odors and releases a fresh, apricot smell for hours. A 2.25 ounce stick is $4.90 at

Also go to the website or
Leec, pm me anytime!!!!

Davies, brilliant news about your appointment. have you met Mr RaajKumar before? all of my results were ok, except I had a raised level for the antiphosphilipid test (sticky blood) It wasnt mega high but raised enough to have been a problem. I had to have a repeat test but was pregnant by this time so Mr Raj gave me clexane injections, projesterone and baby aspirin but I miscarried my 4th at only 6 weeks (2 weeks of the medication) I have to say I had no real symptoms and I never got more than 1-2 weeks on a digital test so my hcg was not rising. at this point I thought I was doomed as the meds were my last option (it felt like it at that stage) well I then got pregnant straight away again and took all the meds once again and I am now 14 weeks. So Mr Raajkumar has said I was either really unlucky 4 times and the meds are not really doing anything special or I had 3 mcs due to the sticky blood and the one time I mc'd while on the meds was a pregnancy that wasnt going to work no matter what (hope this makes sense) anyway now what happens is once this baby is born, I will have all the bloods repeated and have it confirmed if I actually DO have the sticky blood.

So far things are progressing really well but every day is hard. It never gets easier just because I passed MY milestone. I wish i could forward to term and just have my baby now.
Aww LeeC chick... nothing anyone can say will make it better... so... ((hugs))..
Lee, I just popped on to wish you luck for tomorrow as I've been wondering how you were doing over the last few days and am devasted to read your updates. So unfair!

You have been a huge support to me and I have learned alot from you. I have also been inspired so much by you. So please don't listen to that insensitive beeping beep of a doctor who suggested adoption. I found it so refreshing when a sister at my EPU told me to never give up. I don't have a "what if" plan like some of you - I just firmly believe that next time it will happen (for all of us).

I applaud your decision to accept the anti depressives - clearly a difficult decision for you to make but so obviously the right thing to do. I just wish there was something I could do to take your pain away. But I'm here to offer any support I can. I know you are strong, although you may not feel like it now, and I know you will come through this.

Thinking of you xxx
I had my hospital appt on Monday... just lovely sitting there with all those preggers ladies...such a treat for me.. NOT!!!

Basically they said PGD or egg donation... we said PGD too expensive and Hubby doesn't want to do egg donation anymore.

So we were told we were extremely high risk due to my crappy X chromosome, amount of M/cs, age, risk of downs etc etc. She wouldn't do the NK cell test as she is an Obs and getting pregnant is not something she can spend NHS cash on... however, she has promised to 'throw the book' at me when I do get pregnant again and give me everything she can possibly think of. She also explained that Surrey and Hampshire will not fund IVF/Fertility treatment for anyone regardless of age.

She has recommended the Lister for egg donation and the Bridge Clinic for PGD.

Gotta say there were no big shocks there.... just confirmation that we were having a Son and he died because he had my bad X.

Hubby wants to give up.

Also told her that still have not had an AF and my surgery was 11th April. She was a bit concerned and has told me to do a pregnancy test.... so tomorrow I will POAS and for the first time ever pray for a negative.
Babyhopes I am so very pleased for you that they are going to try and help you, that really is good news indeed. Y can't they be like that in lincolnshire??
LeeC bless you what inconsiderate morons! Oh the drinking yourself into a stupor I get! I have now gone on the wagon as I found it just made it worse the next day! As my nan used to say to me "the answer is not at the bottom of a bottle or 2,3 or 4! as it has been in my case recently.
Please LeeC do not give up hope! I have stated on BnB b4 my friend had 6mcs and now has kids.
Never lose hope or let anyone take hope away from you.
I am thinking of you and sending you positive vibes.:hugs:

I will say this, If drug addicts and alcoholics can get pregnant and give birth then surely an anti-depressant won't hurt anything. I have learned from my last pregnancy to never put all my trust in doctors bc after all they are just practicing. They can't 100% GUARANTEE us anything. From now on I'm going to be the one educating my Obg. Who knows your body better than you? What can they do? Nothing but listen and hate to see me when my next appointment will not be silent anymore.

The part about telling you to give up and adopt? You should have asked him was he losing his mind. Never give up on your hopes and dreams. Life and Death is in God's hand. When He(God) tells you to give up and adopt then you have something to worry about. He has the final say so NOT your Doc. Now lift your head up and smile.
LeeC - I wish I could take the pain away for you but I can't and I know (even if you're not sure) that you will be ok. I know how bleak things look right now as I've been there and I hope I can give you some hope for the future. You're strong lady and you will get better
Help ladies!! As per my Consultants instructions I POAS this morning... a Clearblue... and it has come up pregnant 3+ weeks!!!

I am in a total panic cos I think it means that there is still some of my Son in me and I will have to have more surgery....

Does an ERPC affect your ovulation? cos this would mean that I would have conceieved a week after my surgery on the 11th April and I have been drinking and on an Army exercise weekend...

But I have no real symptoms... apart from tired and eating more...but I assumed that was just because I was hungry from my Army exercise weekend.... though (TMI Sorry) have had a lil constipation this morning...

I have been taking folic acid and aspirin anyway since my surgery.... do you think I should start my progesterone just in case??

I am in a panic... I feel sick with shock and I have to phone my Cons... I just know this means more surgery and nothing good....
Padbrat you never no Hun, I would try to think maybe it's a new pg, how long ago was your surgury? After my d and cs it's always taken bout 2 weeks for hormones to leave my body! So maybe it's a new pregnancy I would use the prog just incase, if theres something left over from your son, then the progesterone won't hurt! So sorry if going through this it's so nerve racking!

Stardust, I've never met mr raaj before, I have seen him scanning someone before, I'm looking forward to my apointment just hoping something happens! So pleased ur doing well! Sounds like unfortunately ur 4th was bad luck I'm pleased u didn't give up though an gave the meds a 2nd chance Hun, I hope he prescribes me something!! I'm sure it's still a very scary time for you! I would say it all looks good now so try to enjoy it I no that's easier said than done! X
New guidelines published by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on 19th May 2011. Nothing earth shattering and pretty much everything we already know, but hought you might be interested. And those of you struggling to get the treatment you think you need, print this off and wave it at your docs!! xxxxx
Padbrat. Not trying to freak you out but last year I had a BFP, literally about 1.5 - 2 weeks after a miscarriage, even EPAS could not believe it. It is possible believe me.
I would try and get an appt asap so you know what exactly is going on honey. Will be thinking about you x.
So Ladies, Quenby is not back til Friday and in the meantime I have spoken to Louise Simmonds the midwife at Dr Shehata's practice as I really just wanted some advice re prednisolone (free)!!!

She was very helpful and explained that with my track record they would def prescribe prednisolone from day of ov, she said I could be referred there if Quenby cannot offer anything else, but the likelihood of referral on NHS would be next year, although she did say they were taking on some new staff which may reduce the waiting time.

I told her I really wanted to see what my options are and that I was planning on speaking to Quenby on Friday, so I plan to discuss this with her. As Louise at Dr Shehata's clinic said she was confident they could help, so maybe all hope is not lost.

So, I will speak to Quenby to see what her thoughts are on taking prednisolone from ov, also it appears that Shehata prescribes at 25mg and Quenby has put me on 20mg, I suppose this could be due to sides.
I also understand they use the same cocktail of med ie: progesterone, aspirin, folic acid.

Any thoughts/experiences anyone?
And I'm happy to add that both Quenby's and Shehata's clinic have said to stick on the anti d's for a while.
So I'm feeling a bit better about this now.
Thanks Davies and LeeC for the comments.... I took your advice and So I called my Cons, she thinks this is a new pregnancy as my surgery was 7 weeks ago and there should be no old hormones left. She said if I had some of my Son still in me I would have an infection and I would feel ill with it. She thinks I ov'd 2 weeks after the surgery and so thinks I am about 4 weeks pregnant. I am back on all of my drugs and am in for a scan tomorrow at 9am.

Good luck at your appt Davies...

LeeC good news you don't need to worry about your antiDs... so you can feel better in mind and body and ready for your baby xx
Padbrat that is fantastic news, straight back on the meds for you. Keep us all posted xxx.

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