Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Ah coco I no how you feel hun, all my results are normal! Was told as I'm only 29 go home get on with it take progesterone from bfp aspirin to, an other than that it's just bad luck! 3 mc bad luck??!! He said as my 1st mc we saw a hb then it stopped that's normally to do with sticky blood however my bloodtests showed negative for this!! But if I was to have this again he would prescribe clexane he said he would prescribe it now if I wanted or I could wait to see if I mc again! Erm! No I don't think I will wait an see thanks!!
He didn't no about clomid if I should take that again he said I should talk to the infertility specialist!!
But when I get pg next time I have to go to the epau 6-8weeks an then I will get clexane so I will def give it a go!
Feel very much like coco like all this promise of answers an they don't give u sod all! But I will give clexane a try last resort then if not private!! X
Davies and coco - so sorry you didn't get answers at your appointments. I too was told "bad luck" again today when miscarriage 6 was confirmed, despite the last 3 being treated with aspirin and heparin. Bad luck my arse. I am now self prescribing red wine.
Am loving your prescription Lambs.... that is one 'drug' I have plenty of in my house!
Ah, I find myself lurking in this thread more and more these days. Lambs, being told "bad luck" 6 times is shite. You deserve an answer. Red wine has served me well after each of my losses.

Padbrat, you are in my thoughts right now as you already know.

To all the ladies who haven't gotten answers, I was there at one point. It wasn't until my 3rd (and last) miscarriage that I finally got the answer. And it wasn't a good one. I have endometrial tissue built up in my uterine lining causing my uterus to be an abnormal shape. And of course it is located exactly where embryos like to implant. So the general consensus is that I will keep having mc's unless one sticks in the right place. Unfortunately, it is taking up 1/3 of my uterus. And also unfortunately, I'm almost 37 and my husband is 42. Time isn't on our side. Surgery isn't a good option and there is no drug treatment for this.

I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes the answer isn't one that you want. I've been told by one specialist that I'll never give birth to my own baby. That being said, as awful as it is to finally get an answer like this, it has given me some sense of direction. We're pursuing surrogacy right now and we're also going to keep trying for one that sticks in the right place. But we have our other option on the table. Because in the end we just want our baby, no matter who houses it. It has also given me space to fully grieve the fact that this might never happen for me in the way that I planned. Instead, it has forced me to look at other alternatives and attempt to find peace in those.

The only way they were able to diagnose my condition, adenomyosis, was through MRI. It wasn't picked up on ultrasound, hysteroscopy or HSG. It was never seen during my D&C's or my pregnancies. All of my other tests came out normal as well. I'm not suggesting that any of you might have this condition, but it might be worth asking about. Some women have symptoms, lots of pain during periods, sex, bowel movements and mid cycle spotting. Others, like me, are fairly symptom free. I have a little mid-cycle spotting, but thought it was from Ov. I can feel a little twinge in my uterus, but I would not call it pain.

Most women don't get diagnosed with this until they are in excruciating pain and need a hysterectomy. It was by sheer persistence of my RE that he ordered the MRI and we finally found the issue.

I'm not sure if this helps anyone, but just wanted to share where I've been. I imagine I'll be on this thread a lot more now. We took a break from TTC for several months, but are now back in action with a plan of surrogacy in our back pocket.

My heart is with all of you on this thread. None of us should be here. xoxo
Lambs, so sorry. I'm with you on self medicating with the wine, big hug coming your way. xxx.
Oh Lambs so so sorry hun, its just shite!! Heart tree thank you for sharing that i will certainly mention it, i am going to ask my gp to refer me to st marys in london first an pay to have nk cells test to, i never had any spotting an dont really have any symptoms either but i like to rule everything out!! xx
My heart goes out to you all. As you know, I live here in the US. I guess the doctors in the UK have different means for treating certain issues.

My Obg/ Specialist said the progesterone is only needed to carry on your pregnancy. I can't understand why a doctor would have a woman to take it before hand considering it slows down time with becoming pregnant. He also stated that aspirin, ibp, advil, multi-vitamins also slows down the process as well.

I don't care what any doctor says Aspirin causes women to bleed during their pregnancies. When you go for a scan they can never tell where the bleeding is coming from. I would say this unless you have a clotting disorder I would definitely eliminate aspirin. That's my Opinion! Bad Luck my A%$....It's only bad luck choosing their a$%es as your doctor. Whatever your money pays for here, you get!!

I just have no faith in NO DOCTORS PERIOD because they all repeat the same thang. I'm beginning to think that they phone each other and say "Tell her it's only bad luck"

After my suction D&C I had an Af 10 weeks later. They told me to wait til I have 3 periods before trying again. After my experience with Aspirin I vowed to never take another for as long as I should live. I'm thankful to be alive and writing this after loosing 5 units of blood during my D&C.

LeeC you should also start a walk for cutting the doctors pay until they can give us all the answers of what the hecks going on with us. I bet We would get our answers then.
I agree that doctors seem to be guessing a lot of the time, and I've been told our 4 losses were just bad luck. However this is the first pregnancy where I have taken aspirin and it's the first one I've managed to keep. In my case it is most likely the prostaglandin blocker effect of aspirin which has helped me as is has possibly reduced the prostaglandins released by my endometriosis tissue, however they don't know. I am just grateful they have supported me to get to this stage. Treatment of RMC seems to be mainly guesswork but when they get it right it is so worth it.

Heart tree - have they suggested Zoladex as a treatment for your Adenomyosis? Not a pleasant option, been there, done that!

I lurk here often not wanting to say much as I know how hard it is. We are all individuals, our losses are all different but our desire for a child is the same. Thinking of you all x
Thanks for posting Fifi. I was offered Lupron which sounds like zoladex. I decided against it as it won't shrink the existing adenomyosis. Also because of my age, I'm terrified of putting myself in temporary menopause. I'm super sensitive to hormones. It took me 3 months to get AF after going off the pill. I have a team of specialists reviewing my case to see if surgery might be a possibility. There is a slim chance that I can have surgery with success. We'll see.

I agree that there is so much they don't know about RMC and they throw things at us because they don't have anything else. It isn't ethical to do tests on pregnant women and who in their right mind would volunteer for research tests? There is no such "one size fits all" treatment and what works for some might not for others.
Davies :hugs: had a terrible day yesterday but feel a bit better today, hope you do to. I have come up with a plan, i shall see my GP in a couple of weeks and ask for the for her to prescribe me the pills to try kick start AF and if nothing comes then i am going to email the specialist, apparently he will see you very quick but it is super expesive, he can give initial appiontment and 4D scan to diagnose and think that is around £500 plus travel and stay in london, but at the moment i would pay anything to get things sorted.

Lambs, i'm so sorry to heatr this :hugs: being told bad luck after 6 miscarrages is totally ridiculous especially after trying the drugs. Have you had any tests on uterus shape ect?

Heart tree, thanks so much for the info, I'm really sorry about your diagnosis:hugs: my consultant is not willing to do any more tests on me, i would like some tests like HSG as i am convinced its my uterus thats the problem, its so frustrating, Why dont Dr's listen to us, we know our own bodies. Just fed up of them telling me its stress and all in my head. Did you get your diagnosis private or via NHS? i hope you dont mind me asking.
Hi, I thought I would throw something else into the mix. I had a consultation with a haematology professor at UCL hospital in London recently. Despite having been tested twice for APS in the past, he suggested a retest. Ultimately, it is a moot point with me because I need to be on the treatment anyway to prevent me from suffering another clot, but the most interesting thing he mentioned was that there is currently much debate amongst his colleagues about people testing negative for APS but still suffering from it!
Maybe this is why some doctors prescribe heparin and aspirin for RMC despite tests coming back negative? This is cutting edge stuff in the haematology community so I don't know whether this debate has reached the gynaes yet...

The haematologists are looking at this to explain spontaneous unexplained DVTs, not RMCs...

Fingers crossed for padbrat today fxfxfxfxfxfx. Thinking pink!
Can i just ask, when you guys start your asprin, my consultant told me yesterday to start from CD1, bit confused by that as i thought it would be from a BFP? to be honest i dont have much faith in her.
Can i just ask, when you guys start your asprin, my consultant told me yesterday to start from CD1, bit confused by that as i thought it would be from a BFP? to be honest i dont have much faith in her.

I started as soon as I'd had my RMC blood tests, so that would have been 7th feb & got my BFP on 25th Apr, but I'm taking without having talked to my consultant.
Hi Mandy.

How are things going with you? Hope all is well.


Hiya Lee,

doing well so far I'll be 13 weeks this weekend. got 12 week scan on Monday.
No bleeding since the big one at week 6.... I'm still shocked to be in this position and it does'nt feel like reality! But I'm trying to enjoy the experience and put any negative thoughts to the back of my mind.
I am going to be 40 next month.... and if this little one sticks on I'll have the best birthday present ever..

Been reading about the debate over asprin and when to take it.
I tested negative for sticky blood syndrome back in October last year., but as I've said before, I've been taking asprin and thyroxine( thyroxine prescribed and asprin self prescribed..) since January this year.
My last miscarriage was Last November and my cycles were'nt back to normal.
I had IUI (nhs funded) in Febuary which resulted in a bfn., my cycle length was only 25 days and I was'nt confident that I'd get pregnant as did'nt think my womb lining would be sufficiently plump enough due to the short cycle.
I got pregnant then on the 2nd cycle in march though and here we are.
I have no idea what has caused the success here, I'd say its from taking the thyroxine...for a pre thyroid condition,so wouldnt actually be prescribed thyroxine usually at this stage as my thyroid hormone is at the low end of normal...
Or it could be from taking the asprin., I do also have very mild endometriosis and had'nt till now realised that asprin could be beneficial with ttc and endometriosis specifically..I decided to take the asprin daily with no starting and stopping as all my miscarriages happened around 5-6 weeks, and thought that starting on bfp would perhaps be too late to do any lasting good..
This is such an interesting forum and so informative., so so much to learn from each other...
Thanks for posting Fifi. I was offered Lupron which sounds like zoladex. I decided against it as it won't shrink the existing adenomyosis. Also because of my age, I'm terrified of putting myself in temporary menopause. I'm super sensitive to hormones. It took me 3 months to get AF after going off the pill. I have a team of specialists reviewing my case to see if surgery might be a possibility. There is a slim chance that I can have surgery with success. We'll see.

I agree that there is so much they don't know about RMC and they throw things at us because they don't have anything else. It isn't ethical to do tests on pregnant women and who in their right mind would volunteer for research tests? There is no such "one size fits all" treatment and what works for some might not for others.

Yep, Lupron is same idea, I can understand not wanting to take it, especially if they say it won't shrink the existing tissue. In my case it didn't work (more endo grew whilst on it - evidenced by laparoscopy before with removal of endo and second lap after which showed more endo) but these things work for some people (I was told to either get pregnant or have a hysterectomy and at 30 I wasn't prepared for the latter option!).
Fingers crossed you can have the surgery, or find a suitable surrogate!

Mandy - congrats on reaching 13 weeks! Your m/cs have been around the same time as mine, it took me til very late second tri before I even started to relax into this pregnancy! The aspirin/endo link isn't widely accepted but seems to make sense to me.
My babys heart had stopped beating.

I think I am going to leave you all now, though I will probably sneak in every now and then to see you all.

My Husband has told me as we looked at our 6th Angel that he cannot do this anymore and the pain is too much.

I am in for surgery tomorrow.

May you all catch the luck I never had xx
Oh Padbrat. I don't even have the words... my heart goes out to you and your husband. :hugs:
Oh padbrat, so sorry hun, my heart really does go out to you, how awful

I hope you find the happiness you deserve, take care. xx
Padbrat :hugs:

This is so unfair. You and your husband need time to heal. You got pregnant so fast after your last loss that you didn't have time to process it. It's been such a rollercoaster of emotions for you both. Just focus on getting through today. One thing I've learned is that there are no definites when it comes to this. This doesn't definitely mean that your husband is done with trying to have a baby. He's hurt and doesn't like seeing you in such anguish. You both need some time to heal before you can look forward and make decisions about your future.

My heart and love go out to both of you today.
Heart tree, thanks so much for the info, I'm really sorry about your diagnosis:hugs: my consultant is not willing to do any more tests on me, i would like some tests like HSG as i am convinced its my uterus thats the problem, its so frustrating, Why dont Dr's listen to us, we know our own bodies. Just fed up of them telling me its stress and all in my head. Did you get your diagnosis private or via NHS? i hope you dont mind me asking.

Coco, I live in the US so all of my tests were done under my insurance. The dumb thing about my insurance is that they will pay for anything related to miscarriage, but won't pay for anything that has to do with infertility. HSG's are usually given to women who can't get pregnant. They tried to charge me $3,000! I had to yell at them and tell them I was indeed fertile and this test was for diagnostic purposes not for infertility.

My doctor was open to throwing every test at me. I think my age, 35 at the time, also played into that. She knew I needed answers. Sorry yours won't give you the test. My HSG wasn't able to show my condition but it did show a slight abnormality in the shape of my uterus which prompted my doctor to order the MRI.

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