Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

I'm so sorry Shirlls. Can you seek out testing at this point?

Thank you xx I am not sure if they are going to make me wait until 3 before they will see me, but I am going to see the EPU tomorrow morning to get bloods checked and will mention it then. I am hoping as both my mcs were at same time that might make me be seen after 2.
Hi Shirlls - So sorry for your loss. I don't think people can even begin to understand the heartbreak of a miscarriage unless they have been through it themselves, so I hope you find the support you need from your partner. If you are in the UK you might find your GP will not test for problems until after 3 miscarriages as they aer sadly so common in the 1st or 2nd pregnancy. For what it is worth, I know LOADS of people who had 2 miscarriages and then had a third successful pregnancy with no problems. Good luck to you.

As for me, I am today 8 weeks pregnant and still TERRIFIED. I had a scan yesterday and baby was fine with a lovely beating heart but the panic will creep back in by the end of the day I expect. If I can make it to 10 weeks then that will be my furthest so I might stop worrying for fractionally longer. I am however fat as a house from the steroids (and cakes!) and black and blue from the heparin. I would however continue with all this for ever if it means we get our baby.

Thanks xxx I am in the UK which means it may well be 3 times before I can be tested, however I am going to speak to the EPU tomorrow morning so hopefully I can make my case to them and they will listen.

All the best of luck to you with your current pregnancy, I wish you a happy and healthy 32 weeks ahead! I can imagine you must be very nervous however you have come this far and there is nothing to say this one won't be successful. I know what you mean about continuing with the effects of the steroids and the heparin if it meant your baby. I would do anything for a baby.

Hi I'm just checking in., sorry to see that there are a few new girls here..welcome to the thread, we are all here to listen and give what support we can.

Shirls I had testing after 2 miscarriages ( had 3 all at 5 weeks..and had an ethical loss at 17 weeks..) I am now 40yo( had all m/c at 39yo.) I think if you are over 35yo gp's should organise this for you., my testing was organised by my local early pregnancy unit who were my first point of call each time...

Have any of you considered taking a daily 75mg aspirin(baby asprin) there are a few threads on the forums here about taking asprin low dose to reduce chances of recurrent miscarriage.

Lamburai, take it easy., its so so hard to relax.Thinking of you xxx
Hi everyone, i'm so sorry for all your losses
I have had 3 miscarriages, one years ago in 1997 at 12 weeks, then i went on to have 2 wonderful children and then recently another at 8.5 weeks and 11.5 weeks :(
I am sooooo scared if i get pregnant again that things are just going to go wrong again :-(
I want to ask the doctors for tests, do you think they will test me for hormone levels or Hughes syndrome (sticky blood disorder) if i ask?
I suffer from MAV ( a type of migraine that makes you off balance too ) Could it be due to that do you think?
I just need some advise xx
Bumpy - I don't know if you would get it for that long as a result of this. If it goes on that long then perhaps it is a deficiency in progesterone. Have you always had it? Even in BFP months? Will ponder further...

I would recommend reading two books. One is by Professor Lesley Regan and I think is called "Recurrent Miscarriage- what every woman should know" and the other is by Professor Alan Beer and it is entitled "Is you body baby friendly". Both were very informative and available cheaply on amazon.
Hi everyone, i'm so sorry for all your losses
I have had 3 miscarriages, one years ago in 1997 at 12 weeks, then i went on to have 2 wonderful children and then recently another at 8.5 weeks and 11.5 weeks :(
I am sooooo scared if i get pregnant again that things are just going to go wrong again :-(
I want to ask the doctors for tests, do you think they will test me for hormone levels or Hughes syndrome (sticky blood disorder) if i ask?
I suffer from MAV ( a type of migraine that makes you off balance too ) Could it be due to that do you think?
I just need some advise xx

Hi Dee,

Sorry you find yourself here. Dependent on your age they may decide to test you after 2 miscarriages. Some GP's are more understanding than others. Wherabouts in Bucks are you? I'm in south bucks and could recommend some places to harrass/tests to ask for if you need some help. I've not heard of MAV so couldn't comment on whether it could be a cause.
Hi everyone, i'm so sorry for all your losses
I have had 3 miscarriages, one years ago in 1997 at 12 weeks, then i went on to have 2 wonderful children and then recently another at 8.5 weeks and 11.5 weeks :(
I am sooooo scared if i get pregnant again that things are just going to go wrong again :-(
I want to ask the doctors for tests, do you think they will test me for hormone levels or Hughes syndrome (sticky blood disorder) if i ask?
I suffer from MAV ( a type of migraine that makes you off balance too ) Could it be due to that do you think?
I just need some advise xx

Hi Dee,

Sorry you find yourself here. Dependent on your age they may decide to test you after 2 miscarriages. Some GP's are more understanding than others. Wherabouts in Bucks are you? I'm in south bucks and could recommend some places to harrass/tests to ask for if you need some help. I've not heard of MAV so couldn't comment on whether it could be a cause.

I am in Milton Keynes which i think is north Bucks?
Hi ladies!

Well it's taken me a while but I am proud to say I have finally read through all 402 pages on this thread!! You ladies are so brave and inspirational and you never give up I think each and every one of you is truly amazing!

Im 30 have no children and have just had my 3rd mc in 6 months! At the beginning of the year I thought 2011 was going to be a fab year but it's gone downhill ever since! My first 2 mc were at 8 weeks and last week I had one at 6 weeks. All natural mc.

I had a few basic blood tests as my gp after mc 2. I can't exactly remember what I was tested for but it included blood clotting disorders, thyroid and infection. All came back clear. I also had my progesterone checked 7dpo and that was fine.

Does anyone experience mid cycle spotting? The first half of the month I am fine and then 2dpo until my AF or a bpf I seem to spot very light brown just when I wipe. I'm sure this has something to do with the egg being released as it always starts just after ov but the gp wasn't sure what's causing it. Anyone else have this?

I'm seeing my doc tomorrow to get referred to a rmc specialist so hopefully they will be able to find out what is going on.

I wanted to say thankyou to everyone that posts on this thread because you have given me hope and also armed me with a list of qu for tomorrow.

So a HUGE thankyou and good luck to everyone!

hi bumpyplease, that's awesome you read all those pages! i want to do that at some point too. sorry for your losses, it sucks.

I used to have mid-cycle spotting - for years. I had a HSG (because of m/c's) and they found a uterine septum. I haven't had mid-cycle spotting since I had it removed. Some girls can actually have 2 uterus's (uteri) :) I only have 1 but that septum was a huge wall in the middle of it. My theory is that mid-cycle, 1/2 of it would shed a little lining or something (given the spotting) but there's no way to know that. But it's crazy that I don't spot at all after having it removed.

me: 35 mthfr (A1298C hetero) other than that, fine
DH: 33 fine

4 m/c, first in march, 2000, 3 in past 15 months, all unexplained and in weeks 5-6, 1 bfp was with clomid/ovidrel/iui
3 rounds clomid w/ovidrel total
hi ladies, just went thru my 4th chemical pregnancy and dont know how to cope. I'v e gone back on my antidepressants which I had stopped while ttc. i'm at a loss and so sad and confused. i don't know how to move forward.

oh mpepe- i have tears in my eyes - i am going through the same thing with my 4th m/c that happened end of Aug. For some reason, this one hit me way harder although the others were terrible too. each day just happens, you cry for most of it, stay in bed and not want to go anywhere for fear of seeing kids or pregnant people (at least that's how it is for me). i'm not crying all day long anymore but do cry at some point every day. i'm not on antidepressants but have thought about it (have been on them in the past). i have had horrible dark thoughts, just pure craziness. i used to be happy and nice and now i feel i'm mainly bitter. it does get better though, with time. and the hopes to get a good bfp next time. i read a post from another gal that the 4th one hit her the worst too, then the 5th one was a breeze - and with her 6th bfp she had a baby.

me: 35 mthfr (A1298C hetero) other than that, fine
DH: 33 fine

4 m/c, first in march, 2000, 3 in past 15 months, all unexplained and in weeks 5-6, 1 bfp was with clomid/ovidrel/iui
3 rounds clomid w/ovidrel total
Hi girls.

not a nice thread to join but I thought I am coming in to say hi anyways.
On Friday I had my first early MC. Of course it is annoying like as I have to wait another month now but I am not that sad as I am glad I can even get pregnant if you know what I mean. It was the first time conceiving as well. I just hope it doesnt become common that I have another one. What is the cause of MC anyways and what is the difference between that and chemical pregnancy?

hi janine, sorry for your loss! hopefully this will be the only m/c for you. a chemical pregnancy is a very early m/c, maybe 4 weeks or less? some other people probably know better than me but it seems, from what I've read, that with a chemical pregnancy your beta test (HCG level in blood) is very low, less than 100.. A couple of my m/c are assumed to be chemical as they were early and hcg was low.
I had my 2nd miscarriage today, both were at 5 weeks. I am feeling very low and not helped by the usual comments "it will happen for you one day", "it was just not meant to be", "there was probably something not right with the baby", etc. I text one of my friends today telling her, and she text me back telling me she has had a bad day too at college!!!!

shirlis - sorry for your losses too! people that haven't gone through a m/c have NO clue at all. especially people that have kids and have never gone through one - totally clueless.

but you can tell who the caring people are, they just don't know what to say and end up saying strange things. which is fine, given there is really nothing they can say that would really help anyway.

are you going to get all the testing done at this point? i hate the stupid "it's just bad luck" comment which I have actually graduated from that comment now, i guess after 3 m/c they agree that it probably isn't just bad luck.
Hi girls how we all doing?
Leec hope ur baby doing ok,bloody horrible, my big poochie has gone through every mc with me sits an listens to me moan about evry1 whos pregnant given me cuddles when im down, an walked when i just needed to get out!! Our babies have seen so much they are our best friends. I hope shes ok xx

Afm im 9dpo no preg symptoms!! Dont think this is my month no preg b4 30!! Boohoo xx

Have you not tested yet Davies? You are truly hardcore if not! Good luck.

Hi ladies!

Well it's taken me a while but I am proud to say I have finally read through all 402 pages on this thread!! You ladies are so brave and inspirational and you never give up I think each and every one of you is truly amazing!

Im 30 have no children and have just had my 3rd mc in 6 months! At the beginning of the year I thought 2011 was going to be a fab year but it's gone downhill ever since! My first 2 mc were at 8 weeks and last week I had one at 6 weeks. All natural mc.

I had a few basic blood tests as my gp after mc 2. I can't exactly remember what I was tested for but it included blood clotting disorders, thyroid and infection. All came back clear. I also had my progesterone checked 7dpo and that was fine.

Does anyone experience mid cycle spotting? The first half of the month I am fine and then 2dpo until my AF or a bpf I seem to spot very light brown just when I wipe. I'm sure this has something to do with the egg being released as it always starts just after ov but the gp wasn't sure what's causing it. Anyone else have this?

I'm seeing my doc tomorrow to get referred to a rmc specialist so hopefully they will be able to find out what is going on.

I wanted to say thankyou to everyone that posts on this thread because you have given me hope and also armed me with a list of qu for tomorrow.

So a HUGE thankyou and good luck to everyone!

Hi Bumpy. Sorry you have to join this thread. As far as I know mid-cycle spotting is caused by the egg rupturing the follicle and causing some bleeding. This can take a few days to make its way out your body so it is likely nothing to be concered about. If you are concerned then perhaps ask for progesterone although I don't think this is the problem (but I am not medically trained - more of a self-taught miscarriage expert!)

hi ladies, just went thru my 4th chemical pregnancy and dont know how to cope. I'v e gone back on my antidepressants which I had stopped while ttc. i'm at a loss and so sad and confused. i don't know how to move forward.

Mpepe - so sorry to hear of your recent loss. I think the anti-depressants might be a good idea for a while until you feel emotionally stronger. Have you been tested for NK cells? This might be an idea for you if not.

Hi girls.

not a nice thread to join but I thought I am coming in to say hi anyways.
On Friday I had my first early MC. Of course it is annoying like as I have to wait another month now but I am not that sad as I am glad I can even get pregnant if you know what I mean. It was the first time conceiving as well. I just hope it doesnt become common that I have another one. What is the cause of MC anyways and what is the difference between that and chemical pregnancy?

Hi Janine. So sorry to hear of your loss. A chemical pregnancy is one that occurs before you reach 14dpo (4 weeks pregnant) so many women have them and don't even know as they don't test early enough to detect the rise in hormones. I know this is not what you want to hear, but 1 miscarriage is very very common and there is every chance you will have a successful pregnancy next time. This thread is mostly populated by those unlucky few who have suffered recurrent losses (3 or more) so I wouldn't want you to panic unneccessarily at this stage as I hope you don't go on to meet the recurrent criteria (as determined by GP's not me!) Good luck with TTC and I hope you conceive again soon and that it leads to your take-home baby.

I had my 2nd miscarriage today, both were at 5 weeks. I am feeling very low and not helped by the usual comments "it will happen for you one day", "it was just not meant to be", "there was probably something not right with the baby", etc. I text one of my friends today telling her, and she text me back telling me she has had a bad day too at college!!!!

Hi Shirlls - So sorry for your loss. I don't think people can even begin to understand the heartbreak of a miscarriage unless they have been through it themselves, so I hope you find the support you need from your partner. If you are in the UK you might find your GP will not test for problems until after 3 miscarriages as they aer sadly so common in the 1st or 2nd pregnancy. For what it is worth, I know LOADS of people who had 2 miscarriages and then had a third successful pregnancy with no problems. Good luck to you.

As for me, I am today 8 weeks pregnant and still TERRIFIED. I had a scan yesterday and baby was fine with a lovely beating heart but the panic will creep back in by the end of the day I expect. If I can make it to 10 weeks then that will be my furthest so I might stop worrying for fractionally longer. I am however fat as a house from the steroids (and cakes!) and black and blue from the heparin. I would however continue with all this for ever if it means we get our baby.

hi lamburai - i should have put all my posts on 1! congrats on your pregnancy! i'm going to go on prednistone and lovenox next bfp just to rule anything out. have you been on them before this pregnancy? the only thing i tested pos for (besides the lowest level mthfr) is slightly elevated IgM levels. why did they put you on Pred and heparin?
Hey Hopeful... sorry to blast your hopes... but even after loss no 4 I was getting the 'it's just bad luck, keep trying' comment from my RM cons... then i moved and am now under a new Consultant who is blooming amazing! I have lost another 2 since being with her, but I know she is giving me the best care possible.... my advice, get a great consultant who will listen to you and help you instead of giving you crappy comments...

Sorry... just cynical old me gets annoyed by much of the consultant type people.
Hey Hopeful... sorry to blast your hopes... but even after loss no 4 I was getting the 'it's just bad luck, keep trying' comment from my RM cons... then i moved and am now under a new Consultant who is blooming amazing! I have lost another 2 since being with her, but I know she is giving me the best care possible.... my advice, get a great consultant who will listen to you and help you instead of giving you crappy comments...

Sorry... just cynical old me gets annoyed by much of the consultant type people.

hi padbrat - are all of your m/cs early ones? what do they have you on when you get pregnant now? were all of your RPL tests pretty normal too? sorry for all of the questions but it's pretty rare (I think) to find people that have only had 3 or more m/c and no kids based on the forums i've been on. probably seen about 50 or so people so far on forums in that scenario? i've seen way more that are so lucky to actually have at least 1 kid and then m/c's which would be horrible too. But when you don't have any kids and keep getting older, it's a horrible trapped feeling that is unexplainable.

my RE really is great to work with and doesn't give me the "bad luck" speech anymore which is nice. so sorry for your losses! i can't imagine going through 6! (but then again I used to not imagine going through 4) i think i have a permanent sad/mad look on my face.
i feel the same as you hopeful. I never thought after my 1st mc, I would have three more and am loosing hope. i dont know if I can ttc anymore but if I do change my mind, I will use crinone a few days after O and see if that does anything. I find it hard to believe that my eggs are that bad. Hugs you you all
i took progestone the last 2 times. they said my eggs are great and my levels are like someone in their 20s, except for the low progesterone (which was much higher after going on clomid). do you know what your hcg levels were? my highest was the last time, 5.5 weeks and 1155 hcg but the sac was abnormal.
my levels never went very high, I think the first time they were only 140 or something but I was already spotting at 13 dpo
Hopeful - i've now had 7 miscarriages and have high natural killer cells, hence the steroids. I tested positive for lupus anticoagulant too but i don't think this is the problem but i'm taking heparin anyway. I've taken heparin for the last 4 pregnancies, and steroids from bfp in the last one, none of which worked. This time i've taken steroids from ovulation and i hope to god this is now it for me.
Hi all, so from what I've read/understood here, it seems necessary to start all the meds, prog, heparin, etc, right after O, is this correct? So far, I've only used prog and aspirin, but been told to start with bfp, but just by "normal gynes" not RE's, which I'm finally moving on to after my 3 mc's. It's just so frustrating to think that one of them at least could've made it if I'd started things sooner...
But, then again, all my prelim tests have come back negative, time for killer cells and karotyping...
Any other over 40's on this thread? I'm just wondering how much the age factor plays in...
Lamburai, have got it all crossed for you!
Welcome to the new ladies, here there is understanding and knowledge!
Bellamamma - only start the drugs when you're advised to. If you start heparin too soon then it could cause problems if something is wrong and you have any internal bleeding. I started from BFP but I know LOTS of places say start from first scan to determine it is not ectopic. Aspirin and progesterone are fine from O but I would check with your doctor on the rest. Good luck!

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