Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

hi mpepe - i hate seeing pregnant women! (no offense to anyone) but geez, we have just been through the most horrible sh.t you can imagine. also, i like to watch tv and about every commercial and show is about families and kids. i need a RPL channel - no kids mentioned on it. actually i need a RPL life until I get sticky bfp - a life with only people in it that don't have kids for a little while - just pets i guess.

bella - my dermatologist i went to in july turned around and then i saw her bfp, she hadn't told me about it the last time i saw her probably because she knows what i've been going through. she said she was preg last oct and had m/c around 8 weeks so it didn't make me feel as bad. i hope you can get in soon. they tried to push one of my appointments out and it told them i've had 4 m/cs and really need help and they got me in sooner but there aren't many people around here that have had that much trauma.

ur so funny =D> in total agrrement
I remember the doctor who came to see me after I had just miscarried my third pg. I had to sign the consent forms for karyotyping. She was about 7 months gone. It was a bit of a shock to see a big pg belly whilst my womb was still cramping but it didn't seem to bother me. She was just doing her job after all.

No news from me. I'm 6dpo today and trying to ignore possible "symptoms" :dohh:
Thanks for the input Gill. I had a full recurrent loss blood workup after my second loss (which is when we found the blood clotting disorders. In addition ti MTHFR I have PAI-1) but I don't know what, if any, chromosomal tests were included, I'll ask my RE (I have an appointment on Monday). I'll also ask about the autoimmune issues. And thanks so much for mentioning IMSI - another question to add to my list!

I agree is is a big step and I feel like we might be jumping the gun a bit but, that said, if we ended up here in a year or two after more losses I would kick myself that we wasted time. And I want to do whatever will give me the best chance of having a healthy pregnancy ASAP, which I think is why my RE suggested this option. It's just really hard to know what to do. Our insurance covers most of the IVF costs so we only pay for the PGD so that makes it a more appealing option.


I just noticed that your miscarriage history is the same as mine. I had a miscarriage where the heartbeat was heard and the yolk sac was very large and also currently the gestational sac is too small so the doctor believes i'm waiting to miscarry although we haven't heard the heartbeat yet because it's too early. I too have considered pgd but i often think that so many women have babies after miscarriages that is it really worth doing that. Does it take you a long time to get pregnant? And also how old are you if you don't mind me asking, i'm 32. I find it really interesting that our miscarriage history is pretty much the same so maybe I'm thinking we have the same problem! They haven't really found anything wrong with me but I went on blood thinning injections ad progesterone just in case this time and it obviously didn't work. Have they found anything wrong with you?

Hi filipenko32 -- I'm 30 (31 at the end of Oct.) and DH is 40. It's been taking me about 4 medicated (clomid or femara) cybles to get pregnant each time. I have PCOS and some blood clotting disorders (MFTHR & PAI-1) but they haven't found any auto immune issues or anything else.

From what my RE told me, the large yolk sac, as well as the small gestational sac, are both indicitive of a chromosomsal abnormality.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do testing on the tissue from any of my miscarriages so we're really looking to PDG to give us some answers and see how many normal embrios we produce.

My RE has said that statistically, we'll eventually have a healthy pregnancy - but I'm hoping IVF/PGD can help speed this up by giving us the very best chance, while giving us some answers so we know what to do next (if it doesn't work).

Best of luck to you!
Hi ladies hope every1s ok i feel bit down today af got me yest!! An i was 30 on fri so thought it may bring me luck loL!! But no chance of a plus side i have my appointment at st marys on 18th oct!! Woohoo!! fxd for some answers!! x
Hi ladies hope every1s ok i feel bit down today af got me yest!! An i was 30 on fri so thought it may bring me luck loL!! But no chance of a plus side i have my appointment at st marys on 18th oct!! Woohoo!! fxd for some answers!! x

I know how you must feel, Im creeping up on 30 aswell..well I will be in April and I always thought that I'd have a baby by then. Things dont always work out the way we planned huh! I guess noone ever thinks that this will happen to them. I feel like this whole year for me has revolved around ttc and miscarrying and now getting all of these tests done is taking ages and put things on hold.
Thats great that you have an appointment in October and hopefully you will get to the bottom of this, you deserve answers!
Im currently awaiting the results of a repeat blood test as it showed positive for blood clotting the first time around...wont get the results until November..argh. Also got an appointment for the 31st October for a more thorough investigation of my double womb using some scope thing which Im dreading. Good luck x
i turned 36 yesterday so in my eyes, you girls are young! i hated turning 30 though, but i wasn't ttc back then (should have been). happy bday davies!
AF gave me a bday present last night! so happy as it's the first one since an early m/c end of Aug and I can ttc again. have u/s tomorrow and starting follistim probably Fri.
anyone here do follistim? any tips? i've only done clomid in the past (i've had 4 m/cs , weeks 5-6, never to heartbeat stage yet and no kids)
Happy Birthday davies and hopeful23456!!!

It's evil that you didn't get bfp's for your birthdays!
Like you, hopeful, wish I would've started at 30 instead of 40!!! Hadn't met Mr. Right yet. Don't know anything about follistim, but would like to! Let me know how you get on. I did clomid for 7 months 3 years ago, didn't do anything much, only 1 follicle ever, and no bfp!! I'm hoping they might give me some "help" next time round so it doesn't take 9 months to fall...don't have time for that! That is, if the tests come back ok!
Good luck with your october appointments girls, hope you get some answers/help!
Hi ladies hope every1s ok i feel bit down today af got me yest!! An i was 30 on fri so thought it may bring me luck loL!! But no chance of a plus side i have my appointment at st marys on 18th oct!! Woohoo!! fxd for some answers!! x

I know how you must feel, Im creeping up on 30 aswell..well I will be in April and I always thought that I'd have a baby by then. Things dont always work out the way we planned huh! I guess noone ever thinks that this will happen to them. I feel like this whole year for me has revolved around ttc and miscarrying and now getting all of these tests done is taking ages and put things on hold.
Thats great that you have an appointment in October and hopefully you will get to the bottom of this, you deserve answers!
Im currently awaiting the results of a repeat blood test as it showed positive for blood clotting the first time around...wont get the results until November..argh. Also got an appointment for the 31st October for a more thorough investigation of my double womb using some scope thing which Im dreading. Good luck x

i had a huge septum removed nov 2010, no double womb though. i had a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy to remove it. are they doing a lap to see it? they go through your belly button (and I also had an incision near the top of my pubes - TMI)? :)
Hi, thanks for replying. I've been told at my D&C that its a double womb, two completely seperate uteruses each with their own cervix. Apparently this is actually the best mullerian anomaly. However Im worried that they may have misdiagnosed me and what if its actually a septum.
I discussed all of this with the doctor at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and I asked about getting an MRI.
He said that he dosent recommend it as if it was a septum he would do nothing about it. He advised that it is a very "aggressive procedure" to remove it and one that he would not consider. I know that several people on here have had septum removal and I told him this but he said he was stating his personal opinion that he would not do it.
I have an appointment on the 31st Oct to see a consultant whose speciality is hysteroscopy and apparently he is going to use a scope to check both uteruses. I would feel more confident knowing that it is uterus didelphys(double womb) as I've read lots of success stories. Thats whats been getting me down, I have something causing the early miscarriages which is looking to be like blood clotting problem and then this other problem to contend with aswell...argh, why me! My only peace of mind is that I can get pregnant and quite quickly.
Hi, thanks for replying. I've been told at my D&C that its a double womb, two completely seperate uteruses each with their own cervix. Apparently this is actually the best mullerian anomaly. However Im worried that they may have misdiagnosed me and what if its actually a septum.
I discussed all of this with the doctor at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and I asked about getting an MRI.
He said that he dosent recommend it as if it was a septum he would do nothing about it. He advised that it is a very "aggressive procedure" to remove it and one that he would not consider. I know that several people on here have had septum removal and I told him this but he said he was stating his personal opinion that he would not do it.
I have an appointment on the 31st Oct to see a consultant whose speciality is hysteroscopy and apparently he is going to use a scope to check both uteruses. I would feel more confident knowing that it is uterus didelphys(double womb) as I've read lots of success stories. Thats whats been getting me down, I have something causing the early miscarriages which is looking to be like blood clotting problem and then this other problem to contend with aswell...argh, why me! My only peace of mind is that I can get pregnant and quite quickly.

i had an MRI first, then saline infusion tests, then HSG, then lap/hys and they didn't know for sure it was a septum vs bicornuate until they were in there for the lap/hys. I could have just had a lap/hys FIRST, but i was too scared to be put under if i didn't need to be. i should have done lap/hys first! i would have saved alot of time, money and pain (although insurance covered most of it)

i think septums should be removed, maybe it's more common here in the states to remove them?
Hi Ladies.

How is everyone?

Thank you to all for your kind words re my little dog Suzi, she has mammary cancer and we are now waiting for liver biopsy results. Praying for her, she is a little fighter x

So, I'm still in limbo and feeling a bit down tbh. 2 of dh cousins announced their pg's at the weekend, I didn't really take it well and seeing all the comments on Facebook is quite upsetting and especially seeing scan pics etc arghhhh!!!

Anyway I have my appt with Shehata on 9th Nov then it's back to ttc and the steroids along with what ever else he can suggest that I'm not taking or have taken in the past. I'm a bit nervous knowing that dh and I are now on last chance saloon. Anyone else feeling the same, I know there were a couple of us feeling Shehata was our last chance the last time I was hanging out in the thread.

I absolutely need to catch up on everyone's progress on here so will be reading through the old posts, hoping to come across some good news along the way.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone and big hugs to anyone who has gone through a recent loss since my last post.

Oh I just noticed a couple of bithdays
Davies and Hopeful, belated birthday wishes to you both xxx
Hi Lee, I'm totally with you in the Last Chance Saloon (that'd make a good thread title, ey!). Never thought I would but here I am taking the steroids. The more I look, the more promising stories I read. I know it's all anecdotal but the official trials are looking good, too. Not long now until your appointment :hugs:
Sending a doggy kiss to Suzi, too, for being so brave :kiss:
so sorry to hear about your doggie leeC, i have a jack russell terrier who is my little girl and i pray she lives forever.

petipas - i've read your posts in the past, sorry to hear of your losses, we are kind of in the same boat. have you taken both lovenox and prednisone together before? i'm doing that next time i get bfp. last m/c was end of Aug - all 4 m/c before heartbeats - going to start follistim tomorrow and do IUI this time, i haven't done follistim before, only clomid
are you bfp now or just taking steroids before bfp? i've read alot of success stories of girls on them too as well as alot of success stories w/shehata

me: 36 mthfr (A1298C hetero)
uterine septum removed Nov, 2010
DH: 34 fine

4 m/c, first in march, 2000, 3 in past 15 months, all unexplained and in weeks 5-6, 1 bfp was with clomid/ovidrel/iui
3 rounds clomid w/ovidrel total
Hopeful, I generally get past the heartbeat stage although I don't know if that makes any difference in terms of diagnosis. The doctors seem to think not.
Since my first loss I have been on heparin (I have a history of clotting problems). I've also been on progesterone, aspirin and a high dose of folic acid for some time now. Prednisolone is the only new medication this time round.
I started on the steroids at ovulation.

Good luck with your IUI cycle!
Hey Pip. Are you on the steroids again this month? How are you getting on with them this time round? I'll be joining you November as don't see the point in TTC in October as not sure it would be good to get pg before appt with Shehata, especially after my big fat fail with my last pg and steroids, I think I'll def be given a higher dosage. Joy!!! Can't imagine the mania, I'm bad enough first few days on 20mg!!!

Thank you for your kind words about little Suzi dog and thank you too Hopeful, best wishes to you both.
I'll be sticking with the thread now gearing upto the joys of TTC and endless 2 week waits.

So what's been happening with you both, hoping to see some BFP's very soon and some good progress, I'll read up more on the steroids. Do you have the link?

Lee, I started off much the same as the first cycle: constantly hungry, a buzz in the afternoon and hot cheeks in the evening.
Now things have calmed down. I still am somewhat hungry (one notch down from ravenous), but the cheek glowing and buzzing have subsided. I think I must have got used to the stuff! :shrug:
I'm on 25mg/day.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and sending you dust for an alcohol-free Christmas! :dust:
Yip that would be the best Xmas pressie ever. Hoping you get your BFP. When do you test? x
i turned 36 yesterday so in my eyes, you girls are young! i hated turning 30 though, but i wasn't ttc back then (should have been). happy bday davies!
AF gave me a bday present last night! so happy as it's the first one since an early m/c end of Aug and I can ttc again. have u/s tomorrow and starting follistim probably Fri.
anyone here do follistim? any tips? i've only done clomid in the past (i've had 4 m/cs , weeks 5-6, never to heartbeat stage yet and no kids)

Hi Hopeful - I lurk more than post in here these days, but I've had 3 mcs in the last two years (at 12 wks, 8 wks and 5 wks), and have no living kids either. Our rmc workup revealed no reason for our losses, but it did reveal that DH has high count and motility but really low morphology (1%). In light of that, we chose to start follistim with IUI to help speed things up.

The injections are honestly no big deal. I bruise really easily so I usually get a small bruise at each injection site, but the needle is SO tiny that I don't even feel it go in. The injection pen is really easy to use, and I just touch the needle tip to my skin and then apply a little pressure and it goes right in without any pain - the first one I tried jabbing it in and that hurt! No jabs necessary. :winkwink: I've had 2-4 follicles each time.

Good luck! :hugs:
i turned 36 yesterday so in my eyes, you girls are young! i hated turning 30 though, but i wasn't ttc back then (should have been). happy bday davies!
AF gave me a bday present last night! so happy as it's the first one since an early m/c end of Aug and I can ttc again. have u/s tomorrow and starting follistim probably Fri.
anyone here do follistim? any tips? i've only done clomid in the past (i've had 4 m/cs , weeks 5-6, never to heartbeat stage yet and no kids)

Hi Hopeful - I lurk more than post in here these days, but I've had 3 mcs in the last two years (at 12 wks, 8 wks and 5 wks), and have no living kids either. Our rmc workup revealed no reason for our losses, but it did reveal that DH has high count and motility but really low morphology (1%). In light of that, we chose to start follistim with IUI to help speed things up.

The injections are honestly no big deal. I bruise really easily so I usually get a small bruise at each injection site, but the needle is SO tiny that I don't even feel it go in. The injection pen is really easy to use, and I just touch the needle tip to my skin and then apply a little pressure and it goes right in without any pain - the first one I tried jabbing it in and that hurt! No jabs necessary. :winkwink: I've had 2-4 follicles each time.

Good luck! :hugs:

thanks happyauntie! will let you know how my first injection goes. I read all the directions, had a lesson 2 months ago and watched the utube video.

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